Esempio n. 1
errno_t SearchFlush1(flush_t* f)
	unsigned char* pos = NULL;

	char filename[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	HMODULE base = GetModuleHandle( NULL );

	HMODULE psapi = LoadLibrary("psapi.dll");
	if (psapi == NULL)
		return -1;
	_GetModuleFileNameExA GetModuleFileNameEx_ = 
		(_GetModuleFileNameExA)GetProcAddress(psapi, "GetModuleFileNameExA");
	GetModuleFileNameEx_(GetCurrentProcess(), base, filename, sizeof(filename));
	MAPPED_FILE view = {0};
	if( !map_file(filename, &view) ) {
		return errno;

	int pe = pe_open((const char*), view.size);
	if (pe == INVALID_PE) {
		return errno;

					_fflush         proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_403AD0+2A0p
	.text:004E6AD9                                                           ; output_result+A5p ...
	.text:004E6AD9                   var_1C          = dword ptr -1Ch
	.text:004E6AD9                   ms_exc          = CPPEH_RECORD ptr -18h
	.text:004E6AD9                   File            = dword ptr  8
	.text:004E6AD9 6A 0C                             push    0Ch
	.text:004E6ADB 68 58 7B 51 00                    push    offset unk_517B58
	.text:004E6AE0 E8 1F 64 00 00                    call    __SEH_prolog4
	.text:004E6AE5 33 F6                             xor     esi, esi
	.text:004E6AE7 39 75 08                          cmp     [ebp+File], esi
	.text:004E6AEA 75 09                             jnz     short loc_4E6AF5
	.text:004E6AEC 56                                push    esi
	.text:004E6AED E8 0D FF FF FF                    call    _flsall
	.text:004E6AF2 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:004E6AF3 EB 27                             jmp     short loc_4E6B1C
	.text:004E6AF5                   ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
	.text:004E6AF5                   loc_4E6AF5:                             ; CODE XREF: _fflush+11j
	.text:004E6AF5 FF 75 08                          push    [ebp+File]
	.text:004E6AF8 E8 94 FD FF FF                    call    __lock_file
	.text:004E6AFD 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:004E6AFE 89 75 FC                          mov     [ebp+ms_exc.disabled], esi
	.text:004E6B01 FF 75 08                          push    [ebp+File]      ; File
	.text:004E6B04 E8 B4 FE FF FF                    call    __fflush_nolock
	.text:004E6B09 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:004E6B0A 89 45 E4                          mov     [ebp+var_1C], eax
	.text:004E6B0D C7 45 FC FE FF FF+                mov     [ebp+ms_exc.disabled], 0FFFFFFFEh
	.text:004E6B14 E8 09 00 00 00                    call    $LN8_1
	.text:004E6B19                   $LN9_1:
	.text:004E6B19 8B 45 E4                          mov     eax, [ebp+var_1C]
	.text:004E6B1C                   loc_4E6B1C:                             ; CODE XREF: _fflush+1Aj
	.text:004E6B1C E8 28 64 00 00                    call    __SEH_epilog4
	.text:004E6B21 C3                                retn
	.text:004E6B21                   _fflush         endp

	uint8_t taget_fflush_1[] = { 0x33, 0xF6, 0x39, 0x75, 0x08, 0x75, 0x09, 0x56, 0xE8 };

	char* start = (char*);
	while( start < ((char*) + view.size ) ) {
		start = (char*)memstr((const char*)start, view.size - (start - (char*), 
			(const char*)taget_fflush_1, sizeof( taget_fflush_1 ) );
		if( start == NULL ) {

		uint8_t target_fflush_2[] = { 0x59, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xFF, 0x75, 0x08, 0xE8 };
		uint8_t target_fflush_3[] = { 0x59, 0x89, 0x75, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x75, 0x08, 0xE8 };
		if( 0 == memcmp( start + 0xD, target_fflush_2, sizeof( target_fflush_2 ))
		 && 0 == memcmp( start + 0x18, target_fflush_3, sizeof( target_fflush_3 ))) {

		start += sizeof( taget_fflush_1 );

	if( start == NULL ) {
		unmap_file( &view );
		return errno;

	f->fflush = (_fflush_)(raw_to_rva(pe, (uint32_t)(start - 0xC - (char*);
	if( (ULONG)f->fflush == INVALID_RVA ) {
		unmap_file( &view );
		return errno;

