Esempio n. 1
int map_create_item(int x, int y, int item)
	map[mapindex(x, y)] = item;
	point_node *node;
	node = malloc(sizeof(point_node));
	node->p.x = x;
	node->p.y = y;
	node->next = items[item];
	items[item] = node;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
int bsp_uart_int_init(u32 iuart, u32 baud, u32 rxbuffsize, u32 txbuffsize,  u32 uart_int_priority)
	u32 cb_Idx;
	struct UARTPINS uartpins;

	if ((uart_int_priority & 0xf) != 0) bsp_panic(-3); // Bogus priority
	/* Map usart/uart register base to control block index & and enable APBxENR for USART/UART */
	cb_Idx = mapindex(iuart);	
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].iuart = iuart;	// Save uart register base address
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].flag = 1;	// Show this setup for interrupt driven

	/* Mapping adjusted file number to a control block pointer */
	cb_map[cb_Idx] = &cb_uart[cb_Idx];

	/* Set up UART pins, port & uart clockings.  THIS IS BOARD SPECIFIC */
	if (uart_pins(iuart, &uartpins) != 0) bsp_panic(-15);

	/* Setup baud rate */
	usartx_setbaud (iuart, uartpins.pclk, baud);

	/* Obtain some buffer space */
	getbuff(cb_Idx, rxbuffsize, txbuffsize);

	/* Setup CR2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* After reset CR2 is 0x0000 and this is just fine */

	/* Set up CR1 ---------------------------------------------------- */
	//                    UE       RXNEIE    TE       RE
	USART_CR1(iuart) |= (1<<13) | (1<<5) | (1<<3) | (1<<2);

	/* UART interrupt */
	NVICIPR (uartpins.irqnumber, uart_int_priority);	// Set uart interrupt priority (tx)
	NVICISER(uartpins.irqnumber);				// Enable interrupt
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 * int bsp_uart_dma_init(u32 iuart, u32 baud, u32 rxbuffsize, u32 txbuffsize, u32 dmastreamrx, u32 dmastreamtx, u32 dma_tx_int_priority);
 * @brief	: Initialize USART/UART for DMA transfers
 * @param	: iuart: pointer to UART base, e.g. 'USART1'
 * @param	: baud: name says it all, e.g. '921600'
 * @param	: rxbuffsize: number of bytes in a circular tx buffer
 * @param	: txbuffsize" number of bytes in a circular rx buffer
 * @param	: dmastreamrx: DMA stream number for RX (0 - 7)
 * @param	: dmastreamtx: DMA stream number for TX (0 - 7)
 * @param	: dma_tx_int_priority: interrupt priority, (0x00 - 0xf0) e.g. 0xc0, low 4 bits zero
 * @return	: 0 = success; fail traps to 'panic_leds'
int bsp_uart_dma_init(u32 iuart, u32 baud, u32 rxbuffsize, u32 txbuffsize, u32 dmastreamrx, u32 dmastreamtx, u32 dma_tx_int_priority)
	u32 cb_Idx;	// Used "everywhere" to index into the control block array

	int tmp;
	struct UARTPINS uartpins;

	struct IRQNUM dma_irq_number_tx;
	struct IRQNUM dma_irq_number_rx;
	u32 dma_x;

	u32 dma_channel_number_rx = 4;	// Initialize to prevent compiler warning
	u32 dma_channel_number_tx = 5;	

	/* Be sure arguments passed are within range */
	if (dmastreamrx > 7) bsp_panic(-1);
	if (dmastreamtx > 7) bsp_panic(-2);
	if ((dma_tx_int_priority & 0xffffff0f) != 0) bsp_panic(-3); // Bogus priority
	cb_Idx = mapindex(iuart);	// Map usart/uart register base to control block index

	/* Convert dma stream to dma base and irq number */
	dma_irq_number_tx = irq_given_datastream(iuart, dmastreamtx); // TX
	dma_irq_number_rx = irq_given_datastream(iuart, dmastreamrx); // RX
	/* The DMA determined should be the same...mostly a debugging issue. */
	if (dma_irq_number_tx.dma != dma_irq_number_rx.dma) bsp_panic(-333);
	dma_x = dma_irq_number_tx.dma;	// Lazy way of dealing with it later

	/* Set dma stream interrupt to revector to this routine; check if dma is in use. */
	tmp = nvic_dma_stream_vector_add( (void(*)(u32*))&DMA_UART_IRQHandler, (u32*)&cb_uart[cb_Idx], dma_irq_number_tx.num, dmastreamtx);
	if (tmp != 0) bsp_panic(-30 + tmp);

	/* RX doesn't interrupt, but we need to show that the stream has been taken */
	tmp = nvic_dma_stream_vector_add( (void(*)(u32*))&DMA_UART_IRQHandler, (u32*)&cb_uart[cb_Idx], dma_irq_number_rx.num, dmastreamrx);
	if (tmp != 0) bsp_panic(-130 + tmp);

