Esempio n. 1
 *  Format an authentication response. This is typically a 401 response code.
static void formatAuthResponse(MaConn *conn, MaAuth *auth, int code, char *msg, char *logMsg)
    MaRequest       *req;
    char            *qopClass, *nonceStr, *etag;

    req = conn->request;
    if (logMsg == 0) {
        logMsg = msg;

    mprLog(conn, 3, "formatAuthResponse: code %d, %s\n", code, logMsg);

    if (auth->type == MA_AUTH_BASIC) {
        maSetHeader(conn, 0, "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"%s\"", auth->requiredRealm);

    } else if (auth->type == MA_AUTH_DIGEST) {

        qopClass = auth->qop;

         *  Use the etag as our opaque string
        etag = conn->response->etag;
        if (etag == 0) {
            etag = "";
        if (etag[0] == '"') {
            etag = mprStrdup(req, etag);
            etag = mprStrTrim(etag, "\"");
        mprCalcDigestNonce(req, &nonceStr, conn->host->secret, etag, auth->requiredRealm);

        if (strcmp(qopClass, "auth") == 0) {
            maSetHeader(conn, 0, "WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\"%s\", domain=\"%s\", "
                "qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\", algorithm=\"MD5\", stale=\"FALSE\"", 
                auth->requiredRealm, conn->host->name, nonceStr, etag);

        } else if (strcmp(qopClass, "auth-int") == 0) {
            maSetHeader(conn, 0, "WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\"%s\", domain=\"%s\", "
                "qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\", algorithm=\"MD5\", stale=\"FALSE\"", 
                auth->requiredRealm, conn->host->name, nonceStr, etag);

        } else {
            maSetHeader(conn, 0, "WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\"", auth->requiredRealm, nonceStr);

    maFailRequest(conn, code, "Authentication Error: %s", msg);
Esempio n. 2
static void openPhp(MaQueue *q)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaConn          *conn;

    conn = q->conn;
    if (!q->stage->stageData) {
        if (initializePhp(conn->http) < 0) {
            maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "PHP initialization failed");
        q->stage->stageData = (void*) 1;
    resp = conn->response;
    req = conn->request;

    switch (req->method) {
    case MA_REQ_GET:
    case MA_REQ_HEAD:
    case MA_REQ_POST:
    case MA_REQ_PUT:
        q->queueData = mprAllocObjZeroed(resp, MaPhp);
        maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    case MA_REQ_DELETE:
        maFailRequest(q->conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD, "Method not supported by file handler: %s", req->methodName);
Esempio n. 3
 *  Run the Ejscript request. The routine runs when all input data has been received.
static void runEjs(MaQueue *q)
    MaConn      *conn;
    MaRequest   *req;
    EjsWeb      *web;
    char        msg[MPR_MAX_STRING];

    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    web = q->queueData = conn->response->handlerData;

    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);

    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(conn), 0);

    if (ejsRunWebRequest(web) < 0) {
        //  TODO - refactor. Want request failed to have an option which says send this output to the client also.
        if (web->flags & EJS_WEB_FLAG_BROWSER_ERRORS) {
            //  TODO - this API should allocate a buffer and not use a static buffer
            mprEscapeHtml(msg, sizeof(msg), web->error);
            maFormatBody(conn, "Request Failed", 
                "<h1>Ejscript error for \"%s\"</h1>\r\n<h2>%s</h2>\r\n"
                "<p>To prevent errors being displayed in the browser, "
                "use <b>\"EjsErrors log\"</b> in the config file.</p>\r\n",
            web->url, web->error);
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, web->error);
    maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(conn), 1);
Esempio n. 4
static void runDir(MaQueue *q)
    MaConn          *conn;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaRequest       *req;
    MprList         *list;
    MprDirEntry     *dp;
    Dir             *dir;
    cchar           *filename;
    uint            nameSize;
    int             next;

    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;
    dir = q->stage->stageData;

    filename = resp->filename;

    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(q), 0);


    list = mprGetPathFiles(conn, filename, 1);
    if (list == 0) {
        maWrite(q, "<h2>Can't get file list</h2>\r\n");

    if (dir->pattern) {
        filterDirList(conn, list);

    sortList(conn, list);

     *  Get max filename
    nameSize = 0;
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize);
    nameSize = max(nameSize, 22);

    outputHeader(q, req->url, nameSize);
    for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) {
        outputLine(q, dp, filename, nameSize);

    maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(conn), 1);

Esempio n. 5
static void setHeader(void *handle, bool allowMultiple, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...)
    char        *value;
    va_list     vargs;

    va_start(vargs, fmt);
    mprAllocVsprintf(handle, &value, -1, fmt, vargs);
    maSetHeader(handle, allowMultiple, key, "%s", value);
Esempio n. 6
 *  This runs when all input data has been received. The egi form must write all the data.
 *  It currently does not support forms that return before writing all the data.
static void runEgi(MaQueue *q)
    MaConn          *conn;
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaEgiForm       *form;
    MaEgi           *egi;

