Esempio n. 1
bool pointInTurretSight(turret_struct* t, vect3D p, int32* angle, int32* d2)
	if(!t)return false;
	const int32* m=t->OBB->transformationMatrix;

	const vect3D u=vectDifference(p,vectDivInt(t->OBB->position,4));
	const int32 d=magnitude(u);
	const int32 v=dotProduct(u,vect(m[2],m[5],m[8]));


	return v>mulf32(cosLerp(TURRET_SIGHTANGLE),d);
Esempio n. 2
static void compute_info(RawArray<const Vector<int,4>> bends, RawArray<const T> angles, RawArray<const TV3> X, RawArray<CubicHinges<TV3>::Info> info) {
  for (const int b : range(bends.size())) {
    auto& I = info[b];
    int i0,i1,i2,i3;bends[b].get(i0,i1,i2,i3);
    // Use our ordering for x, Garg et al.'s for e and t.
    const TV3 x0 = X[i0], x1 = X[i1], x2 = X[i2], x3 = X[i3],
              e0 = x2-x1,
              e1 = x3-x1,
              e2 = x0-x1,
              e3 = x3-x2,
              e4 = x0-x2;
    const T cross01 = magnitude(cross(e0,e1)),
            cross02 = magnitude(cross(e0,e2)),
            cross03 = cross01,
            cross04 = cross02,
            dot00 = sqr_magnitude(e0),
            dot01 =  dot(e0,e1),
            dot02 =  dot(e0,e2),
            dot03 = -dot(e0,e3),
            dot04 = -dot(e0,e4),
            cot01 = dot01/cross01,
            cot02 = dot02/cross02,
            cot03 = dot03/cross03,
            cot04 = dot04/cross04,
            max_cot = max(cot01,cot02,cot03,cot04),
            plate = 6/(cross01+cross02),
            beta = (cot01+cot03)*(cot02+cot04)/sqrt(dot00),
            cos_rest = cos(angles[b]),
            sin_rest = sin(angles[b]);
    // Degrade gracefully for bad triangles (those with max_cot > 5)
    const T scale = plate/sqr(max(1,max_cot/5));
    I.base = scale*dot00*(1-cos_rest); = scale*cos_rest;
    I.det = scale*beta*sin_rest;
    I.c.set(-cot02-cot04,cot03+cot04,cot01+cot02,-cot01-cot03); // Use our ordering for vertices
Esempio n. 3
void glfwEditGetCursorPos(GLFWwindow *window, double xpos, double ypos) {

   //printf("%f %f\n", xpos, g_height - ypos);
   lastCurPos = glm::vec2(xpos, g_height - ypos - 1);

   //If in GUI Selection, disable pitch and yaw
   if(eKeysPressed['G'] == 0) {

      if(xpos > g_width || xpos < 0 || ypos < 0 || ypos > g_height) {

      //Get rid of if unneeded
      egaze = GetLookAt() - GetEye();
      ew = glm::vec3(-1.0 * ew.x, -1.0 * ew.y, -1.0 * ew.z);
      ew = glm::normalize(ew);
      eu = glm::cross(GetUp(), ew)/magnitude(glm::cross(GetUp(), ew));
      eu = glm::normalize(eu);

      eendX = xpos;
      eendY = g_height-ypos-1;

      float diff;

      //Calculate change in X
      if(estartX < eendX) {
         diff = eendX - estartX;
         ebeta = incrementYaw((diff * M_PI)/g_width);
      else if(estartX > eendX){
         diff = estartX - eendX;
         ebeta = incrementYaw((-diff * M_PI)/g_width);

      //Calculate change in Y
      if(eendY > estartY && ealpha <= 0.98) {
         diff = eendY - estartY;
         ealpha = incrementPitch((diff * M_PI)/g_width);
      else if(eendY < estartY && ealpha >= -0.98) {
         diff = estartY - eendY;
         ealpha = incrementPitch(-(diff * M_PI)/g_width);

      estartX = g_width/2.0;// = endX;
      estartY = g_height/2.0-1;// endY;

