LayoutPoint MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::visualPointToFlowThreadPoint(const LayoutPoint& visualPoint) const
    unsigned columnIndex = columnIndexAtVisualPoint(visualPoint);
    LayoutRect columnRect = columnRectAt(columnIndex);
    LayoutPoint localPoint(visualPoint);
    // Before converting to a flow thread position, if the block direction coordinate is outside the
    // column, snap to the bounds of the column, and reset the inline direction coordinate to the
    // start position in the column. The effect of this is that if the block position is before the
    // column rectangle, we'll get to the beginning of this column, while if the block position is
    // after the column rectangle, we'll get to the beginning of the next column.
    if (!m_columnSet.isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit columnStart =>isLeftToRightDirection() ? LayoutUnit() : columnRect.height();
        if (localPoint.x() < 0)
            localPoint = LayoutPoint(LayoutUnit(), columnStart);
        else if (localPoint.x() > logicalHeight())
            localPoint = LayoutPoint(logicalHeight(), columnStart);
        return LayoutPoint(localPoint.x() + logicalTopInFlowThreadAt(columnIndex), localPoint.y());
    LayoutUnit columnStart =>isLeftToRightDirection() ? LayoutUnit() : columnRect.width();
    if (localPoint.y() < 0)
        localPoint = LayoutPoint(columnStart, LayoutUnit());
    else if (localPoint.y() > logicalHeight())
        localPoint = LayoutPoint(columnStart, logicalHeight());
    return LayoutPoint(localPoint.x(), localPoint.y() + logicalTopInFlowThreadAt(columnIndex));
Esempio n. 2
int LComponent::reallyContains ( lua_State* ) {
    if (child) {
        Point<int> localPoint( LUA::getPoint() );
        bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild = LUA::getBoolean();
        return LUA::returnBoolean( child->reallyContains( localPoint, returnTrueIfWithinAChild ) );
    } else return 0;
Esempio n. 3
      \brief Retrieve info from window, needed for accel layer
void UI_getWindowInfo(void *draw, GUI_WindowInfo *xinfo)
    QWidget* widget = videoWindow->parentWidget();
    xinfo->widget = videoWindow;
    xinfo->systemWindowId = 0;

#if defined(_WIN32)
	xinfo->display=(void *)videoWindow->winId();
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
	#if defined(ADM_CPU_X86_64)
		xinfo->display = (void*)videoWindow->winId();
		xinfo->display = HIViewGetWindow(HIViewRef(widget->winId()));
                xinfo->systemWindowId= HIViewGetWindow(HIViewRef(widget->winId()));
        #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) 
                const QX11Info &info=videoWindow->x11Info();
        QPoint localPoint(0,0);
        QPoint windowPoint = videoWindow->mapToGlobal(localPoint);        
	xinfo->x = windowPoint.x();
	xinfo->y = windowPoint.y();
	xinfo->width  = displayW;
	xinfo->height = displayH;
Esempio n. 4
 void BlockPhysicsComponent::rasterize(Polygon2 const &polygon)
     Polygon2 localPolygon;
     for (int i = 0; i < polygon.getSize(); ++i) {
         b2Vec2 worldPoint(polygon.vertices[i].x, polygon.vertices[i].y);
         b2Vec2 localPoint = body_->GetLocalPoint(worldPoint);
         localPolygon.vertices.push_back(Vector2(localPoint.x, localPoint.y));
     Box2 bounds = localPolygon.getBoundingBox();
     int minX = int(10.0f * bounds.p1.x + 0.05f);
     int minY = int(10.0f * bounds.p1.y + 0.05f);
     int maxX = int(10.0f * bounds.p2.x + 0.05f);
     int maxY = int(10.0f * bounds.p2.y + 0.05f);
     for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) {
         for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
             Vector2 localPoint(0.1f * float(x), 0.1f * float(y));
             if (localPolygon.containsPoint(localPoint)) {
                 for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) {
                     for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) {
                         if (dx == 0 || dy == 0) {
                             setElement(x + dx, y + dy, 1);
Esempio n. 5
void Hero::_armEventHandler(cocos2d::EventCustom* event)
    const auto eventObject = (dragonBones::EventObject*)event->getUserData();

