void matrix_map_row(matrix_t* mat, const matrix_row_t* row, const offset_t i) {

    if( matrix_row( mat, i ) != NULL ) {
        //printf(" problem, sir" );

    // allocate space to copy the row
    size_t copy_size =  (mat->num_mapped_rows+1)*sizeof(mapped_row_t);
    mat->mapped_rows = (mapped_row_t*)realloc( mat->mapped_rows, copy_size );
    CHECK_ALLOC( mat->mapped_rows );

    // setup the mapped row
    copy_size = sizeof(matrix_row_t);
    mapped_row_t* mapped_row = &(mat->mapped_rows[mat->num_mapped_rows]);
    mapped_row->i = i;
    memcpy( &(mapped_row->row), row, copy_size );

    assert( row->num_cells >= 0 );
    assert( row->num_cells <= mat->n );

    // allocate space for the copied cells and copy them
    copy_size = row->num_cells * sizeof(cell_t);
    mapped_row->row.cells = (cell_t*)malloc( copy_size );
    CHECK_ALLOC( mapped_row->row.cells );
    memcpy( mapped_row->row.cells, row->cells, copy_size );


    assert( mat->num_mapped_rows <= mat->m - matrix_num_rows( mat ) );
Esempio n. 2
double matrix_get(matrix* m, int row, int col) {
	ASSERT(0 <= row);
	ASSERT(row < matrix_num_rows(m));
	ASSERT(0 <= col);
	ASSERT(col < matrix_num_cols(m));

	return m->rows[row][col];
Esempio n. 3
void matrix_smul(matrix* m, double x) {
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < matrix_num_rows(m); i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < matrix_num_cols(m); j++) {
			m->rows[i][j] *= x;
Esempio n. 4
void matrix_set(matrix* m, int row, int col, double val) {
	ASSERT(0 <= row);
	ASSERT(row < matrix_num_rows(m));
	ASSERT(0 <= col);
	ASSERT(col < matrix_num_cols(m));

	m->rows[row][col] = val;
Esempio n. 5
matrix *matrix_mmul(matrix* m1, matrix* m2) {
	ASSERT(matrix_num_cols(m1) == matrix_num_rows(m2));

	matrix* m = matrix_new(matrix_num_rows(m1), matrix_num_cols(m2));

	int row, col, i;
	for (row = 0; row < matrix_num_rows(m); row++) {
		for (col = 0; col < matrix_num_cols(m); col++) {
			double sum = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < matrix_num_cols(m1); i++) {
				sum += matrix_get(m1, row, i) *
					matrix_get(m2, i, col);
			matrix_set(m, row, col, sum);

	return m;
void matrix_serialize( const matrix_t* mat, char** buf, offset_t* bufsize ) {
    *bufsize = sizeof(matrix_t) + matrix_num_rows(mat) * sizeof(matrix_row_t);

    // calculate buffer size
    offset_t i;
    for( i = mat->from_i; i <= mat->to_i; i++ ) {
        *bufsize += matrix_row(mat, i)->num_cells * sizeof(cell_t);
    LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "serialize buffer size: %lu\n", *bufsize);

    *buf = (char*)malloc( *bufsize );
    CHECK_ALLOC( *buf );

    size_t offset = 0;
    size_t copy_size = 0;

    // copy matrix
    copy_size = sizeof(matrix_t);
    memcpy( *buf, mat, copy_size  );
    offset += copy_size;

    // copy rows
    copy_size = matrix_num_rows(mat) * sizeof(matrix_row_t);
    memcpy( *buf + offset, matrix_row(mat, mat->from_i), copy_size );
    offset += copy_size;

    // copy cells of each row
    for( i = mat->from_i; i <= mat->to_i; i++ ) {
        matrix_row_t* row = matrix_row(mat, i);

        if(row->num_cells > 0) {
            LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "-->(%lu) has %lu\n", i, row->num_cells);

            copy_size = row->num_cells * sizeof(cell_t);
            memcpy( *buf + offset, row->cells, copy_size );
            offset += copy_size;

    assert( offset == *bufsize );
void matrix_deserialize( matrix_t* mat, const char* buf ) {
    size_t offset = 0;
    size_t copy_size = 0;
    // copy matrix
    copy_size = sizeof(matrix_t);
    memcpy( mat, buf, copy_size );
    offset += copy_size;