Esempio n. 4
Quaternion Quaternion::GetConjugate() const
	Quaternion result = *this;

	float mag = magnitude(*this);

	result.v = -v;

	if (mag != 0)
		result *= (1 / mag);

	return result;
Esempio n. 5
  Quaternion & Quaternion::normalize() {
    float mplier = magnitude();

    if(INFINTESSIMAL(mplier)) {
      degenerate = true;
      return *this;

    mplier = 1.0f / mplier;

    time *= mplier;
    space *= mplier;

    return *this;
Esempio n. 6
Vector2D computeVelocity(Vector2D start, Vector2D end, COIN *cToBeHit,COIN *cHitBy,Vector2D velRequired)
Vector2D fVel;
double fVelMag = 0;
Vector2D dir;
dir = subtract(&end,&start);
double mag = magnitude(dir.X,dir.Y);
dir.X = dir.X / mag;
dir.Y = dir.Y / mag;
Vector2D vReqDir;

if(cToBeHit == NULL)
fVelMag = sqrt(2 * friction * mag * 1.6f );
fVel.X = dir.X * fVelMag;
fVel.Y = dir.Y * fVelMag;
double reqVel = magnitude(velRequired.X,velRequired.Y);
vReqDir.X = velRequired.X / reqVel;
vReqDir.Y = velRequired.Y / reqVel;
double xpVel = (magnitude(velRequired.X,velRequired.Y) * (cToBeHit->mass + cHitBy->mass))/(cHitBy->mass * (1.0f+eCS));
double cosT = dotProduct(&dir,&vReqDir);
if(cosT < 0) cosT = -cosT;
double iniVelReq = sqrt((xpVel / cosT) * (xpVel / cosT) + 2 * friction * mag * 1.6f);
fVel.X = iniVelReq * dir.X; 
fVel.Y = iniVelReq * dir.Y;
if(iniVelReq > maxPower)
fVel.X = maxPower * dir.X; 
fVel.Y = maxPower * dir.Y;

return fVel;
Esempio n. 7
void dynExprField::apply(
MDataBlock         &block,
int                 receptorSize,
const MDoubleArray &magnitudeArray,
const MDoubleArray &magnitudeOwnerArray,
const MVectorArray &directionArray,
const MVectorArray &directionOwnerArray,
MVectorArray       &outputForce
//      Compute output force for each particle.  If there exists the 
//      corresponding per particle attribute, use the data passed from
//      particle shape (stored in magnitudeArray and directionArray).  
//      Otherwise, use the attribute value from the field.
        // get the default values
	MVector defaultDir = direction(block);
	double  defaultMag = magnitude(block);
	int magArraySize = magnitudeArray.length();
	int dirArraySize = directionArray.length();
	int magOwnerArraySize = magnitudeOwnerArray.length();
	int dirOwnerArraySize = directionOwnerArray.length();
	int numOfOwner = magOwnerArraySize;
	if( dirOwnerArraySize > numOfOwner )
	    numOfOwner = dirOwnerArraySize;

	double  magnitude = defaultMag;
	MVector direction = defaultDir;

	for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < receptorSize; ptIndex ++ ) {
	    if(receptorSize == magArraySize)
	        magnitude = magnitudeArray[ptIndex];
	    if(receptorSize == dirArraySize)
	        direction = directionArray[ptIndex];
	    if( numOfOwner > 0) {
	        for( int nthOwner = 0; nthOwner < numOfOwner; nthOwner++ ) {
		    if(magOwnerArraySize == numOfOwner)
		        magnitude = magnitudeOwnerArray[nthOwner];
		    if(dirOwnerArraySize == numOfOwner)
		        direction = directionOwnerArray[nthOwner];
		    outputForce.append( direction * magnitude );
	    } else {
	        outputForce.append( direction * magnitude );
Esempio n. 8
void calcforces(int nprt,int ndim,double *coord,double *force)
  /* calc forces */
  int    i,j,k;
  double d,rij[3];
  for(i=0; i<nprt; i++) {
    for(j=0; j<nprt; j++) {
      if( j==i ) continue;
      for(k=0; k<ndim; k++) {
         force[i*ndim+k] += -rij[k]*dV(d)/d;
Esempio n. 9
    void normalize(void)
        float mag=magnitude();

