Esempio n. 1
 * Create a label objects
 * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new label
 * @param copy pointer to a button object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
 * @return pointer to the created button
lv_obj_t * lv_label_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
    /*Create a basic object*/
    lv_obj_t * new_label = lv_obj_create(par, copy);
    if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(new_label);
    /*Extend the basic object to a label object*/
    lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_label, sizeof(lv_label_ext_t));
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(new_label);
    ext->text = NULL;
    ext->static_txt = 0;
    ext->recolor = 0;
    ext->no_break = 0;
    ext->body_draw = 0;
    ext->align = LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT;
    ext->dot_end = LV_LABEL_DOT_END_INV;
    ext->long_mode = LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND;
    ext->anim_speed = LV_LABEL_SCROLL_SPEED;
    ext->offset.x = 0;
    ext->offset.y = 0;
	lv_obj_set_design_func(new_label, lv_label_design);
	lv_obj_set_signal_func(new_label, lv_label_signal);

    /*Init the new label*/
    if(copy == NULL) {
		lv_obj_set_click(new_label, false);
		lv_label_set_long_mode(new_label, LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND);
		lv_label_set_text(new_label, "Text");
        lv_label_set_style(new_label, NULL);        /*Inherit parent's style*/
    /*Copy 'copy' if not NULL*/
    else {
        lv_label_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy);
        lv_label_set_long_mode(new_label, lv_label_get_long_mode(copy));
        lv_label_set_recolor(new_label, lv_label_get_recolor(copy));
        lv_label_set_body_draw(new_label, lv_label_get_body_draw(copy));
        lv_label_set_align(new_label, lv_label_get_align(copy));
        if(copy_ext->static_txt == 0) lv_label_set_text(new_label, lv_label_get_text(copy));
        else lv_label_set_static_text(new_label, lv_label_get_text(copy));

        /*In DOT mode save the text byte-to-byte because a '\0' can be in the middle*/
        if(copy_ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT) {
            ext->text = lv_mem_realloc(ext->text, lv_mem_get_size(copy_ext->text));
            memcpy(ext->text, copy_ext->text, lv_mem_get_size(copy_ext->text));

        memcpy(ext->dot_tmp, copy_ext->dot_tmp, sizeof(ext->dot_tmp));
        ext->dot_end = copy_ext->dot_end;

        /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
    return new_label;
Esempio n. 2
 * Handle the drawing related tasks of the rollers
 * @param roller pointer to an object
 * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area
 * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area
 *                                  (return 'true' if yes)
 *             LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true')
 *             LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn
 * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode'
static bool lv_roller_design(lv_obj_t * roller, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode)
    /*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/
    if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) {
    	return false;
    /*Draw the object*/
    else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) {
        draw_bg(roller, mask);

        lv_style_t *style = lv_roller_get_style(roller, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_BG);
        const lv_font_t * font = style->text.font;
        lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller);
        lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height_scale(font);
        lv_area_t rect_area;
        rect_area.y1 = roller->coords.y1 + lv_obj_get_height(roller) / 2 - font_h / 2 - style->text.line_space / 2;
        rect_area.y2 = rect_area.y1 + font_h + style->text.line_space;
        rect_area.x1 = roller->coords.x1;
        rect_area.x2 = roller->coords.x2;

        lv_draw_rect(&rect_area, mask, ext->ddlist.sel_style);
    /*Post draw when the children are drawn*/
    else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) {
        lv_style_t *style = lv_roller_get_style(roller, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_BG);
        lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller);
        const lv_font_t * font = style->text.font;
        lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height_scale(font);

        /*Redraw the text on the selected area with a different color*/
        lv_area_t rect_area;
        rect_area.y1 = roller->coords.y1 + lv_obj_get_height(roller) / 2 - font_h / 2 - style->text.line_space / 2;
        rect_area.y2 = rect_area.y1 + font_h + style->text.line_space;
        rect_area.x1 = roller->coords.x1;
        rect_area.x2 = roller->coords.x2;
        lv_area_t mask_sel;
        bool area_ok;
        area_ok = lv_area_union(&mask_sel, mask, &rect_area);
        if(area_ok) {
            lv_style_t *sel_style = lv_roller_get_style(roller, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_SEL);
            lv_style_t new_style;
            lv_style_copy(&new_style, style);
            new_style.text.color = sel_style->text.color;
            new_style.text.opa = sel_style->text.opa;
            lv_draw_label(&ext->ddlist.label->coords, &mask_sel, &new_style,
                          lv_label_get_text(ext->ddlist.label), LV_TXT_FLAG_CENTER, NULL);

