/** * Handle the drawing related tasks of the pages * @param page pointer to an object * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area * (return 'true' if yes) * LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true') * LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode' */ static bool lv_page_design(lv_obj_t * page, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode) { if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) { return ancestor_design(page, mask, mode); } else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) { /*Draw without border*/ lv_style_t *style = lv_page_get_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG); lv_coord_t border_width_tmp = style->body.border.width; style->body.border.width = 0; lv_draw_rect(&page->coords, mask, style); style->body.border.width = border_width_tmp; } else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) { /*Draw the scroll bars finally*/ /*Draw only a border*/ lv_style_t *style = lv_page_get_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG); lv_coord_t shadow_width_tmp = style->body.shadow.width; uint8_t empty_tmp = style->body.empty; style->body.shadow.width = 0; style->body.empty = 1; lv_draw_rect(&page->coords, mask, style); style->body.shadow.width = shadow_width_tmp; style->body.empty = empty_tmp; lv_page_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page); /*Draw the scrollbars*/ lv_area_t sb_area; if(ext->sb.hor_draw) { /*Convert the relative coordinates to absolute*/ lv_area_copy(&sb_area, &ext->sb.hor_area); sb_area.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area.x2 += page->coords.x1; sb_area.y2 += page->coords.y1; lv_draw_rect(&sb_area, mask, ext->sb.style); } if(ext->sb.ver_draw) { /*Convert the relative coordinates to absolute*/ lv_area_copy(&sb_area, &ext->sb.ver_area); sb_area.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area.x2 += page->coords.x1; sb_area.y2 += page->coords.y1; lv_draw_rect(&sb_area, mask, ext->sb.style); } } return true; }
/** * Handle the drawing related tasks of the sliders * @param slider pointer to an object * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area * (return 'true' if yes) * LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true') * LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode' */ static bool lv_slider_design(lv_obj_t * slider, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode) { /*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/ if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) { return false; } /*Draw the object*/ else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) { lv_slider_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(slider); lv_style_t * style_bg = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG); lv_style_t * style_knob = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB); lv_style_t * style_indic = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC); lv_coord_t slider_w = lv_area_get_width(&slider->coords); lv_coord_t slider_h = lv_area_get_height(&slider->coords); /*Draw the bar*/ lv_area_t area_bg; lv_area_copy(&area_bg, &slider->coords); /*Be sure at least LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN size will remain*/ lv_coord_t pad_ver_bg = style_bg->body.padding.ver; lv_coord_t pad_hor_bg = style_bg->body.padding.hor; if(pad_ver_bg * 2 + LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN > lv_area_get_height(&area_bg)) { pad_ver_bg = (lv_area_get_height(&area_bg) - LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN) >> 1; }
/** * Draw a rectangle which has gradient on its top and bottom * @param roller pointer to a roller object * @param mask pointer to the current mask (from the design function) */ static void draw_bg(lv_obj_t *roller, const lv_area_t *mask) { lv_style_t *style = lv_roller_get_style(roller, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_BG); lv_area_t half_mask; lv_area_t half_roller; lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(roller); bool union_ok; lv_area_copy(&half_roller, &roller->coords); half_roller.x1 -= roller->ext_size; /*Add ext size too (e.g. because of shadow draw) */ half_roller.x2 += roller->ext_size; half_roller.y1 -= roller->ext_size; half_roller.y2 = roller->coords.y1 + h / 