bool lemur::index::InvDocList::getMoreMem() { int ldiff = lastid-begin; int enddiff = end-begin; int bigger = size*2; if (hascache) { int pow = logb2(bigger); if (pow > 22) return false; lemur::api::LOC_T* loc = (lemur::api::LOC_T *)cache->getMoreMem(pow, (int *)begin, pow-1); if (loc == NULL) return false; begin = loc; } else { lemur::api::LOC_T* old = begin; // begin = (int*) malloc(bigger); // use new/delete[] so an exception will be thrown if out of memory begin = new lemur::api::LOC_T[bigger/sizeof(lemur::api::LOC_T)]; memcpy(begin, old, size); //free(old); delete[](old); } lastid = begin+ldiff; freq = lastid+1; end = begin+enddiff; size = bigger; return true; }
void primemod(int bits,big p) { do { printf("%d bit prime.....\n",bits); bigbits(bits,p); nxprime(p,p); } while (logb2(p)!=bits); }
int main() { FILE *fp; big e,n,a,b,x,y,r; epoint *g; ebrick binst; int i,d,ndig,nb,best,time,store,base,bits; miracl *mip=mirsys(50,0); n=mirvar(0); e=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(0); b=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); fp=fopen("common.ecs","r"); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(n,fp); cinnum(a,fp); cinnum(b,fp); cinnum(r,fp); cinnum(x,fp); cinnum(y,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; printf("modulus is %d bits in length\n",logb2(n)); printf("Enter size of exponent in bits = "); scanf("%d",&nb); getchar(); ebrick_init(&binst,x,y,a,b,n,nb); printf("%d big numbers have been precomputed and stored\n",; bigdig(nb,2,e); /* random exponent */ printf("naive method\n"); ecurve_init(a,b,n,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); epoint_set(x,y,0,g); ecurve_mult(e,g,g); epoint_get(g,x,y); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); printf("Brickel et al method\n"); mul_brick(&binst,e,x,y); ebrick_end(&binst); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); return 0; }
void zzn3_powl(_MIPD_ zzn3 *x,big e,zzn3 *w) { int i,s; zzn3 t1,t3,t4; t1.a=mr_mip->w7; t1.b=mr_mip->w8; t1.c=mr_mip->w9; t3.a=mr_mip->w10; t3.b=mr_mip->w11; t3.c=mr_mip->w12; t4.a=mr_mip->w13; t4.b=mr_mip->w14; t4.c=mr_mip->w15; zzn3_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,&t1); s=size(e); if (s==0) { zzn3_copy(&t1,w); return; } zzn3_copy(x,w); if (s==1 || s==(-1)) return; i=logb2(_MIPP_ e)-1; zzn3_copy(w,&t3); zzn3_mul(_MIPP_ w,w,&t4); zzn3_add(_MIPP_ &t4,&t4,&t4); zzn3_sub(_MIPP_ &t4,&t1,&t4); while (i--) { if (mr_testbit(_MIPP_ e,i)) { zzn3_mul(_MIPP_ &t3,&t4,&t3); zzn3_add(_MIPP_ &t3,&t3,&t3); zzn3_sub(_MIPP_ &t3,w,&t3); zzn3_mul(_MIPP_ &t4,&t4,&t4); zzn3_add(_MIPP_ &t4,&t4,&t4); zzn3_sub(_MIPP_ &t4,&t1,&t4); } else { zzn3_mul(_MIPP_ &t4,&t3,&t4); zzn3_add(_MIPP_ &t4,&t4,&t4); zzn3_sub(_MIPP_ &t4,w,&t4); zzn3_mul(_MIPP_ &t3,&t3,&t3); zzn3_add(_MIPP_ &t3,&t3,&t3); zzn3_sub(_MIPP_ &t3,&t1,&t3); } } zzn3_copy(&t3,w); }
int main() { FILE *fp; big e,n,g,a; brick binst; int window,nb,bits; miracl *mip=mirsys(100,0); n=mirvar(0); e=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); fp=fopen("common.dss","rt"); fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(n,fp); cinnum(g,fp); cinnum(g,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; printf("modulus is %d bits in length\n",logb2(n)); printf("Enter size of exponent in bits = "); scanf("%d",&nb); getchar(); printf("Enter window size in bits (1-10)= "); scanf("%d",&window); getchar(); if (!brick_init(&binst,g,n,window,nb)) { printf("Failed to initialize\n"); return 0; } printf("%d big numbers have been precomputed and stored\n",(1<<window)); bigbits(nb,e); /* random exponent */ printf("naive method\n"); powmod(g,e,n,a); cotnum(a,stdout); printf("Comb method\n"); pow_brick(&binst,e,a); brick_end(&binst); cotnum(a,stdout); return 0; }
void lemur::index::InvDocList::resetFree() { // free the memory if (hascache) { int pow = logb2(size); cache->freeMem((int *)begin, pow); } else if (begin != NULL) { // free(begin); delete[](begin); } begin = end = lastid = freq = NULL; size = 0; df = 0; uid = -1; }
