Esempio n. 1
// matrix transform from source to destination
matTransformCanonical(double translateX,
                      double translateY,
                      double scaleX,
                      double scaleY,
                      double skewX,
                      double skewY,
                      bool skewOrderYX,
                      double rads,
                      double centerX,
                      double centerY)
    ///1) We translate to the center of the transform.
    ///2) We scale
    ///3) We apply skewX and skewY in the right order
    ///4) We rotate
    ///5) We apply the global translation
    ///5) We translate back to the origin

    return matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matTranslation(centerX, centerY),
                                                   matTranslation(translateX, translateY) ),
                                           matRotation(-rads) ),
                                   matSkewXY(skewX, skewY, skewOrderYX) ),
                           matScale(scaleX, scaleY) ),
                   matTranslation(-centerX, -centerY) );
Esempio n. 2
FeaturePoint* searchMahaNearestFeatPt(FeaturePoints& featPts, int f,
		double m[2], double var[4], double maxDist) {
	FeaturePoint* pHead = featPts.getFrameHead(f);
	if (!pHead)
		return 0;

	double ivar[4];
	mat22Inv(var, ivar);
	matScale(2, 2, ivar, 1 / maxDist, ivar);

	if (!featPts.getFrameTail(f))
		return 0;
	FeaturePoint* pEnd = featPts.getFrameTail(f)->next;
	FeaturePoint* p = pHead;
	double dMin = DBL_MAX;
	FeaturePoint* pMin = 0;
	while (p != pEnd) {
		double d = mahaDist2(m, p->m, ivar);
		if (d < dMin) {
			dMin = d;
			pMin = p;
		p = p->next;
	return pMin;
Esempio n. 3
// matrix transform from destination to source
matInverseTransformCanonical(double translateX,
                             double translateY,
                             double scaleX,
                             double scaleY,
                             double skewX,
                             double skewY,
                             bool skewOrderYX,
                             double rads,
                             double centerX,
                             double centerY)
    ///1) We translate to the center of the transform.
    ///2) We scale
    ///3) We apply skewX and skewY in the right order
    ///4) We rotate
    ///5) We apply the global translation
    ///5) We translate back to the origin

    // since this is the inverse, oerations are in reverse order
    return matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matTranslation(centerX, centerY),
                                                   matScale(1. / scaleX, 1. / scaleY) ),
                                           matSkewXY(-skewX, -skewY, !skewOrderYX) ),
                                   matRotation(rads) ),
                           matTranslation(-translateX, -translateY) ),
                   matTranslation(-centerX, -centerY) );
Esempio n. 4
matScaleAroundPoint(double scaleX,
                    double scaleY,
                    double px,
                    double py)
    return matMul( matTranslation(px, py), matMul( matScale(scaleX, scaleY), matTranslation(-px, -py) ) );
Esempio n. 5
/// transform from canonical coordinates to pixel coordinates
matCanonicalToPixel(double pixelaspectratio, //!< 1.067 for PAL, where 720x576 pixels occupy 768x576 in canonical coords
                    double renderscaleX,     //!< 0.5 for a half-resolution image
                    double renderscaleY,
                    bool fielded)     //!< true if the image property kOfxImagePropField is kOfxImageFieldLower or kOfxImageFieldUpper (apply 0.5 field scale in Y
       To map an X and Y coordinates from Canonical coordinates to Pixel coordinates, we perform the following multiplications...

       X' = (X * SX)/PAR
       Y' = Y * SY * FS

    // FIXME: when it's the Upper field, showuldn't the first pixel start at canonical coordinate (0,0.5) ?
    return matScale( renderscaleX / pixelaspectratio, renderscaleY * (fielded ? 0.5 : 1.0) );
Esempio n. 6
void S3D_MASTER::Render( bool aIsRenderingJustNonTransparentObjects,
                         bool aIsRenderingJustTransparentObjects )
    if( m_parser == NULL )
    double aVrmlunits_to_3Dunits = g_Parm_3D_Visu.m_BiuTo3Dunits * UNITS3D_TO_UNITSPCB;

    glScalef( aVrmlunits_to_3Dunits, aVrmlunits_to_3Dunits, aVrmlunits_to_3Dunits );

    glm::vec3 matScale( m_MatScale.x,
                        m_MatScale.z );

    glm::vec3 matRot( m_MatRotation.x,
                      m_MatRotation.z );

    glm::vec3 matPos( m_MatPosition.x,
                      m_MatPosition.z );

    glTranslatef( matPos.x * SCALE_3D_CONV,
                  matPos.y * SCALE_3D_CONV,
                  matPos.z * SCALE_3D_CONV );

    glRotatef( -matRot.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
    glRotatef( -matRot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    glRotatef( -matRot.x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

    glScalef( matScale.x, matScale.y, matScale.z );

