Esempio n. 1
** Hapgood defines a transformation between GSE and HEE in his 1992
** paper (section 6), but this part isn't online.  
** The gist of it is, we rotate 180 degrees about Z, and then translate
** along X.
** But we also need to add "R", a constant vector defined by
**      R = [ Rsun, 0, 0 ]
** where
**             r0 (1 - e^2)
**    Rsun =   ------------
**             1 + e cos(v)
**   r0 = 1.495985E8 km        	mean distance of the Sun from Earth.
**    e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418T0	eccentricity of the Sun's apparent
**					orbit around the Earth.
**    w = 282.94 + 1.72 T0		longitude of perigee of that orbit
**    v = lambda0 - w			(see lambda0 above)
** Implemented by Ed Santiago, Updated by Kristi Keller
gse_twixt_hee(const double et, Vec v_in, Vec v_out, Direction direction)
  Mat mat;
  double r0,e, w,v, Rsun;
  hapgood_matrix(180, Z, mat);

  ** Note that there's no transposition here if the direction is "back";
  ** the operation works identically in both directions.
  mat_times_vec(mat, v_in, v_out);

  /* Translate the X axis about the earth-sun distance */
  r0 = (double)1.495985e8;  
  e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418*T0(et);
  w = 282.94 + 1.72*T0(et);
  v = lambda0(et) - w; 
  Rsun = r0*(1-e*e)/(1.+e*cosd(v)); 
  /*  v_out[0] += (double)1.5e8;  */

  v_out[0] += Rsun;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
** The GSE to GSEQ transformation is given by the matrix
**  T6 = <theta, X>
** where theta is the angle between the Y-axes in the two systems. A full
** description can be found at
**  (Geophysical Coordinate Transformations, C. T. Russell 1971)
mat_T6(const double et, Mat mat)
	Vec GSE_ES, GEI_ES, thetaD;
	double theta, thetaN, magThetaD;
	Mat matT2;
	/*  Get Earth-Sun vector in GEI  */
	GSE_ES[0] = 1.0;
	GSE_ES[1] = 0.0;
	GSE_ES[2] = 0.0;
	/*  Convert GSE --> GEI  */
	mat_T2(et, matT2);
	mat_transpose(matT2, matT2);
	mat_times_vec(matT2, GSE_ES, GEI_ES);
	/*  Rotation axis of the Sun (GEI): (1.217,- 0.424, 0.897)  */
	thetaN = GEI_ES[0]*(-0.032) + GEI_ES[1]*(-0.112) + GEI_ES[2]*(-0.048);
	thetaD[0] = (-0.424)*GEI_ES[2] - 0.897*GEI_ES[1];
	thetaD[1] = 0.897*GEI_ES[0] - 0.1217*GEI_ES[2];
	thetaD[2] = 0.1217*GEI_ES[1] - (-0.424)*GEI_ES[0];
	magThetaD = sqrt(pow(thetaD[0],2) + pow(thetaD[1], 2) + pow(thetaD[2], 2));
	theta = asin(thetaN/magThetaD);
	/*  printf("Theta: %f\n", theta);  */
	hapgood_matrix((theta*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES), X, mat);

	/*  TODO: Unknown why transpose is necessary to match previous results  */
Esempio n. 3
** vec_Qe
** don't ask.
vec_Qe(double et, Vec Qe)
  double lat = mag_lat(et);
  double lon = mag_lon(et);

  double cos_lat = cos(lat);
  double sin_lat = sin(lat);
  double cos_lon = cos(lon);
  double sin_lon = sin(lon);

  Mat mat_tmp, mat;

  Vec Qg;

  Qg[0] = cos_lat * cos_lon;
  Qg[1] = cos_lat * sin_lon;
  Qg[2] = sin_lat;

  /* printf("lat=%lf  lon=%lf\n", 90.0 - lat, lon);*/

  mat_T2(et, mat);
  mat_T1(et, mat_tmp);
  mat_transpose(mat_tmp, mat_tmp);
  mat_times_mat(mat, mat_tmp, mat);
  mat_times_vec(mat, Qg, Qe);
Esempio n. 4
Vec* rotate_vec_x(Vec* v, double theta) {
    Mat* rotate_mat = create_mat(1, 0, 0, 0, 
                                0, cos(theta), sin(theta), 0, 
                                0, -sin(theta), cos(theta), 0, 
                                0, 0, 0, 0);
    Vec* r = mat_times_vec(rotate_mat, v);
    return r;
Esempio n. 5
Vec* rotate_vec(Vec* v, Vec* u, double theta) {
    double c = cos(theta);
    double s = sin(theta);
    double x1 = c + u->x * u->x * (1 - c);
    double x2 = u->x * u->y * (1 - c) - u->z * s;
    double x3 = u->x * u->z * (1 - c) + u->y * s;
    double y1 = u->y * u->x * (1 - c) + u->z * s;
    double y2 = c + u->y * u->y * (1 - c);
    double y3 = u->y * u->z * (1 - c) - u->x * s;
    double z1 = u->z * u->x * (1 - c) - u->y * s;
    double z2 = u->z * u->y * (1 - c) + u->x * s;
    double z3 = c + u->z * u->z * (1 - c);
    Mat* rotate_mat = create_mat(x1, y1, z1, 0, 
                                 x2, y2, z2, 0, 
                                 x3, y3, z3, 0, 
                                 0, 0, 0, 0);
    Vec* r = mat_times_vec(rotate_mat, v);
    return r;
Esempio n. 6
**  simple_rotation  **  utility function used by all the "twixt" functions
** This is basically what all the "twixt" functions do:
**    1) define a rotation matrix
**    2) If doing an inverse transformation, transpose that matrix.
**    3) multiply the rotation matrix by the input vector.
** To save all that work in the "twixt" functions, they just call this
** function, passing us a pointer to a function that defines the matrix.
simple_rotation(const double et, Vec v_in, Vec v_out, Direction d, void (*m)())
  Mat mat;

  ** Call the user-specified function to get a rotation matrix.
  (m)(et, mat);

  ** To do the inverse transformation, we use the transposition of the matrix
  if (d == BACK)
    mat_transpose(mat, mat);

  ** Multiply the rotation matrix by the input vector, and that's it!
  mat_times_vec(mat, v_in, v_out);

  return 0;