Esempio n. 1
/* utworz matrix o rozmiarach rn cn; zwraca NULL dla niepowodzenia */
make_matrix (int rn, int cn)
    int i;
    matrix_t nm;

    if (!(nm = malloc (sizeof *nm)))
        return NULL;

    if (!(nm->p = malloc (rn * sizeof *nm->p))) {
        free (nm);
        return NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < rn; i++) {
        if (!(nm->p[i] = malloc ((cn) * sizeof *nm->p[i]))) {
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                free (nm->p[j]);
            free (nm->p);
            free (nm);
            return NULL;

    nm->cn = cn;
    nm->rn = rn;
    matrix_fill (nm, 0);
    return nm;
Esempio n. 2
 * Set up the nonzero A and B matrices.
void initializeAB(double *A, double *B, int n)
    int i;

    // A is an e matrix with negative antidiagonal sequence.
    matrix_fill(A, n, 2.718282);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        A[i + (n - i - 1) * n] = -(1.0 + i / 100.0);

    // B is a pi matrix with positive diagonal sequence.
    matrix_fill(B, n, 3.141593);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        B[i + i * n] = 1.0 + i / 100.0;
Esempio n. 3
correction_initialize(NetworkState *network_state, Correction *correction) {
  int32_t rows, columns;
  Matrix  matrix;

  for (int32_t index = 0; index < correction->layers; index += 1) {
    rows    = network_state->rows[index];
    columns = network_state->columns[index];

    matrix = matrix_new(1, columns);
    matrix_fill(matrix, 0);
    correction->biases[index] = matrix;

    matrix = matrix_new(rows, columns);
    matrix_fill(matrix, 0);
    correction->weights[index] = matrix;
Esempio n. 4
int main() {


  Перемножение матриц 1024*1024

    Переход к обычному уумножению при разных значениях k:

      k = 16  : 3.532507
      k = 32  : 3.174222
      k = 64  : 3.139104
      k = 128 : 3.255240
      k = 256 : 3.902180
      k = 512 : 5.226510


  int** a, **b, **c, **d;
  int n = 1024, k = 16;
  a = matrix_new(n);
  b = matrix_new(n);
  matrix_fill(a, n);
  matrix_fill(b, n);


  clock_t t = clock();
  c = matrix_mult(a, b, n);
  t = clock()-t;
  printf("Обычное умножение - %f\n", ((double)t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

  printf("Начало перемножения методом Штрассена \n");

  t = clock();
  d = strassen(a, b, n, k);
  t = clock()-t;

  printf("Умножение методом Штрассена - %f\n", ((double)t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
  return 0;
matrix* matrix_new(int rows, int columns, MATRIX_DATATYPE fill)
    /* Check if the matrix has a correct size */
    if(rows < 1 || columns < 1) {
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate structure */
    matrix* m = (matrix*) malloc(sizeof(matrix));
    if(m == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    m->rows = rows;
    m->columns = columns;
    m->data = NULL;

    /* Create the rows array with unknown columns pointers */
    m->data = (MATRIX_DATATYPE**) malloc(rows * sizeof(MATRIX_DATATYPE*));

    /* Check if allocation could be done */
    if(m->data == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    /* Create the columns arrays and put their pointers on the rows array */
    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {

        m->data[i] = (MATRIX_DATATYPE*) malloc(columns * sizeof(MATRIX_DATATYPE));

        /* Check if allocation could be done */
        if(m->data[i] == NULL) {

            /* Allocation failed, rollback and free memory */
            for(int j = (i - 1); j >= 0; j--) {

            /* Free the rows array */

            return NULL;

    /* Initialize the matrix */
    matrix_fill(m, fill);

    return m;
Esempio n. 6
File: micro.c Progetto: awf/Coconut
array_number_t vector_fill(card_t rows, number_t value) {
  return matrix_fill(1, rows, value)->arr[0];
Esempio n. 7
numerical_jacobian(struct Aztec_Linear_Solver_System *ams,	
		   double x[],	/* Solution vector for the current processor */
		   double resid_vector[],   /* Residual vector for the current 
					     * processor */
		   double delta_t, /* time step size */
		   double theta, /* parameter to vary time integration from 
				    explicit (theta = 1) to 
				    implicit (theta = 0) */
		   double x_old[], /* Value of the old solution vector */
		   double x_older[], /* Value of the real old soln vect */

		   double xdot[], /* Value of xdot predicted for new solution */
		   double xdot_old[], /* Value of xdot at previous time */

		   double x_update[],
		   int num_total_nodes, 
		   struct elem_side_bc_struct *first_elem_side_BC_array[],
				/* This is an array of pointers to the first
				   surface integral defined for each element.
				   It has a length equal to the total number
				   of elements defined on the current proc */
		   int Debug_Flag, /* flag for calculating numerical jacobian
				      -1 == calc num jac w/o rescaling
				      -2 == calc num jac w/  rescaling */
		   double time_value, /* current value of time */
		   Exo_DB *exo,	    /* ptr to whole fe mesh */
		   Dpi *dpi,        /* any distributed processing info */
		   double *h_elem_avg,
		   double *U_norm)

