Esempio n. 1
/* Code for leaf nodes in the expression parse tree: constants, strings,
 * identifers, and so on.  */
leaf_code(stream, node, need_lval) {
    if ( node[0] == 'num' || node[0] == 'chr' || node[0] == 'str' ) {
        if (node[0] == 'num') load_num(stream, node[3]);
        else if (node[0] == 'chr') load_chr(stream, &node[3]);
        else if (node[0] == 'str') {
            auto lc = new_clabel();
            defn_str(stream, &node[3], lc);
            load_str(stream, lc);

    else if ( node[0] == 'id' ) {
        auto off, is_lval = lookup_sym( &node[3], &off );
        auto need_addr = (is_lval == need_lval);

        if (!off) load_symbol(stream, &node[3], need_addr);
        else load_local(stream, off, need_addr);

    else int_error("Unknown token '%Mc' in parse tree", node[0]);
Esempio n. 2
int load_chromosomes(Genome & genome, VariantMap & variants, GenomeMaps & genome_mask)
    unsigned int eof = 0;
    unsigned int chr = 0;
    POS p;
    BLOCK = 0;
    char CHR_DESC_TMP_orig[1000];
    strcpy(CHR_DESC_TMP_orig, CHR_DESC_TMP) ;

    // alloc all seeds present in masked regions, do not add kmers
    if (has_genome_mask && genome_mask_use_rep_seeds)
        unsigned long int fp = ftell(GENOME_FP);
        while (!eof) {

            if (VERBOSE) {
                printf("Start chromosome nb. %d\n", chr+1);

            eof = load_chr();

            p.chr = chr;
            p.pos = 0;
            BLOCK_TABLE[BLOCK] = p;
            POSITION = 0;

            if (VERBOSE) {
                printf("\tLength %d\n", CHR_LENGTH);

            if (strlen(GENOME_VARIANTS_FILE_NAME)==0)
                index_chromosome_novariants(chr, genome, genome_mask, true, false, false);
                index_chromosome(chr, genome, variants, genome_mask, true, false, false);


        // reset file handle & counters
        fseek(GENOME_FP, fp, SEEK_SET) ;
        eof = 0;
        chr = 0;
        BLOCK = 0;
        strcpy(CHR_DESC_TMP, CHR_DESC_TMP_orig) ;

    // alloc all seeds present in masked regions, do not add kmers
    if (has_genome_mask && genome_mask_use_secondary_regions)
        unsigned long int fp = ftell(GENOME_FP);
        while (!eof) {

            if (VERBOSE) {
                printf("Start chromosome nb. %d\n", chr+1);

            eof = load_chr();

            p.chr = chr;
            p.pos = 0;
            BLOCK_TABLE[BLOCK] = p;
            POSITION = 0;

            if (VERBOSE) {
                printf("\tLength %d\n", CHR_LENGTH);

            if (strlen(GENOME_VARIANTS_FILE_NAME)==0)
                index_chromosome_novariants(chr, genome, genome_mask, false, true, false);
                index_chromosome(chr, genome, variants, genome_mask, false, true, false);

            int num_hits=0 ;
            int start_pos=0 ;
            int num_regions=0 ;
            int num_positions=0 ;
            int winlen=0 ;
            int num_hits_win = 0 ;
            const int target_winlen=100 ;
            for (unsigned int pos=0; pos<CHR_LENGTH; pos++)
                char elem=genome_mask.CHR_MAP(genome.chromosome(chr), pos) ;
                if ((elem & MASK_REGION_SECONDARY)>0)
                    start_pos=pos ;
                    num_hits++ ;
                    if (num_hits==secondary_min_num_hits)
                        num_regions++ ;
                    num_hits_win++ ;
                    num_hits=0 ;
                winlen++ ;
                if (winlen>=target_winlen)
                    if ((int)pos>=winlen)
                        if ((genome_mask.CHR_MAP(genome.chromosome(chr), pos-winlen) & MASK_REGION_SECONDARY)>0)
                            num_hits_win-=1 ;
                    winlen-- ;
                assert(num_hits_win<=target_winlen+1) ;
                if (num_hits_win>=secondary_min_hits_perc)
                    for (int pp=pos-winlen-secondary_region_extra; pp<=(int)pos+secondary_region_extra; pp++)
                        if (pp<0 || pp>=(int)CHR_LENGTH)
                            continue ;
                        char elem2= genome_mask.CHR_MAP(genome.chromosome(chr), pp) ;
                        if ((elem2 & MASK_REGION_SECONDARY_REGION)==0)
                            genome_mask.CHR_MAP_set(genome.chromosome(chr), pp, elem2+MASK_REGION_SECONDARY_REGION) ;
                            num_positions++ ;
                if (num_hits>=secondary_min_num_hits)
                    for (int pp=start_pos-secondary_region_extra; pp<=(int)pos+secondary_region_extra; pp++)
                        if (pp<0 || pp>=(int)CHR_LENGTH)
                            continue ;
                        char elem2= genome_mask.CHR_MAP(genome.chromosome(chr), pp) ;
                        if ((elem2 & MASK_REGION_SECONDARY_REGION)==0)
                            genome_mask.CHR_MAP_set(genome.chromosome(chr), pp, elem2+MASK_REGION_SECONDARY_REGION) ;
                            num_positions++ ;
            if (VERBOSE)
                fprintf(stdout, "extended regions around secondary hits: %i positions in %i regions\n", num_positions, num_regions) ;


        // reset file handle & counters
        fseek(GENOME_FP, fp, SEEK_SET) ;
        eof = 0;
        chr = 0;
        BLOCK = 0;
        strcpy(CHR_DESC_TMP, CHR_DESC_TMP_orig) ;

    while (!eof)
        if (VERBOSE) {
            printf("Start chromosome nb. %d\n", chr+1);

        eof = load_chr();

        p.chr = chr;
        p.pos = 0;
        BLOCK_TABLE[BLOCK] = p;
        POSITION = 0;

        if (VERBOSE) {
            printf("\tLength %d\n", CHR_LENGTH);

        if (strlen(GENOME_VARIANTS_FILE_NAME)==0)
            if (!has_genome_mask)
                index_chromosome_novariants(chr, genome, genome_mask, true, false, true);
                index_chromosome_novariants(chr, genome, genome_mask, false, false, true);
        else if (!has_genome_mask)
            index_chromosome(chr, genome, variants, genome_mask, true, false, true);
            index_chromosome(chr, genome, variants, genome_mask, false, false, true);




    if (VERBOSE) {
        printf("Write meta data to file ...");

