Esempio n. 1
static void   register_compiled_file_exports__may_heapclean   (
    //        =============================================
    Task*       task,
    Picklehash* c_picklehash,       // Picklehash key as a C string.
    Val         exports_tree,
    Roots*      extra_roots 
    Roots roots1 = { &exports_tree, extra_roots };

    // Add a picklehash/exports_tree key/val naming pair
    // to our heap-allocated list of loaded compiled_files.

    // Copy the picklehash naming this compiledfile
    // into the Mythryl heap, so that we can use
    // it in a Mythryl-heap record:
    Val heap_picklehash = allocate_nonempty_ascii_string__may_heapclean( task,  PICKLEHASH_BYTES, &roots1 );	// allocate_nonempty_ascii_string__may_heapclean	def in   src/c/heapcleaner/make-strings-and-vectors-etc.c
    memcpy( HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(heap_picklehash), (char*)c_picklehash, PICKLEHASH_BYTES );

    // Allocate the list record and thread it onto the exports list:
        make_three_slot_record( task,
	    heap_picklehash,					// Key naming compiledfile -- first slot in new record.
	    exports_tree,					// Tree of values exported from compiledfile -- second slot in new record.
	    PERVASIVE_PACKAGE_PICKLE_LIST__GLOBAL		// Pointer to next record in list -- third slot in new record.
Esempio n. 2
Val   _lib7_netdb_get_protocol_by_number   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  Int -> Null_Or(  (String, List(String), Int)   )
    // This fn gets bound as   get_prot_by_number'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/net-protocol-db.pkg


    int number = TAGGED_INT_TO_C_INT( arg );										// Last use of 'arg'.

    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	struct protoent*  pentry =   getprotobynumber( number );
    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

    if (pentry == NULL)   return OPTION_NULL;

    Val name    =  make_ascii_string_from_c_string__may_heapclean	     (task, pentry->p_name,	NULL   );				Roots roots1 = { &name, NULL };

    Val aliases =  make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings__may_heapclean(task, pentry->p_aliases, &roots1 );

    Val result	=  make_three_slot_record( task,   name,  aliases,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(pentry->p_proto)  );

    result =  OPTION_THE( task, result );

    return result;
Esempio n. 3
Val   make_mythryl_signal_handler_arg   (			// Called only from handle-interprocess-signal code in   src/c/main/run-mythryl-code-and-runtime-eventloop.c
    Task* task,
    Val*  resume_after_handling_signal
    // We're handling an interprocess signal for
    //     src/c/main/run-mythryl-code-and-runtime-eventloop.c
    // Depending on platform,    resume_after_handling_signal
    // is from one of
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.intel32.asm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.intel32.masm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.sun.asm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.pwrpc32.asm
    // Our job is to build the Mythryl argument record for
    // the Mythryl signal handler.  The handler has type
    //   posix_interprocess_signal_handler : (Int, Int, Fate(Void)) -> X
    // where
    //     The first  argument is  the signal id 		// For example SIGALRM,
    //     the second argument is  the signal count		// I.e., number of times signal has been recieved since last handled.
    //     the third  argument is  the resumption fate.
    // The return type is X because the Mythryl
    // signal handler should never return.
    // NOTE: Maybe this should be combined with choose_signal???	XXX BUGGO FIXME

    Hostthread* hostthread = task->hostthread;

    Val run_fate =  make_posthandler_resumption_fate_from_task( task,  resume_after_handling_signal );

    // Allocate the Mythryl signal handler's argument record:
    Val arg = make_three_slot_record( task, 
	TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( hostthread->next_posix_signal_id	   ),
        TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( hostthread->next_posix_signal_count ),
if (hostthread->next_posix_signal_id == 2 /*SIGINT*/) ramlog_printf("#%d make_mythryl_signal_handler_arg: hostthread->next_posix_signal_id==SIGINT\n", syscalls_seen );

    #ifdef SIGNAL_DEBUG
	debug_say( "make_mythryl_signal_handler_arg: resumeC = %#x, arg = %#x\n", run_fate, arg );

    return arg;
Esempio n. 4
Val   _lib7_netdb_get_protocol_by_name   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   String -> Null_Or(   (String, List(String), Int)   )
    // This fn gets bound as   get_prot_by_name'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/net-protocol-db.pkg


    struct protoent*  pentry;

    char* heap_name = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( arg );									// Last use of 'arg'.

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so copy heap_name into C storage: 
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  name_buf;
    {	char* c_name =  buffer_mythryl_heap_value( &name_buf, (void*) heap_name, strlen( heap_name ) +1 );		// '+1' for terminal NUL on string.

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	    pentry =	getprotobyname( c_name );
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &name_buf );

    if (pentry == NULL)   return OPTION_NULL;

    Val name    =  make_ascii_string_from_c_string__may_heapclean		(task, pentry->p_name,	   NULL   );					Roots roots1 = { &name, NULL };

    Val aliases =  make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings__may_heapclean	(task, pentry->p_aliases, &roots1 );

    Val result
        make_three_slot_record( task,   name,  aliases,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(pentry->p_proto) );

    result =  OPTION_THE( task, result );

    return result;