  This function compares the analytical jacobian entries calculated in 
  matrix_fill the numerical ones approximated by central difference method.  
  Author:          K. S. Chen (1511) (based on an earlier version by P. R. Schunk). 
  Date:            January 19, 1994

  Updated: M. M. Hopkins.  Mucho optimization and other scaling options. 
  Updated: D. R. Noble.  Added bracketed approach to checking Jacobian. 
  Debug Option = -1 => unscaled rows
                 -2 => scaled rows
                 -3 => rows scaled by diagonal value
  Forward Difference Jacobian Checker: (USE -DFORWARD_DIFF_NUMJAC)
  If the absolute error exceeds RESIDUAL_TOLERANCE, or the scaled
  error exceeds SCALED_RESIDUAL_TOLERANCE (both defined in
  mm_numjac.h), an error message is reported.  Certain assumptions are
  made if the magnitudes of errors are on the order of
  compute_numerical_jacobian_errors() for details.

  Bracketed Jacobian Checker:
  Checks if the change in the residual caused by perturbing the solution vector
  is inconsistent with the two analytical jacobians computed for the original
  and perturbed solutions. Should catch any jacobian error that is larger than
  the change in the jacobian between the two solution points.  Should only return
  false positives when there is a change in the sign of the second derivative
  between the two solution points.
  int i, j, k, l, m, ii, nn, kount, nnonzero, index;
  int zeroCA;
  double *a = ams->val;
  int *ija = ams->bindx;
  double *aj_diag, *aj_off_diag, *scale;
  double *resid_vector_1, *x_1, resid_scale;
  double resid_min, resid_max, resid_error;
  /* double resid_scaled_error; */
  double dx, delta_min, delta_max;
  double delta_aj_percentage, roundoff, confidence, resid_diff;
  int *irow, *jcolumn, *nelem;

  int num_elems, num_dofs;
  int my_elem_num, my_node_num, elem_num, node_num;
  int elem_already_listed;
  int *output_list;
  int *elem_list, *dof_list;
  int I, var_i, var_j, ibc, bc_input_id, eqn;
  struct elem_side_bc_struct *elem_side_bc;
	  double x_scale[MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES];
	  int count[MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES];
	  double *nj, nj_err, nj_scaled_err;
	  double *aj, *aj_1, nj;

	#ifdef DEBUG_NUMJAC  
	  dbl min_scale, max_scale, abs_min, abs_max;

  DPRINTF(stderr, "\n Starting Numerical Jacobian Checker\n");
  if(strcmp(Matrix_Format, "msr"))
    EH(-1, "Cannot compute numerical jacobian values for non-MSR formats.");

/* calculates the total number of non-zero entries in the analytical jacobian, a[] */ 
  nnonzero = NZeros+1;
  nn = ija[NumUnknowns]-ija[0]; /* total number of diagonal entries a[] */

  /* allocate arrays to hold jacobian and vector values */
  irow = (int *) array_alloc(1, nnonzero, sizeof(int));
  jcolumn = (int *) array_alloc(1, nnonzero, sizeof(int));
  nelem = (int *) array_alloc(1, nnonzero, sizeof(int));
  aj_diag =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));
  aj_off_diag =  (double *) array_alloc(1, nnonzero, sizeof(double));
  resid_vector_1 =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));
  x_1 =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));
  scale =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));
  output_list = (int *)array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(int));
  dof_list = (int *)array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(int));
  elem_list = (int *)array_alloc(1, ELEM_LIST_SIZE, sizeof(int));
  nj =  (double *) array_alloc(1, nnonzero, sizeof(double));
  aj =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));
  aj_1 =  (double *) array_alloc(1, NumUnknowns, sizeof(double));

  if (aj_off_diag == NULL || scale == NULL) EH(-1, "No room for storage for computing numerical jacobian");
  /* Cannot do this with Front */
  if (Linear_Solver == FRONT) EH(-1,"Cannot use frontal solver with numjac. Use umf or lu");

  /* Initialization */
  memset(aj_off_diag, 0, nnonzero*sizeof(dbl));
  memset(aj_diag, 0, NumUnknowns*sizeof(dbl));

  /* save Inter_Mask away, turn on all entries so that we can make sure
   * that Inter_Mask is being turned on for all entries being used
  for(j =0; j < MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES; j++)
      for(i = 0; i < MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES; i++)
          Inter_Mask_save[j][i] = Inter_Mask[j][i];
          Inter_Mask[j][i] = 1;