uint encodeGamma(uint* output, uint pos, uint value) { uint l = logb2(value); uint i; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { bitclean(output,pos); pos++; } bitset(output,pos); pos++; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if(value & (1 << i)) bitset(output,pos); else bitclean(output,pos); pos++; } return 2*l+1; }
float Noise::LimitLevel(Point3 dp, float &smw ) { #ifdef DOAA #define epsilon 0.00001f if (filter) { float m = (float(fabs(dp.x) + fabs(dp.y) + fabs(dp.z))/3.0f)/size; if ( m < epsilon ) m = epsilon; float l = logb2(1/m); float smWidth = m*.2f; if (smWidth>.4f) smWidth = .4f; smw = smWidth; return (levels<l)?levels:l; } else #endif { smw = 0.0f; return levels; } }
int main() { FILE *fp; big e,n,a,b,x,y,r; epoint *g; ebrick binst; int nb,bits,window,len,bptr,m,i,j; miracl *mip=mirsys(50,0); n=mirvar(0); e=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(0); b=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); #ifndef MR_EDWARDS fp=fopen("common.ecs","rt"); #else fp=fopen("edwards.ecs","rt"); #endif fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip->IOBASE=16; cinnum(n,fp); cinnum(a,fp); cinnum(b,fp); cinnum(r,fp); cinnum(x,fp); cinnum(y,fp); mip->IOBASE=10; printf("modulus is %d bits in length\n",logb2(n)); printf("Enter max. size of exponent in bits = "); scanf("%d",&nb); getchar(); printf("Enter window size in bits (1-10)= "); scanf("%d",&window); getchar(); ebrick_init(&binst,x,y,a,b,n,window,nb); /* Print out the precomputed table (for use in ecdhp.c ?) In which case make sure that MR_SPECIAL is defined and active in the build of this program, so MR_COMBA must also be defined as the number of words in the modulus * len=MR_ROUNDUP(bits,MIRACL); bptr=0; for (i=0;i<2*(1<<window);i++) { for (j=0;j<len;j++) { printf("0x%x,",binst.table[bptr++]); } printf("\n"); } */ printf("%d elliptic curve points have been precomputed and stored\n",(1<< window)); bigbits(nb,e); /* random exponent */ printf("naive method\n"); ecurve_init(a,b,n,MR_PROJECTIVE); g=epoint_init(); epoint_set(x,y,0,g); ecurve_mult(e,g,g); epoint_get(g,x,y); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); printf("Comb method\n"); mul_brick(&binst,e,x,y); ebrick_end(&binst); cotnum(x,stdout); cotnum(y,stdout); return 0; }
void fast_tate_pairing(_MIPD_ zzn2 *Qx,zzn2 *Qy,epoint *P,big T,big fr,big delta,zzn4 *w,zzn4* res) { int i,j,nb; zzn2 Ax,Ay,Az,Qz; zzn Px,Py; #ifndef MR_STATIC char *mem=memalloc(_MIPP_ 10); #else char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)]; memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); #endif #ifdef MR_COUNT_OPS fpa=fpc=fpx=0; #endif Ax.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,0); Ax.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,1); Ay.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,2); Ay.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,3); Az.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,4); Az.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,5); Qz.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,6); Qz.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,7); Px=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,8); Py=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,9); copy(P->X,Px); copy(P->Y,Py); nres_modadd(_MIPP_ Px,Px,Px); /* removes a factor of 2 from g() */ nres_modadd(_MIPP_ Py,Py,Py); zzn2_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,&Qz); zzn2_copy(Qx,&Ax); zzn2_copy(Qy,&Ay); zzn2_copy(&Qz,&Az); zzn4_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,res); /* Simple Miller loop */ nb=logb2(_MIPP_ T); for (i=nb-2; i>=0; i--) { zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); g(_MIPP_ &Ax,&Ay,&Az,&Ax,&Ay,&Az,Px,Py,w); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); if (mr_testbit(_MIPP_ T,i)) { g(_MIPP_ &Ax,&Ay,&Az,Qx,Qy,&Qz,Px,Py,w); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); } } #ifdef MR_COUNT_OPS printf("Millers loop Cost\n"); printf("fpc= %d\n",fpc); printf("fpa= %d\n",fpa); printf("fpx= %d\n",fpx); fpa=fpc=fpx=0; #endif zzn4_copy(res,w); zzn4_powq(_MIPP_ fr,w); zzn4_powq(_MIPP_ fr,w); zzn4_inv(_MIPP_ res); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); /* ^(p*p-1) */ res->unitary=TRUE; zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); zzn4_copy(res,w); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); /* res=powu(res,CF) for CF=34 */ #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,10); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); #endif }