    if (eventObject->type == dragonBones::EventObject::COMPLETE)
        _isAttacking = false;
        _hitCount = 0;
        const auto animationName = "ready_" + _weaponName;
    else if (eventObject->type == dragonBones::EventObject::FRAME_EVENT)
        if (eventObject->name == "ready")
            _isAttacking = false;
        else if (eventObject->name == "fire")
            const auto display = (dragonBones::CCArmatureDisplay*)(eventObject->armature->getDisplay());
            const auto firePointBone = eventObject->armature->getBone("bow");
            const auto transform = display->getNodeToWorldTransform();
            cocos2d::Vec3 localPoint(firePointBone->global.x, -firePointBone->global.y, 0.f);
            cocos2d::Vec2 globalPoint;
            globalPoint.set(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);

            auto radian = 0.f;
            if (_faceDir > 0)
                radian = firePointBone->global.getRotation() + display->getRotation() * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN;
                radian = dragonBones::PI - (firePointBone->global.getRotation() + display->getRotation() * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN);

            switch (_weaponsLevel[_weaponIndex])
            case 0:
                _fire(globalPoint, radian);

            case 1:
                _fire(globalPoint, radian + 3.f * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN);
                _fire(globalPoint, radian - 3.f * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN);

            case 2:
                _fire(globalPoint, radian + 6.f * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN);
                _fire(globalPoint, radian);
                _fire(globalPoint, radian - 6.f * dragonBones::ANGLE_TO_RADIAN);
Esempio n. 6
PositionWithAffinity HitTestResult::position() const
    if (!m_innerPossiblyPseudoNode)
        return PositionWithAffinity();
    RenderObject* renderer = this->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return PositionWithAffinity();
    return renderer->positionForPoint(localPoint());
Esempio n. 7
bool HitTestResult::isMisspelled() const
    if (!targetNode() || !targetNode()->renderer())
        return false;
    VisiblePosition pos(targetNode()->renderer()->positionForPoint(localPoint()));
    if (pos.isNull())
        return false;
    return m_innerNonSharedNode->document().markers().markersInRange(
        makeRange(pos, pos).get(), DocumentMarker::MisspellingMarkers()).size() > 0;
Esempio n. 8
bool WindowManager::mousePressEvent(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
    // cast event and check buttons/modifiers
    QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
    if (!(Qt::NoModifier==mouseEvent->modifiers() && Qt::LeftButton==mouseEvent->button())) {
        return false;

    // check lock
    if (isLocked()) {
        return false;
    } else {

    // cast to widget
    QWidget *widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(object);

    // check if widget can be dragged from current position
    if (isBlackListed(widget) || !canDrag(widget)) {
        return false;

    // retrieve widget's child at event position
    QPoint position(mouseEvent->pos());
    QWidget *child = widget->childAt(position);
    if (!canDrag(widget, child, position)) {
        return false;

    // save target and drag point
    _target = widget;
    _dragPoint = position;
    _globalDragPoint = mouseEvent->globalPos();
    _dragAboutToStart = true;

    // send a move event to the current child with same position
    // if received, it is caught to actually start the drag
    QPoint localPoint(_dragPoint);
    if (child) {
        localPoint = child->mapFrom(widget, localPoint);
    } else {
        child = widget;
    QMouseEvent localMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, localPoint, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
    qApp->sendEvent(child, &localMouseEvent);
    // never eat event
    return false;
Esempio n. 9
void Mecha::_frameEventHandler(cocos2d::EventCustom* event)
    const auto eventObject = (dragonBones::EventObject*)event->getUserData();
    if (eventObject->name == "onFire")
        const auto display = (dragonBones::CCArmatureDisplay*)eventObject->armature->getDisplay();
        const auto firePointBone = eventObject->armature->getBone("firePoint");
        const auto transform = display->getNodeToWorldTransform();
        cocos2d::Vec3 localPoint(firePointBone->global.x, -firePointBone->global.y, 0.f);
        cocos2d::Vec2 globalPoint;
        globalPoint.set(localPoint.x, localPoint.y);

