Esempio n. 1
void gwater_deleteFlowExpression(Project* project, int j)
//  Input:   j = subcatchment index
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: deletes a subcatchment's custom groundwater flow expressions.     //(5.1.007)
Esempio n. 2
int gwater_readFlowExpression(Project* project, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads mathematical expression for lateral or deep groundwater
//           flow for a subcatchment from a line of input data.
//  Format is: subcatch LATERAL/DEEP <expr>
//     where subcatch is the ID of the subcatchment, LATERAL is for lateral
//     project->GW flow, DEEP is for deep project->GW flow and <expr> is any well-formed math
//     expression. 
    int   i, j, k;
    char  exprStr[MAXLINE+1];
    MathExpr* expr;

    // --- return if too few tokens
    if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

    // --- check that subcatchment exists
	j = project_findObject(project, SUBCATCH, tok[0]);
    if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);

    // --- check if expression is for lateral or deep project->GW flow
    k = 1;
    if ( match(tok[1], "LAT") ) k = 1;
    else if ( match(tok[1], "DEEP") ) k = 2;
    else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[1]);

    // --- concatenate remaining tokens into a single string
    strcpy(exprStr, tok[2]);
    for ( i = 3; i < ntoks; i++)
        strcat(exprStr, " ");
        strcat(exprStr, tok[i]);

    // --- delete any previous flow eqn.
    if ( k == 1 ) mathexpr_delete(project->Subcatch[j].gwLatFlowExpr);
    else          mathexpr_delete(project->Subcatch[j].gwDeepFlowExpr);

    // --- create a parsed expression tree from the string expr
    //     (getVariableIndex is the function that converts a project->GW
    //      variable's name into an index number) 
    expr = mathexpr_create(project,exprStr, getVariableIndex);
    if ( expr == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_TREATMENT_EXPR, "");

    // --- save expression tree with the subcatchment
    if ( k == 1 ) project->Subcatch[j].gwLatFlowExpr = expr;
    else          project->Subcatch[j].gwDeepFlowExpr = expr;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void treatmnt_delete(int j)
//  Input:   j = node index
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: deletes the treatment objects for each pollutant at a node.
    int p;
    if ( Node[j].treatment )
        for (p=0; p<Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
    Node[j].treatment = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
void mathexpr_delete(MathExpr *expr)
    if (expr) mathexpr_delete(expr->next);