Esempio n. 1
main(int argc, char **argv)
    point_t	a, b, c, d;
    struct rt_wdb *fp;

    si.magic = RT_NURB_INTERNAL_MAGIC;
    si.nsrf = 0;
    si.srfs = (struct face_g_snurb **)bu_malloc( sizeof(struct face_g_snurb *)*100, "snurb ptrs");

    if ((fp = wdb_fopen(argv[1])) == NULL) {
        bu_log("unable to open new database [%s]\n", argv[1]);
        perror("unable to open database file");
        return 1;

    mk_id( fp, "Mike's Spline Test" );

    VSET( a,  0,  0,  0 );
    VSET( b, 10,  0,  0 );
    VSET( c, 10, 10,  0 );
    VSET( d,  0, 10,  0 );

    make_face( a, b, c, d, 2 );

    mk_export_fwrite( fp, "spl", (genptr_t)&si, ID_BSPLINE );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    point_t a, b, c, d;
    struct rt_wdb *fp;
    struct rt_nurb_internal *si;
    char *filename = "spltest.g";
    int helpflag;

    if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) {

    helpflag = (argc == 2 && ( BU_STR_EQUAL(argv[1],"-h") || BU_STR_EQUAL(argv[1],"-?")));
    if (argc == 1 || helpflag) {
	if (helpflag)
	bu_log("       Program continues running:\n");

    if (argc == 2)
	filename = argv[1];

    if ((fp = wdb_fopen(filename)) == NULL) {
	perror("unable to open geometry database for writing");
	bu_exit(1, "unable to open new database [%s]\n", filename);

    mk_id(fp, "Mike's Spline Test");

    VSET(a,  0,  0,  0);
    VSET(b, 10,  0,  -5);
    VSET(c, 10, 10,  10);
    VSET(d,  0, 10,  0);

    BU_ALLOC(si, struct rt_nurb_internal);
    si->magic = RT_NURB_INTERNAL_MAGIC;
    si->nsrf = 0;
    si->srfs = (struct face_g_snurb **)bu_malloc(sizeof(struct face_g_snurb *)*100, "allocate snurb ptrs");

    make_face(si, a, b, c, d, 2);

    /* wdb_export */
    mk_export_fwrite(fp, "spltest", (void *)si, ID_BSPLINE);
    bu_log("Saving file %s\n",filename);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void	read_obj(const char* strName)
  int i,j,k;
  FILE *fp;
  int nwords;
  char *comment_ptr;
  char *first_word;
  float x,y,z,w;

  /* read from standard input */
  fp = fopen(strName,"r");

  while (1) {

    comment_ptr = fetch_line (fp);

    if (comment_ptr == (char *) -1)  /* end-of-file */

    /* did we get a comment? */
    if (comment_ptr) {
      make_comment (comment_ptr);

    /* if we get here, the line was not a comment */

    nwords = fetch_words();

    /* skip empty lines */
    if (nwords == 0)

    first_word = words[0];

    if (equal_strings (first_word, "v")) {
      if (nwords < 4) {
		  fprintf (stderr, "Too few coordinates: '%s'", str_orig);
		  exit (-1);
#ifdef	NEW_LOAD

	  float3 pos;
	  pos.x	=	atof (words[1]);
	  pos.y	=	atof (words[2]);
	  pos.z	=	atof (words[3]);
      x = atof (words[1]);
      y = atof (words[2]);
      z = atof (words[3]);
      if (nwords == 5) {
        w = atof (words[3]);

	has_w = 1;
        w = 1.0;
      make_vertex (x, y, z, w);
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "vn")) {
#ifdef	NEW_LOAD
		float3 n;
		n.x	=	atof (words[1]);
		n.y	=	atof (words[2]);
		n.z	=	atof (words[3]);
		has_normals	=	true;
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "vt")) {
#ifdef	NEW_LOAD
		float2 t;
		t.x	=	atof (words[1]);
		t.y	=	atof (words[2]);
		texture_coords	=	true;
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "f")) {
#ifdef NEW_LOAD
      make_face (&words[1], nwords-1);
    else {
      fprintf (stderr, "Do not recognize: '%s'\n", str_orig);


  nverts	=	vVertex.size();
  nfaces	=	vIndex.size()/3;
Esempio n. 4
void read_obj ( void )


    READ_OBJ reads in a Wavefront OBJ file.