    // explicitly set this null to avoid problems.
    mat->num_mapped_rows = 0;
    mat->mapped_rows = NULL;

    LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "deserializing matrix... from_i=%lu, to_i=%lu. #=%lu\n", mat->from_i, mat->to_i, matrix_num_rows(mat) );

    // copy rows
    copy_size = matrix_num_rows(mat) * sizeof(matrix_row_t);
    mat->rows = (matrix_row_t*)malloc( copy_size );
    CHECK_ALLOC( mat->rows );
    memset( mat->rows, 0, copy_size );

    memcpy( matrix_row(mat, mat->from_i), buf + offset, copy_size );
    offset += copy_size;

    LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "deserializing matrix... from_i=%lu, to_i=%lu\n", mat->from_i, mat->to_i );

    // copy cells of each row
    offset_t i;
    for( i = mat->from_i; i <= mat->to_i; i++ ) {

        matrix_row_t* row = matrix_row(mat, i);

        assert( row != NULL );
        assert( row->num_cells <= mat->n );

        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "(%lu) has %lu\n", i, row->num_cells);

        if( row->num_cells > 0 ) {
            copy_size = row->num_cells * sizeof(cell_t);
            row->cells = (cell_t*)malloc( copy_size );
            CHECK_ALLOC( row->cells );
            memcpy( row->cells, buf + offset, row->num_cells * sizeof(cell_t) );
            offset += copy_size;
// read sparse matrix
// LIL representation:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix#List_of_lists_.28LIL.29
void matrix_init( matrix_t* mat, const offset_t m, const offset_t n, const offset_t from_i, const offset_t to_i ) {
    mat->m = m;
    mat->n = n;
    mat->from_i = from_i;
    mat->to_i = (to_i >= m) ? m-1 : to_i;
    mat->num_mapped_rows = 0;
    mat->mapped_rows = NULL;

    assert( mat->from_i >= 0 );

    assert( mat->to_i >= mat->from_i );
    assert( mat->to_i < mat->m );

    offset_t rows_size = matrix_num_rows(mat) * sizeof(matrix_row_t);
    mat->rows = (matrix_row_t*)malloc( rows_size );
    LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "alloc %lu x %lu matrix. rows_size=%lu. from_i=%lu, to_i=%lu, # rows=%lu\n", m, n, rows_size, mat->from_i, mat->to_i, matrix_num_rows(mat));
    CHECK_ALLOC( mat->rows );

    memset( mat->rows, 0, rows_size );
void matrix_read(matrix_t* mat, const char* file, const offset_t m, const offset_t n, MPI_Comm comm, const boolean_t is_vec) {
    rank_t p, r;
    MPI_CALL( MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p) );
    MPI_CALL( MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &r) );

    if( r == 0 ) {
        matrix_t root_mat;
        const offset_t partition_size = floor( (double)m / (double)p );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "matrix_read: m=%lu, p=%u, partition_size (m/p)=%lu\n", m, p, partition_size);

        FILE* input = fopen(file, "r");

        size_t mem_size = 2*p*sizeof(MPI_Request);
        MPI_Request* request = (MPI_Request*)malloc( mem_size );
        memset( request, 0, mem_size );

        char** buf = (char**)malloc( p*sizeof(char*) );

        rank_t to_r;
        for(to_r = 0; to_r < p; to_r++) {

            {   // limit scope of from/to_i because matrix_init may change them.
                offset_t from_i = to_r * partition_size;
                offset_t to_i = (to_r+1) * partition_size - 1;

                // since we floor divisions, give the last processor the slack...
                if(to_r == p - 1) {
                    //printf("last fix\n");
                    to_i = m - 1;

                matrix_init( mat, m, n, from_i, to_i );

                LOG(LOG_IO, "give partition of range [%lu, %lu] to r=%u, \n", mat->from_i, mat->to_i, to_r);

                matrix_read_rows( mat, input, is_vec );