Esempio n. 10
void	ossimGui::ImageScrollWidget::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * e )
      ossimIpt origin = m_inputBounds.ul();
      ossimIpt localPoint(m_scrollOrigin.x +e->x(), m_scrollOrigin.y+e->y());
      ossimIpt viewPoint(localPoint.x+origin.x,
      ossimDrect rect = viewportBoundsInViewSpace();
      emit wheel(e,  rect, viewPoint);//viewportPoint, localPoint, viewPoint);
Esempio n. 11
void	ossimGui::ImageScrollWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )
   m_activePointStart = e->pos();
   m_activePointEnd = e->pos();
      ossimIpt origin = m_inputBounds.ul();
      ossimIpt localPoint(m_scrollOrigin.x +e->x(), m_scrollOrigin.y+e->y());
      ossimIpt viewPoint(localPoint.x+origin.x,
      ossimDrect rect = viewportBoundsInViewSpace();
      // Save the measured point position
      //  (viewPoint = view<-scroll<-local)
      ossim_uint32 idxLayer = 0;
      ossimImageSource* src = m_layers->layer(idxLayer)->chain();
      ossimGui::GatherImageViewProjTransVisitor visitor;
      if (visitor.getTransformList().size() == 1)
         // Transform to true image coordinates and save
         ossimRefPtr<IvtGeomTransform> ivtg = visitor.getTransformList()[0].get();
         if (ivtg.valid())
            ivtg->viewToImage(viewPoint, m_measImgPoint);
      m_measPoint = viewPoint;
      m_drawPts = true;

      // m_regOverlay->setMeasPoint(m_measPoint);

// cout << "\n ImageScrollWidget::mousePressEvent ("
//    << viewPoint.x << ", "<< viewPoint.y << ") ("
//    << m_measImgPoint.x << ", "<< m_measImgPoint.y << ")"
//    << endl;

      emit mousePress(e,  rect, viewPoint);//viewportPoint, localPoint, viewPoint);
Esempio n. 12
void	ossimGui::ImageScrollWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )
   m_activePointEnd = e->pos();
      ossimIpt origin = m_inputBounds.ul();
      ossimIpt localPoint(m_scrollOrigin.x +e->x(), m_scrollOrigin.y+e->y());
      ossimIpt viewPoint(localPoint.x+origin.x,
      ossimDrect rect = viewportBoundsInViewSpace();
      emit mouseRelease(e,  rect, viewPoint);//viewportPoint, localPoint, viewPoint);
Esempio n. 13
void	ossimGui::ImageScrollWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )
   if(e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
      m_activePointEnd = e->pos();
      if(m_layers->numberOfLayers() > 1)
      ossimIpt origin = m_inputBounds.ul();
      ossimIpt localPoint(m_scrollOrigin.x +e->x(), m_scrollOrigin.y+e->y());
      ossimIpt viewPoint(localPoint.x+origin.x,
      ossimDrect rect = viewportBoundsInViewSpace();
      emit mouseMove(e,  rect, viewPoint);//viewportPoint, localPoint, viewPoint);
Esempio n. 14
void QBBEventThread::handlePointerEvent(screen_event_t event)
    errno = 0;

    // Query the window that was clicked
    void *qnxWindow;
    int result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &qnxWindow);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the button states
    int buttonState = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUTTONS, &buttonState);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event button state, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the window position
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the screen position
    int pos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the wheel delta
    int wheelDelta = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_MOUSE_WHEEL, &wheelDelta);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event wheel delta, errno=%d", errno);

    // map window to top-level widget
    QWidget* w = QWidget::find( (WId)qnxWindow );

    // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
    if (qnxWindow != mLastMouseWindow) {
        QWidget* wOld = QWidget::find( (WId)mLastMouseWindow );

        if (wOld) {
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

        if (w) {
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt enter, w=" << w;

    // Apply scaling to wheel delta and invert value for Qt. We'll probably want to scale
    // this via a system preference at some point. But for now this is a sane value and makes
    // the wheel usable.
    wheelDelta *= -10;

    // convert point to local coordinates
    QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
    QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

    // Convert buttons.
    Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton;
    if (buttonState & 1)
        buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
    if (buttonState & 2)
        buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
    if (buttonState & 4)
        buttons |= Qt::RightButton;

    if (w) {
        // Inject mouse event into Qt only if something has changed.
        if (mLastGlobalMousePoint != globalPoint ||
            mLastLocalMousePoint != localPoint ||
            mLastButtonState != buttons) {
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << (int)buttons;

        if (wheelDelta) {
            // Screen only supports a single wheel, so we will assume Vertical orientation for
            // now since that is pretty much standard.
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, wheelDelta, Qt::Vertical);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt wheel, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), d=" << (int)wheelDelta;

    mLastGlobalMousePoint = globalPoint;
    mLastLocalMousePoint = localPoint;
    mLastButtonState = buttons;
Esempio n. 15
void PSSMLightShadowMap::_calcPlanesCullForShadowCasters(Vector< Vector<PlaneF> > &out, const Frustum &viewFrustum, const Point3F &_ligthDir)



