Esempio n. 1
void MarchingCubes::updateGL(Octnode* node) {
    // traverse tree here and call polygonize_node
    if (node->valid())
    if ( node->is_undecided() && node->isLeaf() ) {
    // current node done, now recurse into tree.
    if ( node->childcount == 8 ) {
        for (unsigned int m=0;m<8;m++) {
                if (!node->child[m]->valid())
                    updateGL( node->child[m] );
// Create a photoexcited carrier at the given Node for a the given photon energies.
// The transistion will be between the given cb and vb. Returns the created particle.
Particle create_photoexcited_carrier(Node *node, double photon_energy,
                                     double total_scattering_rate[NOAMTIA+1],
                                     int conduction_band, int valence_band) {
    double mc = node->mat->cb.mstar[conduction_band],
           mv = node->mat->vb.mstar[valence_band];
    double mr = mc * mv / (mc + mv);

    double e2 = (mr / mc) * (photon_energy - node->mat->Eg - node->mat->vb.emin[valence_band]);

    Vec2 loc = mc_random_location_in_node(node);

    double kf = node->mat->cb.smh[conduction_band]
                * sqrt(e2 * (1. + node->mat->cb.alpha[conduction_band] * e2));
    double cs  = 1. - 2. * rnd();     // random number -1 -> 1
    double sn  = sqrt(1. - cs * cs);
    double fai = 2. * PI * rnd();     // random angle (radians) 0 -> 2pi
    double kx = kf * cs,
           ky = kf * sn * cos(fai),
           kz = kf * sn * sin(fai);
    int id = g_config->next_particle_id++;
    double time = -log(rnd()) / total_scattering_rate[node->material];

    return (Particle) {

// Photoexcite carriers at the given energy. Returns the number of photogenerated
// carriers
int photoexcite_carriers(Mesh *mesh, double photon_energy,
                         double transistion_rate[NOAMTIA][DIME][3],
                         double total_scattering_rate[NOAMTIA+1],
                         Particle particles[NPMAX+1]) {
    int p = g_config->num_particles;

    for(int j = 1; j <= mesh->ny + 1; ++j) {
        for(int i = 1; i <= mesh->nx + 1; ++i) {
            Node *node = mc_node(i, j);
            int e = (int)((photon_energy - node->mat->Eg) / DE);
            int num_carriers = electrons_in_cell(mesh, node, photon_energy);

            for(int n = 0; n < num_carriers; ++n) {
                double r = rnd();
                for(int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
                    if(r <= transistion_rate[node->material][e][v]) {
                        particles[p] = create_photoexcited_carrier(node, photon_energy, total_scattering_rate, 1, v);
            } // carriers per cell

        } // i
    } // j

    int num_photoexcited = p - g_config->num_particles;
    g_config->num_particles = p;
    return num_photoexcited;