Esempio n. 1
double GammaqtlQ (double prob, double k, double theta)
{                               /* --- quantile of Gamma distribution */
  int    n = 0;                 /* loop variable */
  double x, f, a, d, dx, dp;    /* buffers */

  assert((k > 0) && (theta > 0) /* check the function arguments */
      && (prob >= 0) && (prob <= 1));
  if (prob <= 0.0) return INFINITY;
  if (prob >= 1.0) return 0;    /* handle limiting values */
  if      (prob < 0.05) x = logGamma(k) -log(prob);
  else if (prob > 0.95) x = exp(logGamma(k) +log1p(-prob) /k);
  else {                        /* distinguish three prob. ranges */
    f = unitqtlQ(prob); a = sqrt(k);
    x = (f >= -a) ? a *f +k : k;
  }                             /* compute initial approximation */
  do {                          /* Lagrange's interpolation */
    dp = prob -GammacdfQ(x, k, 1);
    if ((dp == 0) || (++n > 33)) break;
    f = Gammapdf(x, k, 1);
    a = 2 *fabs(dp/x);
    a = dx = -dp /((a > f) ? a : f);
    d = -0.25 *((k-1)/x -1) *a*a;
    if (fabs(d) < fabs(a)) dx += d;
    if (x +dx > 0) x += dx;
    else           x /= 2;
  } while (fabs(a) > 1e-10 *x);
  if (fabs(dp) > EPS_QTL *prob) return -1;
  return x *theta;              /* check for convergence and */
}  /* GammaqtlQ() */            /* return the computed quantile */
Esempio n. 2
double GammaQ (double n, double x)
{                               /* --- regularized Gamma function Q */
  assert((n > 0) && (x >= 0));  /* check the function arguments */
  if (x <=  0) return 1;        /* treat x = 0 as a special case */
  if (x < n+1) return 1 -series(n, x) *exp(n *log(x) -x -logGamma(n));
  return cfrac(n, x) *exp(n *log(x) -x -logGamma(n));
}  /* GammaQ() */
Esempio n. 3
double re_fetinfo (SUPP supp, SUPP body, SUPP head, SUPP base)
{                               /* --- Fisher's exact test (info.) */
  SUPP   rest, n;               /* counter for rest cases, buffer */
  double com;                   /* common probability term */
  double cut;                   /* cutoff value for information gain */
  double sum;                   /* probability sum of conting. tables */

  if ((head <= 0) || (head >= base)
  ||  (body <= 0) || (body >= base))
    return 1;                   /* check for non-vanishing marginals */
  rest = base -head -body;      /* compute number of rest cases */
  if (rest < 0) {               /* if rest cases are less than supp, */
    supp -= rest = -rest;       /* exchange rows and exchange columns */
    body  = base -body; head = base -head;
  }                             /* complement/exchange the marginals */
  if (head < body) {            /* ensure that body <= head */
    n = head; head = body; body = n; }
  com = logGamma((double)(     head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(     body+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-body+1))
      - logGamma((double)(base+1));/* compute common probability term */
  cut = re_info(supp, body, head, base) *(1.0-DBL_EPSILON);
  for (sum = 0, supp = 0; supp <= body; supp++) {
    if (re_info(supp, body, head, base) >= cut)
      sum += exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)     (supp+1))
  }                             /* sum probs. of less extreme tables */
  return sum;                   /* return computed probability */
}  /* re_fetinfo() */
Esempio n. 4
double Gammapdf (double x, double k, double theta)
{                               /* --- probability density function */
  assert((k > 0) && (theta > 0));
  if (x <  0) return 0;         /* support is non-negative x */
  if (x <= 0) return (k == 1) ? 1/theta : 0;
  if (k == 1) return exp(-x/theta) /theta;
  return exp ((k-1) *log(x/theta) -x/theta -logGamma(k)) /theta;
}  /* Gammapdf() */
Esempio n. 5
double Gamma (double n)
{                               /* --- compute Gamma(n) = (n-1)! */
  assert(n > 0);                /* check the function argument */
  if (facts[0] <= 0) init();    /* initialize the tables */
  if (n < MAXFACT +1 +4 *EPSILON) {
    if (fabs(  n -floor(  n)) < 4 *EPSILON)
      return facts[(int)floor(n)-1];
    if (fabs(2*n -floor(2*n)) < 4 *EPSILON)
      return halfs[(int)floor(n)];
  }                             /* try to get the value from a table */
  return exp(logGamma(n));      /* compute through natural logarithm */
}  /* Gamma() */
Esempio n. 6
double gammaSeries(double x, double a){
  int n, maxit = 100;
  double eps = 0.0000003;
  double sum = 1.0 / a, ap = a, gln = logGamma(a), del = sum;