    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    egi = (MaEgi*) q->stage->stageData;
    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(conn), 0);

    form = (MaEgiForm*) mprLookupHash(egi->forms, req->url);
    if (form == 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Egi Form: \"%s\" is not defined", req->url);
    } else {
    maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(conn), 1);
Esempio n. 7
static void startCgi(MaQueue *q)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaConn          *conn;
    MprCmd          *cmd;
    MprHash         *hp;
    cchar           *baseName;
    char            **argv, **envv, *fileName;
    int             index, argc, varCount;

    argv = 0;
    argc = 0;
    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    if ((req->form || req->flags & MA_REQ_UPLOADING) && conn->state <= MPR_HTTP_STATE_CONTENT) {
            Delay starting the CGI process if uploading files or a form request. This enables env vars to be defined
            with file upload and form data before starting the CGI gateway.

    cmd = q->queueData = mprCreateCmd(req);
    if (conn->http->forkCallback) {
        cmd->forkCallback = conn->http->forkCallback;
        cmd->forkData = conn->http->forkData;
        Build the commmand line arguments
    argc = 1;                                   /* argv[0] == programName */
    buildArgs(conn, cmd, &argc, &argv);
    fileName = argv[0];

    baseName = mprGetPathBase(q, fileName);
    if (strncmp(baseName, "nph-", 4) == 0 || 
            (strlen(baseName) > 4 && strcmp(&baseName[strlen(baseName) - 4], "-nph") == 0)) {
            Pretend we've seen the header for Non-parsed Header CGI programs
        cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;

        Build environment variables
    varCount = mprGetHashCount(req->headers) + mprGetHashCount(req->formVars);
    envv = (char**) mprAlloc(cmd, (varCount + 1) * (int) sizeof(char*));

    index = 0;
    hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->headers);
    while (hp) {
        if (hp->data) {
            envv[index] = mprStrcat(cmd, -1, hp->key, "=", (char*) hp->data, NULL);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(req->headers, hp);
    hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->formVars);
    while (hp) {
        if (hp->data) {
            envv[index] = mprStrcat(cmd, -1, hp->key, "=", (char*) hp->data, NULL);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(req->formVars, hp);
    envv[index] = 0;
    mprAssert(index <= varCount);

    cmd->stdoutBuf = mprCreateBuf(cmd, MA_BUFSIZE, -1);
    cmd->stderrBuf = mprCreateBuf(cmd, MA_BUFSIZE, -1);
    cmd->lastActivity = mprGetTime(cmd);

    mprSetCmdDir(cmd, mprGetPathDir(q, fileName));
    mprSetCmdCallback(cmd, cgiCallback, conn);

    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(q), 0);

    if (mprStartCmd(cmd, argc, argv, envv, MPR_CMD_IN | MPR_CMD_OUT | MPR_CMD_ERR) < 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Can't run CGI process: %s, URI %s", fileName, req->url);
        This will dedicate this thread to the connection. It will also put the socket into blocking mode.
Esempio n. 8
    Parse the CGI output headers. 
    Sample CGI program:

    Content-type: text/html
static bool parseHeader(MaConn *conn, MprCmd *cmd)
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaQueue         *q;
    MprBuf          *buf;
    char            *endHeaders, *headers, *key, *value, *location;
    int             fd, len;

    resp = conn->response;
    location = 0;
    value = 0;

    buf = mprGetCmdBuf(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    headers = mprGetBufStart(buf);

        Split the headers from the body.
    len = 0;
    fd = mprGetCmdFd(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\r\n\r\n")) == NULL) {
        if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\n\n")) == NULL) {
            if (fd >= 0 && strlen(headers) < MA_MAX_HEADERS) {
                /* Not EOF and less than max headers and have not yet seen an end of headers delimiter */
                return 0;
        } else len = 2;
    } else {
        len = 4;
    if (endHeaders) {
        endHeaders[len - 1] = '\0';
        endHeaders += len;

        Want to be tolerant of CGI programs that omit the status line.
    if (strncmp((char*) buf->start, "HTTP/1.", 7) == 0) {
        if (!parseFirstCgiResponse(conn, cmd)) {
            /* maFailConnection already called */
            return 0;
    if (endHeaders && strchr(mprGetBufStart(buf), ':')) {
        mprLog(conn, 4, "CGI: parseHeader: header\n%s", headers);

        while (mprGetBufLength(buf) > 0 && buf->start[0] && (buf->start[0] != '\r' && buf->start[0] != '\n')) {

            if ((key = getCgiToken(buf, ":")) == 0) {
                maFailConnection(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad header format");
                return 0;
            value = getCgiToken(buf, "\n");
            while (isspace((int) *value)) {
            len = (int) strlen(value);
            while (len > 0 && (value[len - 1] == '\r' || value[len - 1] == '\n')) {
                value[len - 1] = '\0';

            if (strcmp(key, "location") == 0) {
                location = value;