    for( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_parser->childs.size(); idx++ )
        m_parser->childs[idx]->openGL_RenderAllChilds( aIsRenderingJustNonTransparentObjects,
                                                       aIsRenderingJustTransparentObjects );
Esempio n. 7
 * Returns the *transposed* Jacobian matrix of the matrix cross product
 *    r12 x r23  =  (r2 - r1) x (r3 - r2)
 * where r1, r2 and r3 are vectors and differentiation is done with regards 
 * to ri (with i the given parameter) with all other rj (j != i) assumed to 
 * be fixed and independent of ri.
 * The math is worked out in:
 * The result:
 *   J_ri(r12 x r23) = r12^x * J_ri(r23) - r23^x * J_ri(r12)
 * where r12^x and r23^x are the matrix form of the cross product:
 *         ( 0   -Az   Ay)
 *   A^x = ( Az   0   -Ax)
 *         (-Ay   Ax   0 )
 * and J_ri(r12) and J_ri(r23) are the jacobi matrices for r12 and r23, 
 * which are either 0, or +/- the identity matrix.
 * We have:
 *   J_r1(r12) = -1,    J_r2(r12) = +1,    J_r3(r12) =  0,
 *   J_r1(r23) =  0,    J_r2(r23) = -1,    J_r3(r23) = +1.
static __inline__ Mat3 crossProdTransposedJacobian(Vec3 r12, Vec3 r23, int i)
	/* *Transposed* matrix form of the cross product. */
	Mat3 r12matrCrossProd = mat3(   0,    r12.z, -r12.y,
	                             -r12.z,    0,    r12.x,
	                              r12.y, -r12.x,    0   );
	/* *Transposed* matrix form of the cross product. */
	Mat3 r23matrCrossProd = mat3(   0,    r23.z, -r23.y,
	                             -r23.z,    0,    r23.x,
	                              r23.y, -r23.x,    0   );

	switch (i) {
	case 1:
		return r23matrCrossProd;
	case 2:
		return matScale(matAdd(r12matrCrossProd, r23matrCrossProd), -1);
	case 3:
		return r12matrCrossProd;
		die("Internal error!\n");
		return mat3(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); /* To make compiler happy. */
Esempio n. 8
void kfUpdate(float *xl, float *omega) {
    static float phi = 0;
    static float theta = 0;
    static float psi = 0;
    float dphi, dtheta, dP;

    float sin_theta;
    float cos_phi = cos(phi);
    float sin_phi = sin(phi);
    float cos_theta = cos(theta);
    float tan_theta = tan(theta);

    float a_values[] = { -wy*cos_phi*tan_theta + wz*sin_phi*tan_theta, 
                         (-wy*sin_phi + wz*cos_phi) / (cos_theta*cos_theta),
                         wy*sin_phi - wz*cos_phi, 
                         0 };

    float c_values[6];
    float h_values[3];

    matAssignValues(A, a_values);

    dphi = wx - wy*sin_phi*tan_theta - wz*cos_phi*tan_theta;
    dtheta = -wy*cos_phi - wz*sin_phi;
    phi = phi + dphi * TIME_STEP;
    theta = theta + dtheta * TIME_STEP;

    // computing dP = APA' + Q
    matTranspose(temp2x2, A);               // A'
    matDotProduct(temp2x2, P, temp2x2);     // PA'
    matDotProduct(temp2x2, A, temp2x2);     // APA'
    matAdd(dP, temp2x2, Q);                 // APA' + Q

    // computing P = P + dt*dP   
    matScale(temp2x2, dP, TIME_STEP);      // dt*dP
    matAdd(P, P, temp2x2);                 // P + dt*dP

    cos_phi = cos(phi);
    sin_phi = sin(phi);
    cos_theta = cos(theta);
    sin_theta = sin(theta);

    c_values = {0,                  cos_theta,
                -cos_theta*cos_phi, sin_theta*sin_phi,
                cos_theta*sin_phi,  sin_theta*cos_phi }

    matAssignValues(C, c_values);

    // L = PC'(R + CPC')^-1
    matTranspose(temp2x3, C);               // C'
    matDotProduct(temp2x3, P, temp2x3);     // PC'
    matDotProduct(temp3x3, C, temp2x3);     // CPC'
    matAdd(temp3x3, R, temp3x3);            // R + CPC'
    matInverse(temp3x3, temp3x3);           // (R + CPC')^-1
    matDotProduct(L, temp2x3, temp3x3);     // PC'(R + CPC')^-1

    // P = (I - LC)P
    matDotProduct(temp2x2, L, C);       // LC
    matSub(temp2x2, I, temp2x2);        // I - LC
    matDotProduct(P, temp2x2, P);       // (I - LC)P

    h_values = {sin_theta, -cos_theta*sin_phi, -cos_theta*cos_phi};
    matAssignValues(H, h_values);


    ph = ph + dot(L[0], self.ab - h)
    th = th + dot(L[1], self.ab - h) 


    // change the values so that they stay between -PI and +PI
    phi = ((phi + PI) % (2*PI)) - PI;
    theta = ((theta + PI) % (2*PI)) - PI;

    psidot = wy * sin(ph) / cos(th) +  * cos(ph) / cos(th);
    psi += psidot * TIME_STEP;

Esempio n. 9
matScale(double s)
    return matScale(s, s);