static void mdns_tinysvcmdns_unregister(void) { if (svr) { mdnsd_stop(svr); svr = NULL; } }
static int test_mdns_stop(void) { if (mdnsd_stop() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: |%s| fail to execute mdnsd_stop() \n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } printf("mdnsd_stop() OK. \n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // create host entries char *hostname = "some-random-host.local"; struct mdnsd *svr = mdnsd_start(); if (svr == NULL) { printf("mdnsd_start() error\n"); return 1; } printf("mdnsd_start OK. press ENTER to add hostname & service\n"); getchar(); mdnsd_set_hostname(svr, hostname, inet_addr("")); struct rr_entry *a2_e = NULL; a2_e = rr_create_a(create_nlabel(hostname), inet_addr("")); mdnsd_add_rr(svr, a2_e); struct rr_entry *aaaa_e = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; struct addrinfo* results; getaddrinfo( "fe80::e2f8:47ff:fe20:28e0", NULL, &hints, &results); struct sockaddr_in6* addr = (struct sockaddr_in6*)results->ai_addr; struct in6_addr v6addr = addr->sin6_addr; freeaddrinfo(results); aaaa_e = rr_create_aaaa(create_nlabel(hostname), &v6addr); mdnsd_add_rr(svr, aaaa_e); const char *txt[] = { "path=/mywebsite", NULL }; struct mdns_service *svc = mdnsd_register_svc(svr, "My Website", "_http._tcp.local", 8080, NULL, txt); mdns_service_destroy(svc); printf("added service and hostname. press ENTER to exit\n"); getchar(); mdnsd_stop(svr); return 0; }
TinySVCMDNS::~TinySVCMDNS() { for (mdnsd* mdnsd : mdnsd_) { mdnsd_stop(mdnsd); } }