Esempio n. 1
OPAL_SOUND_MGR bool SoundManager::loadAudio( std::string filename, unsigned int *audioId,
											bool loop )
	if ( filename.empty() || filename.length() > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH )
		return false;

	if ( mAudioSourcesInUseCount == MAX_AUDIO_SOURCES )
		return false;   // out of Audio Source slots!

	int bufferID = -1;   // Identity of the Sound Buffer to use
	int sourceID = -1;   // Identity of the Source Buffer to use

	alGetError();    // Clear Error Code

	// Check and see if the pSoundFile is already loaded into a buffer
	bufferID = locateAudioBuffer( filename );
	if ( bufferID < 0 )
		// The sound file isn't loaded in a buffer, lets attempt to load it on the fly
		bufferID = loadAudioInToSystem( filename );
		if ( bufferID < 0 ) return false;   // failed!

	// If you are here, the sound the requester wants to reference is in a buffer.
	// Now, we need to find a free Audio Source slot in the sound system
	sourceID = 0;

	while ( mAudioSourceInUse[ sourceID ] == true ) sourceID++;

	// When you are here, 'mSourceID' now represents a free Audio Source slot
	// The free slot may not be at the end of the array but in the middle of it.
	*audioId = sourceID;  // return the Audio Source ID to the caller
	mAudioSourceInUse[ sourceID ] = true; // mark this Source slot as in use
	mAudioSourcesInUseCount++;    // bump the 'in use' counter

	// Now inform OpenAL of the sound assignment and attach the audio buffer
	// to the audio source
	alSourcei( mAudioSources[sourceID], AL_BUFFER, mAudioBuffers[bufferID] );

	// Steven : Not in the original code !!!!!
	alSourcei( mAudioSources[sourceID], AL_LOOPING, loop );

	if ( checkALError( "loadSource()::alSourcei" ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool SoundManager::loadDefaultSounds( std::string filename )
  FILE *myfile;
  unsigned linecount=0;
  char key[255], buff[512];

  if ( (myfile = fopen( filename.c_str() ,"r") )==NULL )
    sprintf(buff, "---> Can't Open File: %s\n", filename.c_str() );
    printf( "SoundManager::loadDefaultSounds : %s\n", buff );
    return false;

  fseek(myfile,0L,SEEK_SET);    // Make sure we are at the begining of the file
  while (!feof(myfile))
    fgets(buff,sizeof(buff),myfile);   // Read a line from the file.
    if (strncmp(buff,"#",1) &&        // Is this a comment line?
        strncmp(buff,"",1) &&
      // We have some data, attempt to load it
      // First, make sure it isn't already loaded
      if ( locateAudioBuffer( key ) < 0 )
        // Nope, its not already loaded
        if ( loadAudioInToSystem( key ) < 0 )
          sprintf(buff,"Can't load audio file: %s\n",key);
          printf( "SoundManager::loadDefaultSounds() : %s\n", buff );
  // Were done
  return true;