Esempio n. 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// xxx cmt stdout/err & 0/1
static void main_usage(char* argv0, int exit_code) {
	FILE* o = exit_code == 0 ? stdout : stderr;
	fprintf(o, "Usage: %s [I/O options] {verb} [verb-dependent options ...] {file names}\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Verbs:\n");
	int linelen = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < mapper_lookup_table_length; i++) {
		linelen += 1 + strlen(mapper_lookup_table[i]->verb);
		if (linelen > 80) {
			fprintf(o, "\n");
			linelen = 0;
		if ((i > 0) && (linelen > 0))
			fprintf(o, " ");
			fprintf(o, "   ");
		fprintf(o, "%s", mapper_lookup_table[i]->verb);
	fprintf(o, "\n");
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s {verb name} --help\" for verb-specific help.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-all-verbs\" for help on all verbs.\n", argv0);

	fprintf(o, "\n");
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-function {function name}\" for function-specific help.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-all-functions\" or \"%s -f\" for help on all functions.\n", argv0, argv0);
	fprintf(o, "\n");

	fprintf(o, "Separator options, for input, output, or both:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --rs      --irs     --ors                  Record separators, defaulting to newline\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --fs      --ifs     --ofs    --repifs      Field  separators, defaulting to \"%c\"\n", DEFAULT_FS);
	fprintf(o, "  --ps      --ips     --ops                  Pair   separators, defaulting to \"%c\"\n", DEFAULT_PS);
	fprintf(o, "Data-format options, for input, output, or both:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --dkvp    --idkvp   --odkvp                Delimited key-value pairs, e.g \"a=1,b=2\" (default)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --nidx    --inidx   --onidx                Implicitly-integer-indexed fields (Unix-toolkit style)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --csv     --icsv    --ocsv                 Comma-separated value (or tab-separated with --fs tab, etc.)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --pprint  --ipprint --opprint --right      Pretty-printed tabular (produces no output until all input is in)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --pprint  --ipprint --opprint --right      Pretty-printed tabular (produces no output until all input is in)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  -p is a keystroke-saver for --nidx --fs space --repifs\n");
	fprintf(o, "Numerical format:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --ofmt {format}                            E.g. %%.18lf, %%.0lf. Please use sprintf-style codes for double-precision.\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                             Applies to verbs which compute new values, e.g. put, stats1, stats2.\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                             See also the fmtnum function within mlr put (mlr --help-all-functions).\n");
	fprintf(o, "Other options:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --seed {n} with n of the form 12345678 or 0xcafefeed. For put/filter urand().\n");
	fprintf(o, "Output of one verb may be chained as input to another using \"then\", e.g.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  %s stats1 -a min,mean,max -f flag,u,v -g color then sort -f color\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please see and/or for more information.\n");

Esempio n. 2
static void main_usage_functions(FILE* o, char* argv0, char* leader) {
	lrec_evaluator_list_functions(o, leader);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-function {function name}\" for function-specific help.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-all-functions\" or \"%s -f\" for help on all functions.\n", argv0, argv0);
Esempio n. 3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// xxx cmt stdout/err & 0/1
static void main_usage(char* argv0, int exit_code) {
	FILE* o = exit_code == 0 ? stdout : stderr;
	fprintf(o, "Usage: %s [I/O options] {verb} [verb-dependent options ...] {file names}\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Verbs:\n");
	char* leader = "  ";
	char* separator = " ";
	int leaderlen = strlen(leader);
	int separatorlen = strlen(separator);
	int linelen = leaderlen;
	int j = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < mapper_lookup_table_length; i++) {
		char* verb = mapper_lookup_table[i]->verb;
		int verblen = strlen(verb);
		linelen += separatorlen + verblen;
		if (linelen >= 80) {
			fprintf(o, "\n");
			linelen = leaderlen + separatorlen + verblen;
			j = 0;
		if (j == 0)
			fprintf(o, "%s", leader);
		fprintf(o, "%s%s", separator, verb);
	fprintf(o, "\n");
	fprintf(o, "Example: %s --csv --rs lf --fs tab cut -f hostname,uptime file1.csv file2.csv\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s -h\" or \"%s --help\" to show this message.\n", argv0, argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --version\" to show the software version.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s {verb name} --help\" for verb-specific help.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-all-verbs\" for help on all verbs.\n", argv0);

	fprintf(o, "\n");
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-function {function name}\" for function-specific help.\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "Please use \"%s --help-all-functions\" or \"%s -f\" for help on all functions.\n", argv0, argv0);
	fprintf(o, "\n");

