std::pair<flag_Type, bool> SetFlagAccordingToMarkerRanges::findFlag ( markerID_Type const& m ) const
    if ( !M_map.empty() )
        const_iterator_Type it = M_map.upper_bound ( std::make_pair ( m, markerID_Type ( 0 ) ) );
        if ( it-- != M_map.begin() ) // go back one
            markerID_Type first  = it->first.first;
            markerID_Type second = it->first.second;
            if ( m >= first && m <= second )
                return std::make_pair ( it->second, true );
    return std::make_pair ( flag_Type ( 0 ), false );
namespace LifeV

/*! @todo This class was meant to separate internal from boundary flags. With the
 *  new way of selecting boundary entities this will be useless!
const markerID_Type InternalEntitySelector::defMarkFlag ( markerID_Type ( 100000 ) );

// ===================================================
// Constructors & Destructor
// ===================================================
InternalEntitySelector::InternalEntitySelector() :
    M_watermarkFlag ( defMarkFlag )

InternalEntitySelector::InternalEntitySelector ( const markerID_Type& w ) :
    M_watermarkFlag ( w )

SetFlagAccordingToWatermarks::SetFlagAccordingToWatermarks ( const flag_Type& flagToSet,
                                                             const std::vector<markerID_Type>& watermarks,
                                                             const flagPolicy_ptr& flagPolicy) :
    M_flagToSet (flagToSet),
    M_watermarks (watermarks),
    M_flagPolicy (flagPolicy)
    std::sort (M_watermarks.begin(), M_watermarks.end() );

// ===================================================
// Operators
// ===================================================
bool InternalEntitySelector::operator() ( markerID_Type const& test ) const
    return ( test == markerID_Type ( 0 ) || test > M_watermarkFlag );

// Methods
void SetFlagAccordingToMarkerRanges::insert ( rangeID_Type const& key, flag_Type flag )
    M_map[ key ] = flag;

std::pair<flag_Type, bool> SetFlagAccordingToMarkerRanges::findFlag ( markerID_Type const& m ) const
    if ( !M_map.empty() )
        const_iterator_Type it = M_map.upper_bound ( std::make_pair ( m, markerID_Type ( 0 ) ) );
        if ( it-- != M_map.begin() ) // go back one
            markerID_Type first  = it->first.first;
            markerID_Type second = it->first.second;
            if ( m >= first && m <= second )
                return std::make_pair ( it->second, true );
    return std::make_pair ( flag_Type ( 0 ), false );

} // Namespace LifeV
// ===================================================
// Operators
// ===================================================
bool InternalEntitySelector::operator() ( markerID_Type const& test ) const
    return ( test == markerID_Type ( 0 ) || test > M_watermarkFlag );
Esempio n. 4
readFreeFemFile( RegionMesh<LinearTriangle, MC> & mesh,
                 const std::string          & fileName,
                 markerID_Type              regionFlag, bool /*useless*/ = false)
    MeshElementBareHandler<BareEdge> _be;
    std::pair<BareEdge, bool> _edge;

    typedef LinearTriangle GeoShape;

    typename RegionMesh<GeoShape, MC>::point_Type * pp = 0;
    typename RegionMesh<GeoShape, MC>::edge_Type * pe = 0;
    typename RegionMesh<GeoShape, MC>::face_Type * pf = 0;

    std::ifstream __is ( fileName.c_str() );
    if( )
        std::cerr << " Error in readFreeFemFile: File " << fileName
                  << " not found or locked"
                  << std::endl;

    // first row: how many vertices, triangles, edges
    UInt __nv, __nt, __ne, i1, i2, i3;
    __is >> __nv >> __nt >> __ne;

#ifdef DEBUG
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of vertices: "<< __nv << "\n";
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of triangles: "<< __nt << "\n";
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of edges: "<< __ne << "\n";

    // first section: read the list of vertices
    // on each row find the two coordinates and the label for each node
    std::vector<Real> __x(2*__nv);
    std::vector<bool> __isonboundary(__nv);
    std::vector<UInt> __whichboundary(__nv);

#ifdef DEBUG
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "reading "<< __nv << " nodes\n";

    // count the number of nodes on the boundary
    UInt __nbv( 0 );

    // reading vertices
    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __nv; ++ __i )
        __is >> __x[ 2 * __i ] >> __x[ 2 * __i + 1 ] >> __whichboundary[ __i ];
        __isonboundary[ __i ] = __whichboundary[ __i ];
        __nbv                += __isonboundary[ __i ];

    // second section: read the list of triangles
    // on each row find the three nodes and the label for each triangle
    std::vector<int> __triangle_nodes( 3 * __nt );
    std::vector<int> __triangle_label( __nt );

#ifdef DEBUG
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "reading "<< __nt << " triangles\n";

    std::map<UInt,UInt> edge_to_firstAdjacentElementIdentity, edge_to_firstAdjacentElementPosition;