    Greg Turk
  char *comment_ptr;
  char *first_word;
  FILE *fp;
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  int nwords;
  float w;
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  Read from standard input.
  fp = stdin;

  while (1)
    comment_ptr = fetch_line ( fp );
  End of file?
    if ( comment_ptr == ( char * ) -1 )
  Did we actually get a comment?
    if ( comment_ptr )
      make_comment ( comment_ptr );
  If we get here, the line was not a comment.
    nwords = fetch_words ( );
  Skip empty lines.
    if ( nwords == 0 )

    first_word = words[0];

    if (equal_strings (first_word, "v"))
      if (nwords < 4)
	    fprintf (stderr, "Too few coordinates: '%s'", str_orig);
	    exit (-1);
      x = atof (words[1]);
      y = atof (words[2]);
      z = atof (words[3]);
      if (nwords == 5)
        w = atof (words[3]);
	    has_w = 1;
        w = 1.0;
      make_vertex ( x, y, z, w );
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "vn"))
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "vt"))
    else if (equal_strings (first_word, "f"))
      make_face (&words[1], nwords-1);
      fprintf (stderr, "Do not recognize: '%s'\n", str_orig);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	meta_mpi_init(&argc, &argv);

#ifdef __DEBUG__
	int breakMe = 0;
	while (breakMe);

	 int i = 0;
	 char hostname[256];
	 gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
	 printf("PID %d on %s ready for attach\n", getpid(), hostname);
	 while (0 == i)
	int comm_sz;
	int rank;
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_sz);
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
	printf("Hello from rank %d!\n", rank);
	int i = argc;
	int ni, nj, nk, tx, ty, tz, face_id, l_type;
	a_bool async, autoconfig;
	meta_face * face_spec;

	a_dim3 dimgrid_red, dimblock_red, dimgrid_tr_red, dimarray_3d, arr_start,
			arr_end, dim_array2d, start_2d, end_2d, trans_dim, rtrans_dim;
	if (i < 11) {
				"<ni> <nj> <nk> <tblockx> <tblocky> <tblockz> <face> <data_type> <async> <autoconfig>\n");
		return (1);
	ni = atoi(argv[1]);
	nj = atoi(argv[2]);
	nk = atoi(argv[3]);

	tx = atoi(argv[4]);
	ty = atoi(argv[5]);
	tz = atoi(argv[6]);

	face_id = atoi(argv[7]);

	l_type = atoi(argv[8]);
	set_type((meta_type_id) l_type);

	async = (a_bool) atoi(argv[9]);
	autoconfig = (a_bool) atoi(argv[10]);

	dimblock_red[0] = tx, dimblock_red[1] = ty, dimblock_red[2] = tz;
	dimgrid_red[0] = ni / tx + ((ni % tx) ? 1 : 0);
	dimgrid_red[1] = nj / ty + ((nj % ty) ? 1 : 0);
	dimgrid_red[2] = nk / tz + ((nk % tz) ? 1 : 0);
	dimarray_3d[0] = ni, dimarray_3d[1] = nj, dimarray_3d[2] = nk;

	//These are for the library reduction, which we use for sums
	void * sum_gpu, *zero;
	sum_gpu = malloc(g_typesize);
	zero = malloc(g_typesize);
	switch (g_type) {
	case a_db:
		*(double*) zero = 0;

	case a_fl:
		*(float*) zero = 0;

	case a_ul:
		*(unsigned long*) zero = 0;

	case a_in:
		*(int *) zero = 0;

	case a_ui:
		*(unsigned int *) zero = 0;


	data_allocate(ni, nj, nk);
	data_initialize(ni, nj, nk);

	MPI_Request request;
	MPI_Status status;
	for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

		if (rank == 0) {
			//Only process 0 actually needs to initialize data
			// proc1 is just a relay that tests things on the receiving
			// end and mirror's the data back
			//copy the unmodified prism to device
			meta_copy_h2d(dev_data3, data3, ni * nj * nk * g_typesize, async);
			//check_buffer(data3, dev_data3, ni*nj*nk);
			//Validate grid and block sizes (if too big, shrink the z-dim and add iterations)
			for (;
					meta_validate_worksize(&dimgrid_red, &dimblock_red) != 0
							&& dimblock_red[2] > 1;
					dimgrid_red[2] <<= 1, dimblock_red[2] >>= 1)
			//zero out the reduction sum
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			//reduce the face to check that the transfer was correct
			//accurately sets start and end indices to sum each face
			arr_start[0] = ((face_id == 3) ? ni - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[0] = ((face_id == 2) ? 0 : ni - 1);
			arr_start[1] = ((face_id == 5) ? nj - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[1] = ((face_id == 4) ? 0 : nj - 1);
			arr_start[2] = ((face_id == 1) ? nk - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[2] = ((face_id == 0) ? 0 : nk - 1);
			//check_dims(dimarray_3d, arr_start, arr_end);
//		printf("Integrity check dim(%d, %d, %d) start(%d, %d, %d) end(%d, %d, %d)\n", dimarray_3d[0], dimarray_3d[1], dimarray_3d[2], arr_start[0], arr_start[1], arr_start[2], arr_end[0], arr_end[1], arr_end[2]);
			a_err ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, dev_data3, &dimarray_3d,
					&arr_start, &arr_end, reduction, g_type, async);
			//a_dim3 testgrid, testblock;
			//testgrid[0] = testgrid[1] = testgrid[2] = 1;
			//testblock[0] = 16;
			//testblock[1] = 8;
			//testblock[2] = 1;
			//a_err ret = meta_reduce(&testgrid, &testblock, dev_data3, &dimarray_3d, &arr_start, &arr_end, reduction, g_type, async);
			printf("Reduce Error: %d\n", ret);
			//pull the sum back
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("Initial Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");