  /* There are a couple of places in checking the Jacobian numerically
   * that you really need to know the scale of the unknowns in the problem.
   * One is to determine the right size fo a finite difference step and
   * the second is in evaluating the scale of the residual.  So first step
   * is to estimate the scale for all variables in the problem */
  memset(x_scale, 0, (MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES)*sizeof(dbl));
  memset(count, 0, (MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES)*sizeof(int));
  for (i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++) 
      var_i = idv[i][0];
      x_scale[var_i] += x[i]*x[i];
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES; i++) 
      if (count[i]) x_scale[i] = sqrt(x_scale[i]/count[i]);
      /* Now check for bad news.  If x[i] is zero everywhere then, 
       * use the element size for displacements and for other
       * quantities assume x is order 1.
      if (x_scale[i] == 0.)
          switch (i)
            case MESH_DISPLACEMENT1:
            case MESH_DISPLACEMENT2:
            case MESH_DISPLACEMENT3:
            case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT1:
            case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT2:
            case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT3:
              x_scale[i] = global_h_elem_siz(x, x_old, xdot, resid_vector, exo, dpi);
              x_scale[i] = 1.;
  /* for level set problems we have an inherent scale */
  if (ls != NULL && ls->Length_Scale != 0.) x_scale[FILL] = ls->Length_Scale;
  /* copy x vector */
  for (i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++)
      x_1[i] = x[i];
  /* first calculate the residual vector corresponding to the solution vector read in 
     the initial guess file; also calculate the analytical jacobian entries */
  af->Assemble_Residual = TRUE;
  af->Assemble_Jacobian = TRUE;  
  af->Assemble_LSA_Jacobian_Matrix = FALSE;
  af->Assemble_LSA_Mass_Matrix = FALSE;

  DPRINTF(stderr, "Computing analytic entries ...");
  (void) matrix_fill_full(ams, x, resid_vector, 
			  x_old, x_older, xdot, xdot_old,x_update,
			  &delta_t, &theta, 
			  &time_value, exo, dpi, 
			  h_elem_avg, U_norm, NULL); 

  DPRINTF(stderr, "Before scaling:\n");
  for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    DPRINTF(stderr, "resid[% 2d] = %-10.4g\n", i, resid_vector[i]);

  if(Debug_Flag == -2)
      /* Scale matrix first to get rid of problems with
       * penalty parameter.
      row_sum_scaling_scale(ams, resid_vector, scale);

#ifdef DEBUG_NUMJAC      
      abs_min = 1.0e+10;
      abs_max = 0.0;
      for(i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++)
	  if(fabs(scale[i])>abs_max) abs_max=fabs(scale[i]);
	  if(fabs(scale[i])<abs_min) abs_min = fabs(scale[i]);
      DPRINTF(stderr, "abs_min = %g, abs_max = %g\n", abs_min, abs_max);
  if(Debug_Flag == -3)
      /* Scale matrix by diagonal entry.  This is usually the largest
       * in magnitude.  If this is zero, then perform no scaling.
      for(i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++)
	scale[i] = (a[i] == 0.0) ? 1.0 : a[i];
      row_scaling(NumUnknowns, a, ija, resid_vector, scale);

  DPRINTF(stderr, "After scaling:\n");
  for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    DPRINTF(stderr, "resid[% 2d] = %-10.4g\n", i, resid_vector[i]);
  min_scale = 1.0e+20;
  max_scale = -min_scale;
  DPRINTF(stderr, "Scale vector:\n");
  for(i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++)
      DPRINTF(stderr, "scale[% 2d] = %-10.4g\n", i, scale[i]);
      if(scale[i] < min_scale) min_scale = scale[i];
      if(scale[i] > max_scale) max_scale = scale[i];
  DPRINTF(stderr, "min_scale = % 9.4g, max_scale = % 9.4g\n",
	  min_scale, max_scale);

  /* extract diagonal and off-diagonal elements from the coefficient matrix stored
     in sparse-storage format */
  for (i=0; i<NumUnknowns; i++)  
    aj_diag[i] = a[i];                    /* diagonal elements */ 
  kount=0;                              /* off-diagonal elements */  
  for (i=0; i<NumUnknowns; i++)
      nelem[i] = ija[i+1] - ija[i]; 
      for (k=0; k<nelem[i]; k++)
	  irow[kount]=i;                   /* row # in global jacobian matrix */ 
	  ii = kount + NumUnknowns + 1; 
	  jcolumn[kount]=ija[ii];          /* column # in global jacobian matrix */ 
	  aj_off_diag[kount] = a[ii]; 
  DPRINTF(stderr, "Sorting nonzeros ...");
  piksr2(nn, jcolumn, irow, aj_off_diag);  /* arrange coefficient matrix columnwise,*/
                                            /* in ascending column number order */   
  DPRINTF(stderr, "done\n");
   *  now calculate analytical and numerical jacobians at perturbed values
   *  check that the perturbed residuals are consistent with range possible
   *  for range of analytical jacobian values
  for (j = 0; j < NumUnknowns; j++)       /* loop over each column */  
       * Perturb one variable at a time
     if ( ls != NULL && ls->Ignore_F_deps && idv[j][0] == FILL ) continue;