	.text:004E6891 56                                push    esi
	.text:004E6892 8B 74 24 08                       mov     esi, [esp+4+arg_0]
	.text:004E6896 B8 D0 EF 51 00                    mov     eax, offset __iob
	.text:004E689B 3B F0                             cmp     esi, eax
	.text:004E689D 72 22                             jb      short loc_4E68C1
	.text:004E689F 81 FE 30 F2 51 00                 cmp     esi, offset unk_51F230
	.text:004E68A5 77 1A                             ja      short loc_4E68C1
	.text:004E68A7 8B CE                             mov     ecx, esi
	.text:004E68A9 2B C8                             sub     ecx, eax
	.text:004E68AB C1 F9 05                          sar     ecx, 5
	.text:004E68AE 83 C1 10                          add     ecx, 10h
	.text:004E68B1 51                                push    ecx
	.text:004E68B2 E8 1B 5B 00 00                    call    __lock
	.text:004E68B7 81 4E 0C 00 80 00+                or      dword ptr [esi+0Ch], 8000h
	.text:004E68BE 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:004E68BF 5E                                pop     esi
	.text:004E68C0 C3                                retn

	uint8_t target[] = { 0x77, 0x1A, 0x8B, 0xCE, 0x2B, 0xC8, 0xC1, 0xF9, 0x05, 0x83, 0xC1, 0x10, 0x51, 0xE8 };
	pos = (uint8_t*)memstr((const char*), view.size, 
					(const char*)target, sizeof( target ) );
	pos -= 0xE;
	f->addr_iob = *(unsigned long*)pos;
	unmap_file( &view );
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
errno_t SearchFlush2(flush_t* f)
	unsigned char* pos = NULL;

	char filename[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	HMODULE base = GetModuleHandle( NULL );

	HMODULE psapi = LoadLibrary("psapi.dll");
	if (psapi == NULL)
		return -1;
	_GetModuleFileNameExA GetModuleFileNameEx_ = 
		(_GetModuleFileNameExA)GetProcAddress(psapi, "GetModuleFileNameExA");

	GetModuleFileNameEx_( GetCurrentProcess(), base, filename, sizeof( filename ) );

	MAPPED_FILE view = {0};
	if( !map_file( filename, &view) ) {
		return errno;

	int pe = pe_open((const char*), view.size);
	if (pe == INVALID_PE) {
		return errno;
			_fflush         proc near
	.text:0040772E                   File            = dword ptr  4
	.text:0040772E 56                                push    esi
	.text:0040772F 8B 74 24 08                       mov     esi, [esp+4+File]
	.text:00407733 85 F6                             test    esi, esi
	.text:00407735 75 09                             jnz     short loc_407740
	.text:00407737 56                                push    esi
	.text:00407738 E8 B3 00 00 00                    call    _flsall
	.text:0040773D 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:0040773E 5E                                pop     esi
	.text:0040773F C3                                retn
	.text:00407740                   ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
	.text:00407740                   loc_407740:                             ; CODE XREF: _fflush+7j
	.text:00407740 57                                push    edi
	.text:00407741 56                                push    esi
	.text:00407742 E8 44 EA FF FF                    call    __lock_file
	.text:00407747 56                                push    esi
	.text:00407748 E8 10 00 00 00                    call    __fflush_lk
	.text:0040774D 56                                push    esi
	.text:0040774E 8B F8                             mov     edi, eax
	.text:00407750 E8 88 EA FF FF                    call    __unlock_file
	.text:00407755 83 C4 0C                          add     esp, 0Ch
	.text:00407758 8B C7                             mov     eax, edi
	.text:0040775A 5F                                pop     edi
	.text:0040775B 5E                                pop     esi
	.text:0040775C C3                                retn
	.text:0040775C                   _fflush         endp
	unsigned char taget_fflush_1[] = { 0x56, 0x8B, 0x74, 0x24, 0x08, 0x85, 0xF6, 0x75, 0x09, 0x56, 0xE8 };

	char* start = (char*);
	while( start < ((char*) + view.size ) ) {
		start = (char*)memstr( (const char*)start, view.size - (start - (char*) ), 
			(const char*)taget_fflush_1, sizeof( taget_fflush_1 ) );
		if( start == NULL ) {