#ifdef assertMyth
        assertMyth("NewtVector::normalize found magnitude of zero",
                   mag > 0.0f);

        if (mag > 0.0f) // can't normalize a vector of magnitude 0.
            i = i / mag;
            j = j / mag;
            k = k / mag;
Esempio n. 10
double calcpotent(int nprt,int ndim,double *coord)
  /* calc potential energy */
  int    i,j;
  double d,rij[3];
  double pot=0.0;
  for(i=0; i<nprt; i++) {
    for(j=0; j<nprt; j++) {
      if( j==i ) continue;
  return pot;
Esempio n. 11
struct value a;
register double mag, ang;
	(void) pop(&a);
	mag = sqrt(magnitude(&a));
	if (imag(&a) == 0.0 && real(&a) < 0.0)
		push( complex(&a,0.0,mag) );
		if ( (ang = angle(&a)) < 0.0)
			ang += 2*Pi;
		ang /= 2;
		push( complex(&a,mag*cos(ang), mag*sin(ang)) );
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  auto q1 = Quaternion(1,2,3,0);

  auto q2 = Quaternion(1,1,1,1);
  auto q3 = q1 + q2;  
  TEST_EQUAL(q3, Quaternion(2,3,4,1), "quaternion addition");

  std::cout << "q1: " << q1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "q2: " << q2 << std::endl;

  std::cout << "q1 * q2 = " << q1 * q2 << std::endl;

  TEST_EQUAL(q1*q2, 6.0, "scalar multiplication");
  std::cout << "q1 x q2 = " << q1 % q2 << std::endl;
  TEST_EQUAL(q1%q2, Quaternion(-4,6,2,0), "product multiplication");

  TEST_EQUAL(q1.conj(), Quaternion(1,-2,-3,0), "Conjugate");

  TEST_EQUAL(q2.magnitude_real(), 2, "Real Magnitude");
  TEST_EQUAL(q2.magnitude(), 4, "Magnitude");
  auto q4 = Quaternion(5,3,2,2);

  std::cout << "q4-unit: " << q4.unit() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "q4-inverse: " << q4.inv() << std::endl;
  auto q5 = Quaternion(4,5,1,2);
  auto q6 = q5 % q1;
  q5 %= q1;
  TEST_EQUAL(q5, q6, "testing product2");

  auto q7 = Quaternion();
  q7[0] = 1;
  q7[1] = 2;
  q7[2] = q7[0] + q7[1];
  q7[3] = q7[0] + q7[2];
  std::cout << "q7: " << q7 << std::endl;
  TEST_EQUAL(q7, Quaternion(1,2,3,4), "testing assignment");

  return 0;
Esempio n. 13
void gabor_filter(cv::Mat& img,vector<cv::Mat> &featureMaps)
	//cv::Mat img input character image
	const int kernel_size = 7; // should be odd
	// variables for gabor filter
	double Kmax = PI/2;
	double f = sqrt(2.0);
	double sigma = 2*PI;
	int U = 0;
	int V = 0;
	int GaborH = kernel_size;
	int GaborW = kernel_size;
	int UStart = 0, UEnd = 8;
	int VStart = 1, VEnd = 2;
	// variables for filter2D
	cv::Point archor(-1,-1);
	int ddepth = CV_32F;//CV_64F
	//double delta = 0;
	//eight orientation in terms of one frequnecy
	for(V = VStart; V < VEnd; V++){
		for(U = UStart; U < UEnd; U++){
			cv::Mat kernel_re, kernel_im;
			cv::Mat dst_re, dst_im, dst_mag;
			kernel_re = getMyGabor(GaborW, GaborH, U, V,
				Kmax, f, sigma, CV_32F, "real");
			kernel_im = getMyGabor(GaborW, GaborH, U, V,
				Kmax, f, sigma, CV_32F, "imag");
			// flip kernel
			// Gabor kernel is symmetric, so do not need flip
			filter2D(img, dst_re, ddepth, kernel_re);
			filter2D(img, dst_im, ddepth, kernel_im);

