void repair(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Please enter a filename.\n"); return; } char capture_filename[128]; char japanese_filename[128]; char temp_filename[128]; sprintf(capture_filename, "%s_capture.dat", argv[1]); sprintf(japanese_filename, "%s_japanese.dat", argv[1]); sprintf(temp_filename, "%s_temp.dat", argv[1]); solution sol_; solution *sol = &sol_; char *buffer = file_to_buffer(capture_filename); buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); print_state(sol->base_state); calculate_leaves(sol); solution solj_; solution *solj = &solj_; buffer = file_to_buffer(japanese_filename); buffer = load_solution(solj, buffer, 1); print_state(solj->base_state); solj->leaf_nodes = sol->leaf_nodes; FILE *f = fopen(temp_filename, "wb"); save_solution(solj, f); fclose(f); printf("Done!\n"); }
INT isomorph::find_extension_search_interval(INT *set, INT first, INT len, INT &idx, INT f_btree_idx, INT btree_idx, INT f_through_hash, INT verbose_level) { INT *data = find_extension_set1; INT i, id; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (f_btree_idx) { load_solution_by_btree(btree_idx, first + i, id, data); } else { if (f_through_hash) { id = hash_vs_id_id[first + i]; } else { id = first + i; } load_solution(id, data); } INT_vec_heapsort(data + level, size - level); if (INT_vec_compare(set + level, data + level, size - level) == 0) { break; } } if (i == len) { return FALSE; //cout << "isomorph::find_extension_search_interval did not find extension" << endl; //exit(1); } idx = id; return TRUE; }
void upgrade(int argc, char *argv[]) { parse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1); solution sol_; solution *sol = &sol_; char *buffer = file_to_buffer(tsumego_name); // Not really a tsumego name. Needs extension too. buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); if (sol->si->color_symmetry) { num_layers = 2 * abs(ko_threats) + 1; } else if (num_layers <= 0) { num_layers = abs(ko_threats) + 1; } sol->base_nodes = (node_value**) realloc(sol->base_nodes, sol->num_layers * sizeof(node_value*)); sol->ko_nodes = (node_value**) realloc(sol->ko_nodes, sol->num_layers * sizeof(node_value*)); size_t zero_layer = abs(sol->base_state->ko_threats); size_t new_zero_layer = abs(ko_threats); sol->base_nodes[new_zero_layer] = sol->base_nodes[zero_layer]; sol->ko_nodes[new_zero_layer] = sol->ko_nodes[zero_layer]; sol->base_state->ko_threats = ko_threats; sol->num_layers = num_layers; size_t num_states = num_keys(sol->d); for (size_t k = 0; k < sol->num_layers; k++) { if (k == new_zero_layer) { continue; } sol->base_nodes[k] = (node_value*) malloc(num_states * sizeof(node_value)); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_states; i++) { (sol->base_nodes[k])[i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } } for (size_t k = 0; k < sol->num_layers; k++) { if (k == new_zero_layer) { continue; } sol->ko_nodes[k] = (node_value*) malloc(sol->ko_ld->num_keys * sizeof(node_value)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sol->ko_ld->num_keys; i++) { sol->ko_nodes[k][i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } } FILE *f = fopen(tsumego_name, "wb"); save_solution(sol, f); fclose(f); printf("Done!\n"); }