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * Set the behavior of the label with longer text then the object size
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param long_mode the new mode from 'lv_label_long_mode' enum.
void lv_label_set_long_mode(lv_obj_t * label, lv_label_long_mode_t long_mode)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);

    /*Delete the old animation (if exists)*/
    lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_x);
    lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y);
    lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_label_set_offset_x);
    lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_label_set_offset_y);
    ext->offset.x = 0;
    ext->offset.y = 0;

    if(long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL) ext->expand = 1;
    else ext->expand = 0;

    /*Restore the character under the dots*/
    if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT && ext->dot_end != LV_LABEL_DOT_END_INV) {

    ext->long_mode = long_mode;
Esempio n. 4
 * Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param text '\0' terminated character string. NULL to refresh with the current text.
void lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);

    /*If text is NULL then refresh */
    if(text == NULL) {

    if(ext->text == text) {
        /*If set its own text then reallocate it (maybe its size changed)*/
        ext->text = lv_mem_realloc(ext->text, strlen(ext->text) + 1);
    } else {
        /*Allocate space for the new text*/
        uint32_t len = strlen(text) + 1;
        if(ext->text != NULL && ext->static_txt == 0) {
            ext->text = NULL;

        ext->text = lv_mem_alloc(len);
        strcpy(ext->text, text);
        ext->static_txt = 0;    /*Now the text is dynamically allocated*/

Esempio n. 5
 * Handle the drawing related tasks of the sliders
 * @param slider pointer to an object
 * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area
 * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area
 *                                  (return 'true' if yes)
 *             LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true')
 *             LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn
 * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode'
static bool lv_slider_design(lv_obj_t * slider, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode)
    /*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/
    if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) {
    	return false;
    /*Draw the object*/
    else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) {
        lv_slider_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(slider);

        lv_style_t * style_bg = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG);
        lv_style_t * style_knob = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB);
        lv_style_t * style_indic = lv_slider_get_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC);

        lv_coord_t slider_w = lv_area_get_width(&slider->coords);
        lv_coord_t slider_h = lv_area_get_height(&slider->coords);

        /*Draw the bar*/
        lv_area_t area_bg;
        lv_area_copy(&area_bg, &slider->coords);

        /*Be sure at least LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN  size will remain*/
        lv_coord_t pad_ver_bg = style_bg->body.padding.ver;
        lv_coord_t pad_hor_bg = style_bg->body.padding.hor;
        if(pad_ver_bg * 2 + LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN > lv_area_get_height(&area_bg)) {
            pad_ver_bg = (lv_area_get_height(&area_bg) - LV_SLIDER_SIZE_MIN) >> 1;
Esempio n. 6
 * Get the value of a slider
 * @param slider pointer to a slider object
 * @return the value of the slider
int16_t lv_slider_get_value(lv_obj_t * slider)
    lv_slider_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(slider);

    if(ext->drag_value != LV_SLIDER_NOT_PRESSED) return ext->drag_value;
    else return lv_bar_get_value(slider);
Esempio n. 7
 * Set the scale settings of a gauge
 * @param gauge pointer to a gauge object
 * @param angle angle of the scale (0..360)
 * @param line_cnt count of scale lines
 * @param label_cnt count of scale labels
void lv_gauge_set_scale(lv_obj_t * gauge, uint16_t angle, uint8_t line_cnt, uint8_t label_cnt)
    lv_lmeter_set_scale(gauge, angle, line_cnt);

    lv_gauge_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(gauge);
    ext->label_count = label_cnt;
Esempio n. 8
 * Turn ON the switch
 * @param sw pointer to a switch object
void lv_sw_on(lv_obj_t * sw)
    lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
    lv_slider_set_value(sw, LV_SWITCH_SLIDER_ANIM_MAX);

    lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_on);
Esempio n. 9
 * Refresh the position of the roller. It uses the id stored in: ext->ddlist.selected_option_id
 * @param roller pointer to a roller object
 * @param anim_en true: refresh with animation; false: without animation
static void refr_position(lv_obj_t *roller, bool anim_en)
    lv_obj_t *roller_scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(roller);
    lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller);
    lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->ddlist.label);
    const lv_font_t * font = style_label->text.font;
    lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height_scale(font);
    lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(roller);
    int32_t id = ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id;
    lv_coord_t line_y1 = id * (font_h + style_label->text.line_space) + ext->ddlist.label->coords.y1 - roller_scrl->coords.y1;
    lv_coord_t new_y = - line_y1 + (h - font_h) / 2;

