Esempio n. 1
    ColumnMajorMatrix matrix1(3,3), matrix_exp1(3,3);
    ColumnMajorMatrix matrix2(3,3), matrix_exp2(3,3);
    Real err = 1.0e-10;
    Real e = 2.71828182846;
    Real e1 = (e*e*e*e - e)/3, e2 = (2*e + e*e*e*e)/3;

    matrix1(0,0) = 2.0;
    matrix1(0,1) = 1.0;
    matrix1(0,2) = 1.0;
    matrix1(1,0) = 1.0;
    matrix1(1,1) = 2.0;
    matrix1(1,2) = 1.0;
    matrix1(2,0) = 1.0;
    matrix1(2,1) = 1.0;
    matrix1(2,2) = 2.0;


    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(0,0) - e2) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(0,1) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(0,2) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(1,0) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(1,1) - e2) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(1,2) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(2,0) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(2,1) - e1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp1(2,2) - e2) < err );

    matrix2(0,0) = 1.0;
    matrix2(0,1) = 1.0;
    matrix2(0,2) = 0.0;
    matrix2(1,0) = 0.0;
    matrix2(1,1) = 0.0;
    matrix2(1,2) = 2.0;
    matrix2(2,0) = 0.0;
    matrix2(2,1) = 0.0;
    matrix2(2,2) = -1.0;


    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(0,0) - e) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(0,1) - (e-1)) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(0,2) - (-(-(e*e)+(2*e)-1)/e)) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(1,0) - 0.0) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(1,1) - 1) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(1,2) - (2*(e-1)/e)) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(2,0) - 0.0) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(2,1) - 0.0) < err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( std::abs(matrix_exp2(2,2) - (1/e)) < err );

Esempio n. 2
void MatrixTest::testMatrixMatrixOperations ()
  Matrix<2,3,int> lMatrix;
  Matrix<3,2,int> rMatrix;
  Matrix<2,2,int> result(0);
  assignList(lMatrix) = 1, 2, 3,
                        4, 5, 6;
  assignList(rMatrix) = 6, 5,
                        4, 3,
                        2, 1;

  // Matrix matrix multiplication
  multiply (lMatrix, rMatrix, result);
  validateEquals (result(0,0), 20);
  validateEquals (result(0,1), 14);
  validateEquals (result(1,0), 56);
  validateEquals (result(1,1), 41);

  // Bitwise comparison
  Matrix<2,3,int> matrixA(1);
  Matrix<2,3,int> matrixB(2);
  validate (matrixA == matrixA);
  validate (! (matrixA == matrixB));

  // Test equalsReturnIndex
  Matrix<2,3,double> matrix1(1);
  Matrix<2,3,double> matrix2(2);
  int i=equalsReturnIndex(matrix1,matrix2);
* Calculates the modularity for the clustering obtained. Obviously,
* The clustering must have already been made.
* IMPORTANT! We have a "virtual" cluster 0, that represents all hubs
* and outliers. It will exist here only so that we don't lose coherence
* of proportions, but e_{0,0} SHOULD NOT be considered for the trace Tr e.
* ... (I think)
float ClusterEvaluator::getModularity() {
     // 1 - Generate Matrix e, where:
     // e_{i,j} = (edges linking ci to cj)/(all edges in G)
     float** e;
     //std::cout << "num_clusters = " << num_clusters << std::endl;
     SquareMatrix<float> matrix(num_clusters+1);
     e = matrix;
     //std::cout << "Matrix e:" << std::endl;
     //printSquareMatrix(e, num_clusters+1);
     //std::cout << "---------------------------------------" << std::endl;
     // 2 -  Calculate Trace(e) = SUM_{i} e_{ii}      
     float tr = 0.0;
     for (int i = 0; i <= num_clusters; ++i){
          tr += e[i][i];
     //std::cout << "Trace is: " << tr << std::endl;
     //std::cout << "Calculate trace (e): DONE!" << std::endl;
     // 3 - Calculate e^2
     SquareMatrix<float> matrix2(num_clusters+1);
     float** e_squared;
     e_squared = matrix2;
     squareMatrixMultiplication(e, e, e_squared, num_clusters+1);
     //std::cout << "Matrix e squared:" << std::endl;
     //printSquareMatrix(e_squared, num_clusters+1);
     //std::cout << "---------------------------------------" << std::endl;
     //std::cout << "Calculate e^2: DONE!" << std::endl;
     // 4 - Sum all elements of e^2 (||e^2||)
     float sum_e = sumElementsSquareMatrix(e_squared, num_clusters+1);
     //std::cout << "Sum is: " << sum_e << std::endl;
     //std::cout << "Sum all elements e^2 (||e^2||): DONE!" << std::endl;
     // 5 - Q = tr - ||e^2||
     //std::cout << "Modularity is: " << tr - sum_e << std::endl;
     return tr - sum_e;
static void printDistanceMatrix(MknnKmeansAlgorithm *kmeans) {
	MknnDataset *dataset = mknn_kmeans_getDataset(kmeans);
	MknnDistance *distance = mknn_kmeans_getDistance(kmeans);
	int64_t n = mknn_dataset_getNumObjects(dataset);
	std::vector<double> matrix(n * n);
	mknn_fillDistanceMatrix(dataset, distance,, 8);
	std::vector<int> limits_clusters;
	showMatrixToScreen("distances", matrix, n, limits_clusters);
	int64_t *assign = mknn_kmeans_getAssignations(kmeans, false);
	int64_t nc = mknn_kmeans_getNumCentroids(kmeans);
	std::vector<int> new_pos(n * n);
	int cont = 0;
	for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (assign[i] == j)
				new_pos[cont++] = i;
	my::assert::equalInt("n", cont, n);
	std::vector<double> matrix2(n * n);
	for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
		for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
			matrix2[row * n + col] = matrix[new_pos[row] * n + new_pos[col]];
	showMatrixToScreen("distances2", matrix2, n, limits_clusters);
Esempio n. 5
void MatrixTest::testConstruction ()
  Matrix<1,2,int> matrix(1);
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 1);

  Matrix<1,2,int> matrix2(matrix);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 1);

  DynamicMatrix<int> dynmatrix(1, 2, 1);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix.size(), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix.rows(), 1);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,1), 1);

  DynamicMatrix<int> dynmatrix2(dynmatrix);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,1), 1);

  DynamicColumnMatrix<int> dyncolmatrix(1, 2, 1);
  validateEquals (dyncolmatrix.size(), 2);
  validateEquals (dyncolmatrix.rows(), 1);
  validateEquals (dyncolmatrix.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (dyncolmatrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (dyncolmatrix(0,1), 1);
Esempio n. 6
Transform *
    char token[MAX_PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH];
    Matrix4f matrix = Matrix4f::identity();
    Object3D *object = NULL;
    getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "{"));
    // read in transformations: 
    // apply to the LEFT side of the current matrix (so the first
    // transform in the list is the last applied to the object)

    while (true) {
        if (!strcmp(token,"Scale")) {
            Vector3f s = readVector3f();
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::scaling( s[0], s[1], s[2] );
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"UniformScale")) {
            float s = readFloat();
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::uniformScaling( s );
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"Translate")) {
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::translation( readVector3f() );
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"XRotate")) {
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::rotateX((float) DegreesToRadians(readFloat()));
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"YRotate")) {
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::rotateY((float) DegreesToRadians(readFloat()));
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"ZRotate")) {
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::rotateZ((float) DegreesToRadians(readFloat()));
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"Rotate")) {
            getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "{"));
            Vector3f axis = readVector3f();
            float degrees = readFloat();
            float radians = (float) DegreesToRadians(degrees);
            matrix = matrix * Matrix4f::rotation(axis,radians);
            getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "}"));
        } else if (!strcmp(token,"Matrix4f")) {
            Matrix4f matrix2 = Matrix4f::identity();
            getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "{"));
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    float v = readFloat();
                    matrix2( i, j ) = v; 
            getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "}"));
            matrix = matrix2 * matrix;
        } else {
            // otherwise this must be an object,
            // and there are no more transformations
            object = parseObject(token);

    assert(object != NULL);
    getToken(token); assert(!strcmp(token, "}"));
    return new Transform(matrix, object);
void DynamicColumnMatrixTest::testBasics ()
  DynamicColumnMatrix<int> matrix(2, 3, 5);
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,2), 5);
  assignList(matrix) = 1, 2, 3,
                       4, 5, 6;
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,2), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,2), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(0).size(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(1).size(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(2).size(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(0)[0], 1);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(1)[0], 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.column(2)[1], 6);