void zzn4_powu(_MIPD_ zzn4 *x,big k,zzn4 *u) { zzn4 t[5],u2; big k3; int i,j,n,nb,nbw,nzs; #ifndef MR_STATIC char *mem=memalloc(_MIPP_ 25); #else char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(25)]; memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(25)); #endif if (size(k)==0) { zzn4_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,u); return; } zzn4_copy(x,u); if (size(k)==1) return; for (j=i=0; i<5; i++) { t[i].x.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); t[i].x.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); t[i].y.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); t[i].y.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); t[i].unitary=FALSE; } u2.x.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); u2.x.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); u2.y.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); u2.y.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); u2.unitary=FALSE; k3=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j); premult(_MIPP_ k,3,k3); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ u,u,&u2); zzn4_copy(u,&t[0]); for (i=1; i<=4; i++) zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ &u2,&t[i-1],&t[i]); nb=logb2(_MIPP_ k3); for (i=nb-2; i>=1;) { n=mr_naf_window(_MIPP_ k,k3,i,&nbw,&nzs,5); for (j=0; j<nbw; j++) zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ u,u,u); if (n>0) zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ u,&t[n/2],u); if (n<0) { zzn4_conj(_MIPP_ &t[-n/2],&u2); zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ u,&u2,u); } i-=nbw; if (nzs) { for (j=0; j<nzs; j++) zzn4_mul(_MIPP_ u,u,u); i-=nzs; } } #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,25); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(25)); #endif }
int main() { int i; FILE *fp; big K,rid,id,w,a,b,n,q1; miracl *mip=mirsys(200,256); for (i=0;i<NPRIMES;i++) { pp[i]=mirvar(0); rem[i]=mirvar(0); } w=mirvar(0); n=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(0); b=mirvar(0); p=mirvar(0); p1=mirvar(0); q1=mirvar(0); K=mirvar(0); lim1=mirvar(0); lim2=mirvar(0); id=mirvar(0); rid=mirvar(0); order=mirvar(0); printf("Enter ID= "); innum(rid,stdin); getprime((char *)"trap1.dat"); copy(p,n); getprime((char *)"trap2.dat"); multiply(n,p,n); printf("\ncomposite =\n"); cotnum(n,stdout); printf("(%d bits)\n",logb2(n)); premult(rid,256,id); while (jack(id,n)!=1) { /* bad identity - id=256*rid+i */ printf("No Discrete Log. for this ID -- incrementing\n"); incr(id,1,id); } getprime((char *)"trap1.dat"); copy(p1,q1); pollard(id,b); getprime((char *)"trap2.dat"); pollard(id,a); xgcd(p1,q1,K,K,K); subtract(b,a,w); mad(w,K,w,q1,q1,w); if(size(w)<0) add(w,q1,w); subdiv(w,2,w); multiply(w,p1,w); add(w,a,w); fp=fopen("secret.dat","wt"); otnum(rid,fp); cotnum(w,fp); cotnum(n,fp); fclose(fp); printf("\nDiscrete log (secret key) \n"); cotnum(w,stdout); powltr(PROOT,w,n,id); subdiv(id,256,id); otstr(id,mip->IOBUFF); printf("Check Identity= %s\n",mip->IOBUFF); return 0; }
void power4(_MIPD_ big *a,big k,big *u) { int i,j,m,nb,n,nbw,nzs; big u2[4],t[4][4]; #ifndef MR_STATIC char *mem=(char *)memalloc(_MIPP_ 20); #else char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(20)]; memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(20)); #endif m=0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) for (j=0;j<4;j++) t[i][j]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,m++); u2[0]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,16); u2[1]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,17); u2[2]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,18); u2[3]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,19); if(size(k)==0) { convert(_MIPP_ 