Esempio n. 1
void RotateHelper::sample()
	x = 1000 * getacx();
	y = 1000 * getacy();
	z = 1000 * getacz();

		int pos= define_position();
		if(pos != last_pos)
		last_pos= pos;
		qWarning("RotateHelper: packet reader failed");
Esempio n. 2
	bool ip_voter::cast_vote(address const& ip
		, int source_type, address const& source)
		if (is_any(ip)) return false;
		if (is_local(ip)) return false;
		if (is_loopback(ip)) return false;

		// don't trust source that aren't connected to us
		// on a different address family than the external
		// IP they claim we have
		if (ip.is_v4() != source.is_v4()) return false;

		// this is the key to use for the bloom filters
		// it represents the identity of the voter
		sha1_hash k;
		hash_address(source, k);

		// do we already have an entry for this external IP?
		std::vector<external_ip_t>::iterator i = std::find_if(m_external_addresses.begin()
			, m_external_addresses.end(), boost::bind(&external_ip_t::addr, _1) == ip);

		if (i == m_external_addresses.end())
			// each IP only gets to add a new IP once
			if (m_external_address_voters.find(k)) return maybe_rotate();
			if (m_external_addresses.size() > 40)
				if (random() % 100 < 50)
					return maybe_rotate();

				// use stable sort here to maintain the fifo-order
				// of the entries with the same number of votes
				// this will sort in ascending order, i.e. the lowest
				// votes first. Also, the oldest are first, so this
				// is a sort of weighted LRU.
				std::stable_sort(m_external_addresses.begin(), m_external_addresses.end());

				// erase the last element, since it is one of the
				// ones with the fewest votes
				m_external_addresses.erase(m_external_addresses.end() - 1);
			i = m_external_addresses.end() - 1;
			i->addr = ip;
		// add one more vote to this external IP
		if (!i->add_vote(k, source_type)) return maybe_rotate();
		if (m_valid_external) return maybe_rotate();

		i = std::min_element(m_external_addresses.begin(), m_external_addresses.end());
		TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_external_addresses.end());

		if (i->addr == m_external_address) return maybe_rotate();

		if (m_external_address != address_v4())
			// we have a temporary external address. As soon as we have
			// more than 25 votes, consider deciding which one to settle for
			return (m_total_votes >= 25) ? maybe_rotate() : false;

		m_external_address = i->addr;

		return true;