Esempio n. 1
std::string getIRMangledModuleInfoSymbolName(Module *module) {
  OutBuffer mangledName;
  mangleToBuffer(module, &mangledName);
  return getIRMangledVarName(mangledName.peekString(), LINKd);
Esempio n. 2
std::string getIRMangledInterfaceInfosSymbolName(ClassDeclaration *cd) {
  OutBuffer mangledName;
  mangleToBuffer(cd, &mangledName);
  return getIRMangledVarName(mangledName.peekString(), LINKd);
Esempio n. 3
std::string getIRMangledName(VarDeclaration *vd) {
  OutBuffer mangleBuf;
  mangleToBuffer(vd, &mangleBuf);

  // TODO: is hashing of variable names necessary?

  // TODO: Cache the result?

  return getIRMangledVarName(mangleBuf.peekString(), vd->linkage);
Esempio n. 4
 * Replaces <<func>> with the name of the currently codegen'd function.
 * This kludge is required to handle labels correctly, as the instruction
 * strings for jumps, … are generated during semantic3, but attribute inference
 * might change the function type (and hence the mangled name) right at the end
 * of semantic3.
static void replace_func_name(IRState *p, std::string &insnt) {
  static const std::string needle("<<func>>");

  OutBuffer mangleBuf;
  mangleToBuffer(p->func()->decl, &mangleBuf);

  size_t pos;
  while (std::string::npos != (pos = insnt.find(needle))) {
    // This will only happen for few instructions, and only once for those.
    insnt.replace(pos, needle.size(), mangleBuf.peekString());
Esempio n. 5
void CompoundAsmStatement_toIR(CompoundAsmStatement *stmt, IRState *p) {
  IF_LOG Logger::println("CompoundAsmStatement::toIR(): %s",

  // disable inlining by default
  if (!p->func()->decl->allowInlining) {

  // create asm block structure
  auto asmblock = new IRAsmBlock(stmt);
  p->asmBlock = asmblock;

  // do asm statements
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < stmt->statements->dim; i++) {
    if (Statement *s = (*stmt->statements)[i]) {
      Statement_toIR(s, p);

  // build forwarder for in-asm branches to external labels
  // this additional asm code sets the __llvm_jump_target variable
  // to a unique value that will identify the jump target in
  // a post-asm switch

  // maps each goto destination to its special value
  std::map<LabelDsymbol *, int> gotoToVal;

  // location of the special value determining the goto label
  // will be set if post-asm dispatcher block is needed
  LLValue *jump_target = nullptr;

    FuncDeclaration *fd = gIR->func()->decl;
    OutBuffer mangleBuf;
    mangleToBuffer(fd, &mangleBuf);
    const char *fdmangle = mangleBuf.peekString();

    // we use a simple static counter to make sure the new end labels are unique
    static size_t uniqueLabelsId = 0;
    std::ostringstream asmGotoEndLabel;
    printLabelName(asmGotoEndLabel, fdmangle, "_llvm_asm_end");
    asmGotoEndLabel << uniqueLabelsId++;

    // initialize the setter statement we're going to build
    auto outSetterStmt = new IRAsmStmt;
    std::string asmGotoEnd = "\n\tjmp " + asmGotoEndLabel.str() + "\n";
    std::ostringstream code;
    code << asmGotoEnd;

    int n_goto = 1;

    size_t n = asmblock->s.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      IRAsmStmt *a = asmblock->s[i];

      // skip non-branch statements
      if (!a->isBranchToLabel) {

      // if internal, no special handling is necessary, skip
      std::vector<Identifier *>::const_iterator it, end;
      end = asmblock->internalLabels.end();
      bool skip = false;
      for (auto il : asmblock->internalLabels) {
        if (il->equals(a->isBranchToLabel->ident)) {
          skip = true;
      if (skip) {

      // if we already set things up for this branch target, skip
      if (gotoToVal.find(a->isBranchToLabel) != gotoToVal.end()) {

      // record that the jump needs to be handled in the post-asm dispatcher
      gotoToVal[a->isBranchToLabel] = n_goto;

      // provide an in-asm target for the branch and set value
      IF_LOG Logger::println(
          "statement '%s' references outer label '%s': creating forwarder",
          a->code.c_str(), a->isBranchToLabel->ident->toChars());
      printLabelName(code, fdmangle, a->isBranchToLabel->ident->toChars());
      code << ":\n\t";
      code << "movl $<<in" << n_goto << ">>, $<<out0>>\n";
      // FIXME: Store the value -> label mapping somewhere, so it can be
      // referenced later
      outSetterStmt->in_c += "i,";
      code << asmGotoEnd;

    if (code.str() != asmGotoEnd) {
      // finalize code
      outSetterStmt->code = code.str();
      outSetterStmt->code += asmGotoEndLabel.str() + ":\n";

      // create storage for and initialize the temporary
      jump_target = DtoAllocaDump(DtoConstUint(0), 0, "__llvm_jump_target");
      // setup variable for output from asm
      outSetterStmt->out_c = "=*m,";