1,u[0]); zero(u[1]); zero(u[2]); zero(u[3]); #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,20); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(20)); #endif return; } for (i=0;i<4;i++) fcopy2(a[i],u[i]); if (size(k)==1) { #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,20); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(20)); #endif return; } square4(_MIPP_ u,u2); for (i=0;i<4;i++) fcopy2(u[i],t[0][i]); for(i=1;i<4;i++) mult4(_MIPP_ u2,t[i-1],t[i]); nb=logb2(_MIPP_ k); if(nb>1) for(i=nb-2;i>=0;) { n=mr_window(_MIPP_ k,i,&nbw,&nzs,3); /* small 3 bit window to save RAM */ for(j=0;j<nbw;j++) square4(_MIPP_ u,u); if(n>0) mult4(_MIPP_ u,t[n/2],u); i-=nbw; if(nzs!=0) { for (j=0;j<nzs;j++) square4(_MIPP_ u,u); i-=nzs; } } #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,20); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(20)); #endif }
/* * function encodeByteArrayToPoint : Encodes the given byte array into a point. * If the given byte array can not be encoded to a point, returns 0. * param dlog : Pointer to the native Dlog object. * param binaryString : The byte array to encode. * param k : k is the maximum length of a string to be converted to a Group Element of this group. * If a string exceeds the k length it cannot be converted. * return : The created point or 0 if the point cannot be created. */ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECFp_encodeByteArrayToPoint (JNIEnv * env, jobject, jlong m, jbyteArray binaryString, jint k){ //Pseudo-code: /*If the length of binaryString exceeds k then throw IndexOutOfBoundsException. Let L be the length in bytes of p Choose a random byte array r of length L – k – 2 bytes Prepare a string newString of the following form: r || binaryString || binaryString.length (where || denotes concatenation) (i.e., the least significant byte of newString is the length of binaryString in bytes) Convert the result to a BigInteger (bIString) Compute the elliptic curve equation for this x and see if there exists a y such that (x,y) satisfies the equation. If yes, return (x,y) Else, go back to step 3 (choose a random r etc.) up to 80 times (This is an arbitrary hard-coded number). If did not find y such that (x,y) satisfies the equation after 80 trials then return null. */ /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/ miracl* mip = (miracl*)m; jbyte* string = (jbyte*) env->GetByteArrayElements(binaryString, 0); int len = env->GetArrayLength(binaryString); if (len > k){ env ->ReleaseByteArrayElements(binaryString, string, 0); return 0; } big x, p; x = mirvar(mip, 0); p = mip->modulus; int l = logb2(mip, p)/8; char* randomArray = new char[l-k-2]; char* newString = new char[l - k - 1 + len]; memcpy(newString+l-k-2, string, len); newString[l - k - 2 + len] = (char) len; int counter = 0; bool success = 0; csprng rng; srand(time(0)); long seed; char raw = rand(); time((time_t*)&seed); strong_init(&rng,1,&raw,seed); do{ for (int i=0; i<l-k-2; i++){ randomArray[i] = strong_rng(&rng); } memcpy(newString, randomArray, l-k-2); bytes_to_big(mip, l - k - 1 + len, newString, x); //If the number is negative, make it positive. if(exsign(x)== -1){ absol(x, x); } //epoint_x returns true if the given x value leads to a valid point on the curve. //if failed, go back to choose a random r etc. success = epoint_x(mip, x); counter++; } while((!success) && (counter <= 80)); //we limit the amount of times we try to 80 which is an arbitrary number. epoint* point = 0; if (success){ point = epoint_init(mip); epoint_set(mip, x, x, 0, point); } char* temp = new char[l - k - 1 + len]; big_to_bytes(mip,l - k - 1 + len , x, temp, 1); //Delete the allocated memory. env ->ReleaseByteArrayElements(binaryString, string, 0); mirkill(x); delete(randomArray); delete(newString); //Return the created point. return (long) point; }
