Esempio n. 1
int main (/* TODO: add args */)
	int i;

	// Set up the eight magazine threads

	// TODO: Test that the threads started.
	// Sequence streams of packets into VBI fields
	if (i != 0)
		// printf ("Stream thread! It didn't start\n");		
		return 1;
	// Copy VBI to stdout
	if (i != 0)
		// printf ("OutputStream thread! It didn't start\n");
		return 1;
	while (1)
	puts("Finished\n"); // impossible to get here
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
//======================== compass ===================
uint8_t compassInit(void)
{ int ret1,ret2,ret3;
  return ret3;
Esempio n. 3
int main (int argc, char** argv)
	int i;
	char filename[MAXPATH];
	if(argc > 2){
			#ifdef _DEBUG_
			fprintf(stderr,"got directory %s from command line\n",argv[2]);
			strncpy(pagesPath, argv[2], MAXPATH-1); /* copy directory string to global */
	// construct default config file filename from pages directory and default config file name
	// TODO: allow specifying any file from command line
	i = filename[(strlen(filename)-1)];
	if (i != '/' && i != '\\' && strlen(filename) + 1 < MAXPATH)
		strcat(filename, "/"); // append missing trailing slash
	i = strlen(filename) + strlen(CONFIGFILE);
	if (i < MAXPATH){
		strncat(filename,CONFIGFILE, i);
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	fprintf(stderr,"using config file %s\n",filename);
	i = readConfigFile(filename); // read in config from config file
	switch (i){
		case NOCONFIG:
			fprintf(stderr,"No config file found. Using default settings.\n");
			fprintf(stderr,"Config file contains invalid setting: %s\n",configErrorString);
			return 1;
	/* initialize the mutexes we're going to use! */
	InitNu4(); // Prepare the buffers used by Newfor subtitles
	// Start the network port (commands and subtitles)
	// Set up the eight magazine threads

	// TODO: Test that the threads started.
	// Sequence streams of packets into VBI fields
	if (i != 0)
		// printf ("Stream thread! It didn't start\n");		
		return 1;
	// Copy VBI to stdout
	if (i != 0)
		// printf ("OutputStream thread! It didn't start\n");
		return 1;
	while (1)
	fputs("Finished\n",stderr); // impossible to get here
	return 1;
//Initialize all sensors on the IMU board
void IMUinit() {
    //Initialize the I2C bus
    //Disable interrupts while everything is being set up
    //Initialize the gyro
    if(gyroInit(GYRO_RANGE_250DPS)) {
        theFlags.gyroEnabled = TRUE;
        //Set the pin as input
        cbi(DDRE, DDE4);
        //Disable the pullup on the relevant pin
        cbi(PORTE, PORTE4);
        //Attach the DRDY interrupt
        sbi(EICRB, ISC40); //Writing 1 to ISC40 and ISC41 sets interrupt on rising edge
        sbi(EICRB, ISC41);
        sbi(EIMSK, INT4); //Setting INT4 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that))
        //Now wait for DRDY to go low and reenmable it to start everything off
        while(inb(PINE) & _BV(PINE4)) {
            ; //Wait for the port to go low
    } else {
        #ifdef IMU_DEBUG
        printf("Error intitializing the gyro!\r\n");
        theFlags.gyroEnabled = FALSE;
    //Intialize the accelerometer
    if(accelInit()) {
        theFlags.accelEnabled = TRUE;
        //Set the pin as input
        cbi(DDRD, DDD2);
        //Disable the pullup on the relevant pin
        cbi(PORTD, PORTD2);
        //Attach the DRDY interrupt
        sbi(EICRA, ISC20); //Writing 1 to ISC20 and ISC21 sets interrupt on rising edge
        sbi(EICRA, ISC21);
        sbi(EIMSK, INT2); //Setting INT2 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that))
        //Now wait for DRDY to go low and reenable it to start everything off
        while(inb(PINB) & _BV(PINB2)) {
            ; //Wait for the port to go low
    } else {
        #ifdef IMU_DEBUG
        printf("Error intitializing the accelerometer!\r\n");
        theFlags.accelEnabled = FALSE;
    //Initialize the magnetometer
    if(magInit()) {
        theFlags.magEnabled = TRUE;
        //Set the pin as input
        cbi(DDRD, DDD3);
        //Disable the pullup on the DRDY pin
        cbi(PORTD, PORTD3);
        //Attach the DRDY interrupt
        sbi(EICRA, ISC30); //Writing 1 to ISC30 and ISC31 sets interrupt on rising edge
        sbi(EICRA, ISC31);
        sbi(EIMSK, INT3); //Setting INT3 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that))
    } else {
        #ifdef IMU_DEBUG
        printf("Error intitializing the magnetometer!\r\n");
        theFlags.magEnabled = FALSE;
    //Initialize the BMP180 pressure/temp sensor
    if(bmpInit()) {
        theFlags.bmpEnabled = TRUE;
        //Attach the interrupt handler for the timer ticks
        timerSetInterruptCallback( imuTimerTick );
        //Start a temperature measurrement to set everything off
        const u08 toSend[2] = {BMP180_REGISTER_CONTROL, BMP180_REGISTER_READTEMPCMD};
        i2cMasterSendNI(BMP180_ADDRESS, 2, (u08*)&toSend);
        bmpLastStateChange = millis();
    } else {
        #ifdef IMU_DEBUG
        printf("Error intitializing the BMP180!\r\n");
        theFlags.bmpEnabled = FALSE;
    //Attach the custom stop handler after all sensors are initialized
    i2cSetStopHandler( customStopHandler );
    //Re-enable the interrupts