Esempio n. 1
bool Codelet::matchesDep(lua_State *L, string dependency, vector<string> &reqdeps, vector<string> &outputs) {
  int codeletMatch = -1;
  string depBase = getVariableBasename(dependency);
  vector<string> depParams = getVariableParameters(dependency);
  for(int i=0; i<output.size(); i++) {
    string outBase = getVariableBasename(output[i]);
    vector<string> outParams = getVariableParameters(output[i]);
    if((depBase == outBase) && (depParams.size() == outParams.size())) {
      bool match = true;
      //Basenames match and parameter lists are same length, this codelet is a potential fit
      for(int j=0; j<outParams.size(); j++) {
        vector<string> ranges;
        //Check if output tag is in the codelet parameter list, if so, grab the parameter range
        if(params.find(outParams[j]) != params.end())
          boost::split(ranges, params[outParams[j]], boost::is_any_of(","));
        vector<vector<string> > prange;
        bool parammatch = false;
        //Determine if dependency parameter matches codelet parameter range
        for(int k=0; k<ranges.size(); k++) {
          vector<string> foo;
          boost::split(foo, ranges[k], boost::is_any_of(":"));
          if(foo.size() == 1) {
            if(depParams[j] == foo[0]) parammatch = true;
          } else {
            if((atoi(depParams[j].c_str()) >= atoi(foo[0].c_str())) && 
               (atoi(depParams[j].c_str()) <= atoi(foo[1].c_str()))) parammatch = true; 
        //This codelet does not match, we can move on to the next output
        if(!parammatch) {
          match = false;
      if(match) {
        codeletMatch = i;
  if(codeletMatch > -1) {
    vector<pair<string,string> > kvset;
    string outBase = getVariableBasename(output[codeletMatch]);
    vector<string> outParams = getVariableParameters(output[codeletMatch]);

    for(int i=0; i<outParams.size(); i++)
      kvset.push_back(make_pair(outParams[i], depParams[i]));
    for(int i=0; i<deps.size(); i++)
      reqdeps.push_back(makeVariable(L, deps[i], kvset));
    for(int i=0; i<output.size(); i++)
      outputs.push_back(makeVariable(L, output[i], kvset));
    return true;
  return false;
inline CG<Base>& CG<Base>::operator-=(const CG<Base> &right) {
    if (isParameter() && right.isParameter()) {
        *value_ -= *right.value_;

    } else {
        CodeHandler<Base>* handler;
        if (isParameter()) {
            handler = right.getCodeHandler();

        } else if (right.isParameter()) {
            if (right.isIdenticalZero()) {
                return *this; // nothing to do

            handler = getCodeHandler();

        } else {
            CPPADCG_ASSERT_UNKNOWN(getCodeHandler() == right.getCodeHandler());
            handler = getCodeHandler();

        std::unique_ptr<Base> value;
        if (isValueDefined() && right.isValueDefined()) {
            value.reset(new Base(getValue() - right.getValue()));

        makeVariable(*handler, new OperationNode<Base>(CGOpCode::Sub,{argument(), right.argument()}), value);

    return *this;
inline CG<Base>& CG<Base>::operator*=(const CG<Base> &right) {
    if (isParameter() && right.isParameter()) {
        *value_ *= *right.value_;

    } else {
        CodeHandler<Base>* handler;
        if (isParameter()) {
            if (isIdenticalZero()) {
                return *this; // nothing to do (does not consider that right might be infinity)
            } else if (isIdenticalOne()) {
                *this = right;
                return *this;

            handler = right.getCodeHandler();

        } else if (right.isParameter()) {
            if (right.isIdenticalZero()) {
                makeParameter(Base(0.0)); // does not consider that left might be infinity
                return *this;
            } else if (right.isIdenticalOne()) {
                return *this; // nothing to do

            handler = getCodeHandler();