			dst_mag.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_32FC1);
			//normalize gabor kernel
			cv::normalize(dst_mag, dst_mag, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX);
Esempio n. 14
void applyDFTOperation(Mat &image,Mat &magImage)
    int row = getOptimalDFTSize(image.rows);
    int col = getOptimalDFTSize(image.cols);
    Mat image2;
    copyMakeBorder(image,image2,0,row-image.rows,0,col-image.cols,BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
    Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(image2), Mat::zeros(image2.size(), CV_32F)};
    Mat complexI;
    merge(planes,2, complexI);
    magImage = planes[0];
    magImage += Scalar::all(1);
    magImage = magImage(Rect(0,0,magImage.cols & -2,magImage.rows & -2));
    int cx = magImage.cols/2;
    int cy = magImage.rows/2;
    Mat q0(magImage,Rect(0,0,cx,cy));       //左上
    Mat q1(magImage,Rect(cx,0,cx,cy));      //右上
    Mat q2(magImage,Rect(0,cy,cx,cy));      //左下
    Mat q3(magImage,Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy));     //右下
    //将左上和右下交换    右上和左下交换
    Mat tmp;
    normalize(magImage, magImage, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
    magImage.convertTo(magImage, CV_8UC1, 255);
Esempio n. 15
MFCC::process(fvec& in, fvec& out)
  unsigned int i,k;
  if ((in.size() != inSize_) || (out.size() != outSize_))
      cerr << "Warnging: MFCC::process:  inSize_ and input window size do not agree" << endl;
  hamming_->process(in, windowed);
  magfft_->process(windowed, magnitude);

  for (i=0; i < inSize_/2; i++)
    fmagnitude(i) = magnitude(i);
  for (i=0; i< inSize_/2; i++)
    fmagnitude(i+ inSize_/2) = fmagnitude(inSize_/2 - i);
  float sum =0.0;
  // Calculate the filterbank responce
  for (i=0; i<totalFilters_; i++)
      sum = 0.0;
      for (k=0; k<fftSize_; k++)
	  sum += (mfccFilterWeights_(i, k) * fmagnitude(k));
      if (sum != 0.0)
	earMagnitude_(i) = log10(sum);
	earMagnitude_(i) = 0.0;

  // Take the DCT 
  for (i=0; i < cepstralCoefs_; i++)
      sum =0.0;
      for (k=0; k < totalFilters_; k++)
	  sum += (mfccDCT_(i,k) * earMagnitude_(k));
      out(i) = sum;

Esempio n. 16
File: main.c Progetto: aumgn/Cours
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    /* Arguments */
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        printf("\nUsage: %s <file>\n\n", argv[0]);

    pgm_t* src = pgm_read(argv[1]);
    dmap_t* sobx = sobel_x(src);
    dmap_t* soby = sobel_y(src);
    dmap_t* sobm = magnitude(src, sobx, soby);
    dmap_t* mxx = multiply(src, sobx, sobx);
    dmap_t* myy = multiply(src, soby, soby);
    dmap_t* mxy = multiply(src, sobx, soby);
    dmap_t* mxxf = binomial_filter(mxx);
    dmap_t* myyf = binomial_filter(myy);
    dmap_t* mxyf = binomial_filter(mxy);
    dmap_t* harris1 = harris(src, mxxf, myyf, mxyf, 1);
    dmap_t* harris1f = harris(src, mxxf, myyf, mxyf, 1);

    dmap_write(sobx, argv[1], "sobel_x");
    dmap_write(soby, argv[1], "sobel_y");
    dmap_write(sobm, argv[1], "sobel_magnitude");

    dmap_write(mxx, argv[1], "xx");
    dmap_write(myy, argv[1], "yy");
    dmap_write(mxy, argv[1], "xy");

    dmap_write(mxxf, argv[1], "xxf");
    dmap_write(myyf, argv[1], "yyf");
    dmap_write(mxyf, argv[1], "xyf");

    dmap_write(harris1, argv[1], "harris1");
    dmap_write(harris1f, argv[1], "harris1f");