int main() { FILE *fp; big p,q,h,g,n,s,t; long seed; miracl *mip=mirsys(100,0); p=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); h=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); n=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); t=mirvar(0); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); /* generate q */ forever { bigbits(QBITS,q); nxprime(q,q); if (logb2(q)>QBITS) continue; break; } printf("q= "); cotnum(q,stdout); /* generate p */ expb2(PBITS,t); decr(t,1,t); premult(q,2,n); divide(t,n,t); expb2(PBITS-1,s); decr(s,1,s); divide(s,n,s); forever { bigrand(t,p); if (mr_compare(p,s)<=0) continue; premult(p,2,p); multiply(p,q,p); incr(p,1,p); copy(p,n); if (isprime(p)) break; } printf("p= "); cotnum(p,stdout); /* generate g */ do { decr(p,1,t); bigrand(t,h); divide(t,q,t); powmod(h,t,p,g); } while (size(g)==1); printf("g= "); cotnum(g,stdout); fp=fopen("common.dss","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",PBITS); mip->IOBASE=16; cotnum(p,fp); cotnum(q,fp); cotnum(g,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }
void fast_tate_pairing(_MIPD_ epoint *P,zzn3 *Qx,zzn3 *Qy,big q,big cf,zzn6 *w,zzn6* res) { int i,j,n,nb,nbw,nzs; epoint *t[4],*A,*P2; zzn6 zn[4]; big work[4]; #ifndef MR_STATIC char *mem=memalloc(_MIPP_ 28); char *mem1=ecp_memalloc(_MIPP_ 6); #else char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(28)]; char mem1[MR_ECP_RESERVE(6)]; memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(28)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(6)); #endif for (i=0;i<4;i++) t[i]=epoint_init_mem(_MIPP_ mem1,i); A=epoint_init_mem(_MIPP_ mem1,4); P2=epoint_init_mem(_MIPP_ mem1,5); for (j=i=0;i<4;i++) { work[i]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].x.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].x.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].x.c=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].y.a=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].y.b=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].y.c=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,j++); zn[i].unitary=FALSE; } zzn6_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,&zn[0]); epoint_copy(P,A); epoint_copy(P,P2); epoint_copy(P,t[0]); g(_MIPP_ P2,P2,Qx,Qy,res); epoint_norm(_MIPP_ P2); for (i=1;i<4;i++) { g(_MIPP_ A,P2,Qx,Qy,w); epoint_copy(A,t[i]); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ &zn[i-1],w,&zn[i]); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ &zn[i],res,&zn[i]); } epoint_multi_norm(_MIPP_ 4,work,t); epoint_copy(P,A); zzn6_from_int(_MIPP_ 1,res); nb=logb2(_MIPP_ q); for (i=nb-2;i>=0;i-=(nbw+nzs)) { n=mr_window(_MIPP_ q,i,&nbw,&nzs,3); for (j=0;j<nbw;j++) { zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); g(_MIPP_ A,A,Qx,Qy,w); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); } if (n>0) { zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,&zn[n/2],res); g(_MIPP_ A,t[n/2],Qx,Qy,w); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); } for (j=0;j<nzs;j++) { zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,res,res); g(_MIPP_ A,A,Qx,Qy,w); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); } } zzn6_copy(res,w); zzn6_powq(_MIPP_ w); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); zzn6_copy(res,w); zzn6_powq(_MIPP_ w); zzn6_powq(_MIPP_ w); zzn6_powq(_MIPP_ w); zzn6_inv(_MIPP_ res); zzn6_mul(_MIPP_ res,w,res); res->unitary=TRUE; #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,28); ecp_memkill(_MIPP_ mem1,6); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(28)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(6)); #endif }
epoint* computeLL(miracl* mip, epoint** elements, big* exponents, int n, int field){ big bigExp = mirvar(mip, 0); big two = mirvar(mip, 2); big zero = mirvar(mip, 0); int t = 0, w, h, i, j; epoint*** preComp; epoint* result; //get the biggest exponent for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (mr_compare(bigExp, exponents[i]) < 0) bigExp = exponents[i]; //num of bitf in the biggest exponent t = logb2(mip, bigExp); //choose w according to the value of t w = getLLW(t); //h = n/w if ((n % w) == 0){ h = n / w; } else{ h = ((int) (n / w)) + 1; } //printf("n is: %d\n", n); //printf("t is: %d\n", t); //printf("w is: %d\n", w); //printf("h is: %d\n", h); //creates pre computation table preComp = createLLPreCompTable(mip, elements, w, h, n, field); result = getIdentity(mip, field); //holds the computation result //computes the loop of the computation result = computeLoop(mip, exponents, w, h, preComp, result, t-1, n, field); //third part of computation for (j=t-2; j>=0; j--){ //operate y^2 differently. depends on the field type if (field==1) ecurve_mult(mip, two, result, result); else ecurve2_mult(mip, two, result, result); //computes the loop of the computation result = computeLoop(mip, exponents, w, h, preComp, result, j, n, field); } //free the allocated memeory mirkill(two); mirkill(zero); for (i=0; i<h; i++){ for (j=0; j<pow((double)2, w); j++){ epoint_free(preComp[i][j]); } free(preComp[i]); } free(preComp); return result; }
sgn=norm(_MIPP_ TAN,y); ftrunc(_MIPP_ y,y,mr_mip->w10); n=size(y); if (n!=0) build(_MIPP_ y,tan1); if (size(mr_mip->w10)==0) { insign(sgn,y); MR_OUT return; } sqrn=isqrt(mr_mip->lg2b*mr_mip->workprec,mr_mip->lg2b); nsq=0; copy(mr_mip->w10,mr_mip->w8); frecip(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w10,mr_mip->w10); ftrunc(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w10,mr_mip->w10,mr_mip->w10); m=logb2(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w10); if (m<sqrn) { /* scale fraction down */ nsq=sqrn-m; expint(_MIPP_ 2,nsq,mr_mip->w10); fdiv(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w10,mr_mip->w8); } zero(mr_mip->w10); fmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w9); negify(mr_mip->w9,mr_mip->w9); op[0]=0x4B; /* set up for x/(y+C) */ op[1]=op[3]=1; op[2]=0; for (m=sqrn;m>1;m--) { /* Unwind C.F for tan(x)=z/(1-z^2/(3-z^2/(5-...)))))) */ op[4]=2*m-1;
int main() { FILE *fp; big q,p,p1,h,t,g,low,high; big pool[POOL_SIZE]; BOOL fail; int i,j,p1bits,np; long seed,m,permutation; miracl *mip=mirsys(100,0); q=mirvar(0); p=mirvar(0); h=mirvar(0); t=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); p1=mirvar(0); low=mirvar(0); high=mirvar(0); gprime(10000); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); p1bits=PBITS-QBITS-1; /* find number of primes pa, pb, pc etc., that will be needed */ np=1; while (p1bits/np >= OBITS) np++; np--; /* find the high/low limits for these primes, so that the generated prime p will be exactly PBITS in length */ expb2(p1bits-1,t); nroot(t,np,low); /* np-th integer root */ incr(low,1,low); premult(t,2,t); decr(t,1,t); nroot(t,np,high); subtract(high,low,t); /* raise low limit up to half-way... */ subdiv(t,2,t); subtract(high,t,low); /* generate q */ forever { /* make sure leading two bits of q 11... */ expb2(QBITS,q); bigbits(QBITS-2,t); subtract(q,t,q); nxprime(q,q); if (logb2(q)>QBITS) continue; break; } printf("q= (%d bits)\n",logb2(q)); cotnum(q,stdout); /* generate prime pool from which permutations of np primes will be picked until a Lim-Lee prime is found */ for (i=0;i<POOL_SIZE;i++) { /* generate the primes pa, pb, pc etc.. */ pool[i]=mirvar(0); forever { bigrand(high,p1); if (mr_compare(p1,low)<0) continue; nxprime(p1,p1); if (mr_compare(p1,high)>0) continue; copy(p1,pool[i]); break; } } /* The '1' bits in the permutation indicate which primes are picked from the pool. If np=5, start at 11111, then 101111 etc */ permutation=1L; for (i=0;i<np;i++) permutation<<=1; permutation-=1; /* permuation = 2^np-1 */ /* generate p */ fail=FALSE; forever { convert(1,p1); for (i=j=0,m=1L;j<np;i++,m<<=1) { if (i>=POOL_SIZE) { /* ran out of primes... */ fail=TRUE; break; } if (m&permutation) { multiply(p1,pool[i],p1); j++; } } if (fail) break; printf("."); premult(q,2,p); multiply(p,p1,p); incr(p,1,p); permutation=increment(permutation); if (logb2(p)!=PBITS) continue; if (isprime(p)) break; } if (fail) { printf("\nFailed - very unlikely! - try increasing POOL_SIZE\n"); return 0; } printf("\np= (%d bits)\n",logb2(p)); cotnum(p,stdout); /* finally find g */ do { decr(p,1,t); bigrand(t,h); divide(t,q,t); powmod(h,t,p,g); } while(size(g)==1); printf("g= (%d bits)\n",logb2(g)); cotnum(g,stdout); fp=fopen("common.dss","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",PBITS); mip->IOBASE=16; cotnum(p,fp); cotnum(q,fp); cotnum(g,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }