Esempio n. 1
 * @test
 * Tests the amount and name of directories returned by the list_directories function.
TEST(SupportTest, ListDirectoriesTest) {
    std::vector<std::string> dirs = list_directories("test/resources/support_test");

    EXPECT_EQ(2, dirs.size());
    EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), "hello") != dirs.end());
    EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), ".hidden") == dirs.end());

    dirs = list_directories("test/resources/support_test/hello");

    dirs = list_directories("test/resources/support_test/hi");
Esempio n. 2
// Main
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	// If there are less than or exactly 2 arguments
	if (argc <= 2)
		// Set the directory to the argument, or to the current dir if there isn't one
		const char * directory = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : CURRENT_DIR;
		struct stat dirStats;
		// Get stats on directory
		if(stat(directory, &dirStats) != SUCCESS)
			printf("Not a valid file or directory: %s\n", directory);
			// If argument is a directory
				// List the directory and it's sub-directories
				if(list_directories(directory) == -1)
					return FAILURE;
			// Else (it's a file name)
				// Print info on the file
				printf("%8lld B     %s\n", (long long)dirStats.st_size, directory);
	// Else (too many arguments) 
		printf("Too many arguments. Usage: ./du1 [directory]\n");
		return FAILURE;
	return SUCCESS;
}// End main
Esempio n. 3
int list_directories(const char* dirname)
	DIR* directoryPointer;
	struct dirent* currentEntry;
	struct stat entryStats;
	// Get stats on the directory
	if (stat(dirname, &entryStats) != SUCCESS)
		perror("Failed to get directory stats\n");

	// Start out with the directory size
	int dirSize = entryStats.st_size;

	// Open the directory
	if((directoryPointer = opendir(dirname)) == NULL)
		perror(("du1: cannot open %s\n", dirname));
		// While there are still more items in the directory
		while ((currentEntry = readdir(directoryPointer)) != NULL)
			// String for storing entry path (including parent directory)
			char entryPath[DIR_STRING_SIZE];
			// Create a string with the directory name and the current entry name
			snprintf(entryPath, sizeof(entryPath) - 1, "%s/%s", dirname, currentEntry->d_name);
			// Get stats on the entry director
			if (stat(entryPath, &entryStats) != SUCCESS) 
				perror("Failed to get file stats\n");
			// Check to make sure we're not looking at the parent or current directory
			else if(strcmp(currentEntry->d_name, PARENT_DIR) && strcmp(currentEntry->d_name, CURRENT_DIR))
				// If this entry is a directory
					// Call list_directories on this directory and add the size to dirSize
					dirSize += list_directories(entryPath);
				// Else (It's a file)
					// Add the file size to the dirSize
					dirSize += entryStats.st_size;
					// Print file information
					printf("%8lld B     %s/%s\n", (long long)entryStats.st_size, dirname, currentEntry->d_name, "");
			}// End else if
		}// End while more items
		// Close the file
		if(closedir(directoryPointer)!= SUCCESS)
			perror("Failed to close the directory.");

		// Print directory information
		printf("%8lld B     %s\n", (long long)dirSize, dirname);
		// Return the directory size
		return dirSize;

	}// End else
}// End list_directories