Esempio n. 1
File: cpp.c Progetto: rui314/8cc-old
 * Reads a token from a given preprocessing context, expands it if macro, and
 * returns it.
static Token *expand_one(CppContext *ctx) {
    Token *tok = read_cpp_token(ctx);
    if (!tok) return NULL;
    if (tok->toktype != TOKTYPE_IDENT)
        return tok;
    String *name = tok->val.str;
    Macro *macro = dict_get(ctx->defs, name);
    if (!macro)
        return tok;
    if (list_in(tok->hideset, name))
        return tok;

    switch (macro->type) {
    case MACRO_OBJ: {
        List *ts = subst(ctx, macro, make_list(), list_union1(tok->hideset, name));
        pushback(ctx, ts);
        return expand_one(ctx);
    case MACRO_FUNC: {
        List *args = read_args(ctx, macro);
        Token *rparen = read_cpp_token(ctx);
        List *hideset = list_union1(list_intersect(tok->hideset, rparen->hideset), name);
        List *ts = subst(ctx, macro, args, hideset);
        pushback(ctx, ts);
        return expand_one(ctx);
        macro->fn(ctx, tok);
        return expand_one(ctx);
    panic("should not reach here");
LIST *property_set_create( PARSE *parse, FRAME *frame )
    LIST* properties = lol_get( frame->args, 0 );    
    LIST* sorted = 0;
    LIST* order_sensitive = 0;
    LIST* unique;
    LIST* tmp;
    LIST* val;
    string var[1];

#if 0
    /* Sort all properties which are not order sensitive */
    for(tmp = properties; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
        LIST* g = get_grist(tmp->string);
        LIST* att = call_rule("feature.attributes", frame, g, 0);
        if (list_in(att, "order-sensitive")) {
            order_sensitive = list_new( order_sensitive, tmp->string);
        } else {
            sorted = list_new( sorted, tmp->string);
    sorted = list_sort(sorted);
    sorted = list_append(sorted, order_sensitive);
    unique = list_unique(sorted);
    sorted = list_sort(properties);
    unique = list_unique(sorted);

    string_append(var, ".ps.");
    for(tmp = unique; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
        string_append(var, tmp->string);
        string_push_back(var, '-');
    val = var_get(var->value);
    if (val == 0) 
        val = call_rule("new", frame, 
                        list_append(list_new(0, "property-set"), unique), 0);                
        var_set(newstr(var->value), list_copy(0, val), VAR_SET);
        val = list_copy(0, val);
    /* The 'unique' variable is freed in 'call_rule'. */

    return val;

Esempio n. 3
int list_is_sublist( LIST * sub, LIST * l )
    LISTITER iter = list_begin( sub );
    LISTITER const end = list_end( sub );
    for ( ; iter != end; iter = list_next( iter ) )
        if ( !list_in( l, list_item( iter ) ) )
            return 0;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 4
File: set.c Progetto: Albermg7/boost
    local result = ;
    local element ;
    for element in $(B)
        if ! ( $(element) in $(A) )
            result += $(element) ;
    return $(result) ;
LIST *set_difference( PARSE *parse, FRAME *frame )

    LIST* b = lol_get( frame->args, 0 );    
    LIST* a = lol_get( frame->args, 1 );    

    LIST* result = 0;
    for(; b; b = b->next)
        if (!list_in(a, b->string))
            result = list_new(result, b->string);
    return result;
Esempio n. 5
    local result = ;
    local element ;
    for element in $(B)
        if ! ( $(element) in $(A) )
            result += $(element) ;
    return $(result) ;
LIST *set_difference( FRAME *frame, int flags )

    LIST* b = lol_get( frame->args, 0 );    
    LIST* a = lol_get( frame->args, 1 );    

    LIST* result = 0;
    for(; b; b = b->next)
        if (!list_in(a, b->value))
            result = list_new(result, object_copy(b->value));
    return result;
Esempio n. 6
	PARSE	*parse,
	LOL	*args,
	int	*jmp )
	LIST *ll, *lr, *t;
	int status = 0;

	/* Short circuit lr eval for &&, ||, and 'in' */

	ll = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args, jmp );
	lr = 0;

	switch( parse->num )
	case EXPR_AND: 
	case EXPR_IN: 	if( ll ) goto eval; break;
	case EXPR_OR: 	if( !ll ) goto eval; break;
	default: eval: 	lr = (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args, jmp );