	fprintf(o, "Data-format options, for input, output, or both:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --dkvp   --idkvp   --odkvp            Delimited key-value pairs, e.g \"a=1,b=2\"\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                        (default)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --nidx   --inidx   --onidx            Implicitly-integer-indexed fields\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                        (Unix-toolkit style)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --csv    --icsv    --ocsv             Comma-separated value (or tab-separated\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                        with --fs tab, etc.)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --pprint --ipprint --opprint --right  Pretty-printed tabular (produces no\n");
	fprintf(o, "                                        output until all input is in)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --xtab   --ixtab   --oxtab            Pretty-printed vertical-tabular\n");
	fprintf(o, "  -p is a keystroke-saver for --nidx --fs space --repifs\n");
	fprintf(o, "Separator options, for input, output, or both:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --rs     --irs     --ors              Record separators, e.g. 'lf' or '\\r\\n'\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --fs     --ifs     --ofs  --repifs    Field separators, e.g. comma\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --ps     --ips     --ops              Pair separators, e.g. equals sign\n");
	fprintf(o, "  Notes:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * IPS/OPS are only used for DKVP and XTAB formats, since only in these formats\n");
	fprintf(o, "    do key-value pairs appear juxtaposed.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * IRS/ORS are ignored for XTAB format. Nominally IFS and OFS are newlines;\n");
	fprintf(o, "    XTAB records are separated by two or more consecutive IFS/OFS -- i.e.\n");
	fprintf(o, "    a blank line.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * OFS must be single-character for PPRINT format. This is because it is used\n");
	fprintf(o, "    with repetition for alignment; multi-character separators would make\n");
	fprintf(o, "    alignment impossible.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * OPS may be multi-character for XTAB format, in which case alignment is\n");
	fprintf(o, "    disabled.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * DKVP, NIDX, CSVLITE, PPRINT, and XTAB formats are intended to handle\n");
	fprintf(o, "    platform-native text data. In particular, this means LF line-terminators\n");
	fprintf(o, "    by default on Linux/OSX. You can use \"--dkvp --rs crlf\" for\n");
	fprintf(o, "    CRLF-terminated DKVP files, and so on.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * CSV is intended to handle RFC-4180-compliant data. In particular, this means\n");
	fprintf(o, "    it uses CRLF line-terminators by default. You can use \"--csv --rs lf\" for\n");
	fprintf(o, "    Linux-native CSV files.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * You can specify separators in any of the following ways, shown by example:\n");
	fprintf(o, "    - Type them out, quoting as necessary for shell escapes, e.g.\n");
	fprintf(o, "      \"--fs '|' --ips :\"\n");
	fprintf(o, "    - C-style escape sequences, e.g. \"--rs '\\r\\n' --fs '\\t'\".\n");
	fprintf(o, "    - To avoid backslashing, you can use any of the following names:\n");
	fprintf(o, "     ");
	lhmss_t* pmap = get_desc_to_chars_map();
	for (lhmsse_t* pe = pmap->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext) {
		fprintf(o, " %s", pe->key);
	fprintf(o, "\n");
	fprintf(o, "  * Default separators by format:\n");
	fprintf(o, "      %-12s %-8s %-8s %s\n", "File format", "RS", "FS", "PS");
	lhmss_t* default_rses = get_default_rses();
	lhmss_t* default_fses = get_default_fses();
	lhmss_t* default_pses = get_default_pses();
	for (lhmsse_t* pe = default_rses->phead; pe != NULL; pe = pe->pnext) {
		char* filefmt = pe->key;
		char* rs = pe->value;
		char* fs = lhmss_get(default_fses, filefmt);
		char* ps = lhmss_get(default_pses, filefmt);
		fprintf(o, "      %-12s %-8s %-8s %s\n", filefmt, rebackslash(rs), rebackslash(fs), rebackslash(ps));
	fprintf(o, "Double-quoting for CSV output:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --quote-all        Wrap all fields in double quotes\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --quote-none       Do not wrap any fields in double quotes, even if they have \n");
	fprintf(o, "                     OFS or ORS in them\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --quote-minimal    Wrap fields in double quotes only if they have OFS or ORS\n");
	fprintf(o, "                     in them (default)\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --quote-numeric    Wrap fields in double quotes only if they have numbers\n");
	fprintf(o, "                     in them\n");
	fprintf(o, "Numerical formatting:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --ofmt {format}    E.g. %%.18lf, %%.0lf. Please use sprintf-style codes for\n");
	fprintf(o, "                     double-precision. Applies to verbs which compute new\n");
	fprintf(o, "                     values, e.g. put, stats1, stats2. See also the fmtnum\n");
	fprintf(o, "                     function within mlr put (mlr --help-all-functions).\n");
	fprintf(o, "Other options:\n");
	fprintf(o, "  --seed {n} with n of the form 12345678 or 0xcafefeed. For put/filter urand().\n");
	fprintf(o, "Output of one verb may be chained as input to another using \"then\", e.g.\n");
	fprintf(o, "  %s stats1 -a min,mean,max -f flag,u,v -g color then sort -f color\n", argv0);
	fprintf(o, "For more information please see and/or\n");
	fprintf(o, "");
	fprintf(o, " This is Miller version >= %s.\n", PACKAGE_VERSION);
	fprintf(o, " This is Miller version >= %s.\n", MLR_VERSION);
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