   Point3F ligthDir = _ligthDir;
   PlaneF lightFarPlane, lightNearPlane;
   MatrixF lightFarPlaneMat(true);
   MatrixF invLightFarPlaneMat(true);

   // init data
      Point3F viewDir = viewFrustum.getTransform().getForwardVector();
      const Point3F viewPosition = viewFrustum.getPosition();
      const F32 viewDistance = viewFrustum.getBounds().len();
      lightNearPlane = PlaneF(viewPosition + (viewDistance * -ligthDir), ligthDir);

      const Point3F lightFarPlanePos = viewPosition + (viewDistance * ligthDir);
      lightFarPlane = PlaneF(lightFarPlanePos, -ligthDir);

      lightFarPlaneMat = MathUtils::createOrientFromDir(-ligthDir);

   Vector<Point2F> projVertices;

   //project all frustum vertices into plane
   // all vertices are 2d and local to far plane
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) //
      const Point3F &point = viewFrustum.getPoints()[i];
      AssertFatal( PlaneF::Front == lightNearPlane.whichSide(point), "" );
      AssertFatal( PlaneF::Front == lightFarPlane.whichSide(point), "" );

      Point3F localPoint(lightFarPlane.project(point));
      projVertices[i] = Point2F(localPoint.x, localPoint.z);

   //create hull arround projected proints
   Vector<Point2F> hullVerts;
   MathUtils::mBuildHull2D(projVertices, hullVerts);

   Vector<PlaneF> planes;

   //build planes
   for (int i = 0; i < (hullVerts.size() - 1); ++i)
      Point2F pos2D = (hullVerts[i] + hullVerts[i + 1]) / 2;
      Point3F pos3D(pos2D.x, 0, pos2D.y);

      Point3F pos3DA(hullVerts[i].x, 0, hullVerts[i].y);
      Point3F pos3DB(hullVerts[i + 1].x, 0, hullVerts[i + 1].y);

      // move hull points to 3d space

      PlaneF plane(pos3D, MathUtils::mTriangleNormal(pos3DB, pos3DA, (pos3DA - ligthDir)));

   //recalculate planes for each splits
   for (int split = 0; split < mNumSplits; ++split)
      Frustum subFrustum(viewFrustum);
      subFrustum.cropNearFar(mSplitDist[split], mSplitDist[split + 1]);
      subFrustum.setFarDist(getMin(subFrustum.getFarDist()*2.5f, viewFrustum.getFarDist()));

      Vector<PlaneF> subPlanes = planes;

      for (int planeIdx = 0; planeIdx < subPlanes.size(); ++planeIdx)
         PlaneF &plane = subPlanes[planeIdx];
         F32 minDist = 0;

         //calculate near vertex distance
         for (int vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < 8; ++vertexIdx)
            Point3F point = subFrustum.getPoints()[vertexIdx];
            minDist = getMin(plane.distToPlane(point), minDist);

         // move plane to near vertex
         Point3F newPos = plane.getPosition() + (plane.getNormal() * minDist);
         plane = PlaneF(newPos, plane.getNormal());

         for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
            AssertFatal( PlaneF::Back != plane.whichSide( subFrustum.getPoints()[x] ), "");



Esempio n. 16
void QBBEventThread::handleTouchEvent(screen_event_t event, int qnxType)
    // get display coordinates of touch
    errno = 0;
    int pos[2];
    int result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // get window coordinates of touch
    errno = 0;
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // determine which finger touched
    errno = 0;
    int touchId;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_TOUCH_ID, &touchId);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event touch id, errno=%d", errno);

    // determine which window was touched
    errno = 0;
    void *qnxWindow;
    result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &qnxWindow);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);

    // check if finger is valid
    if (touchId < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) {

        // map window to top-level widget
        QWidget* w = QWidget::find( (WId)qnxWindow );

        // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
        if (qnxWindow != mLastMouseWindow) {
            QWidget* wOld = QWidget::find( (WId)mLastMouseWindow );

            if (wOld) {
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

            if (w) {
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt enter, w=" << w;

        if (w) {
            // convert primary touch to mouse event
            if (touchId == 0) {

                // convert point to local coordinates
                QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
                QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

                // map touch state to button state
                Qt::MouseButtons buttons = (qnxType == SCREEN_EVENT_MTOUCH_RELEASE) ? Qt::NoButton : Qt::LeftButton;