			//pack the face
			//TODO set a_dim3 structs once the internal implementation respects them
			face_spec = make_face(face_id, ni, nj, nk);
			ret = meta_pack_face(NULL, NULL, dev_face[face_id], dev_data3,
					face_spec, g_type, async);
			printf("Pack Return Val: %d\n", ret);
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[face_id], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);

			//reduce the packed face to check that packing was correct
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			dim_array2d[0] = face_spec->size[2], dim_array2d[1] =
					face_spec->size[1], dim_array2d[2] = face_spec->size[0];
			start_2d[0] = start_2d[1] = start_2d[2] = 0;
			end_2d[0] = (dim_array2d[0] == 1 ? 0 : ni - 1);
			end_2d[1] = (dim_array2d[1] == 1 ? 0 : nj - 1);
			end_2d[2] = (dim_array2d[2] == 1 ? 0 : nk - 1);

			//check_dims(dim_array2d, start_2d, end_2d);
			ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, dev_face[face_id],
					&dim_array2d, &start_2d, &end_2d, reduction, g_type, async);
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("Packed Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");

			//transpose the packed face (into the companion face's unoccupied buffer)
			trans_dim[0] = (
					face_spec->size[2] == 1 ?
							face_spec->size[1] : face_spec->size[2]);
			trans_dim[1] = (
					face_spec->size[0] == 1 ?
							face_spec->size[1] : face_spec->size[0]);
			trans_dim[2] = 1;
			rtrans_dim[0] = trans_dim[1];
			rtrans_dim[1] = trans_dim[0];
			rtrans_dim[2] = 1;

			void * stuff = calloc(
					face_spec->size[0] * face_spec->size[1]
							* face_spec->size[2], g_typesize);
			meta_copy_h2d(dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1],
					g_typesize * face_spec->size[0] * face_spec->size[1]
							* face_spec->size[2], async);
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id-1 : face_id+1], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);
			//check_dims(dimgrid_red, dimblock_red, trans_dim);
			//TODO Figure out what's wrong with transpose and re-enable
			ret = meta_transpose_face(NULL, NULL, dev_face[face_id],
					dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1],
					&trans_dim, &trans_dim, g_type, async);
			printf("Transpose error: %d\n", ret);
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id-1 : face_id+1], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);

			//reduce the specific sums needed to check that transpose was correct
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			//shuffle the (local) X/Y dimension
			rtrans_dim[0] = trans_dim[1];
			rtrans_dim[1] = trans_dim[0];
			rtrans_dim[2] = 1;
			start_2d[0] = start_2d[1] = start_2d[2] = 0;
			end_2d[0] = trans_dim[0] - 1, end_2d[1] = trans_dim[1] - 1, end_2d[2] =
			//check_dims(rtrans_dim, start_2d, end_2d);
			ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red,
					dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1],
					&trans_dim, &start_2d, &end_2d, reduction, g_type, async);
			//ret = meta_reduce(NULL, NULL, dev_face[(face_id & 1)? face_id-1 : face_id+1], &trans_dim, &start_2d, &end_2d, reduction, g_type, async);
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("Transposed Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");

			//transpose the face back
			//TODO figure out what's wrong with transpose and re-enable
			ret = meta_transpose_face(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red,
					dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1],
					dev_face[face_id], &rtrans_dim, &rtrans_dim, g_type, async);
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[face_id], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);
			//reduce the specified sums to ensure the reverse transpose worked too
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			start_2d[0] = start_2d[1] = start_2d[2] = 0;
			end_2d[0] = rtrans_dim[0] - 1, end_2d[1] = rtrans_dim[1] - 1, end_2d[2] =
			dimgrid_tr_red[0] = dimgrid_red[1];
			dimgrid_tr_red[1] = dimgrid_red[0];
			dimgrid_tr_red[2] = dimgrid_red[2];
			ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_tr_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red,
					dev_face[(face_id & 1) ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1],
					&rtrans_dim, &start_2d, &end_2d, reduction, g_type, async);
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("Retransposed Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");