                // >= because the last row can be bigger.
                assert(matrix_num_rows( mat ) >= partition_size );
                assert(matrix_num_rows( mat ) < 2*partition_size );

            if( to_r != 0 ) {
                offset_t bufsize;

                matrix_serialize( mat, &(buf[to_r]), &bufsize );

                assert( buf[to_r] != NULL );
                assert( bufsize > 0 );

                MPI_CALL( MPI_Send(&bufsize, 1, MPI_OFFSET_T, to_r, 0, comm ) ); // , &request[to_r - 1]
                MPI_CALL( MPI_Isend(buf[to_r], bufsize, MPI_BYTE, to_r, 1, comm, &request[p + to_r - 2] ) ); // ,

                matrix_free( mat );
            } else {
                memcpy( &root_mat, mat, sizeof(matrix_t) );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "waiting for distribution to complete...\n", 0);

        fclose( input );

        //MPI_Waitall( 2*p - 2, request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );

        for(to_r = 1; to_r < p; to_r++) {

        memcpy( mat, &root_mat, sizeof(matrix_t) );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "matrix dist done.\n");

    } else {
        char* buf;
        offset_t bufsize;
        MPI_Status stat;

        LOG(LOG_IO, "%u: waiting for parition size...\n", r );

        MPI_CALL( MPI_Recv(&bufsize, 1, MPI_OFFSET_T, 0, 0, comm, &stat ) );
        assert( bufsize >= 0 );

        buf = (char*)malloc( bufsize );

        CHECK_ALLOC( buf );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "%u: waiting for parition buffer of size %lu...\n", r, bufsize );

        MPI_CALL( MPI_Recv(buf, bufsize, MPI_BYTE, 0, 1, comm, &stat ) );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "%u: got partiton buffer. about to deserialize.\n", r );

        matrix_deserialize( mat, buf );

        LOG(LOG_IO, "%u: got partiton buffer. partition is size=%lu...\n", r, matrix_num_rows( mat ) );

        free( buf );

    //MPI_Barrier( comm );
Esempio n. 10
void matrix_read_rows(matrix_t* mat, FILE* input, const boolean_t is_vec) {

    const char* sep = "(), \n";

    offset_t line_num = 0;

    while( !feof( input ) ) {
        offset_t i, j, cell_val;

        fpos_t start_pos;
        char line[ 50 ];
        fgetpos( input, &start_pos );
        fgets( line, 50, input );

        // HACK
        if(is_vec) {
            i = mat->from_i + line_num;
            j = 0;
            cell_val = atoi( line );
        } else {
            char* tok = NULL;
            char* brk = NULL;
            offset_t num_toks = 0;
            for(tok = strtok_r(line, sep, &brk);
                    tok = strtok_r(NULL, sep, &brk), num_toks++ ) {
                value_t val = atoi( tok );

                switch(num_toks) {
                case 0:
                    i = val;
                case 1:
                    j = val;
                case 2:
                    cell_val = val;

            if(num_toks < 2) {

            if( j >= mat->n || j < 0 || i >= mat-> m || i < 0 ) {
                LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Out of bounds cell: (%lu, %lu).\n", i, j);

            assert( i < mat->m );
            assert( j < mat->n );

        if( i > mat->to_i ) {
            fsetpos( input, &start_pos );

        assert( i >= mat->from_i );
        assert( i <= mat->to_i );

        matrix_row_t* row = matrix_row(mat, i);

        assert( row != NULL );

        size_t cells_size = sizeof(cell_t)*(row->num_cells + 1);
        row->cells = (cell_t*)realloc( row->cells, cells_size );
        CHECK_ALLOC( row->cells );

        cell_t* cell = &(row->cells[ row->num_cells ]);
        CHECK_ALLOC( cell );
        cell->j = j;
        cell->val = cell_val;

        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "read-->(%lu, %lu, %lu)\n", i, j, cell_val);


        // this could go father and assert sparse-ness
        assert( row->num_cells <= mat->n );

        // FIXME why is this failing?
        assert( line_num <= mat->from_i + mat->n * matrix_num_rows( mat ) );