		unsigned char target_fflush_2[] = { 0x59, 0x5E, 0xC3, 0x57, 0x56, 0xE8 };
		unsigned char target_fflush_3[] = { 0x56, 0x8B, 0xF8, 0xE8 };
		if( 0 == memcmp( start + 0xF, target_fflush_2, sizeof( target_fflush_2 ))
			&& 0 == memcmp( start + 0x1F, target_fflush_3, sizeof( target_fflush_3 ))) {

		start += sizeof( taget_fflush_1 );

	if( start == NULL ) {
		f->addr_iob = 0;
		f->fflush = NULL;
		return errno;

	f->fflush = (_fflush_)(raw_to_rva(pe, (uint32_t)(start - (char*);
	if( (ULONG)f->fflush == INVALID_RVA) {
		f->addr_iob = 0;
		f->fflush = NULL;
		unmap_file( &view );
		return errno;
			__lock_file     proc near               ; CODE XREF: _fclose+16p
	.text:0040618B                                                           ; sub_404D03+8p ...
	.text:0040618B                   arg_0           = dword ptr  4
	.text:0040618B 8B 44 24 04                       mov     eax, [esp+arg_0]
	.text:0040618F B9 80 49 41 00                    mov     ecx, __iob
	.text:00406194 3B C1                             cmp     eax, ecx
	.text:00406196 72 17                             jb      short loc_4061AF
	.text:00406198 3D E0 4B 41 00                    cmp     eax, offset unk_414BE0
	.text:0040619D 77 10                             ja      short loc_4061AF
	.text:0040619F 2B C1                             sub     eax, ecx
	.text:004061A1 C1 F8 05                          sar     eax, 5
	.text:004061A4 83 C0 1C                          add     eax, 1Ch
	.text:004061A7 50                                push    eax
	.text:004061A8 E8 B9 F4 FF FF                    call    __lock
	.text:004061AD 59                                pop     ecx
	.text:004061AE C3                                retn
	.text:004061AF                   ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
	.text:004061AF                   loc_4061AF:                             ; CODE XREF: __lock_file+Bj
	.text:004061AF                                                           ; __lock_file+12j
	.text:004061AF 83 C0 20                          add     eax, 20h
	.text:004061B2 50                                push    eax             ; lpCriticalSection
	.text:004061B3 FF 15 78 10 41 00                 call    ds:EnterCriticalSection
	.text:004061B9 C3                                retn
	.text:004061B9                   __lock_file     endp
	unsigned char target[] = { 0x77, 0x10, 0x2B, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xF8, 0x05, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x50, 0xE8 };
	//unsigned char target2[] = { 0x59, 0xC3, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x50, 0xFF, 0x15 };
	pos = (uint8_t*)memstr((const char*), view.size, 
					(const char*)target, sizeof(target));
	//if( 0 == memcmp( pos + 0x10, target2, sizeof( target2 ) )) {
	//	//找到了
	//	break;
	pos -= 0xD;
	f->addr_iob = *( unsigned long*)pos;
	unmap_file( &view );
	return true;

Esempio n. 3
/** Save the specified mode to file */
void history_t::save_internal()
    /* This must be called while locked */
    /* Nothing to do if there's no new items */
    if (new_items.empty() && deleted_items.empty())
    /* Compact our new items so we don't have duplicates */
	bool ok = true;
    wcstring tmp_name = history_filename(name, L".tmp");    
	if( ! tmp_name.empty() )
        /* Make an LRU cache to save only the last N elements */
        history_lru_cache_t lru(HISTORY_SAVE_MAX);
        /* Insert old items in, from old to new. Merge them with our new items, inserting items with earlier timestamps first. */
        std::vector<history_item_t>::const_iterator new_item_iter = new_items.begin();
        /* Map in existing items (which may have changed out from underneath us, so don't trust our old mmap'd data) */
        const char *local_mmap_start = NULL;
        size_t local_mmap_size = 0;
        if (map_file(name, &local_mmap_start, &local_mmap_size)) {
            const history_file_type_t local_mmap_type = infer_file_type(local_mmap_start, local_mmap_size);
            size_t cursor = 0;
            for (;;) {
                size_t offset = offset_of_next_item(local_mmap_start, local_mmap_size, local_mmap_type, &cursor, 0);
                /* If we get back -1, we're done */
                if (offset == (size_t)(-1))