      x_1[j] = x[j] + x_scale[idv[j][0]] * DELTA_UNKNOWN;
      dx = x_scale[idv[j][0]] * FD_DELTA_UNKNOWN;
      x_1[j] = x[j] + dx;

      num_elems = 0;
      for(i = 0; i < ELEM_LIST_SIZE; i++)
	elem_list[i] = 0;
      for(i = 0; i < NumUnknowns; i++)
	output_list[i] = FALSE;
      af->Assemble_Residual = TRUE;
      af->Assemble_LSA_Jacobian_Matrix = FALSE;
      af->Assemble_LSA_Mass_Matrix = FALSE;
      af->Assemble_Jacobian = FALSE;
      af->Assemble_Jacobian = TRUE;
      neg_elem_volume = FALSE;

      my_node_num = idv[j][2];

      /* Which elements to fill?  We need every element that contains
       * this node, plus all of the elements connected to them, even if
       * they are only connected by a node (and not a side).
       * First, we put all the elements containing this node into the
       * list.  It is not possible for repeated elements, here.
      for(i = exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num];
	  i < exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num+1]; i++)
	  my_elem_num = exo->node_elem_list[i];
	  elem_list[num_elems++] = my_elem_num;

      /* Now we go through each element we have, then each node on
       * those elements, then every element containing those nodes.
       * Add those elements, if they have not already been added.
      for(i = exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num];
	  i < exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num+1]; i++)
	  my_elem_num = exo->node_elem_list[i];
	  for(k = exo->elem_node_pntr[my_elem_num];
	      k < exo->elem_node_pntr[my_elem_num+1]; k++)
	      node_num = exo->elem_node_list[k];
	      for(l = exo->node_elem_pntr[node_num];
		  l < exo->node_elem_pntr[node_num+1]; l++)
		  elem_num = exo->node_elem_list[l];
		  if(elem_num == -1)
		  elem_already_listed = FALSE;
		  for(m = 0; m < num_elems; m++)
		    if(elem_list[m] == elem_num)
			elem_already_listed = TRUE;
		    elem_list[num_elems++] = elem_num;

      /* For which variables do we report the numerical vs. analytic
       * jacobians?  Only those that are actually contained in an
       * element that contains our unknown's node.  We need to search
       * for all of the unknowns on all of the nodes on all of these
       * elements (whew!).  We specifically SHOULDN'T compare
       * numerical and analytic jacobians for any nodes except these,
       * because all of those nodes are not fully populated (so that
       * the residuals will come out incorrect for comparison
       * purposes).
      for (i = exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num]; 
	   i < exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num+1]; i++) {
	my_elem_num = exo->node_elem_list[i];
	load_ei(my_elem_num, exo, 0);
	for (k = exo->elem_node_pntr[my_elem_num]; 
	     k < exo->elem_node_pntr[my_elem_num+1]; k++) {
	  node_num = exo->elem_node_list[k];
	  node = Nodes[node_num];
	  nvs = node->Nodal_Vars_Info;
	  for (l = 0; l < nvs->Num_Var_Desc; l++) {
	    vd = nvs->Var_Desc_List[l];
	    for (m = 0; m < vd->Ndof; m++) {
	      index = node->First_Unknown + nvs->Nodal_Offset[l] + m;
	      output_list[index] = TRUE;
      /* make compact list of Eqdof's that will be checked; put diagonal term first */
      dof_list[0] = j;
      num_dofs = 1;
      for (i=0; i<NumUnknowns; i++)
          if (i!=j && output_list[i])
              dof_list[num_dofs++] = i;
      /* compute residual and Jacobian at perturbed soln */
      memset(a, 0, nnonzero*sizeof(dbl));
      memset(resid_vector_1, 0, NumUnknowns*sizeof(dbl));

      if (pd_glob[0]->TimeIntegration != STEADY) {
	xdot[j] += (x_1[j] - x[j])  * (1.0 + 2 * theta) / delta_t;
      if ( xfem != NULL )
        clear_xfem_contribution( ams->npu );
      for (i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) {
	zeroCA = -1;
	if (i == 0) zeroCA = 1; 
	load_ei(elem_list[i], exo, 0);
	matrix_fill(ams, x_1, resid_vector_1, 
		    x_old, x_older,  xdot, xdot_old, x_update,
		    &delta_t, &theta, 
		    &time_value, exo, dpi,
		    &elem_list[i], &num_total_nodes,
		    h_elem_avg, U_norm, NULL, zeroCA);
	if( neg_elem_volume ) break;

      if ( xfem != NULL )
        check_xfem_contribution( ams->npu, ams->bindx, ams->val, resid_vector_1, x_1, exo );
       * Free memory allocated above
      neg_elem_volume_global = FALSE;
      MPI_Allreduce(&neg_elem_volume, &neg_elem_volume_global, 1,
                     MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      neg_elem_volume = neg_elem_volume_global;
      if (neg_elem_volume) {
	DPRINTF(stderr, "neg_elem_volume triggered \n");

