Esempio n. 1
/** @copydoc widgetdata::draw_func */
static void widget_draw(widgetdata *widget)
    SDL_Rect box;
    size_t i;

    /* Create the skill list. */
    if (!list_skills) {
        list_skills = list_create(5, 4, 8);
        list_skills->post_column_func = list_post_column;
        list_skills->row_color_func = list_row_color;
        list_skills->row_selected_func = NULL;
        list_skills->row_highlight_func = NULL;
        list_skills->surface = widget->surface;
        list_skills->row_height_adjust = INVENTORY_ICON_SIZE;
        list_set_font(list_skills, NULL);
        list_set_column(list_skills, 0, INVENTORY_ICON_SIZE, 0, NULL, -1);
        list_set_column(list_skills, 1, INVENTORY_ICON_SIZE, 0, NULL, -1);
        list_set_column(list_skills, 2, INVENTORY_ICON_SIZE, 0, NULL, -1);
        list_set_column(list_skills, 3, INVENTORY_ICON_SIZE, 0, NULL, -1);

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NUM; i++) {
            buttons[i].texture = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round");
            buttons[i].texture_pressed = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round_down");
            buttons[i].texture_over = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round_over");

    if (widget->redraw) {
        box.h = 0;
        box.w = widget->w;
        text_show(widget->surface, FONT_SERIF12, "Skills", 0, 3, COLOR_HGOLD, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, &box);
        list_set_parent(list_skills, widget->x, widget->y);
        list_show(list_skills, 10, 2);

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NUM; i++) {
            buttons[i].surface = widget->surface;
            button_set_parent(&buttons[i], widget->x, widget->y);

        buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE].x = widget->w - texture_surface(buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE].texture)->w - 4;
        buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE].y = 4;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE], "X");

        buttons[BUTTON_HELP].x = widget->w - texture_surface(buttons[BUTTON_HELP].texture)->w * 2 - 4;
        buttons[BUTTON_HELP].y = 4;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_HELP], "?");
Esempio n. 2
/** @copydoc widgetdata::background_func */
static void widget_background(widgetdata *widget, int draw)
    size_t i;

    /* Create the party list. */
    if (!list_party) {
        list_party = list_create(12, 2, 8);
        list_party->handle_enter_func = list_handle_enter;
        list_party->text_flags = TEXT_MARKUP;
        list_party->row_highlight_func = list_row_highlight;
        list_party->row_selected_func = list_row_selected;
        list_set_column(list_party, 0, 130, 7, NULL, -1);
        list_set_column(list_party, 1, 60, 7, NULL, -1);
        list_party->header_height = 6;

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NUM; i++) {

            if (i == BUTTON_CLOSE || i == BUTTON_HELP) {
                buttons[i].texture = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round");
                buttons[i].texture_pressed = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round_down");
                buttons[i].texture_over = texture_get(TEXTURE_TYPE_CLIENT, "button_round_over");
            } else if (i == BUTTON_PARTIES || i == BUTTON_MEMBERS) {
                buttons[i].flags = TEXT_MARKUP;

        widget->redraw = 1;
        list_contents = -1;

    if (!widget->redraw) {
        widget->redraw = list_need_redraw(list_party);

    if (!widget->redraw) {
        for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NUM; i++) {
            if (button_need_redraw(&buttons[i])) {
                widget->redraw = 1;
Esempio n. 3
/** @copydoc widgetdata::draw_func */
static void widget_draw(widgetdata *widget)
    SDL_Rect box;
    char buf[HUGE_BUF];
    size_t i;

    /* The list doesn't exist yet, create it. */
    if (!list_mplayer) {
        char version[MAX_BUF];

        /* Create the list and set up settings. */
        list_mplayer = list_create(12, 1, 8);
        list_mplayer->handle_enter_func = list_handle_enter;
        list_mplayer->text_color_hook = list_text_color_hook;
        list_mplayer->surface = widget->surface;
        list_set_column(list_mplayer, 0, 130, 7, NULL, -1);
        list_set_font(list_mplayer, FONT_ARIAL10);

