Esempio n. 1
 * Completely rewritten in CryptKit-18, 13 Jan 1997, for new IEEE-style
 * curveParameters.
int which_curve(giant x, curveParams *par)
 /* Returns (+-1) depending on whether x is on curve
   (+-)y^2 = x^3 + c x^2 + a x + b.
    giant t1;
    giant t2;
    giant t3;
    int result;

    t1 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t2 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t3 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);

   /* First, set t2:= x^3 + c x^2 + a x + b. */
    gtog(x, t2); addg(par->c, t2);
    mulg(x, t2); addg(par->a, t2);  /* t2 := x^2 + c x + a. */
    feemod(par, t2);
    mulg(x, t2); addg(par->b, t2);
    feemod(par, t2);
    /* Next, test whether t2 is a square. */
    gtog(t2, t1);
    make_base(par, t3); iaddg(1, t3); gshiftright(1, t3); /* t3 = (p+1)/2. */
    feepowermodg(par, t1, t3); 		      /* t1 := t2^((p+1)/2) (mod p). */
    if(gcompg(t1, t2) == 0)
            result = CURVE_PLUS;
            result = CURVE_MINUS;
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
bh_view Expander::make_temp(bh_type type, bh_index nelem)
    bh_view view;
    view.base = make_base(type, nelem);
    view.start = 0;
    view.ndim = 1;
    view.shape[0] = nelem;
    view.stride[0] = 1;
    return view;
Esempio n. 3
/* Create a basic air critter */
static struct Critter *make_base_ac(SDL_Surface **gfx,float x,float y) {
    struct Critter *c = make_base(gfx);
    c->type = AIRCRITTER;
    c->physics.x = x;
    c->physics.y = y;

    c->timer = 0;
    c->timerfunc = ac_searchtarget;
    return c;
Esempio n. 4
int	my_putnbr_adress(unsigned long int nbr, int *count)
  char			*base;
  unsigned long int	length;

  base = make_base("0123456789abcdef");
  length = 16;
  if (nbr >= length)
    my_putnbr_adress(nbr / length, count);
  my_dischar(base[nbr % length], count);
  return (0);
Esempio n. 5
/* Create a basic water critter */
static struct Critter *make_base_wc(SDL_Surface **gfx,float x,float y) {
    struct Critter *c = make_base(gfx);
    c->flyer.speed = 0.5;
    c->type = WATERCRITTER;
    c->physics.x = x;
    c->physics.y = y;

    c->timer = 0;
    c->timerfunc = ac_searchtarget;
    return c;
Esempio n. 6
/* Create a basic ground critter */
static struct Critter *make_base_gc(SDL_Surface **gfx,float x,float y) {
    struct Critter *c = make_base(gfx);
    c->type = GROUNDCRITTER;
    c->physics.x = x;
    c->physics.y = y;
    c->physics.radius = 6;
    c->physics.mass = 12;
    c->walker.walking = rand()%2?-1:1;
    c->walker.walkspeed = 1;
    c->walker.slope = 5;
    c->ship = 0;

    c->timer = 1;
    c->timerfunc = gc_dosomething;
    c->die = gc_die;
    return c;
Esempio n. 7
 *  Expand matmul at the given pc in the bhir instruction list.
 *  Returns the number of additional instructions used.
int Expander::expand_matmul(bh_ir& bhir, int pc)
    int start_pc = pc;
    bh_instruction& composite = bhir.instr_list[pc];

    // Lazy choice... no re-use just NOP it.
    composite.opcode = BH_NONE;

    // Grab operands
    bh_view out = composite.operand[0];
    bh_view a   = composite.operand[1];
    bh_view b   = composite.operand[2];

    // Grab the shape
    int n = a.shape[0];
    int m = a.shape[1];
    int k = b.shape[1];

    // Construct intermediary operands
    // Needs broadcast
    bh_view a_3d = a;

    // Needs transposition + broadcast
    bh_view b_3d = b;

    a_3d.ndim = 3;
    b_3d.ndim = 3;

