Esempio n. 1
 * MEME and DREME motifs can have very small E-values which are impossible
 * to represent using a double. Internally we represent such small evalues
 * as log evalues. When outputting we have to convert those log values
 * back into a string representation taking into account the possiblity
 * that the user specified an e-value of zero (which we actually recommended
 * in documentation for quite a while).
 * This function writes the E-value to an expandable string buffer in scientific
 * notation. The buffer, expanded to fit the number if required, is returned.
char* log10_evalue_to_string2(double log10_ev, int prec,
    char **expandable_buffer, int *buffer_size, int offset) {
  char *expanded_buffer, *out;
  int extra;
  assert(*buffer_size >= 0);
  assert(offset >= 0);
  extra = 0;
  out = log10_evalue_to_string(log10_ev, prec, (*expandable_buffer)+offset,
      *buffer_size - offset, &extra);
  if (extra) {
    expanded_buffer = realloc(*expandable_buffer,
        sizeof(char) * (*buffer_size + extra));
    if (expanded_buffer) {
      *expandable_buffer = expanded_buffer;
      *buffer_size += extra;
    } else {
      //memory allocation failure
      fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: log10_evalue_to_string2 - realloc failed to "
          "expand buffer by %d bytes.\n", extra);
    out = log10_evalue_to_string(log10_ev, prec, (*expandable_buffer)+offset, 
        *buffer_size - offset, &extra);
  assert(extra == 0);
  return out;
Esempio n. 2
 * MEME and DREME motifs can have very small E-values which are impossible
 * to represent using a double. Internally we represent such small evalues
 * as log evalues. When outputting we have to convert those log values
 * back into a string representation taking into account the possiblity
 * that the user specified an e-value of zero (which we actually recommended
 * in documentation for quite a while).
 * This function writes the E-value to an expandable string buffer in scientific
 * notation. The buffer, expanded to fit the number if required, is returned.
char* log10_evalue_to_string2(double log10_ev, int prec,
    char **expandable_buffer, int *buffer_size, int offset) {
  char *buffer, *expanded_buffer;
  int space, written, needed;
  assert(*buffer_size >= 0);
  assert(offset >= 0);
  // calculate the size of the buffer
  buffer = (*expandable_buffer)+offset;
  space = *buffer_size - offset;
  // attempt to write the E-value
  written = log10_evalue_to_string(log10_ev, prec, buffer, space);
  // check for success
  if (written >= space) {
    needed = *buffer_size + (written - space) + 1;
    expanded_buffer = realloc(*expandable_buffer, sizeof(char) * needed);
    if (expanded_buffer) {
      *expandable_buffer = expanded_buffer;
      *buffer_size = needed;
    } else {
      //memory allocation failure
      fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: log10_evalue_to_string2 - realloc failed to "
          "expand buffer by %d bytes.\n", (written - space) + 1);
    // calculate the new size of the buffer
    buffer = (*expandable_buffer)+offset;
    space = *buffer_size - offset;
    written = log10_evalue_to_string(log10_ev, prec, buffer, space);
  return buffer;