                /* Try decoding an old item */
                const history_item_t old_item = history_t::decode_item(local_mmap_start + offset, local_mmap_size - offset, local_mmap_type);
                if (old_item.empty() || is_deleted(old_item))
//                    debug(0, L"Item is deleted : %s\n", old_item.str().c_str());
                /* The old item may actually be more recent than our new item, if it came from another session. Insert all new items at the given index with an earlier timestamp. */
                for (; new_item_iter != new_items.end(); ++new_item_iter) {
                    if (new_item_iter->timestamp() < old_item.timestamp()) {
                        /* This "new item" is in fact older. */
                    } else {
                        /* The new item is not older. */
                /* Now add this old item */
            munmap((void *)local_mmap_start, local_mmap_size);
        /* Insert any remaining new items */
        for (; new_item_iter != new_items.end(); ++new_item_iter)
        FILE *out;
		if( (out=wfopen( tmp_name, "w" ) ) )
            /* Write them out */
            for (history_lru_cache_t::iterator iter = lru.begin(); iter != lru.end(); ++iter) {
                const history_lru_node_t *node = *iter;
                if (! node->write_yaml_to_file(out)) {
                    ok = false;
			if( fclose( out ) || !ok )
				  This message does not have high enough priority to
				  be shown by default.
				debug( 2, L"Error when writing history file" );
                wcstring new_name = history_filename(name, wcstring());
				wrename(tmp_name, new_name);
        /* Make sure we clear all nodes, since this doesn't happen automatically */
        /* We've saved everything, so we have no more unsaved items */
        unsaved_item_count = 0;

	if( ok )
		/* Our history has been written to the file, so clear our state so we can re-reference the file. */
Esempio n. 4
File: srv.c Progetto: hxhlb/GridOS
	@brief dynamic linker ops
static ke_handle process_ld(struct sysreq_process_ld * req)
	ke_handle handle;
	xstring module_name;
	switch (req->function_type)
			struct ko_exe *image;
			module_name = req->name;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(req->context, req->context_length, true) == false)
				goto ld_0_err;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(module_name, strlen(module_name), false) == false)
				goto ld_0_err;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(&req->map_base, sizeof(req->map_base), true) == false)
				goto ld_0_err;			
			if ((image = kp_exe_open_by_name(KP_CURRENT(), module_name, &req->map_base)) == NULL)			
				goto ld_0_err;
			if (kp_exe_copy_private(image, req->context, req->context_length) == false)
				goto ld_0_err1;
			/* Create handle for this image */
			handle = ke_handle_create(image);
			if (handle == KE_INVALID_HANDLE)
				goto ld_0_err1;

			return handle;
			//TODO: close the object
		/* Return the map base */
			struct ko_section *file_section;
			module_name = req->name;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(module_name, strlen(module_name), false) == false)
				goto map_0_err;				
			file_section = map_file(KP_CURRENT(), module_name, KM_PROT_READ, &req->context_length);
			if (file_section == NULL)
				goto map_0_err;
			return (ke_handle)file_section->node.start;
			return 0;
		/* 删除本地map的文件 */
			void *base = req->name;
		/* Add a new exe object, return bool */
			struct ko_exe *image;
			void *ctx;
			int ctx_size;
			unsigned long size;
			struct ko_section *file_section;
			ctx_size		= req->context_length;
			ctx				= req->context;
			module_name		= req->name;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(ctx, ctx_size, false) == false)
				goto ld_3_err;
			if (ke_validate_user_buffer(module_name, strlen(module_name), false) == false)
				goto ld_3_err;
			if (ctx_size > kp_exe_get_context_size())
				goto ld_3_err;
			if ((file_section = map_file(kp_get_file_process(), module_name, KM_PROT_READ, &size)) == NULL)
				goto ld_3_err;
			if (kp_exe_create_from_file(module_name, file_section, ctx, NULL) == NULL)
				goto ld_3_err;
			return true;
			return false;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void load_case_tables(void)
	static int initialised;
	char *old_locale = NULL, *saved_locale = NULL;
	int i;

	if (initialised) {
	initialised = 1;

	upcase_table = (smb_ucs2_t *)map_file(lib_path("upcase.dat"),
	upcase_table_use_unmap = ( upcase_table != NULL );

	lowcase_table = (smb_ucs2_t *)map_file(lib_path("lowcase.dat"),
	lowcase_table_use_unmap = ( lowcase_table != NULL );