    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
/// Normalizes this quaternion in place
void QUAT::normalize()
  REAL mag = magnitude();
  if (mag != (REAL) 0.0)
    REAL magi = (REAL) 1.0/mag;
    x *= magi;
    y *= magi;
    z *= magi;
    w *= magi;
    x = y = z = 0;
    w = 1;
Esempio n. 18
	boost::shared_ptr< i_property_values const > sat_system< dim >::get_state_property_values() const
		rtp_stored_property_values* vals = new rtp_stored_property_values();
		set_state_prop(vals, Time, m_state.time);
		set_state_prop(vals, PosX, m_state.ship.position[0]);
		set_state_prop(vals, PosY, m_state.ship.position[1]);
		set_state_prop(vals, Angle, m_state.ship.orientation);
		set_state_prop(vals, VelX, m_state.ship.lin_velocity[0]);
		set_state_prop(vals, VelY, m_state.ship.lin_velocity[1]);
		double speed = magnitude(m_state.ship.lin_velocity);
		set_state_prop(vals, Speed, speed);
		double ang_speed = m_state.ship.ang_velocity;	// TODO: For 3D should be magnitude()...
		set_state_prop(vals, AngularSpeed, ang_speed);
		double ke = 0.5 * (speed * speed + ang_speed * ang_speed);	// TODO: m and I
		set_state_prop(vals, KE, ke);
		return boost::shared_ptr< i_property_values const >(vals);
Esempio n. 19
void updateDeltas(NeuralNetwork* net, double* target) {
	//TODO: could test for net validity, but do I really need to?
	unsigned int layer, size;
	if(!net || !target) {
	layer = net->layers - 1;
	size = net->layerSizes[layer];
	//delta_l = (activation_l - target)*sigma'(preActivation_l)
	subtract(target, net->activations[layer], net->biasDelta[layer - 1], size);
	applyOnEach(net->preActivations[layer], net->scratchPaper, net->activationFunctionDerivative, size);
	hadamardProduct(net->biasDelta[layer - 1], net->scratchPaper, net->biasDelta[layer - 1], size);
	//dC/db_l = delta_l
	//TODO: beware of unsigned int underflow
	//work backwards for each layer
	//do {
#define DEBUG 1
	printf("layer %d, size %d\n", layer, size);
	puts("bias delta");
	printVector(stdout,net->biasDelta[layer - 1],size);
	printf("error: %f\n", magnitude(net->biasDelta[layer - 1], size));
	printNet(stdout, net, 1);
		size = net->layerSizes[layer];
		//delta_l = (W_l+1^T * delta_l+1) hprod sigma'(preactive_l)
		applyOnEach(net->preActivations[layer],net->scratchPaper, net->activationFunctionDerivative, size);
		matrixTransposeVectorProduct(net->weights[layer], net->biasDelta[layer],
			net->biasDelta[layer - 1], size, net->layerSizes[layer + 1]);
	} while(layer > 0);
		//dc/db = delta_l
		//dc/dw = act_l-1 delta_l
	//for the previous layers
Esempio n. 20
Mat create_spectrum(Mat &complexImg){
	Mat planes[2];

	split(complexImg, planes);
	magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);

	Mat magI = (planes[0]).clone();
	magI +=Scalar::all(1);
	log(magI, magI);


	normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);

	return magI;

Esempio n. 21
int main(){

  Complex z; = 1.0; = 2.0;

  printf("%ld\n", factorial(5));
  printf("%lf \n", ipower(3,2));
  printf("mag is %lf \n", magnitude(z));
  //printf("conjugate is ")

Esempio n. 22
Platform* Player::choose_next_plat()
    Vector<float,2> input( 0, 0 );

    if( Keyboard::key_down('w') )
        input.y() += -1;
    if( Keyboard::key_down('s') )
        input.y() +=  1;
    if( Keyboard::key_down('a') )
        input.x() += -1;
    if( Keyboard::key_down('d') )
        input.x() +=  1;

    Platform* next = 0;
    if( magnitude(input) > 0.01f )
        // Input is rotated to match perspective.
        Vector<float,2> direction;

        float rotate = -World::zRotDeg * 3.14f/180.f;
        direction.x( std::cos(rotate)*input.x() - std::sin(rotate)*input.y() );
        direction.y( std::sin(rotate)*input.x() + std::cos(rotate)*input.y() );