idxint ECOS_BB_solve(ecos_bb_pwork* prob) { idxint curr_node_idx = 0; #if MI_PRINTLEVEL > 0 if (prob->stgs->verbose){ PRINTTEXT("Iter\tLower Bound\tUpper Bound\tGap\n"); PRINTTEXT("================================================\n"); } #endif /* Initialize to root node and execute steps 1 on slide 6 */ /* of http://stanford.edu/class/ee364b/lectures/bb_slides.pdf*/ prob->iter = 0; initialize_root(prob); /*print_node(prob, curr_node_idx);*/ get_bounds(curr_node_idx, prob); prob->global_L = prob->nodes[curr_node_idx].L; prob->global_U = prob->nodes[curr_node_idx].U; while ( should_continue(prob, curr_node_idx) ){ #if MI_PRINTLEVEL > 0 if (prob->stgs->verbose){ print_progress(prob); } #endif ++(prob->iter); /* Step 2*/ /* Branch replaces nodes[curr_node_idx] with leftNode*/ /* and nodes[prob->iter] with rightNode */ branch(curr_node_idx, prob); /* Step 3*/ get_bounds(curr_node_idx, prob); get_bounds(prob->iter, prob); /* Step 4*/ prob->global_L = get_global_L(prob); curr_node_idx = get_next_node(prob); } load_solution(prob); #if MI_PRINTLEVEL > 0 if (prob->stgs->verbose){ print_progress(prob); } #endif return get_ret_code(prob); }
solution* mmap_solution(char *filename) { solution *sol = (solution*) malloc(sizeof(solution)); char *buffer = file_to_mmap(filename); buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); return sol; }
void test() { solution sol_; solution *sol = &sol_; char *buffer = file_to_buffer("cho589_capture.dat"); buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); state s_; state *s = &s_; // sscanf_state("4337799298623 4335912108032 1879319553 0 1879048192 4335912108032 0 0 0", s); sscanf_state("4337799298623 4335918405632 1879319581 0 1879048192 4335912108032 0 0 0", s); print_state(s); size_t layer; size_t key = to_key_s(sol, s, &layer); // node_value v = negamax_node(sol, s, key, layer, 0); // print_node(v); // node_value v_b = sol->base_nodes[layer][key_index(sol->d, key)]; // print_node(v_b); // endstate(sol, s, v, 0, 1); // print_state(s); state new_s_; state *new_s = &new_s_; *new_s = *s; node_value v = negamax_node(sol, s, key, 0, 0); endstate(sol, new_s, v, 0, 1); print_state(new_s); // Use a flood of life so that partially dead nakade won't give extra points. // Note while this won't mark dead groups as alive, it can treat living nakade stones as dead. stones_t player_alive = flood(new_s->player, s->player); stones_t opponent_alive = flood(new_s->opponent, s->opponent); print_stones(player_alive); print_stones(opponent_alive); int score; // First check if a target is not alive. stones_t player_target = s->player & s->target; stones_t opponent_target = s->opponent & s->target; if (opponent_target & ~opponent_alive) { assert(!(player_target & ~player_alive)); // Both shouldn't be dead. score = TARGET_SCORE; } else if (player_target & ~player_alive) { score = -TARGET_SCORE; } else { stones_t player_territory = 0; stones_t opponent_territory = 0; stones_t player_region_space = s->playing_area & ~player_alive; stones_t opponent_region_space = s->playing_area & ~opponent_alive; for (int j = 0; j < STATE_SIZE; j++) { stones_t p = 1ULL << j; stones_t region = flood(p, player_region_space); player_region_space ^= region; if (!(region & opponent_alive)) { player_territory |= region; } region = flood(p, opponent_region_space); opponent_region_space ^= region; if (!(region & player_alive)) { opponent_territory |= region; } } // Subtract friendly stones on the board from territory. player_territory &= ~s->player; opponent_territory &= ~s->opponent; score = popcount(player_territory) + popcount(player_territory & s->opponent) - popcount(opponent_territory) - popcount(opponent_territory & s->player); } printf("%d\n", score); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef TEST test(); return 0; #endif #ifdef REPAIR repair(argc, argv); return 0; #endif #ifdef UPGRADE upgrade(argc, argv); return 0; #endif int load_sol = 0; int resume_sol = 0; if (strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "load") == 0) { load_sol = 1; argc--; } if (strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "resume") == 0) { resume_sol = 1; argc--; } parse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1); int width = board_width; int height = board_height; if (board_width >= 10) { fprintf(stderr, "Width must be less than 10.