	/* Get the name of the current locale.  */
	old_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);

	if (old_locale) {
		/* Save it as it is in static storage. */
		saved_locale = SMB_STRDUP(old_locale);

	/* We set back the locale to C to get ASCII-compatible toupper/lower functions. */
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");

	/* we would like Samba to limp along even if these tables are
	   not available */
	if (!upcase_table) {
		DEBUG(1,("creating lame upcase table\n"));
		upcase_table = (smb_ucs2_t *)SMB_MALLOC(0x20000);
		for (i=0;i<0x10000;i++) {
			smb_ucs2_t v;
			SSVAL(&v, 0, i);
			upcase_table[v] = i;
		for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
			smb_ucs2_t v;
			SSVAL(&v, 0, UCS2_CHAR(i));
			upcase_table[v] = UCS2_CHAR(islower(i)?toupper(i):i);

	if (!lowcase_table) {
		DEBUG(1,("creating lame lowcase table\n"));
		lowcase_table = (smb_ucs2_t *)SMB_MALLOC(0x20000);
		for (i=0;i<0x10000;i++) {
			smb_ucs2_t v;
			SSVAL(&v, 0, i);
			lowcase_table[v] = i;
		for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
			smb_ucs2_t v;
			SSVAL(&v, 0, UCS2_CHAR(i));
			lowcase_table[v] = UCS2_CHAR(isupper(i)?tolower(i):i);

	/* Restore the old locale. */
	if (saved_locale) {
		setlocale (LC_ALL, saved_locale);
Esempio n. 6
void main() {
	double lowlands[11];
	double highlands[11];
	double mountain[11];
	double terrain[14];
	double caveshape[8];
	double cavepreturb[12];

	lowlands[0] = 2;
	lowlands[1] = 1;
	lowlands[2] = 3;
	lowlands[3] = 2;
	lowlands[4] = 0.25;
	lowlands[6] = 0;
	lowlands[7] = 1;
	lowlands[8] = 0.125;
	lowlands[9] = -0.45;
	lowlands[10] = 0;

	highlands[0] = 0;
	highlands[1] = 1;
	highlands[2] = 3;
	highlands[3] = 4;
	highlands[4] = 2;
	highlands[6] = -1;
	highlands[7] = 1;
	highlands[8] = 0.25;
	highlands[9] = 0;
	highlands[10] = 0;

	mountain[0] = 2;
	mountain[1] = 1;
	mountain[2] = 3;
	mountain[3] = 8;
	mountain[4] = 1;
	mountain[6] = -1;
	mountain[7] = 1;
	mountain[8] = 0.45;
	mountain[9] = 0.15;
	mountain[10] = 0.25;

	terrain[0] = 0;
	terrain[1] = 1;
	terrain[2] = 3;
	terrain[3] = 3;
	terrain[4] = 0.125;
	terrain[6] = 0;
	terrain[7] = 1;
	terrain[8] = 0;
	terrain[9] = 0.55;
	terrain[10] = 0.2;
	terrain[11] = 0.25;
	terrain[12] = 0.15;
	terrain[13] = 0.5;

	caveshape[0] = 1;
	caveshape[1] = 1;
	caveshape[2] = 3;
	caveshape[3] = 1;
	caveshape[4] = 4;
	caveshape[6] = 0.45;
	caveshape[7] = 1;

	cavepreturb[0] = 0;
	cavepreturb[1] = 1;
	cavepreturb[2] = 3;
	cavepreturb[3] = 6;
	cavepreturb[4] = 3;
	cavepreturb[6] = 0.5;
	cavepreturb[7] = 0;
	cavepreturb[8] = 1;
	cavepreturb[9] = 0;
	cavepreturb[10] = 0.48;
	cavepreturb[11] = 0;


	//map_file2(lowlands, highlands, mountain, terrain, caveshape, cavepreturb, 800, 200, 0);

	//map_test(700, 300);