Esempio n. 1
uiWindow *uiNewWindow(const char *title, int width, int height, int hasMenubar)
	uiWindow *w;

	uiUnixNewControl(uiWindow, w);

	w->widget = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	w->container = GTK_CONTAINER(w->widget);
	w->window = GTK_WINDOW(w->widget);

	gtk_window_set_title(w->window, title);
	gtk_window_resize(w->window, width, height);

	w->vboxWidget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
	w->vboxContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(w->vboxWidget);
	w->vbox = GTK_BOX(w->vboxWidget);

	// set the vbox as the GtkWindow child
	gtk_container_add(w->container, w->vboxWidget);

	if (hasMenubar) {
		w->menubar = makeMenubar(uiWindow(w));
		gtk_container_add(w->vboxContainer, w->menubar);

	w->childHolderWidget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
	w->childHolderContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(w->childHolderWidget);
	gtk_widget_set_hexpand(w->childHolderWidget, TRUE);
	gtk_widget_set_halign(w->childHolderWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
	gtk_widget_set_vexpand(w->childHolderWidget, TRUE);
	gtk_widget_set_valign(w->childHolderWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
	gtk_container_add(w->vboxContainer, w->childHolderWidget);

	// show everything in the vbox, but not the GtkWindow itself

	// and connect our events
	g_signal_connect(w->widget, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(onClosing), w);
	g_signal_connect(w->widget, "configure-event", G_CALLBACK(onConfigure), w);
	g_signal_connect(w->childHolderWidget, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(onSizeAllocate), w);
	uiWindowOnClosing(w, defaultOnClosing, NULL);
	uiWindowOnPositionChanged(w, defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged, NULL);
	uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged(w, defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged, NULL);

	// normally it's SetParent() that does this, but we can't call SetParent() on a uiWindow
	// TODO we really need to clean this up, especially since see uiWindowDestroy() above

	return w;
Esempio n. 2
uiWindow *uiNewWindow(const char *title, int width, int height, int hasMenubar)
	uiWindow *w;
	WCHAR *wtitle;
	BOOL hasMenubarBOOL;

	uiWindowsNewControl(uiWindow, w);

	hasMenubarBOOL = FALSE;
	if (hasMenubar)
		hasMenubarBOOL = TRUE;
	w->hasMenubar = hasMenubarBOOL;

#define exstyle 0

	wtitle = toUTF16(title);
	w->hwnd = CreateWindowExW(exstyle,
		windowClass, wtitle,
		// use the raw width and height for now
		// this will get CW_USEDEFAULT (hopefully) predicting well
		// even if it doesn't, we're adjusting it later
		width, height,
		NULL, NULL, hInstance, w);
	if (w->hwnd == NULL)
		logLastError(L"error creating window");

	if (hasMenubar) {
		w->menubar = makeMenubar();
		if (SetMenu(w->hwnd, w->menubar) == 0)
			logLastError(L"error giving menu to window");

	// and use the proper size
	setClientSize(w, width, height, hasMenubarBOOL, style, exstyle);

	uiWindowOnClosing(w, defaultOnClosing, NULL);

	windows[w] = true;
	return w;