Esempio n. 1
File: mad.c Progetto: wangeek/Egoboo
MAD_REF load_one_model_profile_vfs( const char* tmploadname, const MAD_REF imad )
    mad_t * pmad;
    STRING  newloadname;

    if ( !VALID_MAD_RANGE( imad ) ) return ( MAD_REF )MAX_MAD;
    pmad = MadStack.lst + imad;

    // clear out the mad
    mad_reconstruct( pmad );

    // mark it as used
    pmad->loaded = btrue;

    // Make up a name for the model...  IMPORT\TEMP0000.OBJ
    strncpy( pmad->name, tmploadname, SDL_arraysize( pmad->name ) );
    pmad->name[ SDL_arraysize( pmad->name ) - 1 ] = CSTR_END;

    // Load the imad model
    make_newloadname( tmploadname, "/tris.md2", newloadname );

    // do this for now. maybe make it dynamic later...
    //pmad->md2_ref = imad;

    // load the model from the file
    pmad->md2_ptr = md2_load( vfs_resolveReadFilename( newloadname ), NULL );

    // set the model's file name
    szModelName[0] = CSTR_END;
    if ( NULL != pmad->md2_ptr )
        strncpy( szModelName, vfs_resolveReadFilename( newloadname ), SDL_arraysize( szModelName ) );

        /// @details BB@> Egoboo md2 models were designed with 1 tile = 32x32 units, but internally Egoboo uses
        ///      1 tile = 128x128 units. Previously, this was handled by sprinkling a bunch of
        ///      commands that multiplied various quantities by 4 or by 4.125 throughout the code.
        ///      It was very counterintuitive, and caused me no end of headaches...  Of course the
        ///      solution is to scale the model!
        md2_scale_model( pmad->md2_ptr, -3.5f, 3.5f, 3.5f );

    // Create the actions table for this imad
    mad_rip_actions( pmad );
    mad_heal_actions( pmad, tmploadname );
    mad_finalize( pmad );

    return imad;
Esempio n. 2
void main (int argc, char **argv)
    int menuopen = 0;
    int x, y, x1;
    CEvent cwevent;
    XEvent xevent;
    Window choicewin, editorwin, win3d;

    init_desktop (&desktop);

    stereo_init (argv[0]);

    choicewin = Cdrawwindow ("choicewin", CMain, 0, 0, 10, 10, "");
    Cgethintpos (&x, &y);
    x1 = x;
    Cdrawbutton ("load", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Load Image ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("loadcal", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Load Calibration File ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("showcal", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Display Calibration Points ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("loadd", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Load Previous Desktop ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("saved", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Save Previous Desktop ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("finish", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Quit ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("getpnt", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Triangulate Point        ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("getsurf", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Triangulate Multiple Points (Surface)   ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("getline", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Line from Points     ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("getlineedge", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Line from two Line Projections      ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("getcyl", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Cylinder from Points ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("getcyle", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Cylinder from four Line Projections ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("getcirc", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Circle from Points   ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);
    Cdrawbutton ("getcircedge", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Circle from Ellipses Projections    ");
    Cgethintpos (0, &y);  x = x1;
    Cdrawbutton ("getellipse", choicewin, x, y, AUTO_SIZE,
		 " Fit Ellipse from Points  ");
    Cgethintpos (&x, 0);

    Csetsizehintpos ("choicewin");

    editorwin = Cdrawwindow ("editorwin", CMain, 200, 100, 640 + 18, \
			     450 + 40 + 18 + TEXT_PIX_PER_LINE + 11, "");
    Cdraweditor ("editor", editorwin, 6, 6 + 40,
	       640, 450, "", 0, "/home/terry/stereo-0.2b/tmp/");

    CDrawEditMenuButtons ("em", editorwin, Cwidget ("editor")->winid, 10, 10);

    Caddcallback ("editor", cb_editor);

    Cdraw3dobject ("3dview", win3d = Cdrawwindow ("3dplanewin",
		CMain, 150, 150, WIDTH3D + 100, 16 + HEIGHT3D, ""), 6, 6,
		   WIDTH3D, HEIGHT3D, 1, 256);

    Cdrawbutton ("plshr", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 10, 70, 20, "Shrink");
    Cdrawbutton ("plenl", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 40, 70, 20, "Enlarge");
    Cdrawbutton ("newrender", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 70, 70, 20, "New render");
    Cdrawbutton ("density", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 100, 70, 20, "Density");
    Cdrawbutton ("flattri", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 130, 70, 20, "Flat Triangle");
    Cdrawbutton ("savewin", win3d, WIDTH3D + 20, 160, 70, 20, "Save Window");

    Caddcallback ("getpnt", cb_getpoint);
    Caddcallback ("getellipse", cb_getellipse);
    Caddcallback ("getcircedge", cb_getcircleedge);

    Caddcallback ("load", cb_newimage);

    Caddcallback ("3dview", cb_3dplane);
    Caddcallback ("newrender", cb_newrender);

    Caddcallback ("getsurf", cb_getsurface);
    Caddcallback ("getline", cb_getline);
    Caddcallback ("getcirc", cb_getcircle);
    Caddcallback ("getcyle", cb_getcylinderedge);
    Caddcallback ("getcyl", cb_getcylinder);
    Caddcallback ("getlineedge", cb_getlineedge);

    Caddcallback ("loadcal", cb_loadcal);
    Caddcallback ("showcal", cb_showcal);
    Caddcallback ("saved", cb_save_desktop);
    Caddcallback ("loadd", cb_load_desktop);

    Caddcallback ("savewin", cb_save_window);

    if (argc > 1)
	if (*argv[1] != '-')
	    do_load_desktop (&desktop, argv[1]);

    do {
	CNextEvent (&xevent, &cwevent);

	if (!strcmp (cwevent.ident, "plshr")) {
	    Cwidget ("3dview")->solid->distance += 2400;
	    Cwidget ("3dview")->solid->y_cam += 2400;
	    Credraw3dobject ("3dview", 0);
	if (!strcmp (cwevent.ident, "plenl")) {
	    Cwidget ("3dview")->solid->distance -= 2400;
	    Cwidget ("3dview")->solid->y_cam -= 2400;
	    Credraw3dobject ("3dview", 0);
	if (!strcmp (cwevent.ident, "flattri")) {
	    CWidget *w = Cwidget ("3dview");
	    if (w->solid->option_flags & TDOPTION_FLAT_TRIANGLE) {
		w->solid->option_flags &= 0xFFFFFFFF - TDOPTION_FLAT_TRIANGLE;
	    } else {
		w->solid->option_flags |= TDOPTION_FLAT_TRIANGLE;
	    Credraw3dobject ("3dview", 0);
	if (!strcmp (cwevent.ident, "kill")) {
	    menuopen = 0;
	    Cundrawwidget ("win1");
    } while (strcmp (cwevent.ident, "finish"));

    Cundrawall ();
    mad_finalize (__FILE__, __LINE__);