			//send the packed face to proc1
			ret = meta_mpi_packed_face_send(1, dev_face[face_id],
					trans_dim[0] * trans_dim[1], i, &request, g_type, async);

//Force the recv and unpack to finish
//At this point the send should be forced to complete
// which means there's either a failure in the SP helper or the RP helper

			//receive and unpack the face
			//TODO set a_dim3 structs - i believe these are fine
			//TODO set the face_spec - believe these are fine
			ret = meta_mpi_recv_and_unpack_face(
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, 1, face_spec, dev_data3,
					dev_face[face_id], i, &request, g_type, async);

//Force the recv and unpack to finish
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			arr_start[0] = ((face_id == 3) ? ni - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[0] = ((face_id == 2) ? 0 : ni - 1);
			arr_start[1] = ((face_id == 5) ? nj - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[1] = ((face_id == 4) ? 0 : nj - 1);
			arr_start[2] = ((face_id == 1) ? nk - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[2] = ((face_id == 0) ? 0 : nk - 1);
			//check_dims(dimarray_3d, arr_start, arr_end);
			ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, dev_data3, &dimarray_3d,
					&arr_start, &arr_end, reduction, g_type, async);
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("RecvAndUnpacked ZeroFace Integrity Check: %s\n",
					(check_fp(0.0, *((double*) sum_gpu), 0.000001)) ?
							"PASSED" : "FAILED");
			if (!check_fp(0.0, *((double*) sum_gpu), 0.000001))
				printf("\tExpected [0.0], returned [%f]!\n", sum_gpu);

			ret = meta_mpi_recv_and_unpack_face(
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, 1, face_spec, dev_data3,
					dev_face[face_id], i, &request, g_type, async);

//Force the recv and unpack to finish
			meta_copy_h2d(reduction, zero, g_typesize, async);
			arr_start[0] = ((face_id == 3) ? ni - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[0] = ((face_id == 2) ? 0 : ni - 1);
			arr_start[1] = ((face_id == 5) ? nj - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[1] = ((face_id == 4) ? 0 : nj - 1);
			arr_start[2] = ((face_id == 1) ? nk - 1 : 0);
			arr_end[2] = ((face_id == 0) ? 0 : nk - 1);
			//check_dims(dimarray_3d, arr_start, arr_end);
			ret = meta_reduce(autoconfig ? NULL : &dimgrid_red,
					autoconfig ? NULL : &dimblock_red, dev_data3, &dimarray_3d,
					&arr_start, &arr_end, reduction, g_type, async);
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("RecvAndUnpacked Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");
			//TODO reduce the specified sub-sums on the face to further check accuracy of placement
		} else {
			meta_copy_d2h(sum_gpu, reduction, g_typesize, async);
			//The 4 ternaries ensure the right args are passed to match the face
			// so this one call will work for any face
			printf("RecvAndUnpacked Face Integrity Check: %s\n",
					check_face_sum(sum_gpu, (face_id < 4 ? nj : nk),
							(face_id < 2 || face_id > 3 ? ni : nk),
							(face_id & 1 ?
									(face_id < 2 ?
											nk - 1 :
											(face_id < 4 ? ni - 1 : nj - 1)) :
									0)) ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");
			//TODO reduce the specified sub-sums on the face to further check accuracy of placement
		} else {
			//receive the packed buf
			//TODO fill in <buf_leng>
			face_spec = make_face(face_id, ni, nj, nk);
			meta_face * opp_face = make_face(
					(face_id & 1 ? face_id - 1 : face_id + 1), ni, nj, nk);
			//one of the faces should always be size = 1, since we're only taking a 1-deep subsection
			// thus, the size of the recv buffer can be the product of all 3 elements
			a_err ret = meta_mpi_packed_face_recv(0, dev_face[face_id],
					face_spec->size[0] * face_spec->size[1]
							* face_spec->size[2], i, &request, g_type, async);

//Force the recv and unpack to finish
//FIXME this flush appears to invalidate something needed by the ensuing reduce at L:570
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[face_id], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);i
			//check_buffer(face[face_id], dev_face[face_id], face_spec->size[0]*face_spec->size[1]*face_spec->size[2]);

