Esempio n. 1
session_t *session_new(size_t session_data_size, void (*data_cleanup)(session_t *))
    union Key k;
    // Must be hex binary
    int err = gen_random_data(&k.u64, 8);
    if (err != 0) {
        return NULL;
    session_t **sessionpp = (session_t**)mapinsert(&session_map, k);
    if (sessionpp == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    *sessionpp = malloc(sizeof(session_t) + session_data_size);
    if (*sessionpp == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    memset(*sessionpp, 0, sizeof(session_t) + session_data_size);
   //(*sessionpp)->tls_enabled = tls_enabled;
    (*sessionpp)->id = k.u64;
    (*sessionpp)->status = SESSION_ACTIVE;
    (*sessionpp)->refcount = 1;
    (*sessionpp)->data_cleanup = data_cleanup;
    return *sessionpp;
Esempio n. 2
File: guiwin.c Progetto: mbert/elvis
static int gwinit (int argc, char *argv[])
    register int        i;
    long		color;

    gw_def_win.nextp = NULL;

    /* map the virtual keys. */
    for (i = 0; gwkeys[i].label != 0; i++)
        if (gwkeys[i].cooked)
            mapinsert ((unsigned char *)gwkeys[i].rawin,
                       strlen ((char *)gwkeys[i].rawin),
                       (unsigned char *)gwkeys[i].cooked,
                       strlen ((char *)gwkeys[i].cooked),
                       (unsigned char *)gwkeys[i].label,
                       gwkeys[i].flags, NULL);

    /* set default values for options */
    optpreset (o_scrollbar (&gw_def_win), ElvTrue, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_toolbar (&gw_def_win), ElvTrue, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_statusbar (&gw_def_win), ElvTrue, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_menubar (&gw_def_win), ElvTrue, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_font (&gw_def_win), DEFAULT_FONT, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_propfont (&gw_def_win), DEFAULT_PROPFONT, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_titleformat (&gw_def_win), DEFAULT_TITLEFORMAT, OPT_HIDE);
    optpreset (o_scrollbgimage (&gw_def_win), ElvTrue, OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE);

    /* install the global options */
    optinsert("win32", QTY(gw_optglob_desc), gw_optglob_desc, gw_optglob_val);

    /* install default options */
    optinsert("guiwin", NUM_OPTIONS, gw_opt_desc, (OPTVAL *)&gw_def_win.options);

    /* install the default printer */
    gw_get_default_printer ();

    /* install default "normal" colors. */
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].fg = color = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.fg_rgb[0] = color & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.fg_rgb[1] = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.fg_rgb[2] = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].bg = color = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.bg_rgb[0] = color & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.bg_rgb[1] = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.bg_rgb[2] = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
    colorinfo[COLOR_FONT_NORMAL].da.bits = COLOR_FG|COLOR_BG;

    /* locate the "guide" color */
    guidefont = colorfind("guide");

    return argc;
Esempio n. 3
static int
handle_end_map(void *ctx)
    struct parse_context *pctx = (struct parse_context *)ctx;
    Var map = new_map();
    Var k, v;
    for (v = POP(pctx->top), k = POP(pctx->top);
	 (int)v.type > MAP_SENTINEL && (int)k.type > MAP_SENTINEL;
	 v = POP(pctx->top), k = POP(pctx->top)) {
	map = mapinsert(map, k, v);
    PUSH(pctx->top, map);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 4
/* initialize the PC BIOS interface. */
static int 
vio_init (int argc,     /* number of command-line arguments */
          char **argv)  /* values of command-line arguments */
  int  i;

  /* Choose font colors in the absence of user settings. */
  vc_term = vio_get_default_color ();
  vc_current = vc_term;
  vc_color = vc_term;
  vc_italic = 0xff;
  vc_underlined = 0xff;

  /* Dark if black or blue... */
  o_background = (VC_BG (vc_term) <= 1)? 'd': 'l';
  DPRINTF (("o_background: %x, %c\n", VC_BG (vc_term), o_background));

  /* change the terminal mode to cbreak/noecho */
  vio_resume (ElvTrue);

  /* try to get true screen size, from the operating system */
  vio_getsize ();

  /* pretend the cursor is in an impossible place, so we're guaranteed
   * to move it on the first vio_moveto() or vio_draw() call.
  physx = physy = -100;

  /* map the arrow keys */
  for (i = 0; i < QTY (keys); i++)
      if (keys[i].cooked != NULL && keys[i].rawin != NULL)
          mapinsert (toCHAR (keys[i].rawin), (int)strlen (keys[i].rawin),
                     toCHAR (keys[i].cooked), (int)strlen (keys[i].cooked),
                     toCHAR (keys[i].label),
                     keys[i].flags, NULL);

  /* add the global options to the list known to :set */
  o_ttyunderline = ElvTrue;
  optinsert ("vio", QTY (goptdesc), goptdesc, &ttygoptvals.term);

  return argc;