/* scan client and server files both*/ int scan_all(SSL *ssl) { system("clear"); logo_ui(); list_server(ssl,49,LOGIN_USER.name,"-xF"); list_client(DOWNLOAD_DIR," --color=auto "); }
/* scan client's local files */ void scan_local_files(void) { char scan_path[PATH_SIZE]; memset(scan_path,0,sizeof(scan_path)); system("clear"); logo_ui(); printf("Current files:\n"); list_client(".","-lhF --color=auto"); while(1) { if(get_path(scan_path,"Local directory or files") < 0) break; list_client(scan_path,"-lhF --color=auto"); } }
/* download server's file */ int download_files(SSL *ssl,int order) { int size; int ack,fd; char filename[FILENAME_SIZE]; char localname[FILENAME_SIZE]; SFT_PACK pack; SFT_DATA data; /* scan local and server files */ scan_all(ssl); sftfile_userdir(DOWNLOAD_DIR); bzero(localname,sizeof(localname)); /* input filename on server to download */ sftfile_get_name(filename,"Download"); if(strstr(filename,"..")!=NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"filename error: deny contain '..'\n"); return -1; } //sprintf(serv_path,"%s/%s",LOGIN_USER.name,filename); sprintf(data.file_attr.name,"%s/%s",LOGIN_USER.name,filename); cut_path(filename); sprintf(localname,"%s%s",DOWNLOAD_DIR,filename); /*send file information to server */ sftpack_wrap(&pack,order,ASK,""); pack.data = data; sftpack_send(ssl,&pack); /* receive server respond */ sftpack_recv(ssl,&pack); ack =pack.ack; if(ack == ACCEPT) { size = pack.data.file_attr.size; fd = sftfile_open(localname,O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR); if(sftfile_recv(ssl,order,fd,size) == 0) { //size = sftfile_get_size(localname); printf("Downlad %s succeed\n",filename); list_client(DOWNLOAD_DIR," --color=auto "); divline_ui(); } else { printf("Download %s failure!\n",filename); return -1; } } return 0; }
/*main function*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; enum OPER_TYPE type; char path[FILE_NAME_LEN] = {0}; char output_path[FILE_NAME_LEN] = {0}; int delete_job; Client *c= NULL; if(argc<2) return -1; struct option long_options[] = { {"Simulate", 1, NULL, 'S'}, {"quit", 0, NULL, 'q'}, {"backup", 1, NULL, 'b'}, {"delete", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {"restore", 1, NULL, 'r'}, {"list", 0, NULL, 'l'}, {"pipeline", 0, NULL, 'p'}, {"output", 1, NULL, 'o'}, {"cloud", 0, NULL, 'c'}, {"rewrite", 1, NULL, 'R'}, /*CFL*/ {"CFL", 1, NULL, 'C'}, {"seg_reuse", 1, NULL, 's'}, /*capping*/ {"cap_size", 1, NULL, 'a'}, {"cap_count", 1, NULL, 'e'}, /*perferect rewrite*/ {"ref_threshold", 1, NULL, 'u'}, {"overhead", 1, NULL, 'O'}, {"test", 1, NULL, 't'}, {"server", 1, NULL, 'H'}, {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; while((opt=getopt_long(argc, argv, "S:qb:d:r:lpo:cR:C:s:a:e:u:O:t:H:h", long_options, NULL))!=-1){ switch(opt){ case 'S': type=type_simulate; SIMULATE = true; strncpy(path, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'q': type=type_quit; break; case 'b': type=type_backup; strncpy(path,optarg,strlen(optarg)); break; case 'd': type=type_delete; sscanf(optarg, "%d", &delete_job); break; case 'r': type=type_restore; strncpy(path,optarg,strlen(optarg)); break; case 'R': if (strcmp(optarg, "CFL") == 0) REWRITE = CFL_REWRITE; else if (strcmp(optarg, "CAP") == 0) REWRITE = CAPPING_REWRITE; else if (strcmp(optarg, "PER") == 0) REWRITE = PERFECT_REWRITE; break; case 'C': sscanf(optarg, "%f", &LWM); break; case 's': sscanf(optarg, "%f", &default_container_reuse); break; case 'a': sscanf(optarg, "%lld", &buffer_capacity); break; case 'e': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &max_refer_count); break; case 'u': sscanf(optarg, "%f", &segment_usage_threshold); break; case 'O': OVERHEAD = true; sscanf(optarg, "%f", &bandwidth); break; case 't': type=type_test; strncpy(path,optarg,strlen(optarg)); break; case 'h': type=type_help; break; break; case 'H': memset(SERVER_IP,0,30); strncpy(SERVER_IP,optarg,strlen(optarg)); break; case 'l': type=type_list; break; case 'p': G_PIPELINE = true; break; case 'o': OUTPUT_RESULT = true; strncpy(output_path, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'c': CLOUD = true; break; default: printf("Your command is wrong \n"); type=type_help; break; } } if(type==type_help){ usage(argv[0]); return 0; } c = create_client(); if (type == type_simulate) { simulata_backup(c, path, output_path); free(c); return 0; }else if(OVERHEAD == true) { backup_overhead(c, path, output_path); free(c); return 0; } if ((c->fd = bnet_connect(SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT)) == -1){ err_msg1("Connection rejected!"); return 0; } if (G_PIPELINE) { c->recipe_fd = bnet_connect(SERVER_IP, SERVER_OTH_PORT); if (c->recipe_fd == -1) { err_msg1("Connection rejected!"); return 0; } } if(type==type_test){ test_data(c->fd, path); return 0; } switch(type){ case type_login: login(c); break; case type_logout: logout(c); break; case type_quit: quit_client(c); break; case type_backup: if (G_PIPELINE) pipeline_backup(c, path, output_path); else backup_client(c, path, output_path); break; case type_restore: restore_client(c, path, output_path); break; case type_delete: delete_client(c, delete_job); break; case type_list: list_client(c); break; default: printf("Your command is wrong \n"); break; } free_client(c); return 0; }