Esempio n. 1
bool signerSignMsg(MyMessage &msg)
	bool ret;
	// If destination is known to require signed messages and we are the sender,
	// sign this message unless it is identified as an exception
	if (DO_SIGN(msg.destination) && msg.sender == getNodeId()) {
		if (skipSign(msg)) {
			ret = true;
		} else {
			// Send nonce-request
			if (!_sendRoute(build(_msgSign, msg.destination, msg.sensor, C_INTERNAL,
			                      I_NONCE_REQUEST).set(""))) {
				SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Failed to transmit nonce request!\n"));
				ret = false;
			} else {
				SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Nonce requested from %d. Waiting...\n"), msg.destination);
				// We have to wait for the nonce to arrive before we can sign our original message
				// Other messages could come in-between. We trust _process() takes care of them
				unsigned long enter = hwMillis();
				_msgSign = msg; // Copy the message to sign since message buffer might be touched in _process()
				while (hwMillis() - enter < MY_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS &&
				        _signingNonceStatus==SIGN_WAITING_FOR_NONCE) {
				if (hwMillis() - enter > MY_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS) {
					SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Timeout waiting for nonce!\n"));
					ret = false;
				} else {
					if (_signingNonceStatus == SIGN_OK) {
						// process() received a nonce and signerProcessInternal successfully signed the message
						msg = _msgSign; // Write the signed message back
						SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Message to send has been signed\n"));
						ret = true;
						// After this point, only the 'last' member of the message structure is allowed to be altered if the
						// message has been signed, or signature will become invalid and the message rejected by the receiver
					} else {
						SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Message to send could not be signed!\n"));
						ret = false;
	} else if (getNodeId() == msg.sender) {
		mSetSigned(msg, 0); // Message is not supposed to be signed, make sure it is marked unsigned
		SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Will not sign message for destination %d as it does not require it\n"),
		ret = true;
	} else {
		SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Will not sign message since it was from %d and we are %d\n"), msg.sender,
		ret = true;
	ret = true;
	return ret;
bool signerAtsha204SoftSignMsg(MyMessage &msg) {
	// If we cannot fit any signature in the message, refuse to sign it
	if (mGetLength(msg) > MAX_PAYLOAD-2) {
		DEBUG_SIGNING_PRINTBUF(F("Message too large"), NULL, 0);
		return false; 

	// Calculate signature of message
	mSetSigned(msg, 1); // make sure signing flag is set before signature is calculated

	if (DO_WHITELIST(msg.destination)) {
		// Salt the signature with the senders nodeId and the (hopefully) unique serial The Creator has provided
		for (int i=0; i<32; i++) _signing_sha256.write(_signing_hmac[i]);
		for (int i=0; i<SHA204_SERIAL_SZ; i++) _signing_sha256.write(_signing_node_serial_info[i]);
		memcpy(_signing_hmac, _signing_sha256.result(), 32);
		DEBUG_SIGNING_PRINTBUF(F("SHA256: "), _signing_hmac, 32);
		DEBUG_SIGNING_PRINTBUF(F("Signature salted with serial"), NULL, 0);

	// Overwrite the first byte in the signature with the signing identifier
	_signing_hmac[0] = SIGNING_IDENTIFIER;

	// Transfer as much signature data as the remaining space in the message permits
	memcpy(&[mGetLength(msg)], _signing_hmac, MAX_PAYLOAD-mGetLength(msg));
	DEBUG_SIGNING_PRINTBUF(F("Signature in message: "), (uint8_t*)&[mGetLength(msg)], MAX_PAYLOAD-mGetLength(msg));

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool signerVerifyMsg(MyMessage &msg)
	bool verificationResult = true;
	// Before processing message, reject unsigned messages if signing is required and check signature
	// (if it is signed and addressed to us)
	// Note that we do not care at all about any signature found if we do not require signing
	// If we are a node, or we are a gateway and the sender require signatures (or just a strict gw)
	// and we are the destination...
	if (msg.destination == getNodeId()) {
	if ((!MY_IS_GATEWAY || DO_SIGN(msg.sender)) && msg.destination == getNodeId()) {
		// Internal messages of certain types are not verified
		if (skipSign(msg)) {
			verificationResult = true;
		} else if (!mGetSigned(msg)) {
			// Got unsigned message that should have been signed
			SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Message is not signed, but it should have been!\n"));
			verificationResult = false;
		} else {
			if (!signerBackendVerifyMsg(msg)) {
				SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Signature verification failed!\n"));
				verificationResult = false;
			if (verificationResult) {
				// On successful verification, clear lock counters
				nof_nonce_requests = 0;
				nof_failed_verifications = 0;
			} else {
				SIGN_DEBUG(PSTR("Failed verification attempts left until lockdown: %d\n"),
				if (nof_failed_verifications >= MY_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER_MAX) {
					_nodeLock("TMFV"); //Too many failed verifications
			mSetSigned(msg,0); // Clear the sign-flag now as verification is completed
	return verificationResult;

static uint8_t sha256_hash[32];
Sha256Class _soft_sha256;

void signerSha256Init(void)
	memset(sha256_hash, 0, 32);