        /* Add default media directory songs. */
        get_data_dir_file(buf, sizeof(buf), DIRECTORY_MEDIA);
        mplayer_list_init(list_mplayer, buf, 0);

        /* Now add custom ones, but ignore duplicates. */
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.atrinik/%s/"DIRECTORY_MEDIA, get_config_dir(), package_get_version_partial(version, sizeof(version)));
        mplayer_list_init(list_mplayer, buf, 1);

        /* If we added any, sort the list alphabetically and add an entry
         * to disable background music. */
        if (list_mplayer->rows) {
            FILE *fp;

            /* Allocate the blacklist. + 1 is for the last entry added
             * further down. It is not actually used by the blacklist as
             * it's not possible to toggle it on/off using the button, but
             * it simplifies other logic checks. */
            shuffle_blacklist = ecalloc(1, sizeof(*shuffle_blacklist) * (list_mplayer->rows + 1));

            /* Sort the list. */
            list_sort(list_mplayer, LIST_SORT_ALPHA);

            /* Read the blacklist file contents. */
            fp = path_fopen(FILE_MPLAYER_BLACKLIST, "r");

            if (fp) {
                size_t row;

                while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) {
                    for (row = 0; row < list_mplayer->rows; row++) {
                        if (!strncmp(buf, list_mplayer->text[row][0], strlen(buf) - 1)) {
                            shuffle_blacklist[row] = 1;


            list_add(list_mplayer, list_mplayer->rows, 0, "Disable music");

        scrollbar_create(&scrollbar_progress, 130, 11, &scrollbar_progress_info.scroll_offset, &scrollbar_progress_info.num_lines, 1);
        scrollbar_progress.redraw = &scrollbar_progress_info.redraw;

    if (widget->redraw) {
        const char *bg_music;

        box.h = 0;
        box.w = widget->w;
        text_show(widget->surface, FONT_SERIF12, "Music Player", 0, 3, COLOR_HGOLD, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, &box);
        list_set_parent(list_mplayer, widget->x, widget->y);
        list_show(list_mplayer, 10, 2);
        box.w /= 2;
        text_show(widget->surface, FONT_SANS10, "Currently playing:", widget->w / 2, 22, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, &box);

        bg_music = sound_get_bg_music_basename();
        box.h = 0;
        box.w = widget->w / 2;

        /* Store the background music file name in temporary buffer and
         * make sure it won't overflow by truncating it if necessary. */
        if (bg_music) {
            strncpy(buf, bg_music, sizeof(buf) - 1);
            buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
            text_truncate_overflow(FONT_SANS11, buf, 150);

        /* Show the music that is being played. */
        text_show(widget->surface, FONT_SANS11, bg_music ? buf : "No music", widget->w / 2 - 5, 34, COLOR_HGOLD, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, &box);

        scrollbar_progress.px = widget->x; = widget->y;
        scrollbar_show(&scrollbar_progress, widget->surface, 170, 50);

        box.h = 120;
        box.w -= 6 * 2;
        text_show(widget->surface, FONT_ARIAL10, "You can use the music player to play your favorite tunes from the game, or play them all one-by-one in random order (shuffle).\n\nNote that if you use the music player, in-game areas won't change your music until you click [b]Stop[/b].", widget->w / 2 + 6, 62, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_WORD_WRAP | TEXT_MARKUP, &box);