  DynamicColumnMatrix<int> matrix2(matrix);
  validateEquals (matrix2.size(), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix2.rows(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix2.cols(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,2), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,1), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,2), 6);
Esempio n. 8
void rotate(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
	vector<vector<int>> matrix2(matrix);
	int T = matrix2[0].size();
	for (int i = 0; i < T; i++){
		for (int j = 0; j < T; j++){
			matrix2[j][T - i - 1] = matrix[i][j];
	matrix = matrix2;
Esempio n. 9
*   <h2>Part 1: Helper functions</h2>
*  We start by defining a couple of helper functions for sparse matrices represented by C++ STL containers, i.e. std::vector<std::map<T,U> >
* <h3>Reorder Matrix</h3>
* Reorders a matrix according to a previously generated node number permutation vector r
inline std::vector< std::map<int, double> > reorder_matrix(std::vector< std::map<int, double> > const & matrix, std::vector<int> const & r)
    std::vector< std::map<int, double> > matrix2(r.size());

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
      for (std::map<int, double>::const_iterator it = matrix[i].begin();  it != matrix[i].end(); it++)
        matrix2[static_cast<std::size_t>(r[i])][r[static_cast<std::size_t>(it->first)]] = it->second;

    return matrix2;
Esempio n. 10
void MatrixTest::testMatrixOperations ()
  // Test computing determinant
  Matrix<3,3,int> matrix;
  assignList(matrix) = 1, 2, 3,
                       4, 5, 6,
                       7, 8, 9;
  validateEquals (0, det3x3(matrix));
  assignList(matrix) = -1, 2, 3,
                       4, -5, 2,
                       -2, 3, 1;
  validateEquals (1, det3x3(matrix)); // computed by octave

  // Test streaming
  Matrix<2,2,int> matrix2;
  assignList(matrix2) = 1, 2, 3, 4;
  std::ostringstream stream;
  stream << matrix2;
  validateEquals (stream.str(), std::string("1, 2; 3, 4"));
  // Test matrix multiply scalar
  matrix2 =matrix2*2;
  // Test matrix add matrix
//  Matrix<2,2,int> matrix3;
//  assignList(matrix3) = 1, 2, 3, 4;
//  matrix3=matrix3+matrix2;
//  validateEquals(matrix3(0,0),3);
//  validateEquals(matrix3(0,1),6);
//  validateEquals(matrix3(1,0),9);
//  validateEquals(matrix3(1,1),12);
  // Test matrix square
  Matrix<2,2,double> matrix4;
  assignList(matrix4) = 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, 25.0;
Esempio n. 11
void MatrixTest:: testAssignment ()
  Matrix<2,2,int> matrix(1);
  assignList(matrix) = 1, 2, 3, 4;
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 4);

  DynamicMatrix<int> dynmatrix(2, 2, 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,0), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,0), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,1), 2);

  assign(dynmatrix) = matrix;
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,0), 3);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,1), 4);

  assign(dynmatrix) = 5;
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,0), 5);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(0,1), 5);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,0), 5);
  validateEquals (dynmatrix(1,1), 5);

  assign(matrix) = dynmatrix;
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 5);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 5);

  Matrix<1,2,int> matrix2;
  assignList(matrix2) = 1, 2;
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,1), 2);
// Reorders a matrix according to a previously generated node
// number permutation vector r
std::vector< std::map<int, double> > reorder_matrix(std::vector< std::map<int, double> > const & matrix, std::vector<int> const & r)
    std::vector< std::map<int, double> > matrix2(r.size());
    std::vector<std::size_t> r2(r.size());
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
        r2[r[i]] = i;

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
        for (std::map<int, double>::const_iterator it = matrix[r[i]].begin();  it != matrix[r[i]].end(); it++)
            matrix2[i][r2[it->first]] = it->second;
    return matrix2;
void MapsMerge::GaleShapleyMatcherStrategy::testGaleShapleyAlgorithm() {

	// Initialization
	const int dimension = 4;
	    int prefer[2 * dimension][dimension] = { 
		{7, 5, 6, 4},
        {5, 4, 6, 7},
        {4, 5, 6, 7},
        {4, 5, 6, 7},
		{0, 1, 2, 3},
        {0, 1, 2, 3},
        {0, 1, 2, 3},
        {0, 1, 2, 3},
	vector<vector<int>> matrix1(dimension, vector<int>(dimension));
	vector<vector<int>> matrix2(dimension, vector<int>(dimension));
	cout << "Before initialization" << endl;

	//for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
	//	matrix1[i].assign(&prefer[i][0], &prefer[i][dimension]);
	//	matrix1[i + dimension].assign(&prefer[i + dimension][0], &prefer[i + dimension][dimension]);

	matrix1[0][0] = 3; matrix1[0][1] = 1; matrix1[0][2] = 2; matrix1[0][3] = 0;
	matrix1[1][0] = 1; matrix1[1][1] = 0; matrix1[1][2] = 2; matrix1[1][3] = 3;
	matrix1[2][0] = 0; matrix1[2][1] = 1; matrix1[2][2] = 2; matrix1[2][3] = 3;
	matrix1[3][0] = 0; matrix1[3][1] = 1; matrix1[3][2] = 2; matrix1[3][3] = 3;
	matrix2[0][0] = 0; matrix2[0][1] = 1; matrix2[0][2] = 2; matrix2[0][3] = 3;
	matrix2[1][0] = 0; matrix2[1][1] = 1; matrix2[1][2] = 2; matrix2[1][3] = 3;
	matrix2[2][0] = 0; matrix2[2][1] = 1; matrix2[2][2] = 2; matrix2[2][3] = 3;
	matrix2[3][0] = 0; matrix2[3][1] = 1; matrix2[3][2] = 2; matrix2[3][3] = 3;

	Utils::printMatrix("Matrix 1", matrix1);
	Utils::printMatrix("Matrix 2", matrix2);

	cout << "After initialization" << endl;
	// Algorithm
	vector<int> result = algGaleShapley(matrix1, matrix2);

	cout << "After algorithm" << endl;

	// Print results
	cout << "Results: " << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
		cout << result[i] << ", ";
Esempio n. 14
		 * \brief	给出3参数的相机坐标系
		 * \param	eye_position   	视点的位置
		 * \param	center_position	参考点的位置
		 * \param	up_vector	   	视点向上方向的向量,通常为0.0, 1.0, 0.0
		 * \return	世界坐标系转相机坐标系的矩阵
		Mat3 LookAt2(const Vec3 &eye_position,
			const Vec3 &center_position,
			const Vec3 &up_vector)
			Vec3 forward, side, up;
			Mat3 matrix2, resultMatrix;
			forward = center_position - eye_position;
			//Side = forward x up
			//ComputeNormalOfPlane(side, forward, up_vector);
			side[0] = (forward[1] * up_vector[2]) - (forward[2] * up_vector[1]);
			side[1] = (forward[2] * up_vector[0]) - (forward[0] * up_vector[2]);
			side[2] = (forward[0] * up_vector[1]) - (forward[1] * up_vector[0]);
			//Recompute up as: up = side x forward
			//ComputeNormalOfPlane(up, side, forward);
			up[0] = (side[1] * forward[2]) - (side[2] * forward[1]);
			up[1] = (side[2] * forward[0]) - (side[0] * forward[2]);
			up[2] = (side[0] * forward[1]) - (side[1] * forward[0]);

			matrix2(0) = side[0];
			matrix2(1) = side[1];
			matrix2(2) = side[2];
			matrix2(3) = up[0];
			matrix2(4) = up[1];
			matrix2(5) = up[2];
			matrix2(6) = -forward[0];
			matrix2(7) = -forward[1];
			matrix2(8) = -forward[2];

			return matrix2;
Esempio n. 15
void AffineTransformTestCase::InvertMatrix()
    wxAffineMatrix2D matrix1;
    matrix1.Set(wxMatrix2D(2, 1, 1, 1), wxPoint2DDouble(1, 1));

    wxAffineMatrix2D matrix2(matrix1);


    wxMatrix2D m;
    wxPoint2DDouble p;
    matrix2.Get(&m, &p);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, (int)m.m_11 );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( -1, (int)m.m_12 );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( -1, (int)m.m_21 );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 2, (int)m.m_22 );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, (int)p.m_x );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( -1, (int)p.m_y );

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( matrix2.IsIdentity() );
Esempio n. 16
void matrix3x3Test()
	S3D::Matrix3x3 matrix1;
	S3D::Matrix3x3 matrix2(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
	S3D::Matrix3x3 matrix3(9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1);
	S3D::Matrix3x3 matrix4;



