Esempio n. 1
 * Record a data block number in a logical tape's lowest indirect block,
 * or record an indirect block's number in the next higher indirect level.
static void
ltsRecordBlockNum(LogicalTapeSet *lts, IndirectBlock *indirect,
				  long blocknum)
	if (indirect->nextSlot >= BLOCKS_PER_INDIR_BLOCK)
		 * This indirect block is full, so dump it out and recursively save
		 * its address in the next indirection level.  Create a new
		 * indirection level if there wasn't one before.
		long		indirblock = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);

		ltsWriteBlock(lts, indirblock, (void *) indirect->ptrs);
		if (indirect->nextup == NULL)
			indirect->nextup = (IndirectBlock *) palloc(sizeof(IndirectBlock));
			indirect->nextup->nextSlot = 0;
			indirect->nextup->nextup = NULL;
		ltsRecordBlockNum(lts, indirect->nextup, indirblock);

		 * Reset to fill another indirect block at this level.
		indirect->nextSlot = 0;
	indirect->ptrs[indirect->nextSlot++] = blocknum;
Esempio n. 2
 * Write to a logical tape.
 * There are no error returns; we ereport() on failure.
LogicalTapeWrite(LogicalTapeSet *lts, LogicalTape *lt, void *ptr, size_t size)
	long        tmpBlkNum;
	size_t		nthistime;


	if(lt->firstBlkNum == -1)
		lt->firstBlkNum = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);
		lt->currBlk.prev_blk = -1L;
		lt->currBlk.next_blk = -1L;
		lt->currBlk.payload_tail = 0;

		lt->currPos.blkNum = lt->firstBlkNum;
		lt->currPos.offset = 0;

	while(size > 0)
		Assert(lt->currPos.offset == lt->currBlk.payload_tail);
		Assert(lt->currPos.offset <= LOGTAPE_BLK_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

		if (lt->currPos.offset == LOGTAPE_BLK_PAYLOAD_SIZE)
			Assert(lt->currBlk.payload_tail == LOGTAPE_BLK_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
			tmpBlkNum = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);
			lt->currBlk.next_blk = tmpBlkNum;
			ltsWriteBlock(lts, lt->currPos.blkNum, &(lt->currBlk));
			lt->currBlk.prev_blk = lt->currPos.blkNum;
			lt->currBlk.next_blk = -1L;
			lt->currBlk.payload_tail = 0;
			lt->currPos.blkNum = tmpBlkNum;
			lt->currPos.offset = 0;

		nthistime = size > (LOGTAPE_BLK_PAYLOAD_SIZE - lt->currPos.offset) ? 
			(LOGTAPE_BLK_PAYLOAD_SIZE - lt->currPos.offset) : size;

		memcpy(lt->currBlk.payload + lt->currBlk.payload_tail, ptr, nthistime);
		ptr = (void *) ((char *) ptr + nthistime);
		lt->currBlk.payload_tail += nthistime;
		lt->currPos.offset += nthistime;
		size -= nthistime;
Esempio n. 3
 * Dump the dirty buffer of a logical tape.
static void
ltsDumpBuffer(LogicalTapeSet *lts, LogicalTape *lt)
	long		datablock = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);

	ltsWriteBlock(lts, datablock, (void *) lt->buffer);
	ltsRecordBlockNum(lts, lt->indirect, datablock);
	lt->dirty = false;
	/* Caller must do other state update as needed */
Esempio n. 4
 * Reset a logical tape's indirect-block hierarchy after a write pass
 * to prepare for reading.	We dump out partly-filled blocks except
 * at the top of the hierarchy, and we rewind each level to the start.
 * This call returns the first data block number, or -1L if the tape
 * is empty.
 * Unless 'freezing' is true, release indirect blocks to the free pool after
 * reading them.
static long
ltsRewindIndirectBlock(LogicalTapeSet *lts,
					   IndirectBlock *indirect,
					   bool freezing)
	/* Handle case of never-written-to tape */
	if (indirect == NULL)
		return -1L;

	/* Insert sentinel if block is not full */
	if (indirect->nextSlot < BLOCKS_PER_INDIR_BLOCK)
		indirect->ptrs[indirect->nextSlot] = -1L;

	 * If block is not topmost, write it out, and recurse to obtain address of
	 * first block in this hierarchy level.  Read that one in.
	if (indirect->nextup != NULL)
		long		indirblock = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);

		ltsWriteBlock(lts, indirblock, (void *) indirect->ptrs);
		ltsRecordBlockNum(lts, indirect->nextup, indirblock);
		indirblock = ltsRewindIndirectBlock(lts, indirect->nextup, freezing);
		Assert(indirblock != -1L);
		ltsReadBlock(lts, indirblock, (void *) indirect->ptrs);
		if (!freezing)
			ltsReleaseBlock(lts, indirblock);

	 * Reset my next-block pointer, and then fetch a block number if any.
	indirect->nextSlot = 0;
	if (indirect->ptrs[0] == -1L)
		return -1L;
	return indirect->ptrs[indirect->nextSlot++];
Esempio n. 5
 * Write to a logical tape.
 * There are no error returns; we ereport() on failure.
LogicalTapeWrite(LogicalTapeSet *lts, int tapenum,
				 void *ptr, size_t size)
	LogicalTape *lt;
	size_t		nthistime;

	Assert(tapenum >= 0 && tapenum < lts->nTapes);
	lt = &lts->tapes[tapenum];
	Assert(lt->offsetBlockNumber == 0L);

	/* Allocate data buffer and first block on first write */
	if (lt->buffer == NULL)
		lt->buffer = (char *) palloc(BLCKSZ);
		lt->buffer_size = BLCKSZ;
	if (lt->curBlockNumber == -1)
		Assert(lt->firstBlockNumber == -1);
		Assert(lt->pos == 0);

		lt->curBlockNumber = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);
		lt->firstBlockNumber = lt->curBlockNumber;

		TapeBlockGetTrailer(lt->buffer)->prev = -1L;

	Assert(lt->buffer_size == BLCKSZ);
	while (size > 0)
		if (lt->pos >= TapeBlockPayloadSize)
			/* Buffer full, dump it out */
			long		nextBlockNumber;

			if (!lt->dirty)
				/* Hmm, went directly from reading to writing? */
				elog(ERROR, "invalid logtape state: should be dirty");

			 * First allocate the next block, so that we can store it in the
			 * 'next' pointer of this block.
			nextBlockNumber = ltsGetFreeBlock(lts);

			/* set the next-pointer and dump the current block. */
			TapeBlockGetTrailer(lt->buffer)->next = nextBlockNumber;
			ltsWriteBlock(lts, lt->curBlockNumber, (void *) lt->buffer);

			/* initialize the prev-pointer of the next block */
			TapeBlockGetTrailer(lt->buffer)->prev = lt->curBlockNumber;
			lt->curBlockNumber = nextBlockNumber;
			lt->pos = 0;
			lt->nbytes = 0;

		nthistime = TapeBlockPayloadSize - lt->pos;
		if (nthistime > size)
			nthistime = size;
		Assert(nthistime > 0);

		memcpy(lt->buffer + lt->pos, ptr, nthistime);

		lt->dirty = true;
		lt->pos += nthistime;
		if (lt->nbytes < lt->pos)
			lt->nbytes = lt->pos;
		ptr = (void *) ((char *) ptr + nthistime);
		size -= nthistime;