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (board_height >= 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Height must be less than 8.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #include "tsumego.c" state base_state_; state *base_state = &base_state_; char sol_name[64] = "unknown"; char temp_filename[128]; char filename[128]; if (board_width > 0) { *base_state = (state) {rectangle(width, height), 0, 0, 0, 0}; sprintf(sol_name, "%dx%d", width, height); } else { int i; int found = 0; for (i = 0; tsumego_infos[i].name; ++i) { if (!strcmp(tsumego_name, tsumego_infos[i].name)) { *base_state = *(tsumego_infos[i].state); strcpy(sol_name, tsumego_name); found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown tsumego: `%s'\n", tsumego_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } base_state->ko_threats = ko_threats; sprintf(temp_filename, "%s_temp.dat", sol_name); state_info si_; state_info *si = &si_; init_state(base_state, si); if (si->color_symmetry) { num_layers = 2 * abs(base_state->ko_threats) + 1; } else if (num_layers <= 0) { num_layers = abs(base_state->ko_threats) + 1; } else { assert(num_layers >= abs(base_state->ko_threats) + 1); } print_state(base_state); for (int i = 0; i < si->num_external; i++) { print_stones(si->externals[i]); } printf( "width=%d height=%d c=%d v=%d h=%d d=%d\n", si->width, si->height, si->color_symmetry, si->mirror_v_symmetry, si->mirror_h_symmetry, si->mirror_d_symmetry ); state s_; state *s = &s_; dict d_; dict *d = &d_; solution sol_; solution *sol = &sol_; sol->base_state = base_state; sol->si = si; sol->d = d; sol->num_layers = num_layers; size_t num_states; // Re-used at frontend. TODO: Allocate a different pointer. state child_; state *child = &child_; if (load_sol) { goto frontend; } if (resume_sol) { char *buffer = file_to_buffer(temp_filename); buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); num_states = num_keys(sol->d); if (sol->leaf_rule == japanese_double_liberty) { goto iterate_capture; } else { goto iterate_japanese; } } size_t k_size = key_size(sol->si); if (!sol->si->color_symmetry) { k_size *= 2; } init_dict(sol->d, k_size); size_t total_legal = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < k_size; k++) { if (!from_key_s(sol, s, k, 0)){ continue; } total_legal++; size_t layer; size_t key = to_key_s(sol, s, &layer); assert(layer == 0); add_key(sol->d, key); } finalize_dict(sol->d); num_states = num_keys(sol->d); printf("Total positions %zu\n", total_legal); printf("Total unique positions %zu\n", num_states); node_value **base_nodes = (node_value**) malloc(sol->num_layers * sizeof(node_value*)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sol->num_layers; i++) { base_nodes[i] = (node_value*) malloc(num_states * sizeof(node_value)); } value_t *leaf_nodes = (value_t*) malloc(num_states * sizeof(value_t)); lin_dict ko_ld_ = (lin_dict) {0, 0, 0, NULL}; lin_dict *ko_ld = &ko_ld_; sol->base_nodes = base_nodes; sol->leaf_nodes = leaf_nodes; sol->ko_ld = ko_ld; size_t child_key; size_t key = sol->d->min_key; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_states; i++) { assert(from_key_s(sol, s, key, 0)); // size_t layer; // assert(to_key_s(sol, s, &layer) == key); sol->leaf_nodes[i] = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < sol->num_layers; k++) { (sol->base_nodes[k])[i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } for (int j = 0; j < STATE_SIZE; j++) { *child = *s; int prisoners; if (make_move(child, 1ULL << j, &prisoners)) { if (target_dead(child)) { continue; } if (child->ko) { size_t child_layer; child_key = to_key_s(sol, child, &child_layer); add_lin_key(sol->ko_ld, child_key); } } } key = next_key(sol->d, key); } finalize_lin_dict(sol->ko_ld); node_value **ko_nodes = (node_value**) malloc(sol->num_layers * sizeof(node_value*)); sol->ko_nodes = ko_nodes; for (size_t i = 0; i < sol->num_layers; i++) { sol->ko_nodes[i] = (node_value*) malloc(sol->ko_ld->num_keys * sizeof(node_value)); } printf("Unique positions with ko %zu\n", sol->ko_ld->num_keys); for (size_t i = 0; i < sol->ko_ld->num_keys; i++) { for (size_t k = 0; k < sol->num_layers; k++) { sol->ko_nodes[k][i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } } #ifdef CHINESE printf("Negamax with Chinese rules.