		S3D::Matrix3x3 matrix5;

Esempio n. 17
  static  TYPE A[X*Y] ; 
  static  TYPE B[Y*Z] ;
  static  TYPE C[X*Z] ;

  STORAGE_CLASS TYPE *p_a = &A[0] ;
  STORAGE_CLASS TYPE *p_b = &B[0] ;
  STORAGE_CLASS TYPE *p_c = &C[0] ;
  int j;
 // TYPE f,i,k ; 

  pin_down(&A[0], &B[0], &C[0]) ; 

		printf("C[%d]: %d\n",j,C[j]);
  pin_down(&A[0], &B[0], &C[0]) ; 
  return(0)  ; 
Esempio n. 18
GAIndividual<CodeVInt> GSTM::crossover(const GAIndividual<CodeVInt> &indivl1, const GAIndividual<CodeVInt> &indivl2)
	if (indivl1 == indivl2)
		return indivl1;
	GAIndividual<CodeVInt> indivl;
	int i, j, n;
	vector<int> arr(m_numDim), flag(m_numDim+1);
	vector<vector<int>> matrix1(m_numDim), matrix2(m_numDim);
	for (i = 0; i < m_numDim; i++)
	map<int, vector<int> > frag;
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)
		arr[i] =[i];
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim + 1; i++)
		flag[i] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)
		for (j = 0; j<m_numDim; j++)
			matrix1[i][j] = 0;
			matrix2[i][j] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)
		matrix1[arr[i]][arr[(i + 1) % m_numDim]] = 1;
		matrix1[arr[(i + 1) % m_numDim]][arr[i]] = 1;
		matrix2[[i]][[(i + 1) % m_numDim]] = 1;
		matrix2[[(i + 1) % m_numDim]][[i]] = 1;
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)
		if (matrix2[arr[i]][arr[(i + 1) % m_numDim]] == 0)
			flag[i + 1] = 1;
	flag[0] = flag[m_numDim];
	int m = 0;
	n = 0;
	j = 0;
	while (flag[j] == 0 && m<m_numDim)
	i = m_numDim;
	while (flag[i] == 0 && m<m_numDim)
		frag[n].insert(frag[n].begin(), arr[i - 1]);
	while (m<m_numDim)
		if (flag[j] == 1) n++;
		while (flag[j] == 0)
	vector<int> visited(m_numDim);
	map<int, int> mp;
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)
		visited[i] = 0;
	m = 0;
	for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
		visited[m++] = frag[i].front();
		mp[visited[m - 1]] = i;
		if (frag[i].size()>1)
			visited[m++] = frag[i].back();
			mp[visited[m - 1]] = i;
	int starts;
	i = Global::msp_global->getRandInt(0, m - 1);
	j = 0;
	arr[j++] = visited[i];
	starts = visited[i];
	if (frag[mp[visited[i]]].front() == starts)
		for (size_t z = 1; z<frag[mp[visited[i]]].size(); z++)
			arr[j++] = frag[mp[visited[i]]][z];
		starts = frag[mp[visited[i]]].back();
		if (frag[mp[visited[i]]].size()>1)
			int fg = 0;
			if (visited[m - 1] == visited[i]) fg = 1;
			for (int z = 0; z<m; z++)
				if (visited[z] == frag[mp[visited[i]]].back())
					visited[z] = visited[m - 1];
					if (fg == 1) i = z;
		visited[i] = visited[m - 1];
	else if (frag[mp[visited[i]]].back() == starts)
		for (int z = frag[mp[visited[i]]].size() - 2; z >= 0; z--)
			arr[j++] = frag[mp[visited[i]]][z];
		starts = frag[mp[visited[i]]].front();
		if (frag[mp[visited[i]]].size()>1)
			int fg = 0;
			if (visited[m - 1] == visited[i]) fg = 1;
			for (int z = 0; z<m; z++)
				if (visited[z] == frag[mp[visited[i]]].front())
					visited[z] = visited[m - 1];
					if (fg == 1) i = z;
		visited[i] = visited[m - 1];
	for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
		double min = DBL_MAX;
		int temp;
		int pos = -1;
		TravellingSalesman * ptr = dynamic_cast<TravellingSalesman*>(Global::msp_global->mp_problem.get());
		for (int z = 0; z<m; z++)
			if (min>ptr->getCost()[starts][visited[z]] && matrix1[starts][visited[z]] == 0 && matrix2[starts][visited[z]] == 0)
				min = ptr->getCost()[starts][visited[z]];
				temp = visited[z];
				pos = z;
		if (pos == -1)
			temp = visited[0];
			pos = 0;
		arr[j++] = temp;
		if (frag[mp[temp]].front() == temp)
			for (size_t z = 1; z<frag[mp[temp]].size(); z++)
				arr[j++] = frag[mp[temp]][z];
			starts = frag[mp[temp]].back();
			if (frag[mp[temp]].size()>1)
				int fg = 0;
				if (visited[m - 1] == visited[pos]) fg = 1;
				for (int z = 0; z<m; z++)
					if (visited[z] == frag[mp[temp]].back())
						visited[z] = visited[m - 1];
						if (fg == 1) pos = z;
			visited[pos] = visited[m - 1];
		else if (frag[mp[temp]].back() == temp)
			for (int z = frag[mp[temp]].size() - 2; z >= 0; z--)
				arr[j++] = frag[mp[temp]][z];
			starts = frag[mp[temp]].front();
			if (frag[mp[temp]].size()>1)
				int fg = 0;
				if (visited[m - 1] == visited[pos]) fg = 1;
				for (int z = 0; z<m; z++)
					if (visited[z] == frag[mp[temp]].front())
						visited[z] = visited[m - 1];
						if (fg == 1) pos = z;
			visited[pos] = visited[m - 1];
	for (i = 0; i<m_numDim; i++)[i] = arr[i];
	return indivl;
void DynamicColumnMatrixTest::testColumnManipulations ()
  DynamicColumnMatrix<int> matrix(2, 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 3);
  assignList(matrix) = 1, 2, 3,
                       4, 5, 6;

  // Remove columns
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 0);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 0);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 0);

  // Add columns
  matrix.append (DynamicVector<int>(3,1));
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,0), 1);
  matrix.append (DynamicVector<int>(3,2));
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,1), 2);
  matrix.appendFront (DynamicVector<int>(3,3));
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 9);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,0), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,1), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,2), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,2), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,2), 2);

  // Shift columns
  matrix.shiftSetFirst (DynamicVector<int>(3,4));
  validateEquals (matrix.size(), 9);
  validateEquals (matrix.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix.cols(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix(0,2), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(1,2), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix(2,2), 1);

  DynamicColumnMatrix<int> matrix2;
  matrix2.append (matrix);
  validateEquals (matrix2.size(), 9);
  validateEquals (matrix2.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2.cols(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,1), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,2), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,2), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,2), 1);

  // Remove columns from intermediate positions
  matrix2.remove (1);
  validateEquals (matrix2.size(), 6);
  validateEquals (matrix2.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2.cols(), 2);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,0), 4);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,1), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,1), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,1), 1);
  matrix2.remove (0);
  validateEquals (matrix2.size(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2.rows(), 3);
  validateEquals (matrix2.cols(), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(0,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(1,0), 1);
  validateEquals (matrix2(2,0), 1);

  matrix2.clear ();
  validateEquals (matrix2.size(), 0);
  validateEquals (matrix2.rows(), 0);
  validateEquals (matrix2.cols(), 0);

Esempio n. 20
int main()
    std::cout << "[moeoDominanceMatrix]\n\n";

    // objective vectors
    ObjectiveVector obj0, obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6;
    obj0[0] = 2;
    obj0[1] = 5;
    obj1[0] = 3;
    obj1[1] = 3;
    obj2[0] = 4;
    obj2[1] = 1;
    obj3[0] = 5;
    obj3[1] = 5;
    obj4[0] = 5;
    obj4[1] = 1;
    obj5[0] = 3;
    obj5[1] = 3;
    obj6[0] = 4;
    obj6[1] = 4;

    // population
    eoPop < Solution > pop;
    pop[0].objectiveVector(obj0);    // class 1
    pop[1].objectiveVector(obj1);    // class 1
    pop[2].objectiveVector(obj2);    // class 1
    pop[3].objectiveVector(obj3);    // class 3

    moeoUnboundedArchive < Solution > archive;

    moeoParetoObjectiveVectorComparator < ObjectiveVector > paretoComparator;

