Esempio n. 1
int tLuaObject::closure(lua_State *L)
  tLuaObjectMethod method = (tLuaObjectMethod) 
    luaCompat_getPointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));

  tLuaObject* lua_obj = getObject(L, 1);

  if(lua_obj == NULL)
    luacom_error(L, "Error: self parameter is not a tLuaObject.");
    return 0;

  int retval = 0;

    retval = method(lua_obj, L);
  catch(class tLuaCOMException& e)
    luacom_error(L, e.getMessage());

    return 0;

  return retval;
int tLuaCOMEnumerator::call_method(lua_State *L)
  /// positions of parameters
  // self param (not used, but explicited to ensure
  // consistency)
  const int self_param        = 1;

  // first user param 
  const int user_first_param  = 2;
  // last user param, excluding upvalues
  const int user_last_param   = luaCompat_getNumParams(L, 2);

  // upvalues
  const int enumerator_param  = luaCompat_upvalueIndex(L, 1, 2);
  const int method_param      = luaCompat_upvalueIndex(L, 2, 2);

  int num_params = 0;

  if(user_last_param < user_first_param)
    num_params = 0;
    num_params = user_last_param - user_first_param + 1;

  // gets the enumerator
  tLuaCOMEnumerator* enumerator = 
    (tLuaCOMEnumerator*) luaCompat_getTypedObject(L, enumerator_param);

  // gets the method name
  const char* method_name = lua_tostring(L, method_param);

  // call method
  int retval = 0;

    retval = enumerator->callCOMmethod(L, method_name, user_first_param, num_params);
  catch(class tLuaCOMException& e)
    luacom_error(L, e.getMessage());

    return 0;

  return retval;
Esempio n. 3
int tLuaCOMEnumerator::call_method(lua_State *L)
  /// positions of parameters
  // self param (not used, but explicited to ensure
  // consistency)
  const int self_param        = 1;

  // first user param 
  const int user_first_param  = 2;
  // last user param
  const int user_last_param   = lua_gettop(L);

  // upvalues
  const int enumerator_param  = lua_upvalueindex(1);
  const int method_param      = lua_upvalueindex(2);

  int num_params = 0;

  if(user_last_param < user_first_param)
    num_params = 0;
    num_params = user_last_param - user_first_param + 1;

  // gets the enumerator
  tLuaCOMEnumerator* enumerator = 
    (tLuaCOMEnumerator*)*(void **)lua_touserdata(L, enumerator_param);

  // gets the method name
  tStringBuffer method_name(lua_tostring(L, method_param));

  // call method
  int retval = 0;

    retval = enumerator->callCOMmethod(L, method_name, user_first_param, num_params);
  catch(class tLuaCOMException& e)
    luacom_error(L, e.getMessage());

    return 0;

  return retval;