\n"); sol->count_prisoners = 0; sol->leaf_rule = chinese_liberty; iterate(sol, temp_filename); #endif // NOTE: Capture rules may refuse to kill stones when the needed nakade sacrifices exceed triple the number of stones killed. printf("Negamax with capture rules.\n"); sol->count_prisoners = 1; sol->leaf_rule = japanese_double_liberty; iterate_capture: iterate(sol, temp_filename); sprintf(filename, "%s_capture.dat", sol_name); FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); save_solution(sol, f); fclose(f); calculate_leaves(sol); // Clear the rest of the tree. for (size_t j = 0; j < sol->num_layers; j++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_states; i++) { sol->base_nodes[j][i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } for (size_t i = 0; i < sol->ko_ld->num_keys; i++) { sol->ko_nodes[j][i] = (node_value) {VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX, DISTANCE_MAX}; } } printf("Negamax with Japanese rules.\n"); sol->count_prisoners = 1; sol->leaf_rule = precalculated; iterate_japanese: iterate(sol, temp_filename); sprintf(filename, "%s_japanese.dat", sol_name); f = fopen(filename, "wb"); save_solution(sol, f); fclose(f); frontend: if (load_sol) { sprintf(filename, "%s_japanese.dat", sol_name); char *buffer = file_to_buffer(filename); buffer = load_solution(sol, buffer, 1); } *s = *sol->base_state; char coord1; int coord2; int total_prisoners = 0; int turn = 0; while (1) { size_t layer; size_t key = to_key_s(sol, s, &layer); node_value v = negamax_node(sol, s, key, layer, 0); print_state(s); if (turn) { print_node((node_value) {total_prisoners - v.high, total_prisoners - v.low, v.high_distance, v.low_distance}); } else { print_node((node_value) {total_prisoners + v.low, total_prisoners + v.high, v.low_distance, v.high_distance}); } if (target_dead(s) || s->passes >= 2) { break; } for (int j = -1; j < STATE_SIZE; j++) { *child = *s; stones_t move; if (j == -1){ move = 0; } else { move = 1ULL << j; } char c1 = 'A' + (j % WIDTH); char c2 = '0' + (j / WIDTH); int prisoners; if (make_move(child, move, &prisoners)) { size_t child_layer; size_t child_key = to_key_s(sol, child, &child_layer); node_value child_v = negamax_node(sol, child, child_key, child_layer, 0); if (sol->count_prisoners) { if (child_v.low > VALUE_MIN && child_v.low < VALUE_MAX) { child_v.low = child_v.low - prisoners; } if (child_v.high > VALUE_MIN && child_v.high < VALUE_MAX) { child_v.high = child_v.high - prisoners; } } if (move) { printf("%c%c", c1, c2); } else { printf("pass"); } if (-child_v.high == v.low) { printf("-"); if (child_v.high_distance + 1 == v.low_distance) { printf("L"); } else { printf("l"); } } if (-child_v.high == v.low) { printf("-"); if (child_v.low_distance + 1 == v.high_distance) { printf("H"); } else { printf("h"); } } printf(" "); } } printf("\n"); printf("Enter coordinates:\n"); assert(scanf("%c %d", &coord1, &coord2)); int c; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF); coord1 = tolower(coord1) - 'a'; stones_t move; if (coord1 < 0 || coord1 >= WIDTH) { // printf("%d, %d\n", coord1, coord2); move = 0; } else { move = 1ULL << (coord1 + V_SHIFT * coord2); } int prisoners; if (make_move(s, move, &prisoners)) { if (turn) { total_prisoners -= prisoners; } else { total_prisoners += prisoners; } turn = !turn; } } return 0; }