    if(ext->ddlist.anim_time == 0 || anim_en == false) {
        lv_obj_set_y(roller_scrl, new_y);
    } else {
        lv_anim_t a;
        a.var = roller_scrl;
        a.start = lv_obj_get_y(roller_scrl);
        a.end = new_y;
        a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_y;
        a.path = lv_anim_path_linear;
        a.end_cb = NULL;
        a.act_time = 0;
        a.time = ext->ddlist.anim_time;
        a.playback = 0;
        a.playback_pause = 0;
        a.repeat = 0;
        a.repeat_pause = 0;
Esempio n. 10
void lv_sw_set_anim_time(lv_obj_t *sw, uint16_t anim_time)
    lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
    ext->anim_time = anim_time;
Esempio n. 11
 * Insert a text to the label. The label text can not be static.
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param pos character index to insert. Expressed in character index and not byte index (Different in UTF-8)
 *            0: before first char.
 *            LV_LABEL_POS_LAST: after last char.
 * @param txt pointer to the text to insert
void lv_label_ins_text(lv_obj_t * label, uint32_t pos,  const char * txt)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);

    /*Can not append to static text*/
    if(ext->static_txt != 0) return;


    /*Allocate space for the new text*/
    uint32_t old_len = strlen(ext->text);
    uint32_t ins_len = strlen(txt);
    uint32_t new_len = ins_len + old_len;
    ext->text = lv_mem_realloc(ext->text, new_len + 1);

    if(pos == LV_LABEL_POS_LAST) {
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 == 0
        pos = old_len;
        pos = lv_txt_get_length(ext->text);

    lv_txt_ins(ext->text, pos, txt);

Esempio n. 12
 * Set the label to ignore (or accept) line breaks on '\n'
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param no_break_en true: ignore line breaks, false: make line breaks on '\n'
void lv_label_set_no_break(lv_obj_t * label, bool no_break_en)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);
    ext->no_break = no_break_en == false ? 0 : 1;

Esempio n. 13
 * Set the height to show the given number of rows (options)
 * @param roller pointer to a roller object
 * @param row_cnt number of desired visible rows
void lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(lv_obj_t *roller, uint8_t row_cnt)
    lv_roller_ext_t *ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller);
    lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->ddlist.label);
    lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(roller, lv_font_get_height_scale(style_label->text.font) * row_cnt + style_label->text.line_space * (row_cnt));

Esempio n. 14
 * Turn OFF the switch
 * @param sw pointer to a switch object
void lv_sw_off(lv_obj_t * sw)
    lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
    lv_slider_set_value(sw, 0);

    lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_off);
Esempio n. 15
 * Get a style of a switch
 * @param sw pointer to a  switch object
 * @param type which style should be get
 * @return style pointer to a style
lv_style_t * lv_sw_get_style(const lv_obj_t * sw, lv_sw_style_t type)
    lv_style_t * style = NULL;
    lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);

    switch(type) {
        case LV_SW_STYLE_BG:
            style = lv_slider_get_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG);
        case LV_SW_STYLE_INDIC:
            style = lv_slider_get_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC);
        case LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_OFF:
            style = ext->style_knob_off;
        case LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_ON:
            style = ext->style_knob_on;
            style = NULL;

    return style;
Esempio n. 16
 * Enable the recoloring by in-line commands
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param recolor_en true: enable recoloring, false: disable
void lv_label_set_recolor(lv_obj_t * label, bool recolor_en)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);

    ext->recolor = recolor_en == false ? 0 : 1;

    lv_label_refr_text(label);  /*Refresh the text because the potential colo codes in text needs to be hided or revealed*/
Esempio n. 17
 * Turn OFF the switch with an animation
 * @param sw pointer to a switch object
void lv_sw_off_anim(lv_obj_t * sw)
    lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
    if(lv_sw_get_anim_time(sw) > 0)  lv_sw_anim_to_value(sw, 0);
    else lv_slider_set_value(sw, 0);

    lv_slider_set_style(sw, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, ext->style_knob_off);
Esempio n. 18
 * Set the scroll bar mode on a page
 * @param page pointer to a page object
 * @param sb.mode the new mode from 'lv_page_sb.mode_t' enum
void lv_page_set_sb_mode(lv_obj_t * page, lv_sb_mode_t sb_mode)
    lv_page_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page);
    ext->sb.mode = sb_mode;
    ext->sb.hor_draw = 0;
    ext->sb.ver_draw = 0;
Esempio n. 19
 * Set the brightness of a LED object
 * @param led pointer to a LED object
 * @param bright 0 (max. dark) ... 255 (max. light)
void lv_led_set_bright(lv_obj_t * led, uint8_t bright)
	/*Set the brightness*/
	lv_led_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(led);
	ext->bright = bright;