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTON_NUM; i++) {
            buttons[i].surface = widget->surface;
            button_set_parent(&buttons[i], widget->x, widget->y);

        buttons[BUTTON_PLAY].x = 10;
        buttons[BUTTON_PLAY].y = widget->h - TEXTURE_CLIENT("button")->h - 4;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_PLAY], sound_map_background(-1) ? "Stop" : "Play");

        buttons[BUTTON_SHUFFLE].x = 10 + TEXTURE_CLIENT("button")->w + 5;
        buttons[BUTTON_SHUFFLE].y = widget->h - TEXTURE_CLIENT("button")->h - 4;
        buttons[BUTTON_SHUFFLE].pressed_forced = shuffle;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_SHUFFLE], "Shuffle");

        buttons[BUTTON_BLACKLIST].x = 10 + TEXTURE_CLIENT("button")->w * 2 + 5 * 2;
        buttons[BUTTON_BLACKLIST].y = widget->h - TEXTURE_CLIENT("button_round")->h - 5;
        buttons[BUTTON_BLACKLIST].disabled = list_mplayer->row_selected == list_mplayer->rows;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_BLACKLIST], mplayer_blacklisted(list_mplayer) ? "+" : "-");

        /* Show close button. */
        buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE].x = widget->w - TEXTURE_CLIENT("button_round")->w - 4;
        buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE].y = 4;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_CLOSE], "X");

        /* Show help button. */
        buttons[BUTTON_HELP].x = widget->w - TEXTURE_CLIENT("button_round")->w * 2 - 4;
        buttons[BUTTON_HELP].y = 4;
        button_show(&buttons[BUTTON_HELP], "?");
Esempio n. 4
/** @copydoc socket_command_struct::handle_func */
void socket_command_party(uint8_t *data, size_t len, size_t pos)
    uint8_t type;

    type = packet_to_uint8(data, len, &pos);

    /* List of parties, or list of party members. */
    if (type == CMD_PARTY_LIST || type == CMD_PARTY_WHO) {

        while (pos < len) {
            if (type == CMD_PARTY_LIST) {
                char party_name[MAX_BUF], party_leader[MAX_BUF];

                packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, party_name, sizeof(party_name));
                packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, party_leader, sizeof(party_leader));
                list_add(list_party, list_party->rows, 0, party_name);
                list_add(list_party, list_party->rows - 1, 1, party_leader);
            } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_WHO) {
                char name[MAX_BUF], bars[MAX_BUF];
                uint8_t hp, sp;

                packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, name, sizeof(name));
                hp = packet_to_uint8(data, len, &pos);
                sp = packet_to_uint8(data, len, &pos);
                list_add(list_party, list_party->rows, 0, name);
                list_add(list_party, list_party->rows - 1, 1, bars);

        /* Sort the list of party members alphabetically. */
        if (type == CMD_PARTY_WHO) {
            list_sort(list_party, LIST_SORT_ALPHA);

        /* Update column names, depending on the list contents. */
        list_set_column(list_party, 0, -1, -1, type == CMD_PARTY_LIST ? "Party name" : "Player", -1);
        list_set_column(list_party, 1, -1, -1, type == CMD_PARTY_LIST ? "Leader" : "Stats", -1);

        list_contents = type;
        cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->redraw = 1;
        cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->show = 1;
    } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_JOIN) {
        /* Join command; store the party name we're member of, and show the
         * list of party members, if the party widget is not hidden. */
        packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, cpl.partyname, sizeof(cpl.partyname));

        if (cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->show) {
            send_command("/party who");
    } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_LEAVE) {
        /* Leave; clear the party name and switch to list of parties (unless
         * the party widget is hidden). */

        cpl.partyname[0] = '\0';

        if (cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->show) {
            send_command("/party list");
    } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_PASSWORD) {
        char buf[MAX_BUF];

        /* Party requires password, bring up the console for the player to
         * enter the password. */

        packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, cpl.partyjoin, sizeof(cpl.partyjoin));
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "?MCON /joinpassword ");
    } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_UPDATE) {
        char name[MAX_BUF], bars[MAX_BUF];
        uint8_t hp, sp;
        uint32_t row;

        /* Update list of party members. */

        if (list_contents != CMD_PARTY_WHO) {

        packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, name, sizeof(name));
        hp = packet_to_uint8(data, len, &pos);
        sp = packet_to_uint8(data, len, &pos);

        cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->redraw = 1;

        for (row = 0; row < list_party->rows; row++) {
            if (!strcmp(list_party->text[row][0], name)) {
                list_party->text[row][1] = estrdup(bars);

        list_add(list_party, list_party->rows, 0, name);
        list_add(list_party, list_party->rows - 1, 1, bars);
        list_sort(list_party, LIST_SORT_ALPHA);
    } else if (type == CMD_PARTY_REMOVE_MEMBER) {
        char name[MAX_BUF];
        uint32_t row;

        /* Remove member from the list of party members. */

        if (list_contents != CMD_PARTY_WHO) {

        packet_to_string(data, len, &pos, name, sizeof(name));
        cur_widget[PARTY_ID]->redraw = 1;

        for (row = 0; row < list_party->rows; row++) {
            if (!strcmp(list_party->text[row][0], name)) {
                list_remove_row(list_party, row);
Esempio n. 5
 * Show the main GUI after starting the client -- servers list, chat box,
 * connecting to server, etc.
void intro_show(void)
    SDL_Surface *texture;
    int x, y;
    size_t server_count;
    server_struct *node;
    char buf[MAX_BUF];
    SDL_Rect box;

    sound_start_bg_music("intro.ogg", setting_get_int(OPT_CAT_SOUND, OPT_VOLUME_MUSIC), -1);

    texture = TEXTURE_CLIENT("intro");

    /* Background */
    surface_show(ScreenSurface, 0, 0, NULL, texture);
    textwin_show(ScreenSurface, texture->w, 1, ScreenSurface->w - texture->w - 2, ScreenSurface->h - 3);

    /* Calculate whether to show the eyes or not. Blinks every
     * EYES_BLINK_TIME ticks, then waits EYES_BLINK_DELAY ticks until
     * showing the eyes again. */
    if (SDL_GetTicks() - eyes_blink_ticks >= (eyes_draw ? EYES_BLINK_TIME : EYES_BLINK_DELAY)) {
        eyes_blink_ticks = SDL_GetTicks();

    if (eyes_draw) {
        SDL_Rect src_box;

        src_box.x = 0;
        src_box.y = eyes_draw - 1;
        src_box.w = TEXTURE_CLIENT("eyes")->w;
        src_box.h = TEXTURE_CLIENT("eyes")->h;
        surface_show(ScreenSurface, texture->w - 90, 310 + src_box.y, &src_box, TEXTURE_CLIENT("eyes"));

        if (eyes_draw > 1) {

            if (eyes_draw > src_box.h) {
                eyes_draw = 1;

    texture = TEXTURE_CLIENT("servers_bg");
    x = 15;
    y = ScreenSurface->h - texture->h - 5;
    surface_show(ScreenSurface, x, y, NULL, texture);

    server_count = server_get_count();

    /* Create the buttons. */
    if (!list_servers) {

    /* List doesn't exist or the count changed? Create new list. */
    if (!list_servers || last_server_count != server_count) {
        size_t i;

        /* Remove it if it exists already. */
        if (list_servers) {

        /* Create the servers list. */
        list_servers = list_create(11, 3, 8);
        list_servers->handle_enter_func = list_handle_enter;
        list_servers->handle_esc_func = list_handle_esc;
        list_servers->text_color_hook = list_text_color;
        list_set_column(list_servers, 0, 295, 7, "Server", -1);
        list_set_column(list_servers, 1, 50, 9, "Port", 1);
        list_set_column(list_servers, 2, 46, 7, "Players", 1);

        /* Add the servers to the list. */
        for (i = 0; i < server_count; i++) {
            node = server_get_id(i);

            list_add(list_servers, i, 0, node->name);
                     node->port_crypto == -1 ? node->port : node->port_crypto);
            list_add(list_servers, i, 1, buf);

            if (node->player >= 0) {
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", node->player);
            } else {
                strcpy(buf, "-");

            list_add(list_servers, i, 2, buf);

        /* Store the new count. */
        last_server_count = server_count;

    /* Actually draw the list. */
    list_show(list_servers, x + 12, y + 8);
    node = server_get_id(list_servers->row_selected - 1);

    /* Do we have any selected server? If so, show its version and
     * description. */
    if (node) {
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Version: %s", node->version);
        text_show_shadow(ScreenSurface, FONT_ARIAL10, buf, x + 13, y + 185, COLOR_HGOLD, COLOR_BLACK, 0, NULL);

        box.w = 410;
        box.h = 48;
        text_show(ScreenSurface, FONT_ARIAL10, node->desc, x + 13, y + 197, COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_WORD_WRAP | TEXT_MARKUP, &box);

    /* Show whether we are connecting to the metaserver or not. */
    if (ms_connecting(-1)) {
        text_show_shadow(ScreenSurface, FONT_ARIAL10, "Connecting to metaserver, please wait...", x + 105, y + 8, COLOR_HGOLD, COLOR_BLACK, 0, NULL);
    } else {
        text_show_shadow(ScreenSurface, FONT_ARIAL10, "Select a secure server.", x + 196, y + 8, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, 0, NULL);

    texture = TEXTURE_CLIENT("servers_bg_over");
    surface_show(ScreenSurface, x, y, NULL, texture);

    x += texture->w + 20;
    texture = TEXTURE_CLIENT("news_bg");
    surface_show(ScreenSurface, x, y, NULL, texture);

    box.w = texture->w;
    box.h = 0;
    text_show_shadow(ScreenSurface, FONT_SERIF12, "Game News", x, y + 10, COLOR_HGOLD, COLOR_BLACK, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, &box);

    /* No list yet, make one and start downloading the data. */
    if (!list_news) {
        /* Start downloading. */
        news_request = curl_request_create(clioption_settings.game_news_url,

        list_news = list_create(18, 1, 8);
        list_news->focus = 0;
        list_news->handle_enter_func = list_handle_enter;
        list_news->handle_esc_func = list_handle_esc;
        list_set_column(list_news, 0, 150, 7, NULL, -1);
        list_set_font(list_news, FONT_ARIAL10);

    /* Download in progress? */
    if (news_request != NULL) {
        curl_state_t state = curl_request_get_state(news_request);
        /* Finished downloading, parse the data. */
        if (state == CURL_STATE_OK) {
            char *body = curl_request_get_body(news_request, NULL);
            if (body != NULL) {
                uint32_t i = 0;
                char *cp = strtok(body, "\n");
                while (cp != NULL) {
                    list_add(list_news, i++, 0, cp);
                    cp = strtok(NULL, "\n");

        /* Finished downloading or there was an error: clean up in either
         * case. */
        if (state != CURL_STATE_INPROGRESS) {
            news_request = NULL;

    /* Show the news list. */
    list_show(list_news, x + 13, y + 10);

    button_play.x = button_refresh.x = button_server.x = button_settings.x = button_update.x = button_help.x = button_credits.x = button_quit.x = 489;
    y += 2;

    button_play.y = y + 10;
    button_show(&button_play, "Play");

    button_refresh.y = y + 35;
    button_show(&button_refresh, "Refresh");

    button_server.y = y + 60;
    button_show(&button_server, "Server");

    button_settings.y = y + 86;
    button_show(&button_settings, "Settings");

    button_update.y = y + 110;
    button_show(&button_update, "Update");

    button_help.y = y + 135;
    button_show(&button_help, "Help");

    button_credits.y = y + 160;
    button_show(&button_credits, "Credits");

    button_quit.y = y + 224;
    button_show(&button_quit, "Quit");

    if (clioption_settings.connect[0] && cpl.state < ST_STARTCONNECT) {
        size_t i;

        for (i = 0; i < server_count; i++) {
            node = server_get_id(i);

            if (strcasecmp(clioption_settings.connect[0], node->name) == 0) {
                list_servers->row_selected = i + 1;

                if (!clioption_settings.reconnect) {
                    clioption_settings.connect[0] = NULL;

                event_push_key_once(SDLK_RETURN, 0);