    // fitness assignment

    moeoDominanceMatrix< Solution > matrix(true);

    moeoDominanceMatrix< Solution > matrix2(paretoComparator, false);

    //test operator() with 2 parameters

    //test result of matrix
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<7; i++)
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)

    //test methode count

    //test methode rank

    //test operator() with one parameter




    std::set<int> hop;

    std::set<int>::iterator it=hop.begin();
    while (it!=hop.end()) {
        std::cout << *it << "\n";

    std::cout << "OK";
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 21
TEST_F(CublasWrapperTest, matrixTransMatrixMultiply) {
  const int numberOfRows = 5;
  const int numberOfColumns = 3;
  const int numberOfRows2 = 5;
  const int numberOfColumns2 = 4;
  PinnedHostMatrix matrixT(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns);
  PinnedHostMatrix matrix2(numberOfRows2, numberOfColumns2);

  matrixT(0, 0) = 1;
  matrixT(1, 0) = 2;
  matrixT(2, 0) = 3;
  matrixT(3, 0) = 4;
  matrixT(4, 0) = 5;

  matrixT(0, 1) = 10;
  matrixT(1, 1) = 20;
  matrixT(2, 1) = 30;
  matrixT(3, 1) = 40;
  matrixT(4, 1) = 50;

  matrixT(0, 2) = 1.1;
  matrixT(1, 2) = 2.2;
  matrixT(2, 2) = 3.3;
  matrixT(3, 2) = 4.4;
  matrixT(4, 2) = 5.5;

  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRows2; ++i){
    matrix2(i, 0) = 6;

  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRows2; ++i){
    matrix2(i, 1) = 7;

  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRows2; ++i){
    matrix2(i, 2) = 8;

  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRows2; ++i){
    matrix2(i, 3) = 9;

  DeviceMatrix* matrixTDevice = hostToDeviceStream1.transferMatrix(matrixT);
  DeviceMatrix* matrix2Device = hostToDeviceStream1.transferMatrix(matrix2);
  DeviceMatrix* resultDevice = new DeviceMatrix(numberOfColumns, numberOfColumns2);

  cublasWrapper.matrixTransMatrixMultiply(*matrixTDevice, *matrix2Device, *resultDevice);
  handleCudaStatus(cudaGetLastError(), "Error with matrixTransMatrixMultiply in matrixTransMatrixMultiply: ");

  HostMatrix* resultHost = deviceToHostStream1.transferMatrix(*resultDevice);
  handleCudaStatus(cudaGetLastError(), "Error with transfer in matrixTransMatrixMultiply: ");

  EXPECT_EQ(90, (*resultHost)(0, 0));
  EXPECT_EQ(105, (*resultHost)(0, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ(120, (*resultHost)(0, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ(135, (*resultHost)(0, 3));

  EXPECT_EQ(900, (*resultHost)(1, 0));
  EXPECT_EQ(1050, (*resultHost)(1, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ(1200, (*resultHost)(1, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ(1350, (*resultHost)(1, 3));

  EXPECT_EQ(99, (*resultHost)(2, 0));
  EXPECT_EQ(115.5, (*resultHost)(2, 1));
  EXPECT_EQ(132, (*resultHost)(2, 2));
  EXPECT_EQ(148.5, (*resultHost)(2, 3));

  delete matrixTDevice;
  delete matrix2Device;
  delete resultDevice;
  delete resultHost;
Esempio n. 22
int tests() {
        Matrix<double> matrix(5, 5, 1);
        Matrix<double> copyMatrix = matrix;
        if (matrix != copyMatrix) {
            return 101;
        //test simple matrix accessor
        Matrix<double> matrix(5, 5, 1);
        if (matrix[1][1] != 1) {
            return 102;

        if (matrix(1, 1) != 1) {
            return 103;
        //test matrix addition
        Matrix<double> matrix1(3, 3, 1);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(3, 3, 3);
        Matrix<double> result(3, 3, 4);
        Matrix<double> matrix3 = matrix1 + matrix2;
        if (matrix3 != result) {
            return 104;
        //test cumulative matrix addition
        Matrix<double> matrix1(3, 3, 1);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(3, 3, 3);
        Matrix<double> result(3, 3, 4);
        matrix1 += matrix2;
        if (matrix1 != result) {
            return 105;
        //test matrix subtraction
        Matrix<double> matrix1(5, 5, 20);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(5, 5, 50);
        Matrix<double> result(5, 5, -30);

        Matrix<double> matrix3 = matrix1 - matrix2;

        if (matrix3 != result) {
            return 106;
        //test cumulative matrix subtraction
        Matrix<double> matrix1(5, 5, 20);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(5, 5, 50);
        Matrix<double> result(5, 5, -30);
        matrix1 -= matrix2;
        if (matrix1 != result) {
            return 107;
        //test matrix multiplication
        Matrix<double> matrix1(5, 3, 1);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(5, 5, 2);

        Matrix<double> matrix3 = matrix1 * matrix2;

        Matrix<double> result(5, 3, 15);
        if (result != matrix3) {
            return 108;
        //test cumulative multiplication
        Matrix<double> matrix1(5, 3, 1);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(5, 5, 2);

        matrix1 *= matrix2;

        Matrix<double> result(5, 3, 15);

        if (result != matrix1) {
            return 109;
        Matrix<string> matrix("sorin");

        Matrix<string> result(1, 1, "sorin");

        if (result != matrix) {
            return 110;
        Matrix<double> matrix1(5, 5, 6);
        Matrix<double> matrix2(matrix1);

        if (matrix1 != matrix2) {
            return 111;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
File: main.c Progetto: EvaBr/CFD-Lab
int main(int argn, char** args){
	if (argn !=2 ) {
		printf("When running the simulation, please give a valid geometry file name!\n");
		return 1;

	//set the geometry file
	char *filename = NULL;
	filename = args[1];

	//initialize variables
	double t = 0; /*time start*/
	int it, n = 0; /*iteration and time step counter*/
	double res; /*residual for SOR*/
	double ***U, ***V, ***W, ***P;
	double ***RS, ***F, ***G, ***H;

	int ***Flag; //additional data structure for arbitrary geometry
	int ***S; //additional data structure for arbitrary geometry
	int matrix_output = 0;
	/*those to be read in from the input file*/
	double Re, UI, VI, WI, PI, GX, GY, GZ, t_end, xlength, ylength, zlength, dt, dx, dy, dz, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value;
	int  imax, jmax, kmax, itermax;

	//double presLeft, presRight, presDelta; //for pressure stuff  ...TODO: not allowed for now
	int wl, wr, wt, wb, wf, wh;
	char problemGeometry[200];
	//in case of a given inflow or wall velocity  TODO: will we have this? needs to be a vector?
	double velIN;
	double velMW[3]; // the moving wall velocity is a vector

	struct particleline *Partlines = (struct particleline *)malloc((unsigned)(1 * sizeof(struct particleline)));
	//char szFileName[80];

	//read the parameters, using problem.dat, including wl, wr, wt, wb
	read_parameters(filename, &Re, &UI, &VI, &WI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &GZ, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &zlength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &dz, &imax,
			&jmax, &kmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value, &wl, &wr,  &wf, &wh, &wt, &wb, problemGeometry, &velIN, &velMW[0]); //&presLeft, &presRight, &presDelta, &vel);

	//printf("d: %f, %f, %f\n", dx,dy,dz);

	//int pics = dt_value/dt; //just a helping variable for outputing vtk
	double last_output_t = -dt_value;
	//double every = t_end/10; //helping variable. Can be used for displaying info every tenth of the progress during simulation

	//allocate memory, including Flag
	U = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	V = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	W = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	P = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	RS = matrix2(1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);

	F = matrix2(0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	G = matrix2(1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
	H = matrix2(1, imax, 1, jmax, 0, kmax);

	Flag = imatrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1); // or Flag = imatrix(1, imax, 1, jmax);

	S    = imatrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	//S = Flag -> adjust C_x Flags in helper.h

	//initialisation, including **Flag

	init_flag(problemGeometry, imax, jmax, kmax, Flag, wl, wr, wf, wh, wt, wb);  //presDelta, Flag);



	init_uvwp(UI, VI, WI, PI, Flag,imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, problemGeometry);

	write_particles("particles_init",0, 1, Partlines);

	write_imatrix2("Flag_start.txt",t,Flag, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	//write_flag_imatrix("Flag.txt",t,Flag, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_vtkFile(filename, -1, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P,Flag);