        // Find platform most in the direction the player is facing.
        Platform* nextPlat = 0;
        float minAngle = 366;
        for( size_t i=0; i < plat->adjacents.size(); i++ )
            Vector<float,2> d = plat->adjacents[i]->s - plat->s;

            float angle = angle_between( direction, d );
            if( angle < minAngle ) {
                minAngle = angle;
                nextPlat = plat->adjacents[i];

        if( nextPlat && minAngle < 3.14 / 4 )
            next = nextPlat;
            next = 0;

    return next;
Mat THDUtil::computeOrientation(Mat frame)
	Mat padded; //expanding input image to optimal size by making boarder
	int m = getOptimalDFTSize(frame.rows);
	int n = getOptimalDFTSize(frame.cols);
	copyMakeBorder(frame, padded, m - frame.rows, 0, n - frame.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);

	Mat planes[] = { Mat_<float>(padded), Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F) };
	Mat complexI;
	merge(planes, 2, complexI);

	dft(complexI, complexI);

	split(complexI, planes);                   // planes[0] = Re(DFT(I), planes[1] = Im(DFT(I))
	magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);// planes[0] = magnitude
	Mat magI = planes[0];

	magI += Scalar::all(1);                    // switch to logarithmic scale
	log(magI, magI);

	// crop the spectrum, if it has an odd number of rows or columns
	magI = magI(Rect(0, 0, magI.cols & -2, magI.rows & -2));

	// rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image  so that the origin is at the image center
	int cx = magI.cols / 2;
	int cy = magI.rows / 2;

	Mat q0(magI, Rect(0, 0, cx, cy));   // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant
	Mat q1(magI, Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));  // Top-Right
	Mat q2(magI, Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));  // Bottom-Left
	Mat q3(magI, Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right

	Mat tmp;                           // swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right)

	q1.copyTo(tmp);                    // swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left)

	normalize(magI, magI, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); // Transform the matrix with float values into a
	// viewable image form (float between values 0 and 1).
	return magI;
Esempio n. 24
int Hook2::handle_damage(SpaceLocation *src, double normal, double direct)
	if ( src == hooktarget )
		return 0;

	if ( src->isShip() || (bHitAsteroids && src->isAsteroid())) {
		if ( hooktarget )		 // if it's already attached to another ship
			return 0;

		if ( src == ship )
			return 0;			 // if it is the ship itself (doh)

		hooktarget = src;


		hookfixdist = magnitude(min_delta(pos, src->pos, map_size));
		hookfixorientation = atan(min_delta(pos, src->pos, map_size)) - src->angle;
		hookfixangle = angle - src->angle;

		collide_flag_anyone = 0;
		collide_flag_sameteam = 0;
		collide_flag_sameship = 0;

		hooklocked = 1;			 // stop unrolling any further

		if (src->isShip()) {
			src->ship->turn_rate *= 0.80;
			damage(src, 1.0, 0.0);

		return 0;

	} else {

		SpaceObject::handle_damage(src, normal, direct);

		armour -= normal + direct;
		if ( armour <= 0 )
			state = 0;

		return iround(normal + direct);
Esempio n. 25
  Vector3f & Vector3f::normalize() {
    float mplier = magnitude();

    if(INFINTESSIMAL(mplier)) {
      degenerate = true;
      return *this;
      degenerate = false;

    mplier = 1.0f / mplier;

    i *= mplier;
    j *= mplier;
    k *= mplier;

    return *this;
Esempio n. 26
float Vector3::unitize(float fTolerance)
    float fMagnitude = magnitude();

    if (fMagnitude > fTolerance)
        float fInvMagnitude = 1.0f / fMagnitude;
        x *= fInvMagnitude;
        y *= fInvMagnitude;
        z *= fInvMagnitude;
        fMagnitude = 0.0f;

    return fMagnitude;
Esempio n. 27
float distance(Vector2D* p, Trajectory* t) {
	Vector2D u,*v,dist;
	v = t->direction;
	minus_void(p,t->source, &u);

	float pp = dot_product(&u,v) / dot_product(v,v);