    // reading vertices
    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __nt; ++__i )
        __is >> __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i ]
        >> __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 1 ]
        >> __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 2 ]
        >> __triangle_label[ __i ];

        //from 1-based numbering to 0-based numbering
		__triangle_nodes[3 * __i]--;
		__triangle_nodes[3 * __i+1]--;
		__triangle_nodes[3 * __i+2]--;

		// dump first the existing edges, to maintain the correct numbering
        // if everything is correct the numbering in the bareedge
        // structure will reflect the actual edge numbering

        std::pair<UInt, bool> _check;

        i1 = __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i ];
        i2 = __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 1 ];
        i3 = __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 2 ];

        _edge                             = makeBareEdge( i1, i2 );
        _check                            = _be.addIfNotThere( _edge.first );
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementIdentity[ _check.first ]  = __i;
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementPosition[ _check.first ] = 0;

        _edge                             = makeBareEdge( i2, i3 );
        _check                            = _be.addIfNotThere( _edge.first );
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementIdentity[ _check.first ]  = __i;
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementPosition[ _check.first ] = 1;

        _edge                             = makeBareEdge( i3, i1 );
        _check                            = _be.addIfNotThere( _edge.first );
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementIdentity[ _check.first ]  = __i;
        edge_to_firstAdjacentElementPosition[ _check.first ] = 2;

    //    ( __triangle[ 3 * i + 2] > __triangle[ 3 * i + 1 ] )

    // third section: read the list of edges
    // NOTE: only boundary edges are stored
    // on each row find the two nodes and the label for each edge
    std::vector<int> __edge_nodes( 2 * __ne );
    std::vector<int> __edge_label( __ne );

    // reading edges

    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __ne; ++__i )
        __is >> __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i ] >> __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i + 1 ] >> __edge_label[ __i ];

    //from 1-based numbering to 0-based numbering
    for(UInt i(0); i<__edge_nodes.size(); i++)

    // Set mesh properties
    // Add Marker to list of Markers
    mesh.setMarkerID( regionFlag );

    // Till now I only have information about boundary edges - I don't know the MAX num of edges
    // Euler formula: ne = nv + nt - 1
    mesh.setMaxNumEdges      ( _be.size() );
    mesh.setMaxNumGlobalEdges( _be.size() );

    // Here the REAL number of edges (all of them)
    mesh.setNumEdges         ( _be.size() );

    mesh.setNumBEdges        ( __ne );
    mesh.setMaxNumFaces      ( __nt );
    mesh.setMaxNumGlobalFaces( __nt );

    // Here the REAL number of edges (all of them)
    mesh.setNumFaces          ( __nt);

    mesh.setMaxNumPoints      ( __nv, true );
    mesh.setMaxNumGlobalPoints( __nv );

    mesh.setNumVertices       ( __nv );
    mesh.setNumGlobalVertices ( __nv );

    mesh.numBVertices()      = __nbv;
    mesh.setNumBPoints( mesh.numBVertices() );

#ifdef DEBUG
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of points : " << mesh.numPoints() << "\n";
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of boundary points : " << mesh.numBPoints() << "\n";
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of vertices : " << mesh.numVertices() << "\n";
    debugStream ( 8000 ) << "number of boundary vertices : " << mesh.numBVertices() << "\n";

    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __nv; ++__i )
        pp = &mesh.addPoint( __isonboundary[ __i ], true );
        pp->setMarkerID( __whichboundary[ __i ] );
        pp->x() = __x[ 2 * __i ];
        pp->y() = __x[ 2 * __i + 1 ];
        pp->z() = 0;
        pp->setId( __i );

    // add the edges to the mesh
    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __ne; ++__i )
        pe = &( mesh.addEdge( true ) );
        pe->setMarkerID( markerID_Type( __edge_label[ __i ] ) );
        pe->setPoint( 0, mesh.point( __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i ] ) );
        pe->setPoint( 1, mesh.point( __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i + 1 ] ) );
        pe->setId( __i );
        _edge = makeBareEdge( __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i ], __edge_nodes[ 2 * __i + 1 ] );
        UInt map_it( _edge.first ) );
        pe->firstAdjacentElementIdentity() = edge_to_firstAdjacentElementIdentity[ map_it ];
        pe->firstAdjacentElementPosition() = edge_to_firstAdjacentElementPosition[ map_it ];

    // add the triangles to the mesh
    for ( UInt __i = 0; __i < __nt; ++__i )
        pf = &( mesh.addFace(true) );
        pf->setId( __i );
        pf->setMarkerID( markerID_Type( __triangle_label[ __i ] ) );
        pf->setPoint( 0, mesh.point( __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i ] ) );
        pf->setPoint( 1, mesh.point( __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 1 ] ) );
        pf->setPoint( 2, mesh.point( __triangle_nodes[ 3 * __i + 2 ] ) );

    return true;
} // Function readFreeFemFile