	//write_vtkFile("init", n, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P);
	//going through all time steps
	write_matrix2("P_start.txt",t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("U_start.txt",t,U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("V_start.txt",t,V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("W_start.txt",t,W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	//setting bound.values
	boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, F, G, H, problemGeometry, Flag, velIN, velMW); //including P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem
	//    printf("calc bc \n");

	while(t < t_end){
		/*if(t - every >= 0){
      	  	  printf("Calculating time %f ... \n", t);
      	  	  every += t;

		//adaptive time stepping
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W);
		//    printf("calc dt \n");



		//computing F, G, H and right hand side of pressue eq.
		calculate_fgh(Re, GX, GY, GZ, alpha, dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, F, G, H, Flag);
		//    printf("calc fgh \n");

		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, F, G, H, RS,Flag);
		//    printf("calc rs \n");

		//iteration counter
		it = 0;

		//write_matrix2("RS.txt",t,RS, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("F.txt",t,F, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("G.txt",t,G, 1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("H.txt",t,H, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 0, kmax);
			// sprintf( szFileName, "P_%d.txt",it );
			//write_matrix2(szFileName,1000+t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
			//perform SOR iteration, at same time set bound.values for P and new residual value
			sor(omg, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, P, RS, &res, Flag); //, presLeft, presRight);

		}while(it<itermax && res>eps);

		/*if (it == itermax) {
	printf("Warning: sor while loop exits because it reaches the itermax. res = %f, time =%f\n", res, t);
		} */

		//write_matrix2("P.txt",t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//calculate U, V and W of this time step
		calculate_uvw(dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, F, G, H, P, Flag);
		//write_matrix2("U.txt",t,U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//write_matrix2("V.txt",t,V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//write_matrix2("W.txt",t,W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);

		//    printf("calc uvw \n");

			//sprintf( szFileName, "simulation/%s.%i_debug.vtk", szProblem, timeStepNumber );

		//setting bound.values
		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, F, G, H, problemGeometry, Flag, velIN, velMW); //including P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem


		advance_particles(dx,dy, dz,imax,jmax,kmax, dt,U,V,W,1,Partlines);

		//indent time and number of time steps
		t += dt;

		//output of pics for animation
		if ( t-last_output_t  >= dt_value ){  //n%pics==0 ){

			write_particles(filename,n, 1, Partlines);
			write_vtkFile(filename, n, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P,Flag);

			printf("output vtk (%d)\n",n);
			last_output_t = t;
		printf("timestep: %f   - next output: %f   (dt: %f) \n",t,dt_value- (t-last_output_t),dt);

	//output of U, V, P at the end for visualization
	//write_vtkFile("DrivenCavity", n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);
	//free memory
	free_matrix2(U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(RS, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);

	free_matrix2(F, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	free_matrix2(G, 1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
	free_matrix2(H, 1, imax, 1, jmax,  0, kmax);

	free_imatrix2(Flag, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_imatrix2(S, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	return -1;
Esempio n. 24
void testMatrix3()
	reportTesting("Matrix3 class");	

	Matrix3 matrix3d = Matrix3(
		1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
		4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f,
		7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f);
		1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
		4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f,
		7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f, matrix3d);

	Matrix3 matrix = Matrix3(matrix3d);	
	assertEquals(__LINE__, matrix, matrix3d);

	matrix3d = Matrix3();
		0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
		0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
		0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, matrix3d);

		1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
		0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
		0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 

	//Getters and setters
		9.0f, 8.0f, 7.0f,
		6.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f,
		3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
		9.0f, 8.0f, 7.0f,
		6.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f,
		3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, matrix3d);

	matrix3d(0,0) = 10.0f;
	matrix3d(0,1) = 11.0f;
	matrix3d(0,2) = 12.0f;
	matrix3d(1,0) = 13.0f;
	matrix3d(1,1) = 14.0f;
	matrix3d(1,2) = 15.0f;
	matrix3d(2,0) = 16.0f;
	matrix3d(2,1) = 17.0f;
	matrix3d(2,2) = 18.0f;
		10.0f, 11.0f, 12.0f,
		13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f,
		16.0f, 17.0f, 18.0f, matrix3d);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	const Matrix3 m = matrix1();
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 1.0f, m(0,0));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 2.0f, m(0,1));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 3.0f, m(0,2));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 4.0f, m(0,3));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 5.0f, m(0,4));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 6.0f, m(0,5));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 7.0f, m(0,6));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 8.0f, m(0,7));
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 9.0f, m(0,8));

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	matrix3d += matrix2();
		2.0f, 11.0f, 5.0f,
		12.0f, 8.0f, 13.0f,
		11.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f, matrix3d);
	matrix3d = matrix1();
	Matrix3 other = matrix3d + matrix2();
	assertEquals(__LINE__, matrix1(), matrix3d);
		2.0f, 11.0f, 5.0f,
		12.0f, 8.0f, 13.0f,
		11.0f, 14.0f, 14.0f, other);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	matrix3d -= matrix2();
		0.0f, -7.0f, 1.0f,
		-4.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f,
		3.0f, 2.0f, 4.0f, matrix3d);
	matrix3d = matrix1();
	other = matrix3d - matrix2();
	assertEquals(__LINE__, matrix1(), matrix3d);
		0.0f, -7.0f, 1.0f,
		-4.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f,
		3.0f, 2.0f, 4.0f, other);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	matrix3d *= Matrix3(
		9.0f, 8.0f, 7.0f, 
		6.0f, 10.0f, 4.0f, 
		3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);

		30.0f, 34.0f, 18.0f,
		84.0f, 94.0f, 54.0f,
		138.0f, 154.0f, 90.0f, matrix3d);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	other = matrix3d * Matrix3(
		9.0f, 8.0f, 7.0f, 
		6.0f, 10.0f, 4.0f, 
		3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);

	assertEquals(__LINE__, matrix1(), matrix3d);
		30.0f, 34.0f, 18.0f,
		84.0f, 94.0f, 54.0f,
		138.0f, 154.0f, 90.0f, other);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	matrix3d *= 3;
		3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f,
		12.0f, 15.0f, 18.0f,
		21.0f, 24.0f, 27.0f, matrix3d);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	other = matrix1() * 3;
		3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f,
		12.0f, 15.0f, 18.0f,
		21.0f, 24.0f, 27.0f, other);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
	other = 2 * matrix1();
		2.0f, 4.0f, 6.0f,
		8.0f, 10.0f, 12.0f,
		14.0f, 16.0f, 18.0f, other);

		5, 0, 1,
       -2, 3, 4,
       0, 2, -1);
	assertEquals(__LINE__, -59.0f, matrix3d.determinant());
	assertTrue(__LINE__, matrix3d.isInvertible());

		 1, 3, 10,
		-1, 1, 10,
		 0, 2, 10);
	assertEquals(__LINE__, 0.0f, matrix3d.determinant());
	assertTrue(__LINE__, !matrix3d.isInvertible());

		3, 0, 2,
		9, 1, 7,
		1, 0, 1);
		 1.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f,
	    -2.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f,
		-1.0f, 0.0f,  3.0f, matrix3d);

	matrix3d = matrix1();
		1.0f, 4.0f, 7.0f,
		2.0f, 5.0f, 8.0f,
		3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f, matrix3d);

	//Auxiliary functions
	matrix3d = matrix1();
	other = transpose(matrix3d);
	assertEquals(__LINE__, matrix1(), matrix3d);
		1.0f, 4.0f, 7.0f,
		2.0f, 5.0f, 8.0f,
		3.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f, other);

		3, 0, 2,
		9, 1, 7,
		1, 0, 1);
	other = inverse(matrix3d);
		3, 0, 2,
		9, 1, 7,
		1, 0, 1, matrix3d);
		 1.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f,
	    -2.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f,
		-1.0f, 0.0f,  3.0f, other);
Esempio n. 25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 2)
      puts("\a\n usage: math_tst matrix_file_name\n");
      exit( 1 );
::printf("\n\n-------------  MACHINE (CPU) DEPENDENT THINGS  --------------\n\n");

// defining machine epsilon for different built in data types supported by C++
float        float_eps       = f_macheps();  // or use float.h values FLT_EPSILON
double       double_eps      = d_macheps();  // or use float.h values DBL_EPSILON
//long double  long_double_eps = ld_macheps(); // or use float.h values LDBL_EPSILON

::printf("\n float macheps = %.20e \n",float_eps);
::printf(" double macheps = %.20e \n",double_eps);
//::printf(" long double macheps = %.20Le \n\n\n",long_double_eps);