  for (n = 1; n <= maxit; n++) {
    del = del * x / ap;
    sum = sum + del;
    if (fabs(del) < fabs(sum) * eps) break;
  return sum * exp(-x + a * log(x) - gln);
Esempio n. 7
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{                               /* --- main function */
  double x;                     /* argument */

  if (argc != 2) {              /* if wrong number of arguments given */
    printf("usage: %s x\n", argv[0]);
    printf("compute (logarithm of) Gamma function\n");
    return 0;                   /* print a usage message */
  }                             /* and abort the program */
  x = atof(argv[1]);            /* get argument */
  if (x <= 0) { printf("%s: x must be > 0\n", argv[0]); return -1; }
  printf("   Gamma(%.16g)  = % .20g\n", x, Gamma(x));
  printf("ln(Gamma(%.16g)) = % .20g\n", x, logGamma(x));
  return 0;                     /* compute and print Gamma function */
}  /* main() */
Esempio n. 8
double gammaCF(double x, double a){
  int n, maxit = 100;
  double eps = 0.0000003;
  double gln = logGamma(a), g = 0, gold = 0, a0 = 1, a1 = x, b0 = 0, b1 = 1, fac = 1;
  double an, ana, anf;

  for (n = 1; n <= maxit; n++) {
    an = 1.0 * n;
    ana = an - a;
    a0 = (a1 + a0 * ana) * fac;
    b0 = (b1 + b0 * ana) * fac;
    anf = an * fac;
    a1 = x * a0 + anf * a1;
    b1 = x * b0 + anf * b1;
    if (a1 != 0) {
      fac = 1.0 / a1;
      g = b1 * fac;
      if (fabs((g - gold) / g) < eps)
      gold = g;
  return exp(-x + a * log(x) - gln) * g;
Esempio n. 9
double re_fetsupp (SUPP supp, SUPP body, SUPP head, SUPP base)
{                               /* --- Fisher's exact test (support) */
  SUPP   rest, n;               /* counter for rest cases, buffer */
  double com;                   /* common probability term */
  double sum;                   /* probability sum of conting. tables */

  if ((head <= 0) || (head >= base)
  ||  (body <= 0) || (body >= base))
    return 1;                   /* check for non-vanishing marginals */
  rest = base -head -body;      /* compute number of rest cases */
  if (rest < 0) {               /* if rest cases are less than supp, */
    supp -= rest = -rest;       /* exchange rows and exchange columns */
    body  = base -body; head = base -head;
  }                             /* complement/exchange the marginals */
  if (head < body) {            /* ensure that body <= head */
    n = head; head = body; body = n; }
  com = logGamma((double)(     head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(     body+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-body+1))
      - logGamma((double)(base+1));/* compute common probability term */
  if (supp <= body -supp) {     /* if fewer lesser support values */
    for (sum = 1.0; --supp >= 0; )
      sum -= exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(rest+supp+1))); }
  else {                        /* if fewer greater support values */
    for (sum = 0.0; supp <= body; supp++)
      sum += exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
  }                             /* sum the table probabilities */
  return sum;                   /* return computed probability */
}  /* re_fetsupp() */
Esempio n. 10
double re_fetchi2 (SUPP supp, SUPP body, SUPP head, SUPP base)
{                               /* --- Fisher's exact test (chi^2) */
  SUPP   rest, n;               /* counter for rest cases, buffer */
  double com;                   /* common probability term */
  double exs;                   /* expected support value */
  double sum;                   /* probability sum of conting. tables */