	/* Load some parameters that might be important. */
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].idma = dma_x;	// Save dma register base address
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].rxdma_stream = dmastreamrx; // Save stream number
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].txdma_stream = dmastreamtx; // Save stream number
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].iuart = iuart;	// Save uart register base address
	cb_uart[cb_Idx].flag = 2;	// Show this setup for dma driven

	/* Find DMA channel numbers for RX and TX, given stream number */
	switch (dma_x)
	case DMA1_BASE:
		if (dma1_rxstreamtbl_4[dmastreamrx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_rx = 4; break;}
		if (dma1_rxstreamtbl_5[dmastreamrx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_rx = 5; break;}
		bsp_panic(-6);	// RX stream specified is not compatible with UART/DMA1

	case DMA2_BASE:
		if (dma2_rxstreamtbl_4[dmastreamrx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_rx = 4; break;}
		if (dma2_rxstreamtbl_5[dmastreamrx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_rx = 5; break;}
		bsp_panic(-7);	// RX stream specified is not compatible with UART/DMA2
		bsp_panic(-8);	// Something seriously wrong here!


	switch (dma_x)
	case DMA1_BASE:
		if (dma1_txstreamtbl_4[dmastreamtx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_tx = 4; break;}
		if (dma1_txstreamtbl_5[dmastreamtx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_tx = 5; break;}
		if (dma1_txstreamtbl_7[dmastreamtx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_tx = 7; break;}
		bsp_panic(-9);	// TX stream specified is not compatible with UART/DMA1

	case DMA2_BASE:
		if (dma2_txstreamtbl_4[dmastreamtx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_tx = 4; break;}
		if (dma2_txstreamtbl_5[dmastreamtx & 0x7] == iuart) {dma_channel_number_tx = 5; break;}
		bsp_panic(-10);	// TX stream specified is not compatible with UART/DMA2
		bsp_panic(-11);	// Something seriously wrong here!

static u32 qqq;
	qqq = dma_channel_number_rx;
/* At this point we (should!) have a good DMA channel and stream that associates with the UART. */

	/* Set up UART pins, port & uart clockings.  THIS IS BOARD SPECIFIC */
	if (uart_pins(iuart, &uartpins) != 0) bsp_panic(-15);

	/* Setup baud rate */
	usartx_setbaud (iuart, uartpins.pclk, baud);

	/* Obtain some buffer space */
	getbuff(cb_Idx, rxbuffsize, txbuffsize);

	/* ---------- Set up UART ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	/* Set up CR1 ---------------------------------------------------- */
	USART_CR1(iuart) |= (1<<13) | (1<<3) | (1<<2);// Set Usart enable, tx enable, rx enable

	/* Hook up usart tx and rx to dma channels */
	USART_CR3(iuart) |= (1<<7) | (1<<6);

	/* Setup CR2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* After reset CR2 is 0x0000 and this is just fine */

	/* --------- Set up the DMA channels ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* Set peripheral address for RX */
	DMA_SPAR(dma_x,dmastreamrx) = (u32*)(iuart + 0x04); // Address of uart DR register

	/* Set peripheral address for TX */
	DMA_SPAR(dma_x,dmastreamtx) = (u32*)(iuart + 0x04); // Address of uart DR register

	/* DMA stream configuration register--RX p 325 */
	//                                       Channel number     | MINC    | CIRC   | Per->Mem 
	DMA_SCR(dma_x,dmastreamrx) = ( (dma_channel_number_rx<< 25) | (1<<10) | (1<<8) | (0x0<<6) );   

	/* DMA stream configuration register--TX */
	//                                       Channel number     | MINC    | CIRC   | Mem->per | priority
	DMA_SCR(dma_x,dmastreamtx) = ( (dma_channel_number_tx<< 25) | (1<<10) | (0<<8) | (0x1<<6) | (1<<16));

	/* Set RX memory address (stays forever) */
	DMA_SM0AR(dma_x,dmastreamrx) = cb_uart[cb_Idx].rxbuff_base;

	/* Set the number of bytes in the RX buff */
	DMA_SNDTR(dma_x,dmastreamrx) = cb_uart[cb_Idx].rxbuff_size;

	/* DMA for TX interrupts */
	NVICIPR (dma_irq_number_tx.num,dma_tx_int_priority);	// Set dma interrupt priority (tx)
	NVICISER(dma_irq_number_tx.num);			// Enable dma interrupt (tx)

	/* Final enabling of DMA */
	DMA_SCR(dma_x,dmastreamrx) |= (0x1);		// Enable rx stream
	DMA_SCR(dma_x,dmastreamtx) |= ((1<<4));	// TCIE (xfer complete interrupt), not enable stream

	return 0;	// SUCCESS!
Esempio n. 4
int map_item_at(int x, int y)
	return map[mapindex(x, y)];
Esempio n. 5
inline int point_mapindex(point *p)
	return mapindex(p->x, p->y);