    // Set the shape
    a_3d.shape[0] = b_3d.shape[0] = n;
    a_3d.shape[1] = b_3d.shape[1] = k;
    a_3d.shape[2] = b_3d.shape[2] = m;

    // Construct broadcast
    a_3d.stride[0] = a.stride[0];
    a_3d.stride[1] = 0;
    a_3d.stride[2] = a.stride[1];

    // Construct transpose + broadcast
    b_3d.stride[0] = 0;
    b_3d.stride[1] = b.stride[1];
    b_3d.stride[2] = b.stride[0];

    // Construct temp for mul-result
    bh_view c_3d = b_3d;

    // Count number of elements
    bh_intp nelements = 1;

    // Set contiguous stride
    for(bh_intp dim=c_3d.ndim-1; dim >= 0; --dim) {
        c_3d.stride[dim] = nelements;
        nelements *= c_3d.shape[dim];
    c_3d.start = 0;
    c_3d.base = make_base(b_3d.base->type, nelements);

    // Expand sequence
    inject(bhir, ++pc, BH_MULTIPLY,   c_3d, a_3d, b_3d);
    inject(bhir, ++pc, BH_ADD_REDUCE, out,  c_3d, (int64_t)2, BH_INT64);
    inject(bhir, ++pc, BH_FREE,       c_3d);

    verbose_print("[Matmul] Expanding BH_MATMUL");
    return pc - start_pc;
Esempio n. 8
bh_view Expander::make_temp(bh_view& meta, bh_type type, bh_index nelem)
    bh_view view = meta;
    view.base = make_base(type, nelem);
    return view;
Esempio n. 9
	static Uri make_base(const std::string& document)
		return make_base(Uri{ document });
Esempio n. 10
 * Completely rewritten in CryptKit-18, 13 Jan 1997, for new IEEE-style
 * curveParameters.
void elliptic_add(giant x1, giant x2, giant x3, curveParams *par, int s) {

 /* Addition algorithm for x3 = x1 + x2 on the curve, with sign ambiguity s.
    From theory, we know that if {x1,1} and {x2,1} are on a curve, then
    their elliptic sum (x1,1} + {x2,1} = {x3,1} must have x3 as one of two

       x3 = U/2 + s*Sqrt[U^2/4 - V]

    where sign s = +-1, and U,V are functions of x1,x2.  Tho present function
    is called a maximum of twice, to settle which of +- is s.  When a call
    is made, it is guaranteed already that x1, x2 both lie on the same curve
    (+- curve); i.e., which curve (+-) is not connected at all with sign s of
    the x3 relation.

    giant cur_n;
    giant t1;
    giant t2;
    giant t3;
    giant t4;
    giant t5;

    cur_n = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t1 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t2 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t3 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t4 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);
    t5 = borrowGiant(par->maxDigits);

    if(gcompg(x1, x2)==0) {
	int_to_giant(1, t1);
	numer_double(x1, t1, x3, par);
	denom_double(x1, t1, t2, par);
	binvg_cp(par, t2);
	mulg(t2, x3); feemod(par, x3);
	goto out;
    numer_plus(x1, x2, t1, par);
    int_to_giant(1, t3);
    numer_times(x1, t3, x2, t3, t2, par);
    int_to_giant(1, t4); int_to_giant(1, t5);
    denom_times(x1, t4, x2, t5, t3, par);
    binvg_cp(par, t3);
    mulg(t3, t1); feemod(par, t1); /* t1 := U/2. */
    mulg(t3, t2); feemod(par, t2); /* t2 := V. */
    /* Now x3 will be t1 +- Sqrt[t1^2 - t2]. */
    gtog(t1, t4); gsquare(t4); feemod(par, t4);
    subg(t2, t4);
    make_base(par, cur_n); iaddg(1, cur_n); gshiftright(2, cur_n);
    	/* cur_n := (p+1)/4. */
    feepowermodg(par, t4, cur_n);      /* t4 := t2^((p+1)/4) (mod p). */
    gtog(t1, x3);
    if(s != SIGN_PLUS) negg(t4);
    addg(t4, x3);
    feemod(par, x3);