        } else {
            CPPADCG_ASSERT_UNKNOWN(getCodeHandler() == right.getCodeHandler());
            handler = getCodeHandler();

        std::unique_ptr<Base> value;
        if (isValueDefined() && right.isValueDefined()) {
            value.reset(new Base(getValue() * right.getValue()));

        makeVariable(*handler, new OperationNode<Base>(CGOpCode::Mul,{argument(), right.argument()}), value);

    return *this;
Esempio n. 4
YY_ACTION(void) yy_1_primary(char *yytext, int yyleng)
  yyprintf((stderr, "do yy_1_primary\n"));
   push(makeVariable(yytext)); ;
Esempio n. 5
YY_ACTION(void) yy_1_primary(GREG *G, char *yytext, int yyleng, yythunk *thunk, YY_XTYPE YY_XVAR)
  yyprintf((stderr, "do yy_1_primary\n"));
   push(makeVariable(yytext)); ;
Esempio n. 6
void BuiltIns::defineBuiltIns()
    auto factory = SymbolFactory{ };

    auto makeRef = [](auto&& type, bool is_const) { return VariableType(TypeFactory::getReference(type.get()), is_const); };

    auto global_scope = std::make_shared<GlobalScope>();
    auto int_          = factory.makeStruct("int", new StructScope("int", global_scope.get()));
    auto ref_int       = makeRef(int_, false);
    auto const_ref_int = makeRef(int_, true);

    auto char_          = factory.makeStruct("char", new StructScope("char", global_scope.get()));
    auto ref_char       = makeRef(char_, false);
    auto const_ref_char = makeRef(char_, true);

    auto str           = factory.makeStruct("string", new StructScope("string", global_scope.get()));
    auto ref_str       = makeRef(str, false);
    auto const_ref_str = makeRef(str, true);

    auto int_builtin  = VariableType(new BuiltInTypeSymbol("~~int", Comp::config().int_size), false);
    auto char_builtin = VariableType(new BuiltInTypeSymbol("~~char", Comp::config().int_size), false);

    auto simple_traits = FunctionTraits::simple();
    auto op_traits     = FunctionTraits::methodOper();
    auto meth_traits   = FunctionTraits::method();
    auto constr_traits = FunctionTraits::constructor();

    auto tp = FunctionType(int_.get(), {ref_int, int_.get()});

    auto void_type = std::make_unique<BuiltInTypeSymbol>("void", 0);

    global_scope -> define(factory.makeFunction("putchar", FunctionType(void_type.get(), {char_.get()}), simple_traits, false));
    global_scope -> define(factory.makeFunction("getchar", FunctionType(int_.get(), { }), simple_traits, false));

    auto string_builtin = VariableType(new BuiltInTypeSymbol("~~string", 256), false);    
    str -> defineMember(factory.makeVariable("~~impl", string_builtin, VariableSymbolType::FIELD));

    auto str_tp = FunctionType(ref_str, {ref_str, const_ref_str});
    int_ -> defineMember(factory.makeVariable("~~impl", int_builtin, VariableSymbolType::FIELD));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("int", FunctionType(ref_int, {ref_int}), constr_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("int", FunctionType(ref_int, {ref_int, const_ref_int}), constr_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator=", FunctionType(ref_int, {ref_int, const_ref_int}), op_traits, false));

    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator+", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator-", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator*", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator/", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator%", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator==", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator!=", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator&&", tp, op_traits, false));
    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator||", tp, op_traits, false));

    int_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("int", FunctionType(ref_int, {ref_int, char_.get()}), constr_traits, false));

    char_ -> defineMember(factory.makeVariable("~~impl", char_builtin, VariableSymbolType::FIELD));

    char_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("char", FunctionType(ref_char, {ref_char}), constr_traits, false));
    char_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("char", FunctionType(ref_char, {ref_char, const_ref_char}), constr_traits, false));
    char_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("char", FunctionType(ref_char, {ref_char, const_ref_int}), constr_traits, false));

    char_ -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator=", FunctionType(ref_char, {ref_char, const_ref_char}), constr_traits, false));

    str -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("string", str_tp, constr_traits, false));
    str -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("length", FunctionType(int_.get(), {ref_str}), meth_traits, false));

    str -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator[]", FunctionType(ref_char, {ref_str, int_.get()}), op_traits, false));
    str -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator+", FunctionType(str.get(), {ref_str, const_ref_str}), op_traits, false));
    str -> defineMethod(factory.makeFunction("operator=", str_tp, op_traits, false));