#ifdef DEBUG_NUMJAC      
      DPRINTF(stderr, "For j = % 2d, before scaling:\n", j);
      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
	  i = dof_list[ii];
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "resid[% 2d] = %-10.4g\n", i, resid_vector_1[i]);

      if (Debug_Flag == -2 || Debug_Flag == -3)
          /* Scale to get rid of problems with
	   * penalty parameter.
          vector_scaling(NumUnknowns, resid_vector_1, scale);
          row_scaling(NumUnknowns, a, ija, resid_vector_1, scale);
      DPRINTF(stderr, "For j = % 2d, after scaling:\n", j);
      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
	  i = dof_list[ii];
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "resid[% 2d] = %-10.4g\n", i, resid_vector_1[i]);

      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
	  i = dof_list[ii];
	  if(x[j] != 0.0)
	    nj[i] = (resid_vector_1[i] - resid_vector[i])/(x[j] * DELTA_UNKNOWN);
	    nj[i] = (resid_vector_1[i] - resid_vector[i])/DELTA_UNKNOWN;
	    DPRINTF(stderr,"x[%02d]=%-15g, resid_vector_1[%02d]=%-15g, resid_vector[%02d]=%-15g",
	    DPRINTF(stderr, " nj[%02d]=%-15g\n",i,nj[i]);
      compute_numerical_jacobian_errors(aj_diag[j], nj[j], &nj_err, &nj_scaled_err);

      /* COMPARISON: analytical vs. numerical --- the diagonal element for column j */
      if(nj_err >= RESIDUAL_TOLERANCE || 
	  DPRINTF(stderr, "Diag%.22s Var%.22s aj=%-10.4g nj=%-10.4g er=%9.4g rer=%9.4g x=%-10.4g r=%-10.4g\n"
		  ,resname[j],dofname[j], aj_diag[j], nj[j], nj_err,
		  nj_scaled_err, x_1[j], resid_vector_1[j]);
      /* COMPARISON: analytical vs. numerical ---  the off-diagonal elements for column j */
      for (k=0; k<(ija[NumUnknowns]-ija[0]); k++)
	  if(jcolumn[k] == j)       /* match the column numbers */ 
	      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
                  i = dof_list[ii];
		  if(irow[k] == i)      /* match the row numbers */ 
		      compute_numerical_jacobian_errors(aj_off_diag[k], nj[i], &nj_err, &nj_scaled_err);
		      /* MMH 
		       * Added in a condition that the residual has to be 
		       * "bigger than zero" (or 1e-6).  This could also
		       * be done as /aj_diag[j]...
		      if(nj_err >= RESIDUAL_TOLERANCE ||
			 nj_scaled_err >= SCALED_RESIDUAL_TOLERANCE)
				"  Eq%.42s Var%.42s aj=%-10.4g nj=%-10.4g er=%9.4g rer=%9.4g x=%-10.4g r=%-10.4g\n",
				resname[irow[k]], dofname[jcolumn[k]],
				aj_off_diag[k], nj[i], nj_err,
				nj_scaled_err, x_1[j], resid_vector_1[j]);  
      /* extract diagonal and off-diagonal elements from the coefficient matrix stored
         in sparse-storage format */
      memset(aj, 0, NumUnknowns*sizeof(dbl));
      memset(aj_1, 0, NumUnknowns*sizeof(dbl));
      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
	  i = dof_list[ii];
          if (i == j)
              aj[i] = aj_diag[j];
              aj_1[i] = a[i];
              for (k=0; k<(ija[NumUnknowns]-ija[0]); k++)
                  if ((jcolumn[k] == j) && (irow[k] == i))
                      aj[i] = aj_off_diag[k];
              for (k = ija[i]; k< ija[i+1]; k++)
                  if (ija[k] == j)
                      aj_1[i] = a[k];
      for (ii = 0; ii < num_dofs; ii++)
          i = dof_list[ii];
          /* compute valid range for resid_vector_1[i] */
          if (dx*aj[i] > dx*aj_1[i])
              delta_min = dx*aj_1[i];
              delta_max = dx*aj[i];
              delta_min = dx*aj[i];
              delta_max = dx*aj_1[i];
          /* attempt to calculate the magnitude of the roundoff error in the
           * residual calculation.  this is estimated to be MAX( J x_scale ) */
          resid_scale = fabs( resid_vector[i] );
          /*DRN-MAX BROKEN? resid_scale = MAX( resid_scale, fabs( a[i] * x_scale[idv[i][0]] ) );*/
	  if ( fabs( a[i] * x_scale[idv[i][0]] ) > resid_scale ) resid_scale = fabs( a[i] * x_scale[idv[i][0]] );
          for (k = ija[i]; k< ija[i+1]; k++)
              var_j = idv[ija[k]][0];
              /*DRN-MAX BROKEN? resid_scale = MAX( resid_scale, fabs( a[k] * x_scale[var_j]) );*/
	      if ( fabs( a[k] * x_scale[var_j]) > resid_scale ) resid_scale = fabs( a[k] * x_scale[var_j]);