	Vector2D proj;
	set(&proj,v->x, v->y);


	float mag = magnitude(&dist);

	return mag;
Esempio n. 28
void Hose::calc_em()
 * rate = dt*mag(v) < spacing ?
 * emit every [spacing / (dt*v)] calls 
 * em = (int) (1 + spacing/dt/mag(v))
 * count every call to spray, emit when count == em, restart counter
    //em = 0;
    //em_count = 0;
    float dt = ps->settings->dt;
    float magv = magnitude(velocity);
    //printf("magv: %f\n", magv);
    //em = (int) (1 + spacing/dt/magv/8.);
    //why do i have to divide by 4?
    em = (int) (1 + spacing/dt/magv/10);
    //printf("em: %d\n", em);
Esempio n. 29
// on intersection of spheres c1,r1 and c2,r2 find p such that p-c1-q is of certain value, and lies on intersection of 2 spheres
// this is solved by sampling points on the circle of intersection and checking the angle
int findSphereSphereAngleIntx(float r1, vector<float> & c1, float r2, vector<float> & c2, vector<float> & q, float desiredAngle,
            vector<float>& p1, vector<float>& p2) {

    vector<float> c1c2(3), Y(3), Z(3), c(3);
    linear_combination(c1c2, 1, c2, -1, c1);
    double cc = magnitude(c1c2);
    cout << cc << endl;
    if(cc > r1+r2) return 0;

    normalize_point(c1c2, c1c2);
    findYZgivenX(c1c2, Y, Z);
    cout << "c1c2 " << c1c2[0] << " " << c1c2[1] << " " << c1c2[2] << endl;
    cout << "Y " << Y[0] << " " << Y[1] << " " << Y[2] << endl;
    cout << "Z " << Z[0] << " " << Z[1] << " " << Z[2] << endl;

    double c1c = (r1*r1 + cc*cc - r2*r2) / (2*cc);
    double r = sqrt(r1*r1 - c1c*c1c);
    linear_combination(c, 1, c1, c1c, c1c2);
    cout << "C " << c[0] << " " << c[1] << " " << c[2] << endl;

    float lastAngle = -999, angle, lastTheta = -999;
    float startTheta = 0, stopTheta = 360, step = 5; // clockwise

    int nsol = 0;
    vector<float> p(3);
    for(float theta = startTheta; theta <= stopTheta; theta += step) {
        double th = M_PI * theta / 180;
        linear_combination(p, 1, c, r*sin(th), Y);
        linear_combination(p, 1, p, r*cos(th), Z);
        angle = calcAngle(q, c1, p);
        cout << "P " << lastAngle << " " << desiredAngle << " " << angle << " " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
        if(lastAngle != -999 && (desiredAngle-angle)*(desiredAngle-lastAngle) <= 0) {
            double th = M_PI * (theta + lastTheta)/360.;
            if(nsol==0) { linear_combination(p1, 1, c, r*sin(th), Y); linear_combination(p1, 1, p1, r*cos(th), Z); }
            if(nsol==1) { linear_combination(p2, 1, c, r*sin(th), Y); linear_combination(p2, 1, p2, r*cos(th), Z); }
            cout << "NSOL " << nsol << endl;
        lastAngle = angle;
        lastTheta = theta;
    return nsol;
Esempio n. 30
bool rocks_in_space::collides(const collision& col_a, const collision& col_b)
	auto delta = col_a.m_position - col_b.m_position;
	if (delta.magnitude() > (col_a.m_radius + col_b.m_radius))
		return false;

	auto segment_start = col_a.m_path.m_vertices[col_a.m_path.m_count - 1];
	return &col_a.m_path.m_vertices[col_a.m_path.m_count] != std::find_if(&col_a.m_path.m_vertices[0], &col_a.m_path.m_vertices[col_a.m_path.m_count], [&](const auto& v)
		if (collides(col_b, { { segment_start + col_a.m_position, v + col_a.m_position } }))
			return true;
		segment_start += v;
		return false;