	/*Invalidate the object there fore it will be redrawn*/
Esempio n. 20
 * Set the label to draw (or not draw) background specified in its style's body
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param body_en true: draw body; false: don't draw body
void lv_label_set_body_draw(lv_obj_t *label, bool body_en)
    lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);
    ext->body_draw = body_en == false ? 0 : 1;


Esempio n. 21
 * Set the open/close animation time.
 * @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
 * @param anim_time: open/close animation time [ms]
void lv_ddlist_set_anim_time(lv_obj_t * ddlist, uint16_t anim_time)
    lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ddlist);
    anim_time = 0;

    ext->anim_time = anim_time;
Esempio n. 22
 * Set the fix height for the drop down list
 * If 0 then the opened ddlist will be auto. sized else the set height will be applied.
 * @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
 * @param h the height when the list is opened (0: auto size)
void lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_coord_t h)
    lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ddlist);
    if(ext->fix_height == h) return;

    ext->fix_height = h;

    lv_ddlist_refr_size(ddlist, false);
Esempio n. 23
 * Get the value of a needle
 * @param gauge pointer to gauge object
 * @param needle the id of the needle
 * @return the value of the needle [min,max]
int16_t lv_gauge_get_value(lv_obj_t * gauge,  uint8_t needle)
    lv_gauge_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(gauge);
    int16_t min = lv_gauge_get_min_value(gauge);

    if(needle >= ext->needle_count) return min;

    return ext->values[needle];
Esempio n. 24
 * Set the label's animation speed in LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL and SCROLL modes
 * @param label pointer to a label object
 * @param anim_speed speed of animation in px/sec unit
void lv_label_set_anim_speed(lv_obj_t *label, uint16_t anim_speed)
    lv_label_ext_t *ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);
    ext->anim_speed = anim_speed;

    if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL || ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL) {
Esempio n. 25
 * Set the align of the label (left or center)
 * @param label pointer to a label object
void lv_label_set_align(lv_obj_t *label, lv_label_align_t align)
    lv_label_ext_t *ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label);

    ext->align = align;

    lv_obj_invalidate(label);       /*Enough to invalidate because alignment is only drawing related (lv_refr_label_text() not required)*/

Esempio n. 26
 * Close (Collapse) the drop down list
 * @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
 * @param anim_en true: use animation; false: not use animations
void lv_ddlist_close(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool anim_en)
    anim_en = false;
    lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ddlist);
    ext->opened = 0;
    lv_obj_set_drag(lv_page_get_scrl(ddlist), false);
    lv_ddlist_refr_size(ddlist, anim_en);
Esempio n. 27
uint16_t lv_sw_get_anim_time(const lv_obj_t *sw)

	lv_sw_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(sw);
	return ext->anim_time;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 28
 * Focus on an object. It ensures that the object will be visible on the page.
 * @param page pointer to a page object
 * @param obj pointer to an object to focus (must be on the page)
 * @param anim_time scroll animation time in milliseconds (0: no animation)
void lv_page_focus(lv_obj_t * page, lv_obj_t * obj, uint16_t anim_time)
    lv_page_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page);
    lv_style_t * style = lv_page_get_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_BG);
    lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_page_get_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SCRL);

    lv_coord_t obj_y = obj->coords.y1 - ext->scrl->coords.y1;
    lv_coord_t obj_h = lv_obj_get_height(obj);
    lv_coord_t scrlable_y = lv_obj_get_y(ext->scrl);
    lv_coord_t page_h = lv_obj_get_height(page);

    lv_coord_t top_err = -(scrlable_y + obj_y);
    lv_coord_t bot_err = scrlable_y + obj_y + obj_h - page_h;