          roundoff = 1.e-11;
          resid_min = resid_vector[i] + delta_min - roundoff*resid_scale;
          resid_max = resid_vector[i] + delta_max + roundoff*resid_scale;
          resid_diff = delta_max - delta_min;
          resid_diff += 2.*roundoff*resid_scale;
          if (resid_vector_1[i]<resid_min || resid_vector_1[i]>resid_max)
              nj = (resid_vector_1[i] - resid_vector[i]) / dx;
              /* this scaled error examines the size of the deviation to
               * the width of the acceptance band.  The bigger the number
               * the more confidence you should be able to have that the
               * error is significant */
              /*DRN-MAX BROKEN? resid_error = MAX( resid_vector_1[i] - resid_max, resid_min - resid_vector_1[i] );*/
	      if ( resid_vector_1[i]<resid_min ) resid_error = resid_min - resid_vector_1[i];
	      else resid_error = resid_vector_1[i] - resid_max;
              /* resid_scaled_error = resid_error / resid_diff; */
              /* The following is a measure of the percentage of the acceptance band that is
               * due to changes in the jacobian from the unperturbed to perturbed
               * states.  The closer this is to 1, the more confidence you have
               * that the error is significant.  However, this will always be zero
               * for a constant sensitivity.  The more linear the relationship over
               * dx, the smaller this will be. A value of 0 means that one would expect
               * the numerical jacobian to agree with the analytical ones (which in this
               * case are the same) to within the roundoff error.
               * If this value is small and resid_scaled_error is small (meaning order 1)
               * than you may be safe ignoring this entry.  If this is close to 1, you
               * can be fairly confident that this is a signficant error for any value
               * of resid_scaled_error.
              delta_aj_percentage = (delta_max - delta_min) / resid_diff;
              /* Here's an attempt to combine these ideas to give a measure of
               * confidence that we are flagging a true error.  This is the error
               * relative to the expected roundoff error.  I am a little hesitant
               * to use this because of the inherent uncertainty in the scale of the
               * residual error.
              confidence = resid_error / 
              if (i==j)
                    "Diag%32.32s Var%32.32s x=%-10.4g dx=%-10.4g aj=%-10.4g nj=%-10.4g aj_1=%-10.4g d_aj=%-10.4g conf=%-10.4g\n",
	                  resname[i], dofname[j], x[j], dx,
			              aj[i], nj, aj_1[i],
                    delta_aj_percentage, confidence );
			              "Eq%-32.32s Var%-32.32s x=%-10.2g dx=%-10.2g aj=%-10.4g nj=%-10.4g aj_1=%-10.2g d_aj=%-10.2g conf=%-10.2g\n",
			              resname[i], dofname[j], x[j], dx,
			              aj[i], nj, aj_1[i],
                    delta_aj_percentage, confidence );

              /* print disclaimer for entries that have much lower confidence levels */
              if (x[j] == 0.)
                  switch (idv[j][0])
                    case MESH_DISPLACEMENT1:
                    case MESH_DISPLACEMENT2:
                    case MESH_DISPLACEMENT3:
                    case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT1:
                    case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT2:
                    case SOLID_DISPLACEMENT3:

                    /* DPRINTF(stderr, "  NOTE: Jacobian errors associated with displacements "
                                      "are less reliable with undeformed initial conditions.\n");


              /* list all BC's applied at this node and highlight ones with
               * desired sensitivity */
              my_node_num = idv[i][2];

              for (k = exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num];
                   k < exo->node_elem_pntr[my_node_num+1]; k++)
                  my_elem_num = exo->node_elem_list[k];
                  load_ei(my_elem_num, exo, 0);
                  if (first_elem_side_BC_array[my_elem_num] != NULL)
                      elem_side_bc = first_elem_side_BC_array[my_elem_num];
                       *  begining of do while construct which loops over the sides of this
                       *  element that have boundary conditions applied on to them.
                          for (ibc = 0; (bc_input_id = (int) elem_side_bc->BC_input_id[ibc]) != -1; ibc++)
                              var_i = idv[i][0];
                              var_j = idv[j][0];
                              I = idv[i][2];
                              if (in_list( I, 0, elem_side_bc->num_nodes_on_side, elem_side_bc->local_node_id ))
                                  eqn = var_i;
                                  if (BC_Types[bc_input_id].desc->vector &&
				      (eqn == VELOCITY2 || eqn == VELOCITY3) ) eqn = VELOCITY1;
                                  if (BC_Types[bc_input_id].desc->equation == eqn &&  
				      BC_Types[bc_input_id].desc->sens[var_j] )
                                      DPRINTF(stderr, "  >>> ");
                                      DPRINTF(stderr, "      ");