// Usual tolerance is defined as square root of machine epsilon
float        sqrt_f_eps       = sqrt(f_macheps());
double       sqrt_d_eps       = sqrt(d_macheps());
//long double  sqrt_ld_eps      = sqrt(ld_macheps());

::printf("\n sqrt float macheps = %.20e \n",sqrt_f_eps);
::printf(" sqrt double macheps = %.20e \n",sqrt_d_eps);
//::printf(" sqrt long double macheps = %.20Le \n",sqrt_ld_eps);

::printf("\n\n----------------  MATRIX  -----------------\n\n");

// New data type MATRIX is defined in such a way that it can be regarded
// as concrete data type.
// default constructor:
  BJmatrix matrix1;

  static double initvalue[] = {1.0, 2.0,
                               3.0, 4.0};
// constructor with matrix initialization
  BJmatrix matrix2(2,2,initvalue);

// unit matrix initialization ( third order )
  BJmatrix matrix3("I",3);

// matrix initialization from the file that is in predefined format!
  BJmatrix  m(argv[1]);
  m.print("m","m is");
// matrix assignment
  BJmatrix first_matrix = m;
  first_matrix.print("fm","first_matrix is");

// ---------------------------------
::printf("\n\n--------EIGENVECTORS and EIGENVALUES-----------\n");
  static double symm_initvalue[] = {1.0, 0.0,
                                    0.0, 0.0};
// constructor with matrix initialization
  BJmatrix sym_matrix(2,2,symm_initvalue);

// Eigenvalues
  BJvector eval = sym_matrix.eigenvalues();
  eval.print("ev","Eigenvalues of sym_matrix");
// Eigenvectors
  BJmatrix evect = sym_matrix.eigenvectors();
  evect.print("ev","Eigenvectors of sym_matrix");

// matrix to file "test.$$$"
  m.write_standard("test.$$$", "this is a test");

// equivalence of two matrices ( within tolerance sqrt(macheps) )
  if ( first_matrix == m ) ::printf("\n first_matrix == m  TRUE \n");
  else ::printf("\a\n first_matrix == m  NOTTRUE \n");

// matrix addition
  BJmatrix m2 =m+m;
  m2.print("m2","\nm+m = \n");

// equivalence of two matrices ( within tolerance sqrt(macheps) )
  if ( m2 == m ) ::printf("\a\n m2 == m  TRUE \n");
  else ::printf("\n m2 == m  NOTTRUE \n");

// matrix substraction
  BJmatrix m3 =m-m;
  m3.print("m3","\nm-m = \n");

// matrix multiplication
  BJmatrix m4 = m*m;
  m4.print("m4","\n m*m = \n");

// matrix transposition
  BJmatrix mtran = m.transpose();
  mtran.print("mt","transpose of m is");

// determinant of matrix
 printf("determinant = %6.6f \n",m.determinant());

// matrix inversion
  BJmatrix minv = m.inverse();
  minv.print("mi","inverse of m is");
// check matrix inversion
  ( m * minv ).print("1"," m * m.inverse() ");

// minima, maxima, mean and variance values for matrix:
  printf("min = %6.6f \n", m.mmin() );
  printf("max = %6.6f \n", m.mmax() );
  printf("mean = %6.6f \n", m.mean() );
  printf("variance = %6.6f \n", m.variance() );

//====//===printf("\n\n-----------------  SKY MATRIX ----------------------\n\n");
//====//===// skymatrix as defined by K.J. Bathe in "FE procedures in Engineering Analysis"
//====//===// The example is from that book too!
//====//===int maxa[] = { 1,   2,         4,          6,          8,                  13};
//====//===double a[] = {2.0, 3.0, -2.0, 5.0, -2.0, 10.0, -3.0, 10.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0};
//====//===double rhs[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
//====//===// skymatrix constructor
//====//===  skymatrix first( 5, maxa, a);
//====//===// simple print functions:
//====//===  first.full_print("\nfirst Sparse Skyline Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===  first.lower_print("\nfirst Sparse Skyline Matrix :\n ");
//====//===  first.upper_print("\nfirst Sparse Skyline Matrix :\n ");
//====//===// skymatrix assignment
//====//===  skymatrix second = first;
//====//===  second.full_print("\nsecond Sparse Skyline Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===//  skymatrix third; // not defined !
//====//===// assignments:
//====//===  skymatrix third = second = first;
//====//===// LDL factorization ( see K.J. Bathe's book! )
//====//===  first = first.v_ldl_factorize();
//====//===// simple print functions:
//====//===  first.lower_print("\n lower first but factorized :\n ");
//====//===  first.full_print("\nfirst but factorized Sparse Skyline Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===  first.upper_print("\n upper first but factorized :\n ");
//====//===// right hand side reduction ( see K.J. Bathe's book! ) ( vetor of unknowns is rhs )
//====//===  first.d_reduce_r_h_s_l_v( rhs );
//====//===  int i=0;
//====//===  for( i=0 ; i<5 ; i++ )
//====//===    {
//====//===      printf("intermediate_rhs[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, rhs[i]);
//====//===    }
//====//===// backsubstitution
//====//===  first.d_back_substitute ( rhs );
//====//===  for( i=0 ; i<5 ; i++ )
//====//===    {
//====//===      printf("solution_rhs[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, rhs[i]);
//====//===    }
//====//===// minima, maxima and mean values for skymatrix:
//====//===  printf("min = %6.6f \n", first.mmin() );
//====//===  printf("max = %6.6f \n", first.mmax() );
//====//===  printf("mean = %6.6f \n", first.mean() );
//====//===printf("\n\n-----------------  PROFILE MATRIX ----------------------\n");
//====//===printf("-----------------  EXAMPLE 1 ----------------------\n\n");
//====//===// profilematrix as defined by O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor
//====//===// in "The FEM  - fourth edition"
//====//===// The example is from: K.J. Bathe: "FE procedures in Engineering Analysis"
//====//===int jp[]    = { 0,    1,    2,    3,                   7};
//====//===double au[] = {    -2.0, -2.0, -3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0};
//====//===double ad[] = { 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0 };
//====//===double* al  = au;
//====//===double b[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
//====//===// profile matrix constructor
//====//===  profilematrix first_profile( 5, jp, 'S', au, al, ad);
//====//===// simple print function
//====//===  first_profile.full_print("\nfirst_profile Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===// asignment operetor
//====//===  profilematrix second_profile = first_profile;
//====//===  second_profile.full_print("\nsecond_profile Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===// triangularization ( Crout's method ); see: O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor:
//====//===// "The FEM - fourth edition"
//====//===  first_profile = first_profile.datri();
//====//===  first_profile.full_print("\nfirst but factorized Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===  ::printf("\n\n");
//====//===// right hand side reduction and backsubstitution ( vector of unknowns is b )
//====//===  first_profile.dasol(b);
//====//===  for( i=0 ; i<5 ; i++ )
//====//===    {
//====//===      printf("solution_b[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, b[i]);
//====//===    }
//====//===  printf("\n\nmin = %6.6f \n", first_profile.mmin() );
//====//===  printf("max = %6.6f \n", first_profile.mmax() );
//====//===  printf("mean = %6.6f \n", first_profile.mean() );
//====//===printf("\n-----------------  EXAMPLE 2 ----------------------\n\n");
//====//===// The example is from: O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor:
//====//===// "The FEM - fourth edition"
//====//===int jp2[]    = { 0,    1,    3};
//====//===double au2[] = {    2.0, 1.0, 2.0};
//====//===double ad2[] = { 4.0, 4.0, 4.0};
//====//===double* al2  = au2;
//====//===double b2[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
//====//===// profile matrix constructor
//====//===  profilematrix first_profile2( 3, jp2, 'S', au2, al2, ad2);
//====//===// simple print function
//====//===  first_profile2.full_print("\nfirst_profile Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===// asignment operetor
//====//===  profilematrix second_profile2 = first_profile2;
//====//===  second_profile2.full_print("\nsecond_profile Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===// triangularization ( Crout's method ); see: O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor:
//====//===// "The FEM - fourth edition"
//====//===  profilematrix first_profile2TRI = first_profile2.datri();
//====//===  first_profile2TRI.full_print("\nfirst but factorized Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===  ::printf("\n\n");
//====//===// right hand side reduction and backsubstitution ( vector of unknowns is b2 )
//====//===  first_profile2TRI.dasol( b2 );
//====//===  for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
//====//===    {
//====//===      printf("solution_b[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, b2[i]);
//====//===    }
//====//===  printf("\n\nmin = %6.6f \n", first_profile2.mmin() );
//====//===  printf("max = %6.6f \n", first_profile2.mmax() );
//====//===  printf("mean = %6.6f \n", first_profile2.mean() );
//====//===printf("\n-----------------  EXAMPLE 3 ----------------------\n\n");
//====//===// The main advantage of profile solver as described in
//====//===// O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor: "The FEM - fourth edition"
//====//===// is that it supports nonsymetric matrices stored in profile format.
//====//===int jp3[]    = { 0,    1,    3};
//====//===double au3[] = { 2.0, 3.0, 2.0};
//====//===double ad3[] = { 4.0, 4.0, 4.0};
//====//===double al3[] = { 2.0, 1.0, 2.0};
//====//===double  b3[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
//====//===// nonsymetric profile matrix constructor
//====//===  profilematrix first_profile3( 3, jp3, 'N', au3, al3, ad3);
//====//===// print out
//====//===  first_profile3.full_print("\nfirst_profile Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===// triangularization ( Crout's method ); see: O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor:
//====//===// "The FEM - fourth edition"
//====//===  profilematrix first_profile3TRI = first_profile3.datri();
//====//===  first_profile3TRI.full_print("\nfirst but factorized \
//====//===  Sparse Profile Matrix as FULL :\n ");
//====//===  ::printf("\n\n");
//====//===// right hand side reduction and backsubstitution ( vector of unknowns is b3 )
//====//===  first_profile3TRI.dasol( b3 );
//====//===  for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
//====//===    {
//====//===      printf("solution_b[%d] = %8.4f\n",i, b3
//====//===      [i]);
//====//===    }
//====//===  printf("\n\nmin = %6.6f \n", first_profile3.mmin() );
//====//===  printf("max = %6.6f \n", first_profile3.mmax() );
//====//===  printf("mean = %6.6f \n", first_profile3.mean() );
//====printf("\n\n------------  VECTOR  -------------------\n\n");