    } else {
      delete outSetterStmt;

  // build a fall-off-end-properly asm statement

  FuncDeclaration *thisfunc = p->func()->decl;
  bool useabiret = false;
  p->asmBlock->asmBlock->abiret = nullptr;
  if (thisfunc->fbody->endsWithAsm() == stmt &&
      thisfunc->type->nextOf()->ty != Tvoid) {
    // there can't be goto forwarders in this case
    emitABIReturnAsmStmt(asmblock, stmt->loc, thisfunc);
    useabiret = true;

  // build asm block
  std::vector<LLValue *> outargs;
  std::vector<LLValue *> inargs;
  std::vector<LLType *> outtypes;
  std::vector<LLType *> intypes;
  std::string out_c;
  std::string in_c;
  std::string clobbers;
  std::string code;
  size_t asmIdx = asmblock->retn;

  Logger::println("do outputs");
  size_t n = asmblock->s.size();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    IRAsmStmt *a = asmblock->s[i];
    size_t onn = a->out.size();
    for (size_t j = 0; j < onn; ++j) {
    if (!a->out_c.empty()) {
      out_c += a->out_c;
    remap_outargs(a->code, onn + a->in.size(), asmIdx);
    asmIdx += onn;

  Logger::println("do inputs");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    IRAsmStmt *a = asmblock->s[i];
    size_t inn = a->in.size();
    for (size_t j = 0; j < inn; ++j) {
    if (!a->in_c.empty()) {
      in_c += a->in_c;
    remap_inargs(a->code, inn + a->out.size(), asmIdx);
    asmIdx += inn;
    if (!code.empty()) {
      code += "\n\t";
    code += a->code;

  // append inputs
  out_c += in_c;

  // append clobbers
  for (const auto &c : asmblock->clobs) {
    out_c += c;

  // remove excessive comma
  if (!out_c.empty()) {
    out_c.resize(out_c.size() - 1);

  IF_LOG {
    Logger::println("code = \"%s\"", code.c_str());
    Logger::println("constraints = \"%s\"", out_c.c_str());

  // build return types
  LLType *retty;
  if (asmblock->retn) {
    retty = asmblock->retty;
  } else {
    retty = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(gIR->context());

  // build argument types
  std::vector<LLType *> types;
  types.insert(types.end(), outtypes.begin(), outtypes.end());
  types.insert(types.end(), intypes.begin(), intypes.end());
  llvm::FunctionType *fty = llvm::FunctionType::get(retty, types, false);
  IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "function type = " << *fty << '\n';

  std::vector<LLValue *> args;
  args.insert(args.end(), outargs.begin(), outargs.end());
  args.insert(args.end(), inargs.begin(), inargs.end());

  IF_LOG {
    Logger::cout() << "Arguments:" << '\n';
    size_t i = 0;
    for (auto arg : args) {
      Stream cout = Logger::cout();
      cout << '$' << i << " ==> " << *arg;
      if (!llvm::isa<llvm::Instruction>(arg) &&
          !llvm::isa<LLGlobalValue>(arg)) {
        cout << '\n';

  llvm::InlineAsm *ia = llvm::InlineAsm::get(fty, code, out_c, true);

  llvm::CallInst *call = p->ir->CreateCall(
      ia, args, retty == LLType::getVoidTy(gIR->context()) ? "" : "asm");

  IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Complete asm statement: " << *call << '\n';

  // capture abi return value
  if (useabiret) {
    IRAsmBlock *block = p->asmBlock;
    if (block->retfixup) {
      block->asmBlock->abiret = (*block->retfixup)(p->ir, call);
    } else if (p->asmBlock->retemu) {
      block->asmBlock->abiret = DtoLoad(block->asmBlock->abiret);
    } else {
      block->asmBlock->abiret = call;

  p->asmBlock = nullptr;

  // if asm contained external branches, emit goto forwarder code
  if (!gotoToVal.empty()) {

    // make new blocks
    llvm::BasicBlock *bb = p->insertBB("afterasmgotoforwarder");

    llvm::LoadInst *val =
        p->ir->CreateLoad(jump_target, "__llvm_jump_target_value");
    llvm::SwitchInst *sw = p->ir->CreateSwitch(val, bb, gotoToVal.size());

    // add all cases
    for (const auto &pair : gotoToVal) {
      llvm::BasicBlock *casebb = p->insertBBBefore(bb, "case");
      sw->addCase(LLConstantInt::get(llvm::IntegerType::get(gIR->context(), 32),

      p->scope() = IRScope(casebb);
      DtoGoto(stmt->loc, pair.first);

    p->scope() = IRScope(bb);
Esempio n. 6
void TryCatchScope::emitCatchBodies(IRState &irs, llvm::Value *ehPtrSlot) {

  auto &PGO = irs.funcGen().pgo;
  const auto entryCount = PGO.setCurrentStmt(stmt);

  struct CBPrototype {
    Type *t;
    llvm::BasicBlock *catchBB;
    uint64_t catchCount;
    uint64_t uncaughtCount;
  llvm::SmallVector<CBPrototype, 8> cbPrototypes;