    global_scope -> define(factory.makeFunction("print", FunctionType(void_type.get(), {const_ref_str}), simple_traits, false));
    BuiltIns::int_type          = int_.get();
    BuiltIns::char_type         = char_.get();
    BuiltIns::ASCII_string_type = str.get();
    BuiltIns::void_type         = void_type.get();
    global_scope -> define(std::move(void_type));
    global_scope -> define(std::move(int_));
    global_scope -> define(std::move(str));
    global_scope -> define(std::move(char_));
    BuiltIns::global_scope      = global_scope;
Esempio n. 7
/** Parse with one token worth of look-ahead, return the expression object representing
    the syntax parsed.
    @param tok next token from the input.
    @param fp file subsequent tokens are being read from.
    @return the expression object constructed from the input.
Expr *parse( char *tok, FILE *fp )
  // Create a literal token for anything that looks like a number.
    long dummy;
    int pos;
    // See if the whole token parses as a long int.
    if ( sscanf( tok, "%ld%n", &dummy, &pos ) == 1 &&
         pos == strlen( tok ) ) {
      // Copy the literal to a dynamically allocated string, since makeLiteral wants
      // a string it can keep.
      char *str = (char *) malloc( strlen( tok ) + 1 );
      return makeLiteral( strcpy( str, tok ) );

  // Create a literal token for a quoted string, without the quotes.
  if ( tok[ 0 ] == '"' ) {
    // Same as above, make a dynamically allocated copy of the token that the literal
    // expression can keep as long as at wants to.
    int len = strlen( tok );
    char *str = (char *) malloc( len - 1 );
    strncpy( str, tok + 1, len - 2 );
    str[ len - 2 ] = '\0';
    return makeLiteral( str );

  // Handle compound statements
  if ( strcmp( tok, "{" ) == 0 ) {
    int len = 0;
    int cap = INITIAL_CAPACITY;
    Expr **eList = (Expr **) malloc( cap * sizeof( Expr * ) );

    // Keep parsing subexpressions until we hit the closing curly bracket.
    while ( strcmp( expectToken( tok, fp ), "}" ) != 0 ) {
      if ( len >= cap )
        eList = (Expr **) realloc( eList, ( cap *= 2 ) * sizeof( Expr * ) );
      eList[ len++ ] = parse( tok, fp );

    return makeCompound( eList, len );

  // Handle language operators (reserved words)

  if ( strcmp( tok, "print" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the one argument to print, and create a print expression.
    Expr *arg = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makePrint( arg );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "set" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a set expression with them.
    char *str = expectToken( tok, fp );
    int len = strlen( str );
    char *name = (char *) malloc( len + 1 );
    strcpy( name, str );
    name[ len ] = '\0';
    if ( !isalpha(name[0]) || strlen( name ) > MAX_VAR || strchr( name, LEFT_BRACKET ) || strchr( name, RIGHT_BRACKET ) || strchr( name, POUND ) ) {
      // Complain if we can't make sense of the variable.
      fprintf( stderr, "line %d: invalid variable name \"%s\"\n", linesRead(), name );
      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    Expr *expr = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *set = makeSet
    ( name, expr );
    return set;
  if ( strcmp( tok, "add" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make an add expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeAdd( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "sub" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a sub expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeSub( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "mul" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a mul expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeMul( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "div" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a div expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeDiv
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "equal" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make an equal expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeEqual
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "less" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a less expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeLess
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "not" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the operand, then make a not expression with it.
    Expr *op = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeNot
    ( op );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "and" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make an and expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeAnd
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "or" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make an or expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeOr
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "if" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make an if expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeIf
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "while" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a while expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeWhile
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "concat" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the two operands, then make a concatenation expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeConcat
    ( op1, op2 );
  if ( strcmp( tok, "substr" ) == 0 ) {
    // Parse the three operands, then make a substring expression with them.
    Expr *op1 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op2 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    Expr *op3 = parse( expectToken( tok, fp ), fp );
    return makeSubstr
    ( op1, op2, op3 );

  // Handle variables
  if ( isalpha(tok[0]) && strlen( tok ) <= MAX_VAR && !strchr( tok, LEFT_BRACKET ) && !strchr( tok, RIGHT_BRACKET ) && !strchr( tok, POUND ) ) {
    // Parse the variable name and make a variable expression.
    char *str = tok;
    int len = strlen( str );
    char *name = (char *) malloc( len + 1 );
    strcpy( name, str );
    name[ len ] = '\0';
    Expr *var = makeVariable( name );
    return var;
  // Complain if we can't make sense of the token.
  fprintf( stderr, "line %d: invalid token \"%s\"\n", linesRead(), tok );
  exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
  // Never reached.
  return NULL;