	/* Now eval */

	switch( parse->num )
	case EXPR_NOT:	
		if( !ll ) status = 1;

	case EXPR_AND:
		if( ll && lr ) status = 1;

	case EXPR_OR:
		if( ll || lr ) status = 1;

	case EXPR_IN:
		/* "a in b": make sure each of */
		/* ll is equal to something in lr. */
		status = list_in(ll, lr);


	case EXPR_EXISTS:       if( lcmp( ll, L0 ) != 0 ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_EQUALS:	if( lcmp( ll, lr ) == 0 ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_NOTEQ:	if( lcmp( ll, lr ) != 0 ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_LESS:		if( lcmp( ll, lr ) < 0  ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_LESSEQ:	if( lcmp( ll, lr ) <= 0 ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_MORE:		if( lcmp( ll, lr ) > 0  ) status = 1; break;
	case EXPR_MOREEQ:	if( lcmp( ll, lr ) >= 0 ) status = 1; break;


	if( DEBUG_IF )
	    debug_compile( 0, "if" );
	    list_print( ll );
	    printf( "(%d) ", status );
	    list_print( lr );
	    printf( "\n" );

	/* Find something to return. */
	/* In odd circumstances (like "" = "") */
	/* we'll have to return a new string. */

	if( !status ) t = 0;
	else if( ll ) t = ll, ll = 0;
	else if( lr ) t = lr, lr = 0;
	else t = list_append( L0, "1", 0 );

	if( ll ) list_free( ll );
	if( lr ) list_free( lr );
	return t;
Esempio n. 7
	void LoadBundlerMap(const string& structure_file, const string& image_list_file, Map& map) {
		CHECK_PRED1(fs::exists, structure_file);
		CHECK_PRED1(fs::exists, image_list_file);

		// Get the base path to help find images
		fs::path basedir = fs::path(image_list_file).parent_path();

		// Read list of images
		sifstream list_in(image_list_file);
		vector<fs::path> image_paths;
		int nonexistent = 0;
		while (true) {
			string image_file;
			getline(list_in, image_file);
			if (list_in.eof()) break;
			fs::path path = basedir / image_file;
			if (!fs::exists(path)) {
				DLOG << "WARNING: image file not found: " << path;

		// Load structure
		sifstream in(structure_file);

		// Ignore comment
		string comment;
		getline(in, comment);

		// Load number of cameras and points
		int num_cameras, num_points;
		in >> num_cameras >> num_points;

		CHECK(num_cameras > 0);
		CHECK_EQ(image_paths.size(), num_cameras)
			<< "Number of cameras should equal number of image files in "
			<< image_list_file;

		// Load poses
		bool warned_focal = false;
		bool warned_distortion = false;
		double focal_length;
		double f;
		Mat3 R;
		Vec3 t;
		Vec2 distortion;
		for (int i = 0; i < num_cameras; i++) {
			in >> f >> distortion >> R >> t;
			if (distortion != makeVector(0,0) && !warned_distortion) {
				DLOG << "WARNING: Distorted cameras not supported yet, "
						 << "loading map anyway";
				warned_distortion = true;
			if (i == 0) {
				focal_length = f;
				// Construct a linear camera
				Mat3 cam = Identity;
				cam[0][0] = cam[1][1] = focal_length; LinearCamera(cam, *gvDefaultImageSize));
			} else {
				if (f != focal_length && !warned_focal) {
					DLOG << "WARNING: Multiple focal lengths not supported yet, "
						"loading map anyway";
					warned_focal = true;

			// Bundler considers cameras looking down the negative Z axis so
			// invert (this only really matters for visualizations and
			// visibility testing).
			SE3<> pose(SO3<>(-R), -t);
			string image_file = i < image_paths.size() ? image_paths[i].string() : "";
			map.AddFrame(new Frame(i, image_file, pose));

		// Load points
		// TODO: store observations
		Vec3 v, color;
		Vec2 obs_pt;
		int num_obs, obs_camera, obs_key;
		for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
			in >> v >> color >> num_obs;
			for (int j = 0; j < num_obs; j++) {
				in >> obs_camera >> obs_key >> obs_pt;
Esempio n. 8
File: set.c Progetto: jpcoles/htrack
//                                 add_to_set
int set_add(set_t *set, uint64_t val)
    int index = list_in(set, val);
    if (index >= 0) return index;
    return list_append(set, val);
Esempio n. 9
File: set.c Progetto: jpcoles/htrack
//                                   set_in
int set_in(set_t *set, uint64_t val)
    return list_in(set, val);