                                  DPRINTF(stderr, "%s on %sID=%d\n",
                        } while ((elem_side_bc = elem_side_bc->next_side_bc) != NULL);
                    } /* END if (First_Elem_Side_BC_Array[my_elem_num] != NULL) */

          /* check Inter_Mask for missing entries */
          var_i = idv[i][0];
          var_j = idv[j][0];
          if (!Inter_Mask_save[var_i][var_j])
              /* check to make sure no dependence appears in analytical jacobian */
              if ((aj[i] != 0.) || (aj_1[i] != 0.))
                    "Potential dependency error: Inter_Mask[Eq%.32s][Var%.32s]=0, but aj=%-10.4g aj_1=%-10.4g\n",
	                  resname[i], dofname[j], aj[i], aj_1[i] );

              /* check to make sure no dependence appears in numerical jacobian */
              resid_min = resid_vector[i] - roundoff*resid_scale;
              resid_max = resid_vector[i] + roundoff*resid_scale;
              if (resid_vector_1[i]<resid_min || resid_vector_1[i]>resid_max)
                  nj = (resid_vector_1[i] - resid_vector[i]) / dx;
                    "Potential dependency error: Inter_Mask[Eq%.32s][Var%.32s]=0, but nj=%-10.4g\n",
	                  resname[i], dofname[j], nj );

       * return solution vector to its original state
      if (pd_glob[0]->TimeIntegration != STEADY) {
	xdot[j] -= (x_1[j] - x[j])  * (1.0 + 2 * theta) / delta_t;
      x_1[j] = x[j];
    }                          /* End of for (j=0; j<NumUnknowns; j++) */  

  /* free arrays to hold jacobian and vector values */
  safe_free( (void *) irow) ;
  safe_free( (void *) jcolumn) ;
  safe_free( (void *) nelem) ;
  safe_free( (void *) aj_diag) ;
  safe_free( (void *) aj_off_diag) ;
  safe_free( (void *) resid_vector_1) ;
  safe_free( (void *) x_1) ;
  safe_free( (void *) scale) ;
  safe_free( (void *) output_list);
  safe_free( (void *) dof_list);
  safe_free( (void *) elem_list);
  safe_free( (void *) nj) ;
  safe_free( (void *) aj) ;
  safe_free( (void *) aj_1) ;
}                             /*   End of function numerical_jacobian  */
Esempio n. 8
File: gmm_d.c Progetto: awf/Coconut
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int rng = 42;
  // std::mt19937 rng(42);
  // std::uniform_real_distribution<Real> dist(0, 1);

  // Problem size
  size_t n = 100000;
  size_t d = GMM_D;
  size_t K = GMM_K;
#ifdef DPS
  size_t td = TOP_LEVEL_usecases_gmm_tri_dps(empty_storage, d, 0);
  size_t td = TOP_LEVEL_usecases_gmm_tri(d);

  // Declare and fill GMM coeffs
  // Vector alphas{ K };
  // Vec<VectorD> means{ K, VectorD{ d } };
  // Vec<VectorD> qs{ K, VectorD{ d } };
  // Vector l0{ size_t(tri(d)) };
  // Vec<Vector> ls{ K, l0 };
  array_number_t alphas = vector_fill(K, 0);
  array_array_number_t means = matrix_fill(K, d, 0);
  array_array_number_t qs = matrix_fill(K, d, 0);
  array_array_number_t ls = matrix_fill(K, td, 0);
  for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
    alphas->arr[k] = dist(rng);
    for (int j = 0; j < d; ++j) {
      means->arr[k]->arr[j] = dist(rng) - 0.5;
      qs->arr[k]->arr[j] = 10.0*dist(rng) - 5.0;
    for (int j = 0; j < ls->arr[k]->length; ++j) {
      ls->arr[k]->arr[j] = dist(rng) - 0.5;
      if(j >= ls->arr[k]->length - d)
        ls->arr[k]->arr[j] = 0;

  // Declare and fill xs
  // Vec<VectorD> xs{ n, Vector{ d } };
  array_array_number_t xs = matrix_fill(n, d, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < d; ++j)
      xs->arr[i]->arr[j] = dist(rng);

  // TOP_LEVEL_usecases_gmm_Qtimesv_test(0);

  // boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
  timer_t t = tic();

  // Debug 150s 
    // Release 1s
  double total = 0;
  int N = 100;
#ifdef _DEBUG
  N = N / 10;  // Debug is roughly this much slower than release -- multiply timings.
  double wishart_m = 2.0;
  for (int count = 0; count < N; ++count) {
    alphas->arr[0] += 1;
    double wishart_gamma = 1.0 / (1.0 + count);
#ifdef DPS
    total += TOP_LEVEL_usecases_gmm_gmm_objective_dps(empty_storage, xs, alphas, means, qs, ls, wishart_gamma, wishart_m, 
    	matrix_shape(xs), vector_shape(alphas), matrix_shape(means), matrix_shape(qs), matrix_shape(ls), 0, 0);
    total += TOP_LEVEL_usecases_gmm_gmm_objective_d(xs, alphas, means, qs, ls, wishart_gamma, wishart_m, xs, alphas, means, qs, ls, wishart_gamma, wishart_m);