static double vect1[] = {2.0, 3.0, -2.0, 5.0, -2.0};
static double vect2[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

// vector constructor
  BJvector first_vector( 5, vect1);
  first_vector.print("f","\n\nfirst_vector vector\n");

// vector constructor
  BJvector second_vector ( 5, vect2);
  second_vector.print("s","\n\nsecond_vector vector\n");

// default constructor for vector
  BJvector third_vector;
// vector assignment
  third_vector = first_vector + second_vector;
  third_vector.print("t","\nfirst_vector + second_vector = \n");

  BJvector dot_product = first_vector.transpose() * second_vector; 
//  vector dot product;
//  dot_product = first_vector.transpose() * second_vector;
//====  dot_product.print("d","\nfirst_vector * second_vector \n");
printf("\n\n------------VECTOR AND MATRIX -----------------\n\n");
static double vect3[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};

//default construcotrs
matrix res1;
matrix res2;

// matrix constructor
matrix vect_as_matrix(5, 1, vect3);
BJvector vect(5, vect3);

first_matrix.print("f","\n first matrix");

// vector and matrix are quite similar !
vect_as_matrix.print("vm","\n vector as matrix");
vect.print("v","\n vector");

// this should give the same answer! ( vector multiplication with matrix
res1 = vect_as_matrix.transpose() * first_matrix;
res2 = vect.transpose() * first_matrix;

res1.print("r1","\n result");
res2.print("r2","\n result");

::printf("\n\n----------------- TENSOR --------------------\n\n");

// tensor default construcotr
  tensor t1;
  t1.print("t1","\n tensor t1");

  static double t2values[] = {  1,2,3,
                                7,8,9  };
// tensor constructor with values assignments ( order 2 ; like matrix )
  tensor t2( 2, def_dim_2, t2values);
  t2.print("t2","\ntensor t2 (2nd-order with values assignement)");

  tensor tst( 2, def_dim_2, t2values); 
//  t2 = t2*2.0;
//  t2.print("t2x2","\ntensor t2 x 2.0");
  t2.print("t2","\noriginal tensor t2 ");
  tst.print("tst","\ntst ");

  tensor t2xt2 = t2("ij")*t2("jk");
  t2xt2.print("t2xt2","\ntensor t2 x t2");

  tensor t2xtst = t2("ij")*tst("jk");
  t2xtst.print("t2xtst","\ntensor t2 x tst");

  t2.print("t2","\noriginal tensor t2 ");

  static double Tvalues[] = {   1,2,3,
                                7,8,9  };
  tensor multTest( 2, def_dim_2, t2values);

	 double a = 5.0;

	 double b  = a * multTest("ab"):

// tensor constructor with 0.0 assignment ( order 4 ; 4D array )
  tensor ZERO(4,def_dim_4,0.0);
  ZERO.print("z","\ntensor ZERO (4-th order with value assignment)");

  static double t4val[] =
{ 11.100,  12.300,  13.100,   15.230,  16.450,   14.450,  17.450,  18.657,  19.340,
 110.020, 111.000, 112.030,  114.034, 115.043,  113.450, 116.670, 117.009, 118.060,
 128.400, 129.500, 130.060,  132.560, 133.000,  131.680, 134.100, 135.030, 136.700,
 119.003, 120.400, 121.004,  123.045, 124.023,  122.546, 125.023, 126.043, 127.000,
 137.500, 138.600, 139.000,  141.067, 142.230,  140.120, 143.250, 144.030, 145.900,
 146.060, 147.700, 148.990,  150.870, 151.000,  149.780, 152.310, 153.200, 154.700,
 164.050, 165.900, 166.003,  168.450, 169.023,  167.067, 170.500, 171.567, 172.500,
 155.070, 156.800, 157.067,  159.000, 160.230,  158.234, 161.470, 162.234, 163.800,
 173.090, 174.030, 175.340,  177.060, 178.500,  176.000, 179.070, 180.088, 181.200};

// tensor constructor with values assignment ( order 4 ; 4D array )
  tensor t4(4, def_dim_4, t4val);
  t4.print("t4","\ntensor t4 (4th-order with values assignment)");

//  Some relevant notes from the Dec. 96 Draft (as pointed out by KAI folks):
//  "A binary operator shall be implemented either by a  non-static  member
//    function (_class.mfct_) with one parameter or by a non-member function
//    with two parameters.  Thus, for any binary  operator  @,  x@y  can  be
//    interpreted as either x.operator@(y) or operator@(x,y)." [13.5.2]
//  "The order of evaluation of arguments [of a function call] is
//  unspecified."  [5.2.2 paragraph 9]
// It is not evident which operator will be called up first: operator() or operator* .
//% ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// testing the multi products using indicial notation:
  tensor tst1;
  tensor temp = t2("ij") *  t4("ijkl");
  tst1 = temp("kl")  * t4("klpq")  * t2("pq");
  tst1.print("tst1","\ntensor tst1 = t2(\"ij\")*t4(\"ijkl\")*t4(\"klpq\")*t2(\"pq\");");

// testing inverse function for 4. order tensor. Inverse for 4. order tensor
// is done by converting that tensor to matrix, inverting that matrix
// and finally converting matrix back to tensor
  tensor t4inv_2 = t4.inverse_2();
  t4inv_2.print("t4i","\ntensor t4 inverted_2");
  tensor unity_2 = t4("ijkl")*t4inv_2("klpq");
  unity_2.print("uno2","\ntensor unity_2");

// There  are several built in tensor types. One of them is:
// Levi-Civita permutation tensor
  tensor e("e",3,def_dim_3);
  e.print("e","\nLevi-Civita permutation tensor e");

// The other one is:
// Kronecker delta tensor
  tensor I2("I", 2, def_dim_2);
  I2.print("I2","\ntensor I2 (2nd order unit tensor: Kronecker Delta -> d_ij)");

// tensor multiplications 
  tensor I2I2 = I2("ij")*I2("ij");
  I2I2.print("I2I2","\ntensor I2 * I2");

// tensor multiplications ( from right)
  tensor I2PI = I2*PI;
  I2PI.print("I2PI","\ntensor I2 * PI");

// tensor multiplications ( from left)
  tensor PII2 = PI*I2;
  PII2.print("PII2","\ntensor PI * I2");

// Unary minus
  tensor mPII2 = -PII2;
  mPII2.print("mPII2","\ntensor -PI * I2");

// trace function
  double deltatrace = I2.trace();
  ::printf("\ntrace of Kronecker delta is %f \n",deltatrace);

// determinant of 2. order tensor only!
  double deltadet = I2.determinant();
  ::printf("\ndeterminant of Kronecker delta is %f \n",deltadet);