			//TODO reduce the packed buf to check the sum - this should be fine
Esempio n. 7
Cube :: Cube(float my_size)
	// adjust size to form around the origin
	h = my_size/2.0;
	// define number of vertices
	verts_size = 8;
	verts = new GLfloat*[verts_size];
	// define the number of faces
	faces_size = 12;
	faces = new int*[faces_size];
	// define arrays for normals
	v_norms = new GLfloat*[verts_size];
	f_norms = new GLfloat*[faces_size];
	// front-top-right corner
	make_vert(0, -h, h, h);
	// front-bottom-right corner
	make_vert(1, -h, -h, h);
	// front-bottom-left corner
	make_vert(2, h, -h, h);
	// front-top-left corner
	make_vert(3, h, h, h);
	// back-top-right corner
	make_vert(4, -h, h, -h);
	// back-bottom-right corner
	make_vert(5, -h, -h, -h);
	// back-bottom-left corner
	make_vert(6, h, -h, -h);
	// back-top-left corner
	make_vert(7, h, h, -h);
	// front face 1
	make_face(0, 3, 2, 1);
	// front face 2
	make_face(1, 3, 1, 0);
	// left face 1
	make_face(2, 7, 6, 2);
	// left face 2
	make_face(3, 7, 2, 3);
	// back face 1
	make_face(4, 4, 5, 6);
	// back face 2
	make_face(5, 4, 6, 7);
	// right face 1
	make_face(6, 0, 1, 5);
	// right face 2
	make_face(7, 0, 5, 4);
	// top face 1
	make_face(8, 7, 3, 0);
	// top face 2
	make_face(9, 7, 0, 4);
	// bottom face 1
	make_face(10, 2, 6, 5);
	// bottom face 2
	make_face(11, 2, 5, 1);
	// NOTE: The cube vertices have a varying
	// number of faces (some of which have the same normal).
	// This makes calculating the normals difficult.
	// Because there are only 8 vertices,
	// it is simple enough to just hard code them in.
	v_norms[0][0] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[0][1] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[0][2] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[0][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[1][0] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[1][1] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[1][2] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[1][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[2][0] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[2][1] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[2][2] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[2][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[3][0] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[3][1] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[3][2] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[3][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[4][0] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[4][1] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[4][2] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[4][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[5][0] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[5][1] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[5][2] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[5][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[6][0] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[6][1] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[6][2] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[6][3] = 1.0;
	v_norms[7][0] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[7][1] = 1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[7][2] = -1.0/3.0;
	v_norms[7][3] = 1.0;
 * triangulate the cube directly, without decomposition
static void docube(PROCESS *process, CUBE *cube)
	INTLISTS *polys;
	CORNER *c1, *c2;
	int i, index = 0, count, indexar[8];

	/* Determine which case cube falls into. */
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		if (cube->corners[i]->value > 0.0f) {
			index += (1 << i);

	/* Using faces[] table, adds neighbouring cube if surface intersects face in this direction. */
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 0)) add_cube(process, cube->i - 1, cube->j, cube->k);
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 1)) add_cube(process, cube->i + 1, cube->j, cube->k);
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 2)) add_cube(process, cube->i, cube->j - 1, cube->k);
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 3)) add_cube(process, cube->i, cube->j + 1, cube->k);
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 4)) add_cube(process, cube->i, cube->j, cube->k - 1);
	if (MB_BIT(faces[index], 5)) add_cube(process, cube->i, cube->j, cube->k + 1);

	/* Using cubetable[], determines polygons for output. */
	for (polys = cubetable[index]; polys; polys = polys->next) {
		INTLIST *edges;

		count = 0;
		/* Sets needed vertex id's lying on the edges. */
		for (edges = polys->list; edges; edges = edges->next) {
			c1 = cube->corners[corner1[edges->i]];
			c2 = cube->corners[corner2[edges->i]];

			indexar[count] = vertid(process, c1, c2);

		/* Adds faces to output. */
		if (count > 2) {
			switch (count) {
				case 3:
					make_face(process, indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0], 0);
				case 4:
					if (indexar[0] == 0) make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]);
					else make_face(process, indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]);
				case 5:
					if (indexar[0] == 0) make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]);
					else make_face(process, indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]);

					make_face(process, indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0], 0);
				case 6:
					if (indexar[0] == 0) {
						make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]);
						make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3]);
					else {
						make_face(process, indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]);
						make_face(process, indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0]);
				case 7:
					if (indexar[0] == 0) {
						make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]);
						make_face(process, indexar[0], indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3]);
					else {
						make_face(process, indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]);
						make_face(process, indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0]);

					make_face(process, indexar[6], indexar[5], indexar[0], 0);