  // std::cout << "total =" << total << ", time per call = " << t.elapsed().wall / double(N) / 1000.0 << "us" << std::endl;
  double elapsed = toc2(t);
  printf("total =%f, time per call = %f ms\n", total, elapsed / (double)(N));

  return 0;
Esempio n. 9
File: cox.c Progetto: CharoL/math
void cox_test(double** covariates, size_t num_features_in_covariate, size_t num_samples, double* time, double* censor, double* coefficients, double** variance) {
    // declare variables, init values and allocate memory
    // gsl matrices
    matrix_t* coefficients_matrix_p =  NULL;
    matrix_t* information_matrix_p =  NULL;
    matrix_t* information_matrix_inverse_p =  NULL;
    matrix_t* score_matrix_p =  NULL;
    matrix_t* error_matrix_p =  NULL;
    matrix_t* variance_matrix_p =  NULL;

    // other variables
    double denominator = 0, numerator = 0;
    double error1 = 1, error2 = 1;
    double* risk_factor = (double*) calloc(num_samples, sizeof(double));
    double* score = (double*) calloc(num_features_in_covariate, sizeof(double));
    double** expected_covariate = (double**) calloc(num_features_in_covariate, sizeof(double*));
    double** information = (double**) calloc(num_features_in_covariate, sizeof(double*));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features_in_covariate; i++) {
        coefficients[i] = 0.1;
        expected_covariate[i] = (double*) calloc(num_samples, sizeof(double));
        information[i] = (double*) calloc(num_features_in_covariate, sizeof(double));

    // create gsl matrices
    coefficients_matrix_p =  matrix_new(num_features_in_covariate, 1);
    matrix_init(0.1, coefficients_matrix_p);
    information_matrix_p = matrix_new(num_features_in_covariate, num_features_in_covariate);
    score_matrix_p = matrix_new(num_features_in_covariate, 1);
    error_matrix_p = matrix_new(num_features_in_covariate, 1);
    information_matrix_inverse_p = matrix_new(num_features_in_covariate, num_features_in_covariate);

    while((error1 > COX_ERROR_LIMIT) || (error2 > COX_ERROR_LIMIT)) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) {
            risk_factor[i] = 1.0;
            for (size_t s = 0; s < num_features_in_covariate; ++s) {
                risk_factor[i] *= exp(coefficients[s] * covariates[s][i]);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < num_features_in_covariate; j++) {
            score[j] = 0.0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
                for (size_t k = 0; k < num_samples; k++) {
                    if (time[k] >= time[i]) {
                        denominator += risk_factor[k];
                        numerator += covariates[j][k] * risk_factor[k];
                expected_covariate[j][i] = numerator / denominator;
                score[j] += censor[i] * (covariates[j][i] - expected_covariate[j][i]);

                numerator = 0.0;
                denominator = 0.0;

        for (size_t r = 0; r < num_features_in_covariate; r++) {
            for (size_t s = 0; s < num_features_in_covariate; s++) {
                information[r][s] = 0.0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
                    for (size_t k = 0; k < num_samples; k++) {
                        if (time[k] >= time[i]) {
                            denominator += risk_factor[k];
                            numerator += (covariates[r][k] * covariates[s][k] * risk_factor[k]);
                    information[r][s] +=  censor[i] * (expected_covariate[r][i] * expected_covariate[s][i] - (numerator / denominator));

                    numerator = 0.0;
                    denominator = 0.0;

        // fill information_matrix
        matrix_fill(information, num_features_in_covariate, num_features_in_covariate, information_matrix_p);  // fill the matrix with data

        // fill score_matrix from score array
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features_in_covariate; i++) {
            matrix_set(i, 0, score[i], score_matrix_p);

        // calculate error matrix: inv(information_matrix) * score_matrix
        matrix_inv(information_matrix_p, information_matrix_inverse_p);
        matrix_mul(information_matrix_inverse_p, score_matrix_p, error_matrix_p);

        // calculate coefficients matrix
        coefficients_matrix_p = matrix_sub(coefficients_matrix_p, error_matrix_p);

        // fill coefficientes
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features_in_covariate; i++) {
            coefficients[i] = matrix_get(i, 0, coefficients_matrix_p);

        error1 = sqrt(matrix_Fnorm(error_matrix_p));
        error2 = sqrt(matrix_Fnorm(score_matrix_p));
    }  // end of while
    // calculate variance: (-1 * inv(information_matrix))
    variance_matrix_p = matrix_scale(information_matrix_inverse_p, -1.0);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features_in_covariate; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < num_features_in_covariate; j++) {
            variance[i][j] = matrix_get(i, j, variance_matrix_p);

    // free gsl matrices
    variance_matrix_p = NULL;  // points to information_matrix_inverse_p previously freed

    // free other resources
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_features_in_covariate; i++) {