    /*If obj is higher then the page focus where the "error" is smaller*/

    /*Out of the page on the top*/
    if((obj_h <= page_h && top_err > 0) ||
       (obj_h > page_h && top_err < bot_err)) {
        /*Calculate a new position and let some space above*/
        scrlable_y = -(obj_y - style_scrl->body.padding.ver - style->body.padding.ver);
        scrlable_y += style_scrl->body.padding.ver;
    /*Out of the page on the bottom*/
    else if((obj_h <= page_h && bot_err > 0) ||
            (obj_h > page_h && top_err >= bot_err)) {
        /*Calculate a new position and let some space below*/
        scrlable_y = -obj_y;
        scrlable_y += page_h - obj_h;
        scrlable_y -= style_scrl->body.padding.ver;
    } else {
        /*Already in focus*/

    if(anim_time == 0) {
        lv_obj_set_y(ext->scrl, scrlable_y);
    else {
        lv_anim_t a;
        a.act_time = 0;
        a.start = lv_obj_get_y(ext->scrl);
        a.end = scrlable_y;
        a.time = anim_time;
        a.end_cb = NULL;
        a.playback = 0;
        a.repeat = 0;
        a.var = ext->scrl;
        a.path = lv_anim_path_linear;
        a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y;
Esempio n. 29
 * Signal function of the roller
 * @param roller pointer to a roller object
 * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
 * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
 * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted
static lv_res_t lv_roller_signal(lv_obj_t * roller, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
    lv_res_t res  = LV_RES_OK;

    /*Don't let the drop down list to handle the control signals. It works differently*/
    if(sign != LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL && sign != LV_SIGNAL_FOCUS && sign != LV_SIGNAL_DEFOCUS) {
         /* Include the ancient signal function */
        res = ancestor_signal(roller, sign, param);
        if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res;

    lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller);
    if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_STYLE_CHG) {
                             lv_obj_get_height(ext->ddlist.label) + lv_obj_get_height(roller));
        lv_obj_align(ext->ddlist.label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
        lv_ddlist_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id);
        refr_position(roller, false);
    } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) {

        if(lv_obj_get_width(roller) != lv_area_get_width(param) ||
           lv_obj_get_height(roller) != lv_area_get_height(param)) {

            lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(roller, lv_obj_get_height(roller));
                                 lv_obj_get_height(ext->ddlist.label) + lv_obj_get_height(roller));

            lv_obj_align(ext->ddlist.label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
            lv_ddlist_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id);
            refr_position(roller, false);
    } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL) {
        char c = *((char*)param);
        if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_RIGHT || c == LV_GROUP_KEY_DOWN) {
            if(ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id +1 < ext->ddlist.option_cnt) {

                lv_roller_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id + 1, true);
                if(ext->ddlist.action != NULL) {
        } else if(c == LV_GROUP_KEY_LEFT || c == LV_GROUP_KEY_UP) {
            if(ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id > 0) {
                lv_roller_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id - 1, true);
                if(ext->ddlist.action != NULL) {

    return res;
Esempio n. 30
 * Create a gauge objects
 * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new gauge
 * @param copy pointer to a gauge object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
 * @return pointer to the created gauge
lv_obj_t * lv_gauge_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
    /*Create the ancestor gauge*/
    lv_obj_t * new_gauge = lv_lmeter_create(par, copy);

    /*Allocate the gauge type specific extended data*/
    lv_gauge_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_gauge, sizeof(lv_gauge_ext_t));

    /*Initialize the allocated 'ext' */
    ext->needle_count = 0;
    ext->values = NULL;
    ext->needle_colors = NULL;
    ext->label_count = LV_GAUGE_DEF_LABEL_COUNT;
    if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_func(new_gauge);
    if(ancestor_design == NULL) ancestor_design = lv_obj_get_design_func(new_gauge);

    /*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/
    lv_obj_set_signal_func(new_gauge, lv_gauge_signal);
    lv_obj_set_design_func(new_gauge, lv_gauge_design);

    /*Init the new gauge gauge*/
    if(copy == NULL) {
        lv_gauge_set_scale(new_gauge, LV_GAUGE_DEF_ANGLE, LV_GAUGE_DEF_LINE_COUNT, LV_GAUGE_DEF_LABEL_COUNT);
        lv_gauge_set_needle_count(new_gauge, 1, NULL);
        lv_gauge_set_critical_value(new_gauge, 80);
        lv_obj_set_size(new_gauge, 2 * LV_DPI, 2 * LV_DPI);

        /*Set the default styles*/
        lv_theme_t *th = lv_theme_get_current();
        if(th) {
            lv_gauge_set_style(new_gauge, th->gauge);
        } else {
            lv_gauge_set_style(new_gauge, &lv_style_pretty_color);
    /*Copy an existing gauge*/
    else {
    	lv_gauge_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy);
        lv_gauge_set_needle_count(new_gauge, copy_ext->needle_count, copy_ext->needle_colors);

        uint8_t i;
        for(i = 0; i < ext->needle_count; i++) {
            ext->values[i] = copy_ext->values[i];
        ext->label_count = copy_ext->label_count;
        /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/

    return new_gauge;