Esempio n. 1
/** Define a global key binding. This key binding will always be available.
 * \param L The Lua VM state.
 * \luastack
 * \lparam A table with modifier keys.
 * \lparam A key name.
 * \lparam A function to execute.
 * \lreturn The keybinding.
static int
luaA_keybinding_new(lua_State *L)
    size_t i, len;
    keybinding_t *k;
    const char *key;

    /* arg 2 is key mod table */
    luaA_checktable(L, 2);
    /* arg 3 is key */
    key = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len);
    /* arg 4 is cmd to run */
    luaA_checkfunction(L, 4);

    /* get the last arg as function */
    k = p_new(keybinding_t, 1);
    luaA_keystore(k, key, len);
    luaA_registerfct(L, 4, &k->fct);

    len = lua_objlen(L, 2);
    for(i = 1; i <= len; i++)
        size_t blen;
        lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i);
        key = luaL_checklstring(L, -1, &blen);
        k->mod |= xutil_key_mask_fromstr(key, blen);

    return luaA_keybinding_userdata_new(L, k);
Esempio n. 2
/** Add a global signal.
 * \param L The Lua VM state.
 * \return The number of elements pushed on stack.
 * \luastack
 * \lparam A string with the event name.
 * \lparam The function to call.
static int
luaA_awesome_add_signal(lua_State *L)
    const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    luaA_checkfunction(L, 2);
    signal_add(&global_signals, name, luaA_object_ref(L, 2));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/** Add a signal to an object.
 * \param L The Lua VM state.
 * \param oud The object index on the stack.
 * \param name The name of the signal.
 * \param ud The index of function to call when signal is emitted.
luaA_object_add_signal(lua_State *L, int oud,
                       const char *name, int ud)
    luaA_checkfunction(L, ud);
    lua_object_t *obj = lua_touserdata(L, oud);
    signal_add(&obj->signals, name, luaA_object_ref_item(L, oud, ud));
Esempio n. 4
/** Remove a global signal.
 * \param L The Lua VM state.
 * \return The number of elements pushed on stack.
 * \luastack
 * \lparam A string with the event name.
 * \lparam The function to call.
static int
luaA_awesome_remove_signal(lua_State *L)
    const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    luaA_checkfunction(L, 2);
    const void *func = lua_topointer(L, 2);
    signal_remove(&global_signals, name, func);
    luaA_object_unref(L, (void *) func);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
/** Remove a signal to an object.
 * \param L The Lua VM state.
 * \param oud The object index on the stack.
 * \param name The name of the signal.
 * \param ud The index of function to call when signal is emitted.
luaA_object_remove_signal(lua_State *L, int oud,
                          const char *name, int ud)
    luaA_checkfunction(L, ud);
    lua_object_t *obj = lua_touserdata(L, oud);
    void *ref = (void *) lua_topointer(L, ud);
    signal_remove(&obj->signals, name, ref);
    luaA_object_unref_item(L, oud, ref);
    lua_remove(L, ud);