            } else if (strcmp(key, "status") == 0) {
                maSetResponseCode(conn, atoi(value));

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-type") == 0) {
                maSetResponseMimeType(conn, value);

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-length") == 0) {
                maSetEntityLength(conn, (MprOff) mprAtoi(value, 10));
                resp->chunkSize = 0;

            } else {
                    Now pass all other headers back to the client
                maSetHeader(conn, 0, key, "%s", value);
        buf->start = endHeaders;
    if (location) {
        maRedirect(conn, resp->code, location);
        q = resp->queue[MA_QUEUE_SEND].nextQ;
        maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(q), 1);
    cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 9
 *  When we come here, we've already matched either a location block or an extension
static int run(request_rec *r) 
    EjsDirConfig        *dir;
    EjsServerConfig     *server;
    cchar               *ext;

    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaConn          *conn;
    MaAlias         *alias;
    MaLocation      *location;
    EjsWeb          *web;
    cchar           *sep, *prefix;
    char            *urlBase, *dir, *app, *url, *cp;
    int             flags, locFlags;

    if (!r->handler || strcasecmp(r->handler, "ejs") != 0) {
        return DECLINED;

    dir = getDir(r)
    server = getServer(r->XXX);

    //  EjsAlias should probably be creating a directory block. These flags should probably be in a directory
    if (loc->flags & (MA_LOC_APP | MA_LOC_APP_DIR)) {

         *  Send non-ejs content under web to another handler, typically the file handler.
        if (strncmp(&req->url[loc->prefixLen], "web/", 4) == 0) {
            if (!(ext && strcmp(ext, "ejs") == 0)) {
                return DECLINED;

        } else {
            if (ext && strcmp(ext, "ejs") == 0) {
                maFormatBody(conn, "Bad Request", "Can't serve *.ejs files outside web directory");
                maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Can't server *.ejs files outside web directory");
                return HTTP_XXX;

    flags = 0;
    url = 0;

    locFlags = location->flags;
    if (locFlags & MA_LOC_APP) {
        app = mprStrTrim(mprStrdup(q, prefix), "/");
        url = &req->url[alias->prefixLen];
        dir = mprStrdup(resp, alias->filename);
        if (*url != '/') {
        urlBase = mprStrdup(resp, prefix);
    } else if (locFlags & MA_LOC_APP_DIR) {
        url = &req->url[alias->prefixLen];
        app = mprStrdup(resp, url);
        if ((cp = strchr(app, '/')) != 0) {
            url = mprStrdup(resp, cp);
            *cp = '\0';
        sep = prefix[strlen(prefix) - 1] == '/' ? "" : "/";
        dir = mprStrcat(resp, &dir, alias->filename, sep, app, NULL);
        urlBase = mprStrcat(resp, prefix, sep, app, NULL);

    } else {
        app = 0;
        dir = mprStrdup(resp, alias->filename);
        url = &req->url[alias->prefixLen];
        flags |= EJS_WEB_FLAG_SOLO;
        if (*url != '/') {
        urlBase = mprStrdup(resp, prefix);
    mprStrTrim(urlBase, "/");
    mprStrTrim(dir, "/");
    if (location->flags & MA_LOC_BROWSER) {
    if (location->flags & MA_LOC_AUTO_SESSION) {
        flags |= EJS_WEB_FLAG_SESSION;

     *  Var         Stand-Alone             App                         AppDir
     *  app         0                       carmen                      carmen
     *  dir         /Users/mob/....         /Users/mob/hg/carmen        /Users/mob/hg/carmen
     *  urlBase                             /xg/carmen                  /carmen
     *  url                                 stock                       stock
    web = ejsCreateWebRequest(req, q->stage->stageData, conn, app, dir, urlBase, url, req->cookie, flags);
    if (web == 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't create Ejs web object for %s", req->url);
    q->queueData = web;
    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);

    if (r->method_number != M_GET) {

    if (ejsProcessWebRequest((EjsWeb*) r, &msg) < 0) {
        if (web->flags & EJS_WEB_FLAG_BROWSER_ERRORS) {
            maFormatBody(conn, "Request Failed", "%s", msg);
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, msg);

    ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
    ap_rputs("<html><title>Hello World!</title><body><p>Hello World</p></body></html>\r\n", r);

#if 0
    if ((err = set_content_length(r, r->finfo.st_stize)) || (err = set_last_modified(r, r->finfo.st_mtime)))
        return err;
    if (r->finof.st_mode == 0) 
        return NOT_FOUND;
    fopen(r->filename, "r");

    if (!r->main) {
        /* Not internal redirect */
        apr_table_set(r->headers_out, "X-ejs", "Under construction");
    register_timeout("send", r);
    if (!r->header_only)
        send_fd(f, r);
    pfclose(r->pool, f);

    return OK;
Esempio n. 10
static void setHeader(void *handle, bool allowMultiple, cchar *key, cchar *value)
    maSetHeader(handle, allowMultiple, key, value);