Esempio n. 1
void openDebugFile() {
   char path[CCHMAXPATH];
   char fileName[CCHMAXPATH+11];
   BOOL rc;
   if (!file) {
      rc = mciQuerySysValue(MSV_WORKPATH, path);
      if (rc) {
	      file = fopen(fileName,"wb");
//	      file = freopen(fileName,"wb",file);
      } else {
      } /* endif */
ULONG SetupTempFiles( INSTANCE   *ulpInstance,
                      ULONG      ulParam1 )


  ULONG ulrc;

  CHAR  TempPath[ CCHMAXPATH ]; // holds path for temp files

  * Query the default path to place temp files and
  * pass it on to the IO Proc

  ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_WORKPATH, TempPath );

  if ( !ulrc )
     return (MCIERR_INI_FILE);

  * This message illustrates the use of mmioSendMessage:
  * we are asking the IO Proc that we have loaded to
  * make all subsequent changes temporary (i.e. if no
  * save message is sent, then the file will remain in
  * the original condition.

  ulrc = mmioSendMessage( ulpInstance->hmmio,
                          ( LONG ) TempPath,
                          0 );
  if (ulrc)
     /* Use mmioGetLastError to get additional detail about the error */

     ulrc = mmioGetLastError( ulpInstance->hmmio );

     /* Cannot write means that the disk is full */

     if (ulrc == MMIOERR_CANNOTWRITE )
        return ( ulrc );

     } /* if there is an error */

  /* Flag to indicate that temporary changes are active */

  ulpInstance->ulUsingTemp = MCI_TRUE;

  return ( ulrc );

} /* SetupTempFiles */
void OpenInit( INSTANCE  *ulpInstance )


  extern     HID                 hidASource;
  extern     HID                 hidATarget;
  extern     HID                 hidBSource;
  extern     HID                 hidBTarget;

  ULONG      ulrc;

  ulpInstance->ulCapabilities = CAN_RECORD | CAN_SAVE | CAN_INSERT;

  /* Stream hid's */

  ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hidASource = hidASource;
  ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hidATarget = hidATarget;
  ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hidBSource = hidBSource;
  ulpInstance->StreamInfo.hidBTarget = hidBTarget;

  * Wave Record Defaults.

//  SetWaveDeviceDefaults (ulpInstance, MCIDRV_INPUT );
  ulpInstance->mmAudioHeader.ulMediaType = MMIO_MEDIATYPE_AUDIO;

  * In case no device is opened, default to
  * the mode requested in the ini file.

//  AMPMIX.ulOperation = ulpInstance->lDefaultOperation;// Play or Record

  /* 6421--instance variable rather than amp instance */
  ulpInstance->ulOperation = ulpInstance->lDefaultOperation;


  * The MMPM2.INI file contains two variables that
  * a streaming MCD should retrieve.  The first one
  * QOS_VALUE (Quality of Service) contains settings
  * which describe the quality of service that the
  * network the user is streaming from will try to
  * support (e.g. GUARANTEED or DONTCARE).  If this
  * quality of service is not available, then another
  * variable (QOSERRORFLAG) describes whether or not
  * to notify the caller.

// CONNECTOR FEATURE--can this be moved to DLL init???

  ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_SYSQOSVALUE, &ulpInstance->lQosValue );

  if ( !ulrc )
     ulpInstance->lQosValue = DONTRESERVE;

  ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_SYSQOSERRORFLAG, &ulpInstance->lQOSReporting );

  if ( !ulrc )
     ulpInstance->lQOSReporting = ERROR_DEFAULT;

} /* OpenInit */
ULONG CheckForValidElement( INSTANCE   *ulpInstance,
                            PSZ        pszFileName,
                            ULONG      ulParam1 )


  ULONG  ulrc;           // return code
  ULONG  ulPathLength;   // Contains the max length
  LONG   lReturnCode;

  /* Did the caller pass a filename on MCI_OPEN/MCI_LOAD */

  if ( pszFileName )

     /* Ensure that this filename is valid */

     if (ulrc = CheckMem ( (PVOID) pszFileName, 1, PAG_WRITE))

     * Store the filename for future reference -- i.e.
     * MCI_INFO can request the name of the file

     strcpy ( ulpInstance->pszAudioFile, pszFileName);

     * Set flag to say that we did not create a new file--thus
     * we do not have to clean up if the user doesn't save

     ulpInstance->ulCreatedName = FALSE;

     * if the user requests a read only file
     * and we must create it, return error

     if ( ulParam1 & MCI_READONLY )
        return ( MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER );

     * Query the default path to place temp files and
     * generate a temporary file name

     ulrc = mciQuerySysValue( MSV_WORKPATH, &ulpInstance->pszAudioFile );

     if ( !ulrc )
        return ( MCIERR_INI_FILE );

     ulrc = MCIERR_SUCCESS;

     ulPathLength = CCHMAXPATH;

     /* Have mmio generate a unique filename */

     lReturnCode = DBCSGenerateUniqueFile( ulpInstance->pszAudioFile,
                                           &ulpInstance->hTempFile );

     if ( lReturnCode != MMIO_SUCCESS )
        return ( MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND );

     * Because we did create a temporary file we will
     * be responsible for cleaning up in case the
     * caller never calls MCI_SAVE (e.g. a bunch of
     * temp files will be left in the workpath
     * otherwise, so set a flag to indicate this fact.

     ulpInstance->ulCreatedName = TRUE;

     ObtainDefaults( ulpInstance );

     } /* else the user did not pass in a name */

  return ( ulrc );

} /* check for valid element */