2; union_ok = lv_area_union(&half_mask, &half_roller, mask); half_roller.x1 += roller->ext_size; /*Revert ext. size adding*/ half_roller.x2 -= roller->ext_size; half_roller.y1 += roller->ext_size; half_roller.y2 += style->body.radius; if(union_ok) { lv_draw_rect(&half_roller, &half_mask, style); } half_roller.x1 -= roller->ext_size; /*Add ext size too (e.g. because of shadow draw) */ half_roller.x2 += roller->ext_size; half_roller.y2 = roller->coords.y2 + roller->ext_size; half_roller.y1 = roller->coords.y1 + h / 2; if((h & 0x1) == 0) half_roller.y1++; /*With even height the pixels in the middle would be drawn twice*/ union_ok = lv_area_union(&half_mask, &half_roller, mask); half_roller.x1 += roller->ext_size; /*Revert ext. size adding*/ half_roller.x2 -= roller->ext_size; half_roller.y2 -= roller->ext_size; half_roller.y1 -= style->body.radius; if(union_ok){ lv_color_t main_tmp = style->body.main_color; lv_color_t grad_tmp = style->body.grad_color; style->body.main_color = grad_tmp; style->body.grad_color = main_tmp; lv_draw_rect(&half_roller, &half_mask, style); style->body.main_color = main_tmp; style->body.grad_color = grad_tmp; } }
/** * Refresh the position and size of the scroll bars. * @param page pointer to a page object */ static void lv_page_sb_refresh(lv_obj_t * page) { lv_page_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page); lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(page); lv_obj_t * scrl = ext->scrl; lv_coord_t size_tmp; lv_coord_t scrl_w = lv_obj_get_width(scrl); lv_coord_t scrl_h = lv_obj_get_height(scrl); lv_coord_t hpad = style->body.padding.hor; lv_coord_t vpad = style->body.padding.ver; lv_coord_t obj_w = lv_obj_get_width(page); lv_coord_t obj_h = lv_obj_get_height(page); /*Always let 'scrollbar width' padding above, under, left and right to the scrollbars * else: * - horizontal and vertical scrollbars can overlap on the corners * - if the page has radius the scrollbar can be out of the radius */ lv_coord_t sb_hor_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner, style->body.padding.hor); lv_coord_t sb_ver_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner, style->body.padding.ver); if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_OFF) return; if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_ON) { ext->sb.hor_draw = 1; ext->sb.ver_draw = 1; } /*Invalidate the current (old) scrollbar areas*/ lv_area_t sb_area_tmp; if(ext->sb.hor_draw != 0) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &ext->sb.hor_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); } if(ext->sb.ver_draw != 0) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &ext->sb.ver_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); } if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG && lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_get_act()) == false) { ext->sb.hor_draw = 0; ext->sb.ver_draw = 0; return; } /*Horizontal scrollbar*/ if(scrl_w <= obj_w - 2 * hpad) { /*Full sized scroll bar*/ lv_area_set_width(&ext->sb.hor_area, obj_w - 2 * sb_hor_pad); lv_area_set_pos(&ext->sb.hor_area, sb_hor_pad, obj_h - ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner - ext->sb.style->body.padding.ver); if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_AUTO || ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) ext->sb.hor_draw = 0; } else { size_tmp = (obj_w * (obj_w - (2 * sb_hor_pad))) / (scrl_w + 2 * hpad); if(size_tmp < LV_PAGE_SB_MIN_SIZE) size_tmp = LV_PAGE_SB_MIN_SIZE; lv_area_set_width(&ext->sb.hor_area, size_tmp); lv_area_set_pos(&ext->sb.hor_area, sb_hor_pad + (-(lv_obj_get_x(scrl) - hpad) * (obj_w - size_tmp - 2 * sb_hor_pad)) / (scrl_w + 2 * hpad - obj_w ), obj_h - ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner - ext->sb.style->body.padding.ver); if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_AUTO || ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) ext->sb.hor_draw = 1; } /*Vertical scrollbar*/ if(scrl_h <= obj_h - 2 * vpad) { /*Full sized scroll bar*/ lv_area_set_height(&ext->sb.ver_area, obj_h - 2 * sb_ver_pad); lv_area_set_pos(&ext->sb.ver_area, obj_w - ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner - ext->sb.style->body.padding.hor, sb_ver_pad); if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_AUTO || ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) ext->sb.ver_draw = 0; } else { size_tmp = (obj_h * (obj_h - (2 * sb_ver_pad))) / (scrl_h + 2 * vpad); if(size_tmp < LV_PAGE_SB_MIN_SIZE) size_tmp = LV_PAGE_SB_MIN_SIZE; lv_area_set_height(&ext->sb.ver_area, size_tmp); lv_area_set_pos(&ext->sb.ver_area, obj_w - ext->sb.style->body.padding.inner - ext->sb.style->body.padding.hor, sb_ver_pad + (-(lv_obj_get_y(scrl) - vpad) * (obj_h - size_tmp - 2 * sb_ver_pad)) / (scrl_h + 2 * vpad - obj_h )); if(ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_AUTO || ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) ext->sb.ver_draw = 1; } /*Invalidate the new scrollbar areas*/ if(ext->sb.hor_draw != 0) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &ext->sb.hor_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); } if(ext->sb.ver_draw != 0) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &ext->sb.ver_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); } }
/** * Signal function of the scrollable part of a page * @param scrl pointer to the scrollable object * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_page_scrollable_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_signal(scrl, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; lv_obj_t * page = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl); lv_style_t * page_style = lv_obj_get_style(page); lv_page_ext_t * page_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page); if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) { /*Be sure the width of the scrollable is correct*/ if(lv_cont_get_hor_fit(scrl) == false) { lv_obj_set_width(scrl, lv_obj_get_width(page) - 2 * page_style->body.padding.hor); } /*Limit the position of the scrollable object to be always visible * (Do not let its edge inner then its parent respective edge)*/ lv_coord_t new_x; lv_coord_t new_y; bool refr_x = false; bool refr_y = false; lv_area_t page_cords; lv_area_t scrl_cords; lv_coord_t hpad = page_style->body.padding.hor; lv_coord_t vpad = page_style->body.padding.ver; new_x = lv_obj_get_x(scrl); new_y = lv_obj_get_y(scrl); lv_obj_get_coords(scrl, &scrl_cords); lv_obj_get_coords(page, &page_cords); /*scrollable width smaller then page width? -> align to left*/ if(lv_area_get_width(&scrl_cords) + 2 * hpad < lv_area_get_width(&page_cords)) { if(scrl_cords.x1 != page_cords.x1 + hpad) { new_x = hpad; refr_x = true; } } else { /*The edges of the scrollable can not be in the page (minus hpad) */ if(scrl_cords.x2 < page_cords.x2 - hpad) { new_x = lv_area_get_width(&page_cords) - lv_area_get_width(&scrl_cords) - hpad; /* Right align */ refr_x = true; } if (scrl_cords.x1 > page_cords.x1 + hpad) { new_x = hpad; /*Left align*/ refr_x = true; } } /*scrollable height smaller then page height? -> align to left*/ if(lv_area_get_height(&scrl_cords) + 2 * vpad < lv_area_get_height(&page_cords)) { if(scrl_cords.y1 != page_cords.y1 + vpad) { new_y = vpad; refr_y = true; } } else { /*The edges of the scrollable can not be in the page (minus vpad) */ if(scrl_cords.y2 < page_cords.y2 - vpad) { new_y = lv_area_get_height(&page_cords) - lv_area_get_height(&scrl_cords) - vpad; /* Bottom align */ refr_y = true; } if (scrl_cords.y1 > page_cords.y1 + vpad) { new_y = vpad; /*Top align*/ refr_y = true; } } if(refr_x != false || refr_y != false) { lv_obj_set_pos(scrl, new_x, new_y); } lv_page_sb_refresh(page); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_END) { /*Hide scrollbars if required*/ if(page_ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) { lv_area_t sb_area_tmp; if(page_ext->sb.hor_draw) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &page_ext->sb.hor_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); page_ext->sb.hor_draw = 0; } if(page_ext->sb.ver_draw) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &page_ext->sb.ver_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); page_ext->sb.ver_draw = 0; } } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSED) { if(page_ext->pr_action != NULL) { page_ext->pr_action(page); } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) { if(lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_get_act()) == false) { if(page_ext->rel_action != NULL) { page_ext->rel_action(page); } } } return res; }