Esempio n. 1
/** We received a request to paint the drawing area.
void CSailDispLabel::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
    // erase viewport
    CSailPainter painter( this );
    QRect rect = painter.viewport();

    // check if the window was resized since last redraw
    if ( wasResized )
        wasResized = 0;

    // set coordinate system to match the logical viewport
    painter.setFontSize(8, zoom());

    // draw the sail
    const CPanelGroup obj = dispObject();

    // optionally draw labels
    if (drawLabels)
        /*/ draw markers on edges for test purpose
        painter.setFontSize(10, zoom/10);
Esempio n. 2
GapRects RenderBlockFlow::inlineSelectionGaps(RenderBlock* rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
    LayoutUnit& lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalRight, const PaintInfo* paintInfo)
    GapRects result;

    bool containsStart = selectionState() == SelectionStart || selectionState() == SelectionBoth;

    if (!firstLineBox()) {
        if (containsStart) {
            // Go ahead and update our lastLogicalTop to be the bottom of the block.  <hr>s or empty blocks with height can trip this
            // case.
            lastLogicalTop = rootBlock->blockDirectionOffset(offsetFromRootBlock) + logicalHeight();
            lastLogicalLeft = logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, logicalHeight());
            lastLogicalRight = logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, logicalHeight());
        return result;

    RootInlineBox* lastSelectedLine = 0;
    RootInlineBox* curr;
    for (curr = firstRootBox(); curr && !curr->hasSelectedChildren(); curr = curr->nextRootBox()) { }

    // Now paint the gaps for the lines.
    for (; curr && curr->hasSelectedChildren(); curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
        LayoutUnit selTop =  curr->selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock();
        LayoutUnit selHeight = curr->selectionHeightAdjustedForPrecedingBlock();

        if (!containsStart && !lastSelectedLine && selectionState() != SelectionStart && selectionState() != SelectionBoth) {
            result.uniteCenter(blockSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, lastLogicalTop,
                lastLogicalLeft, lastLogicalRight, selTop, paintInfo));

        LayoutRect logicalRect(curr->logicalLeft(), selTop, curr->logicalWidth(), selTop + selHeight);
        LayoutRect physicalRect = rootBlock->logicalRectToPhysicalRect(rootBlockPhysicalPosition, logicalRect);
        if (!paintInfo || (physicalRect.y() < paintInfo->rect.maxY() && physicalRect.maxY() > paintInfo->rect.y()))
            result.unite(curr->lineSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, selTop, selHeight, paintInfo));

        lastSelectedLine = curr;

    if (containsStart && !lastSelectedLine) {
        // VisibleSelection must start just after our last line.
        lastSelectedLine = lastRootBox();

    if (lastSelectedLine && selectionState() != SelectionEnd && selectionState() != SelectionBoth) {
        // Go ahead and update our lastY to be the bottom of the last selected line.
        lastLogicalTop = rootBlock->blockDirectionOffset(offsetFromRootBlock) + lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom();
        lastLogicalLeft = logicalLeftSelectionOffset(rootBlock, lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom());
        lastLogicalRight = logicalRightSelectionOffset(rootBlock, lastSelectedLine->selectionBottom());
    return result;
Esempio n. 3
GapRects RootInlineBox::lineSelectionGap(RenderBlock& rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
    LayoutUnit selTop, LayoutUnit selHeight, const LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches& cache, const PaintInfo* paintInfo)
    RenderObject::SelectionState lineState = selectionState();

    bool leftGap, rightGap;
    blockFlow().getSelectionGapInfo(lineState, leftGap, rightGap);

    GapRects result;

    InlineBox* firstBox = firstSelectedBox();
    InlineBox* lastBox = lastSelectedBox();
    if (leftGap) {
        result.uniteLeft(blockFlow().logicalLeftSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, &firstBox->parent()->renderer(), firstBox->logicalLeft(),
            selTop, selHeight, cache, paintInfo));
    if (rightGap) {
        result.uniteRight(blockFlow().logicalRightSelectionGap(rootBlock, rootBlockPhysicalPosition, offsetFromRootBlock, &lastBox->parent()->renderer(), lastBox->logicalRight(),
            selTop, selHeight, cache, paintInfo));

    // When dealing with bidi text, a non-contiguous selection region is possible.
    // e.g. The logical text aaaAAAbbb (capitals denote RTL text and non-capitals LTR) is layed out
    // visually as 3 text runs |aaa|bbb|AAA| if we select 4 characters from the start of the text the
    // selection will look like (underline denotes selection):
    // |aaa|bbb|AAA|
    //  ___       _
    // We can see that the |bbb| run is not part of the selection while the runs around it are.
    if (firstBox && firstBox != lastBox) {
        // Now fill in any gaps on the line that occurred between two selected elements.
        LayoutUnit lastLogicalLeft = firstBox->logicalRight();
        bool isPreviousBoxSelected = firstBox->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
        for (InlineBox* box = firstBox->nextLeafChild(); box; box = box->nextLeafChild()) {
            if (box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone) {
                LayoutRect logicalRect(lastLogicalLeft, selTop, box->logicalLeft() - lastLogicalLeft, selHeight);
                logicalRect.move(renderer().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetFromRootBlock : LayoutSize(offsetFromRootBlock.height(), offsetFromRootBlock.width()));
                LayoutRect gapRect = rootBlock.logicalRectToPhysicalRect(rootBlockPhysicalPosition, logicalRect);
                if (isPreviousBoxSelected && gapRect.width() > 0 && gapRect.height() > 0) {
                    if (paintInfo && box->parent()->renderer().style().visibility() == VISIBLE)
                        paintInfo->context->fillRect(gapRect, box->parent()->renderer().selectionBackgroundColor(), box->parent()->renderer().style().colorSpace());
                    // VisibleSelection may be non-contiguous, see comment above.
                lastLogicalLeft = box->logicalRight();
            if (box == lastBox)
            isPreviousBoxSelected = box->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;

    return result;