Esempio n. 1
Model::Model(std::string filename, bool invert) {
	std::vector<float> vertice_data;
	aiMatrix4x4 trafo;

	scene = aiImportFile(filename.c_str(), aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality);// | aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder);
	if (!scene) {
		std::string log = "Unable to load mesh from ";

	//Load the model recursively into data
	loadRecursive(root, invert, vertice_data, scene, scene->mRootNode);
	//Get bounding box and scale it
	std::pair<float, glm::vec3> aabb = FindBoundingBox(vertice_data);
	//Apply scale
	root.transform = glm::scale(root.transform, glm::vec3(aabb.first, aabb.first, aabb.first));
	//Apply translation
	root.transform = glm::translate(root.transform, aabb.second);

	n_vertices = vertice_data.size();

	//Create the VBOs from the data.
	if (fmod(static_cast<float>(n_vertices), 3.0f) < 0.000001f){
		vertices.reset(new GLUtils::VBO(, n_vertices*sizeof(float)));
		THROW_EXCEPTION("The number of vertices in the mesh is wrong");
Esempio n. 2
Model::Model(std::string filename, bool invert) {
	min_dim = glm::vec3(std::numeric_limits<float>::min());
	max_dim = glm::vec3(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
	std::vector<float> vertex_data, normal_data;
	aiMatrix4x4 trafo;

	scene = aiImportFile(filename.c_str(), aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality);// | aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder);
	if (!scene) {
		std::string log = "Unable to load mesh from ";

	//Load the model recursively into data
	loadRecursive(root, invert, vertex_data, normal_data, scene, scene->mRootNode);
	// Scale first, Translate center second!
	std::pair<glm::vec3, glm::vec3> translateVectors = getTranslateVectors(vertex_data);
	root.transform = glm::scale(root.transform, translateVectors.first);
	root.transform = glm::translate(root.transform, translateVectors.second);

	n_vertices = vertex_data.size();

	//Create the VBOs from the data.
	if (fmod(static_cast<float>(n_vertices), 3.0f) < 0.000001f) {
		vertices.reset(new GLUtils::VBO(, n_vertices*sizeof(float), GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
		normals.reset(new GLUtils::VBO(, n_vertices*sizeof(float), GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
		THROW_EXCEPTION("The number of vertices in the mesh is wrong");
Esempio n. 3
Model::Model(std::string filename, bool invert) {
	//std::vector<float> vertex_data, normal_data;
	std::vector<Vertex> vertex_data;
	std::vector<unsigned int> indices_data;
	int pos = filename.find_last_of("/");
	if(pos == std::string::npos)
		pos = filename.find_last_of("\\");
	folderPath = filename.substr(0, pos + 1);
	scene = aiImportFile(filename.c_str(), aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality);// | aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder);
	if (!scene) {
		std::string log = aiGetErrorString();
	max_dim = -glm::vec3(std::numeric_limits<float>().max());
	min_dim = glm::vec3(std::numeric_limits<float>().max());
	//Load the model recursively into data
	loadRecursive(root, invert, indices_data, vertex_data, scene, scene->mRootNode);
	float tmp;
    tmp = max_dim.x - min_dim.x;
    tmp = max_dim.y - min_dim.y > tmp ? max_dim.y - min_dim.y : tmp;
    tmp = max_dim.z - min_dim.z > tmp ? max_dim.z - min_dim.z : tmp;
    float scaleFactor = 1.0f / tmp;
	glm::vec3 center = (max_dim + min_dim);
	center /= 2;
	root.transform = glm::scale(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(scaleFactor));
	root.transform = glm::translate(root.transform, -center);
	n_vertices = indices_data.size();
    std::cout << "Loaded model with " << n_vertices << " vertices" << std::endl;
	//Create the VBOs from the data.
	if (fmod(static_cast<float>(n_vertices), 3.0f) < 0.000001f)
		indices.reset(new GLUtils::BO<GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER>(, indices_data.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)));
		vertices.reset(new GLUtils::BO<GL_ARRAY_BUFFER>(, vertex_data.size() * sizeof(Vertex)));
        std::cout << "Created and uploaded VBOs" << std::endl;
		THROW_EXCEPTION("The number of vertices in the mesh is wrong");
Esempio n. 4
void Model::loadRecursive(MeshPart& part, bool invert,
			std::vector<float>& vertex_data, const aiScene* scene, const aiNode* node) {
	//update transform matrix. notice that we also transpose it
	aiMatrix4x4 m = node->mTransformation;
	for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
		for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
			part.transform[j][i] = m[i][j];

	// draw all meshes assigned to this node
	for (unsigned int n=0; n < node->mNumMeshes; ++n) {
		const struct aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[n]];


		part.first = vertex_data.size()/6;
		part.count = mesh->mNumFaces*6;

		//Allocate data
		vertex_data.reserve(vertex_data.size() + part.count*6);

		//Add the vertices from file
		for (unsigned int t = 0; t < mesh->mNumFaces; ++t) {
			const struct aiFace* face = &mesh->mFaces[t];

			if(face->mNumIndices != 3)
				THROW_EXCEPTION("Only triangle meshes are supported");

			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < face->mNumIndices; i++) {
				int index = face->mIndices[i];
				//get Vertexes
				//get Normals

				if (mesh->HasNormals()){

	// load all children
	for (unsigned int n = 0; n < node->mNumChildren; ++n) {
		loadRecursive(part.children.back(), invert, vertex_data, scene, node->mChildren[n]);
Esempio n. 5
void Model::loadRecursive(MeshPart& part, bool invert,
                          std::vector<unsigned int>& indices, std::vector<Vertex>& vertex_data, const aiScene* scene, const aiNode* node) {
    std::cout << "loading one part" << std::endl;
	//update transform matrix. notice that we also transpose it
	aiMatrix4x4 m = node->mTransformation;
	for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
		for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
			part.transform[j][i] = m[i][j];
	// draw all meshes assigned to this node
	for (unsigned int n=0; n < node->mNumMeshes; ++n) {
        std::cout << "\tloading mesh part " << n << std::endl;
		const struct aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[n]];
		applyMateriale(scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex], part.materiale);
		part.first = indices.size();
		part.count = mesh->mNumFaces * 3;
		//Allocate data
		indices.reserve(part.first + part.count);
		vertex_data.reserve(vertex_data.size() + mesh->mNumVertices);
		for (unsigned int t = 0; t < mesh->mNumFaces; ++t) {
			const struct aiFace* face = &mesh->mFaces[t];
			if(face->mNumIndices != 3)
				THROW_EXCEPTION("Only triangle meshes are supported");
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < face->mNumIndices; i++) {
				int index = face->mIndices[i];
				indices.push_back(vertex_data.size()  + index);
		for(unsigned int t = 0; t < mesh->mNumVertices; ++t){
			Vertex v;
			unsigned int index = t;
			// set vertex position
			v.position = glm::vec3(mesh->mVertices[index].x, mesh->mVertices[index].y, mesh->mVertices[index].z);
			// compute bounding box
			max_dim.x = v.position.x < max_dim.x ? max_dim.x : v.position.x;
			max_dim.y = v.position.y < max_dim.y ? max_dim.y : v.position.y;
			max_dim.z = v.position.z < max_dim.z ? max_dim.z : v.position.z;
			min_dim.x = v.position.x > min_dim.x ? min_dim.x : v.position.x;
			min_dim.y = v.position.y > min_dim.y ? min_dim.y : v.position.y;
			min_dim.z = v.position.z > min_dim.z ? min_dim.z : v.position.z;
			// get normal
				v.normal = glm::vec3(mesh->mNormals[index].x, mesh->mNormals[index].y, mesh->mNormals[index].z);
			// get uv coord
				v.texCoord = glm::vec2(mesh->mTextureCoords[0][index].x, mesh->mTextureCoords[0][index].y);
	// load all children
	for (unsigned int n = 0; n < node->mNumChildren; ++n) {
		loadRecursive(part.children.back(), invert, indices, vertex_data, scene, node->mChildren[n]);