  for (auto c : *stmt->catches) {
    auto catchBB =
        irs.insertBBBefore(endbb, llvm::Twine("catch.") + c->type->toChars());
    irs.scope() = IRScope(catchBB);

    bool isCPPclass = false;

    if (auto lp = c->langPlugin()) // CALYPSO
      lp->codegen()->toBeginCatch(irs, c);

    const auto cd = c->type->toBasetype()->isClassHandle();
    isCPPclass = cd->isCPPclass();

    const auto enterCatchFn = getRuntimeFunction(
        Loc(), irs.module,
        isCPPclass ? "__cxa_begin_catch" : "_d_eh_enter_catch");
    const auto ptr = DtoLoad(ehPtrSlot);
    const auto throwableObj =>CreateCall(enterCatchFn, ptr);

    // For catches that use the Throwable object, create storage for it.
    // We will set it in the code that branches from the landing pads
    // (there might be more than one) to catchBB.
    if (c->var) {
      // This will alloca if we haven't already and take care of nested refs
      // if there are any.

      // Copy the exception reference over from the _d_eh_enter_catch return
      // value.
      DtoStore(DtoBitCast(throwableObj, DtoType(c->var->type)),

    // Emit handler, if there is one. The handler is zero, for instance,
    // when building 'catch { debug foo(); }' in non-debug mode.
    if (isCPPclass) {
      // from DMD:

      /* C++ catches need to end with call to __cxa_end_catch().
       * Create:
       *   try { handler } finally { __cxa_end_catch(); }
       * Note that this is worst case code because it always sets up an
       * exception handler. At some point should try to do better.
      FuncDeclaration *fdend =
          FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(nullptr, Type::tvoid, "__cxa_end_catch");
      Expression *efunc = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdend);
      Expression *ecall = CallExp::create(Loc(), efunc);
      ecall->type = Type::tvoid;
      Statement *call = ExpStatement::create(Loc(), ecall);
      Statement *stmt =
          c->handler ? TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc(), c->handler, call)
                     : call;
      Statement_toIR(stmt, &irs);
    } else {
      if (c->handler)
        Statement_toIR(c->handler, &irs);

    if (!irs.scopereturned())
      // CALYPSO FIXME: _cxa_end_catch won't be called if it has already returned
      if (auto lp = c->langPlugin())
        lp->codegen()->toEndCatch(irs, c);>CreateBr(endbb);


    // PGO information, currently unused
    auto catchCount = PGO.getRegionCount(c);
    // uncaughtCount is handled in a separate pass below

    cbPrototypes.push_back({c->type->toBasetype(), catchBB, catchCount, 0}); // CALYPSO

  // Total number of uncaught exceptions is equal to the execution count at
  // the start of the try block minus the one after the continuation.
  // uncaughtCount keeps track of the exception type mismatch count while
  // iterating through the catch block prototypes in reversed order.
  auto uncaughtCount = entryCount - PGO.getRegionCount(stmt);
  for (auto it = cbPrototypes.rbegin(), end = cbPrototypes.rend(); it != end;
       ++it) {
    it->uncaughtCount = uncaughtCount;
    // Add this catch block's match count to the uncaughtCount, because these
    // failed to match the remaining (lexically preceding) catch blocks.
    uncaughtCount += it->catchCount;


  auto c_it = stmt->catches->begin(); // CALYPSO
  for (const auto &p : cbPrototypes) {
    auto branchWeights =
        PGO.createProfileWeights(p.catchCount, p.uncaughtCount);
    LLGlobalVariable *ci;
    if (auto lp = (*c_it)->langPlugin()) // CALYPSO
      ci = lp->codegen()->toCatchScopeType(irs, p.t);
    else {
      ClassDeclaration *cd = p.t->isClassHandle();
      if (cd->isCPPclass()) {
        const char *name = Target::cppTypeInfoMangle(cd);
        auto cpp_ti = getOrCreateGlobal(
            cd->loc, irs.module, getVoidPtrType(), /*isConstant=*/true,
            LLGlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, /*init=*/nullptr, name);

        // Wrap std::type_info pointers inside a __cpp_type_info_ptr class instance so that
        // the personality routine may differentiate C++ catch clauses from D ones.
        OutBuffer mangleBuf;
        mangleToBuffer(cd, &mangleBuf);
        mangleBuf.printf("%d%s", 18, "_cpp_type_info_ptr");
        const auto wrapperMangle = getIRMangledVarName(mangleBuf.peekString(), LINKd);

        RTTIBuilder b(ClassDeclaration::cpp_type_info_ptr);

        auto wrapperType = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(
        auto wrapperInit = b.get_constant(wrapperType);

        ci = getOrCreateGlobal(
            cd->loc, irs.module, wrapperType, /*isConstant=*/true,
            LLGlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage, wrapperInit, wrapperMangle);
      } else {
        ci = getIrAggr(cd)->getClassInfoSymbol();
    catchBlocks.push_back({ci, p.catchBB, branchWeights});