// comparison  of tensor ( again within sqrt(macheps) tolerance )
  tensor I2again = I2;
  if ( I2again == I2 ) ::printf("\n I2again == I2  TRUE (OK)\n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n\n I2again == I2  NOTTRUE \n\n\n");

// some of the 4. order tensor used in conituum mechanics:
// the most general representation of the fourth order isotropic tensor
// includes the following fourth orther unit isotropic tensors:
  tensor I_ijkl( 4, def_dim_4, 0.0 );
  I_ijkl = I2("ij")*I2("kl");
//  I_ijkl.print("ijkl","\ntensor I_ijkl = d_ij d_kl)");
  tensor I_ikjl( 4, def_dim_4, 0.0 );
//  I_ikjl = I2("ij")*I2("kl");
  I_ikjl = I_ijkl.transpose0110();
//  I_ikjl.print("ikjl","\ntensor I_ikjl) ");
  tensor I_ikjl_inv_2 = I_ikjl.inverse_2();
//  I_ikjl_inv_2.print("I_ikjl","\ntensor I_ikjl_inverse_2)");
  if ( I_ikjl == I_ikjl_inv_2 ) ::printf("\n\n I_ikjl == I_ikjl_inv_2 !\n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n           I_ikjl != I_ikjl_inv_2 !\n");

  tensor I_iljk( 4, def_dim_4, 0.0 );
//  I_ikjl = I2("ij")*I2("kl");
//..  I_iljk = I_ikjl.transpose0101();
  I_iljk = I_ijkl.transpose0111();
//  I_iljk.print("iljk","\ntensor I_iljk) ");
// To check out this three fourth-order isotropic tensor please see
// W.Michael Lai, David Rubin, Erhard Krempl
// " Introduction to Continuum Mechanics"
// QA808.2
// ISBN 0-08-022699-X

// Multiplications between 4. order tensors
  ::printf("\n\n intermultiplications \n");
//  tensor I_ijkl_I_ikjl = I_ijkl("ijkl")*I_ikjl("ikjl");
  tensor I_ijkl_I_ikjl = I_ijkl("ijkl")*I_ikjl("ijkl");
  I_ijkl_I_ikjl.print("i","\n\n I_ijkl*I_ikjl \n");

//  tensor I_ijkl_I_iljk = I_ijkl("ijkl")*I_iljk("iljk");
  tensor I_ijkl_I_iljk = I_ijkl("ijkl")*I_iljk("ijkl");
  I_ijkl_I_iljk.print("i","\n\n I_ijkl*I_iljk \n");

//  tensor I_ikjl_I_iljk = I_ikjl("ikjl")*I_iljk("iljk");
  tensor I_ikjl_I_iljk = I_ikjl("ijkl")*I_iljk("ijkl");
 I_ikjl_I_iljk.print("i","\n\n I_ikjl*I_iljk \n");

// More multiplications between 4. order tensors
  ::printf("\n\n   intermultiplications same with same \n");
  tensor I_ijkl_I_ijkl = I_ijkl("ijkl")*I_ijkl("ijkl");
  I_ijkl_I_ijkl.print("i","\n\n I_ijkl*I_ijkl \n");

  tensor I_ikjl_I_ikjl = I_ikjl("ikjl")*I_ikjl("ikjl");
  I_ikjl_I_ikjl.print("i","\n\n I_ikjl*I_ikjl \n");

  tensor I_iljk_I_iljk = I_iljk("iljk")*I_iljk("iljk");
  I_iljk_I_iljk.print("i","\n\n I_iljk*I_iljk \n");

// tensor additions ans scalar multiplications
// symmetric part of fourth oder unit isotropic tensor
  tensor I4s = (I_ikjl+I_iljk)*0.5;
//  tensor I4s = 0.5*(I_ikjl+I_iljk);
  I4s.print("I4s","\n symmetric tensor I4s = (I_ikjl+I_iljk)*0.5 ");
// skew-symmetric part of fourth oder unit isotropic tensor
  tensor I4sk = (I_ikjl-I_iljk)*0.5;
  I4sk.print("I4sk","\n skew-symmetric tensor I4sk = (I_ikjl-I_iljk)*0.5 ");

// equvalence check ( they should be different )
  if ( I4s == I4sk ) ::printf("\n\n I4s == I4sk !\n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n           I4s != I4sk !\n");

// e-delta identity  ( see Lubliner ( QA931 .L939 1990) page 2.
// and Lai ( QA808.2 L3 1978) page 12 )
  tensor ee = e("ijm")*e("klm");
  ee.print("ee","\ntensor e_ijm*e_klm");
  tensor id = ee - (I_ikjl - I_iljk);
  if ( id == ZERO ) ::printf("\n\n e-delta identity HOLDS !! \n\n");
  tensor ee1 = e("ilm")*e("jlm");
  ee1.print("ee1","\n\n e(\"ilm\")*e(\"jlm\") \n");
  tensor ee2 = e("ijk")*e("ijk");
  ee2.print("ee2","\n\n e(\"ijk\")*e(\"ijk\") \n");

// Linear Isotropic Elasticity Tensor
// building elasticity tensor
  double Ey = 20000;
  double nu = 0.2;
// building stiffness tensor in one command line
  tensor E1 = (I_ijkl*((Ey*nu*2.0)/(2.0*(1.0+nu)*(1-2.0*nu)))) +
              ( (I_ikjl+I_iljk)*(Ey/(2.0*(1.0+nu))));
// building compliance tensor in one command line
  tensor D1= (I_ijkl * (-nu/Ey)) + ( (I_ikjl+I_iljk) * ((1.0+nu)/(2.0*Ey)));

// multiplication between them
  tensor test = E1("ijkl")*D1("klpq");
  test.print("t","\n\n\n test =  E1(\"ijkl\")*D1(\"klpq\") \n");
// and this should be equal to the symmetric part of 4. order unit tensor
  if ( test == I4s ) ::printf("\n test == I4s  TRUE  ( up to sqrt(macheps())) \n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n\n   test == I4s    NOTTRUE  ( up to sqrt(macheps())) \n\n\n");

//............Different Way...........................................
// Linear Isotropic Elasticity Tensor
  double lambda = nu * Ey / (1. + nu) / (1. - 2. * nu);
  double mu = Ey / (2. * (1. + nu));
  ::printf("\n  lambda = %.12e\n",lambda);
  ::printf("      mu = %.12e\n",mu);

  ::printf("\nYoung Modulus = %.4e",Ey);
  ::printf("\nPoisson ratio = %.4e\n",nu);
  ::printf(  "    lambda + 2 mu = %.4e\n", (lambda + 2 * mu));

// building elasticity tensor
  tensor E2 = (I_ijkl * lambda) + (I4s * (2. * mu));
  E2.print("E2","tensor E2: elastic moduli Tensor = lambda*I2*I2+2*mu*I4s");

  tensor E2inv = E2.inverse();

// building compliance tensor
  tensor D2= (I_ijkl * (-nu/Ey)) + (I4s * (1./(2.*mu)));
  D2.print("D2","tensor D2: compliance Tensor (I_ijkl * (-nu/Ey)) + (I4s * (1./2./mu))");

  if ( E2inv == D2 ) ::printf("\n E2inv == D2   TRUE \n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n\n  E2inv == D2   NOTTRUE \n\n\n");

  if ( E1 == E2 ) ::printf("\n E1 == E2  TRUE \n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n\n  E1 == E2  NOTTRUE \n\n\n");

  if ( D1 == D2 ) ::printf("\n D1 == D2  TRUE \n");
  else ::printf("\a\n\n\n  D1 == D2  NOTTRUE \n\n\n");

// --------------
::printf("\n\n\n --------------------------TENSOR SCALAR MULTIPLICATION ----\n\n");
  tensor EEEE1 = E2;
  tensor EEEE2 = EEEE1*2.0;
  EEEE1.print("E1","tensor EEEE1");
  EEEE2.print("E2","tensor EEEE2");

//###printf("\n\n------------VECTOR AND SKYMATRIX -----------------\n\n");
//###// 1) use of member function full_val is of crucial importance here
//###// and it enable us to use skymatrix as if it is full matrix.
//###// There is however small time overhead but that can be optimized . . .
//###double vect4[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
//###matrix res2;
//###vector vector2(5, vect4);
//###res2 = vector2.transpose() * second;
//###printf("\n\n------------ MATRIX AND SKYMATRIX -----------------\n\n");
//###// 1) use of member function full_val is of crucial importance here
//###// and it enable us to use skymatrix as if it is full matrix.
//###// There is however small time overhead but that can be optimized . . .
//###matrix big_result;
//###big_result = first_matrix * second;

//  return 1;