static int
mca_coll_basic_neighbor_alltoallv_graph(const void *sbuf, const int scounts[], const int sdisps[],
                                        struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, const int rcounts[],
                                        const int rdisps[], struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
                                        struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module)
    mca_coll_basic_module_t *basic_module = (mca_coll_basic_module_t *) module;
    const mca_topo_base_comm_graph_2_2_0_t *graph = comm->c_topo->mtc.graph;
    int rc = MPI_SUCCESS, neighbor, degree;
    const int rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    ptrdiff_t lb, rdextent, sdextent;
    ompi_request_t **reqs;
    const int *edges;

    mca_topo_base_graph_neighbors_count (comm, rank, &degree);

    /* ensure we have enough storage for requests */
    rc = mca_coll_basic_check_for_requests (basic_module, 2 * degree);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        return rc;

    edges = graph->edges;
    if (rank > 0) {
        edges += graph->index[rank - 1];

    ompi_datatype_get_extent(rdtype, &lb, &rdextent);
    ompi_datatype_get_extent(sdtype, &lb, &sdextent);

    /* post all receives first */
    for (neighbor = 0, reqs = basic_module->mccb_reqs ; neighbor < degree ; ++neighbor) {
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv((char *) rbuf + rdisps[neighbor] * rdextent, rcounts[neighbor], rdtype,
                                edges[neighbor], MCA_COLL_BASE_TAG_ALLTOALL, comm, reqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        /* should probably try to clean up here */
        return rc;

    for (neighbor = 0 ; neighbor < degree ; ++neighbor) {
        /* remove cast from const when the pml layer is updated to take a const for the send buffer */
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(isend((char *) sbuf + sdisps[neighbor] * sdextent, scounts[neighbor], sdtype,
                                edges[neighbor], MCA_COLL_BASE_TAG_ALLTOALL, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD,
                                comm, reqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        /* should probably try to clean up here */
        return rc;

    return ompi_request_wait_all (degree * 2, basic_module->mccb_reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
static int
mca_coll_basic_neighbor_alltoallv_graph(const void *sbuf, const int scounts[], const int sdisps[],
                                        struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf, const int rcounts[],
                                        const int rdisps[], struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
                                        struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module)
    const mca_topo_base_comm_graph_2_2_0_t *graph = comm->c_topo->mtc.graph;
    int rc = MPI_SUCCESS, neighbor, degree;
    const int rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    ptrdiff_t lb, rdextent, sdextent;
    ompi_request_t **reqs, **preqs;
    const int *edges;

    mca_topo_base_graph_neighbors_count (comm, rank, &degree);
    if( 0 == degree ) return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    edges = graph->edges;
    if (rank > 0) {
        edges += graph->index[rank - 1];

    ompi_datatype_get_extent(rdtype, &lb, &rdextent);
    ompi_datatype_get_extent(sdtype, &lb, &sdextent);
    reqs = preqs = ompi_coll_base_comm_get_reqs( module->base_data, 2 * degree );
    if( NULL == reqs ) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; }

    /* post all receives first */
    for (neighbor = 0; neighbor < degree ; ++neighbor) {
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv((char *) rbuf + rdisps[neighbor] * rdextent, rcounts[neighbor], rdtype,
                                edges[neighbor], MCA_COLL_BASE_TAG_ALLTOALL, comm, preqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        ompi_coll_base_free_reqs( reqs, neighbor + 1);
        return rc;

    for (neighbor = 0 ; neighbor < degree ; ++neighbor) {
        /* remove cast from const when the pml layer is updated to take a const for the send buffer */
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(isend((char *) sbuf + sdisps[neighbor] * sdextent, scounts[neighbor], sdtype,
                                edges[neighbor], MCA_COLL_BASE_TAG_ALLTOALL, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD,
                                comm, preqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        ompi_coll_base_free_reqs( reqs, degree + neighbor + 1);
        return rc;

    rc = ompi_request_wait_all (degree * 2, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        ompi_coll_base_free_reqs( reqs, degree * 2);
    return rc;
static int
mca_coll_basic_neighbor_allgather_graph(const void *sbuf, int scount,
                                        struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype, void *rbuf,
                                        int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
                                        struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
                                        mca_coll_base_module_t *module)
    const mca_topo_base_comm_graph_2_2_0_t *graph = comm->c_topo->mtc.graph;
    const int rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    const int *edges;
    int degree;
    ompi_request_t **reqs, **preqs;
    ptrdiff_t lb, extent;
    int rc = MPI_SUCCESS, neighbor;

    mca_topo_base_graph_neighbors_count (comm, rank, &degree);

    edges = graph->edges;
    if (rank > 0) {
        edges += graph->index[rank - 1];

    ompi_datatype_get_extent(rdtype, &lb, &extent);
    reqs = preqs = coll_base_comm_get_reqs( module->base_data, 2 * degree);
    if( NULL == reqs ) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; }

    for (neighbor = 0; neighbor < degree ; ++neighbor) {
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(rbuf, rcount, rdtype, edges[neighbor], MCA_COLL_BASE_TAG_ALLGATHER,
                                comm, preqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;
        rbuf = (char *) rbuf + extent * rcount;

        /* remove cast from const when the pml layer is updated to take
         * a const for the send buffer. */
        rc = MCA_PML_CALL(isend((void *) sbuf, scount, sdtype, edges[neighbor],
                                comm, preqs++));
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) break;

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        ompi_coll_base_free_reqs( reqs, (2 * neighbor + 1));
        return rc;

    rc = ompi_request_wait_all (degree * 2, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
        ompi_coll_base_free_reqs( reqs, degree * 2);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 4
int NBC_Comm_neighbors_count (ompi_communicator_t *comm, int *indegree, int *outdegree) {
  if (OMPI_COMM_IS_CART(comm)) {
    /* cartesian */
    /* outdegree is always 2*ndims because we need to iterate over empty buffers for MPI_PROC_NULL */
    *outdegree = *indegree = 2 * comm->c_topo->mtc.cart->ndims;
  } else if (OMPI_COMM_IS_GRAPH(comm)) {
    /* graph */
    int rank, nneighbors;

    rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    mca_topo_base_graph_neighbors_count (comm, rank, &nneighbors);

    *outdegree = *indegree = nneighbors;
  } else if (OMPI_COMM_IS_DIST_GRAPH(comm)) {
    /* graph */
    *indegree = comm->c_topo->mtc.dist_graph->indegree;
    *outdegree = comm->c_topo->mtc.dist_graph->outdegree;
  } else {
    return OMPI_ERR_BAD_PARAM;

  return OMPI_SUCCESS;