  if ((head <= 0) || (head >= base)
  ||  (body <= 0) || (body >= base))
    return 1;                   /* check for non-vanishing marginals */
  rest = base -head -body;      /* compute number of rest cases */
  if (rest < 0) {               /* if rest cases are less than supp, */
    supp -= rest = -rest;       /* exchange rows and exchange columns */
    body  = base -body; head = base -head;
  }                             /* complement/exchange the marginals */
  if (head < body) {            /* ensure that body <= head */
    n = head; head = body; body = n; }
  com = logGamma((double)(     head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(     body+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-body+1))
      - logGamma((double)(base+1));/* compute common probability term */
  exs = (double)head *(double)body /(double)base;
  if ((double)supp < exs)
       { n =              (SUPP)ceil (exs+(exs-(double)supp)); }
  else { n = supp; supp = (SUPP)floor(exs-((double)supp-exs)); }
  if (n > body) n = body+1;     /* compute the range of values and */
  if (supp < 0) supp = -1;      /* clamp it to the possible maximum */
  if (n-supp-4 < supp+body-n) { /* if fewer less extreme tables */
    for (sum = 1; ++supp < n;){ /* traverse the less extreme tables */
      sum -= exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
    } }                         /* sum the probability of the tables */
  else {                        /* if fewer more extreme tables */
    for (sum = 0; supp >= 0; supp--) {
      sum += exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
    }                           /* traverse the more extreme tables */
    for (supp = n; supp <= body; supp++) {
      sum += exp(com -logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
                     -logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
    }                           /* sum the probability of the tables */
  }                             /* (upper and lower table ranges) */
  return sum;                   /* return computed probability */
}  /* re_fetchi2() */
Esempio n. 11
double re_fetprob (SUPP supp, SUPP body, SUPP head, SUPP base)
{                               /* --- Fisher's exact test (prob.) */
  SUPP   rest, n;               /* counter for rest cases, buffer */
  double com;                   /* common probability term */
  double cut, p;                /* (cutoff value for) probability */
  double sum;                   /* probability sum of conting. tables */

  if ((head <= 0) || (head >= base)
  ||  (body <= 0) || (body >= base))
    return 1;                   /* check for non-vanishing marginals */
  rest = base -head -body;      /* compute number of rest cases */
  if (rest < 0) {               /* if rest cases are less than supp, */
    supp -= rest = -rest;       /* exchange rows and exchange columns */
    body  = base -body; head = base -head;
  }                             /* complement/exchange the marginals */
  if (head < body) {            /* ensure that body <= head */
    n = head; head = body; body = n; }
  com = logGamma((double)(     head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(     body+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-head+1))
      + logGamma((double)(base-body+1))
      - logGamma((double)(base+1));/* compute common probability term */
  cut = com                     /* and log of the cutoff probability */
      - logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(head-supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(rest+supp+1));
  cut *= 1.0-DBL_EPSILON;       /* adapt for roundoff errors */
  /* cut must be multiplied with a value < 1 in order to increase it, */
  /* because it is the logarithm of a probability and hence negative. */
  for (sum = 0, supp = 0; supp <= body; supp++) {
    p = com                     /* traverse the contingency tables */
      - logGamma((double)(body-supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(head-supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(     supp+1))
      - logGamma((double)(rest+supp+1));
    if (p <= cut) sum += exp(p);/* sum probabilities greater */
  }                             /* than the cutoff probability */
  return sum;                   /* return computed probability */
}  /* re_fetprob() */