                // inject event into Qt
                QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << buttons;

            // get size of screen which contains window
            QPlatformScreen* platformScreen = QPlatformScreen::platformScreenForWidget(w);
            QSize screenSize = platformScreen->physicalSize();

            // update cached position of current touch point
            mTouchPoints[touchId].normalPosition = QPointF( ((qreal)pos[0]) / screenSize.width(), ((qreal)pos[1]) / screenSize.height() );
            mTouchPoints[touchId].area = QRectF( pos[0], pos[1], 0.0, 0.0 );

            // determine event type and update state of current touch point
            QEvent::Type type = QEvent::None;
            switch (qnxType) {
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointPressed;
                type = QEvent::TouchBegin;
            case SCREEN_EVENT_MTOUCH_MOVE:
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointMoved;
                type = QEvent::TouchUpdate;
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointReleased;
                type = QEvent::TouchEnd;

            // build list of active touch points
            QList<QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint> pointList;
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++) {
                if (i == touchId) {
                    // current touch point is always active
                } else if (mTouchPoints[i].state != Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
                    // finger is down but did not move
                    mTouchPoints[i].state = Qt::TouchPointStationary;

            // inject event into Qt
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent(w, type, QTouchEvent::TouchScreen, pointList);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt touch, w=" << w << ", p=(" << pos[0] << "," << pos[1] << "), t=" << type;
Esempio n. 17
bool Zone::IsInside(const Vector3& point) const
    // Use an oriented bounding box test
    Vector3 localPoint(GetInverseWorldTransform() * point);
    return boundingBox_.IsInside(localPoint) != OUTSIDE;
Esempio n. 18
void QQnxScreenEventHandler::handlePointerEvent(screen_event_t event)
    errno = 0;

    // Query the window that was clicked
    screen_window_t qnxWindow;
    void *handle;
    int result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &handle);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);
    qnxWindow = static_cast<screen_window_t>(handle);

    // Query the button states
    int buttonState = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUTTONS, &buttonState);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event button state, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the window position
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the screen position
    int pos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the wheel delta
    int wheelDelta = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_MOUSE_WHEEL, &wheelDelta);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event wheel delta, errno=%d", errno);

    // Map window handle to top-level QWindow
    QWindow *w = QQnxIntegration::window(qnxWindow);

    // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
    if (qnxWindow != m_lastMouseWindow) {
        QWindow *wOld = QQnxIntegration::window(m_lastMouseWindow);

        if (wOld) {
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

        if (w) {
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt enter, w=" << w;

    // If we don't have a navigator, we don't get activation events.
    if (buttonState && w && w != QGuiApplication::focusWindow() && !m_qnxIntegration->supportsNavigatorEvents())

    m_lastMouseWindow = qnxWindow;

    // Apply scaling to wheel delta and invert value for Qt. We'll probably want to scale
    // this via a system preference at some point. But for now this is a sane value and makes
    // the wheel usable.
    wheelDelta *= -10;

    // convert point to local coordinates
    QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
    QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

    // Convert buttons.
    // Some QNX header files invert 'Right Button versus "Left Button' ('Right' == 0x01). But they also offer a 'Button Swap' bit,
    // so we may receive events as shown. (If this is wrong, the fix is easy.)
    // QNX Button mask is 8 buttons wide, with a maximum value of x080.
    Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x01)
        buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x02)
        buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x04)
        buttons |= Qt::RightButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x08)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton1;    // AKA 'Qt::BackButton'
    if (buttonState & 0x10)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton2;    // AKA 'Qt::ForwardButton'
    if (buttonState & 0x20)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton3;
    if (buttonState & 0x40)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton4;
    if (buttonState & 0x80)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton5;

    if (w) {
        // Inject mouse event into Qt only if something has changed.
        if (m_lastGlobalMousePoint != globalPoint ||
            m_lastLocalMousePoint != localPoint ||
            m_lastButtonState != buttons) {
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << static_cast<int>(buttons);

        if (wheelDelta) {
            // Screen only supports a single wheel, so we will assume Vertical orientation for
            // now since that is pretty much standard.
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, wheelDelta, Qt::Vertical);
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt wheel, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), d=" << static_cast<int>(wheelDelta);

    m_lastGlobalMousePoint = globalPoint;
    m_lastLocalMousePoint = localPoint;
    m_lastButtonState = buttons;