Esempio n. 1
    void configure() {
        if (m_nested == NULL)
            Log(EError, "A nested volume data source is needed!");
        m_aabb = m_nested->getAABB();
        if (!m_aabb.isValid())
            Log(EError, "Nested axis-aligned bounding box was invalid!");

        if (m_voxelWidth == -1)
            m_voxelWidth = m_nested->getStepSize();

        size_t memoryLimitPerCore = m_memoryLimit
                                    / std::max((size_t) 1, Scheduler::getInstance()->getLocalWorkerCount());

        Vector totalCells  = m_aabb.getExtents() / m_voxelWidth;
        for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
            m_cellCount[i] = (int) std::ceil(totalCells[i]);

        if (m_nested->supportsFloatLookups())
            m_channels = 1;
        else if (m_nested->supportsVectorLookups())
            m_channels = 1;
        else if (m_nested->supportsSpectrumLookups())
            m_channels = SPECTRUM_SAMPLES;
            Log(EError, "Nested volume offers no access methods!");

        m_blockRes = m_blockSize+1;
        int blockMemoryUsage = (int) std::pow((Float) m_blockRes, 3) * m_channels * sizeof(float);
        m_blocksPerCore = memoryLimitPerCore / blockMemoryUsage;

        m_worldToVolume = m_volumeToWorld.inverse();
        m_worldToGrid = Transform::scale(Vector(1/m_voxelWidth))
                        * Transform::translate(-Vector(m_aabb.min)) * m_worldToVolume;
        m_voxelMask = m_blockSize-1;
        m_blockMask = ~(m_blockSize-1);
        m_blockShift = log2i((uint32_t) m_blockSize);

        Log(EInfo, "Volume cache configuration");
        Log(EInfo, "   Block size in voxels      = %i", m_blockSize);
        Log(EInfo, "   Voxel width               = %f", m_voxelWidth);
        Log(EInfo, "   Memory usage of one block = %s", memString(blockMemoryUsage).c_str());
        Log(EInfo, "   Memory limit              = %s", memString(m_memoryLimit).c_str());
        Log(EInfo, "   Memory limit per core     = %s", memString(memoryLimitPerCore).c_str());
        Log(EInfo, "   Max. blocks per core      = %i", m_blocksPerCore);
        Log(EInfo, "   Effective resolution      = %s", totalCells.toString().c_str());
        Log(EInfo, "   Effective storage         = %s", memString((size_t)
Esempio n. 2
void memStringRealloc(memChunk *chunk) {
	memCheckState ();
	memChunk *temp;
	temp = memString (chunk->address);
	//printf("Reallocating chunk size %d to size %d\n",chunk->size,temp->size);
	memCopy (chunk,temp);
	memFree (temp);
Esempio n. 3
void sreplace(char *s,char *orig,char *rep,char multi,long dsize) {
    char *p;
    memChunk *buffer,*string,*result;

    if(!(p=strstr(s, orig))) return;


    memCopy(buffer, string);

    snprintf(buffer->address+(p-s), buffer->size-(p-s),"%s%s", rep, p+strlen(orig));


    strcpy(s,result->address);	//unsafe

Esempio n. 4
void memStrCat(memChunk *dest, char *string) {
	memChunk result,*temp;

	temp           = memReserve (dest->size + strlen (string)+1);

	result.address = dest->address + strlen (dest->address);
	result.size    = dest->size - strlen (dest->address) + 1;

	memCopy (temp, memString (string));
	memCopy (&result, temp);

	memFree (temp);
void GLGeometry::refresh() {
	Assert(m_id[0] != 0 && m_id[1] != 0);
	m_stride = 3;
	if (m_mesh->hasVertexNormals())
		m_stride += 3;
	if (m_mesh->hasVertexTexcoords())
		m_stride += 2;
	if (m_mesh->hasUVTangents())
		m_stride += 3;
	if (m_mesh->hasVertexColors())
		m_stride += 3;
	m_stride *= sizeof(GLfloat);

	size_t vertexCount = m_mesh->getVertexCount(), triCount = m_mesh->getTriangleCount();
	m_size[EVertexID] = (GLuint) (vertexCount * m_stride);
	m_size[EIndexID] = (GLuint) (triCount * sizeof(GLuint) * 3);

	Log(ETrace, "Uploading a GPU geometry object (\"%s\", " SIZE_T_FMT
		" vertices, " SIZE_T_FMT " triangles, %s)",
		getName().c_str(), vertexCount, triCount,
		memString(m_size[EVertexID] + m_size[EIndexID]).c_str());

	GLfloat *vertices = new GLfloat[vertexCount * m_stride/sizeof(GLfloat)];
	GLuint *indices = (GLuint *) m_mesh->getTriangles();
	const Point *sourcePositions = m_mesh->getVertexPositions();
	const Normal *sourceNormals = m_mesh->getVertexNormals();
	const Point2 *sourceTexcoords = m_mesh->getVertexTexcoords();
	const Color3 *sourceColors = m_mesh->getVertexColors();
	Vector *sourceTangents = NULL;

	if (m_mesh->hasUVTangents()) {
		/* Convert into per-vertex tangents */
		const TangentSpace *triTangents = m_mesh->getUVTangents();
		sourceTangents = new Vector[vertexCount];
		uint32_t *count = new uint32_t[vertexCount];
		memset(sourceTangents, 0, sizeof(Vector)*vertexCount);

		for (size_t i=0; i<triCount; ++i) {
			const Triangle &tri = m_mesh->getTriangles()[i];
			const TangentSpace &tangents = triTangents[i];
			for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
				sourceTangents[tri.idx[j]] += tangents.dpdu;

		for (size_t i=0; i<vertexCount; ++i) {
			if (count[i] == 0)
			sourceTangents[i] /= (Float) count[i];

		delete[] count;

	size_t pos = 0;
	for (size_t i=0; i<vertexCount; ++i) {
		vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourcePositions[i].x;
		vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourcePositions[i].y;
		vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourcePositions[i].z;
		if (sourceNormals) {
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceNormals[i].x;
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceNormals[i].y;
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceNormals[i].z;
		if (sourceTexcoords) {
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceTexcoords[i].x;
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceTexcoords[i].y;
		if (sourceTangents) {
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceTangents[i].x;
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceTangents[i].y;
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceTangents[i].z;
		if (sourceColors) {
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceColors[i][0];
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceColors[i][1];
			vertices[pos++] = (GLfloat) sourceColors[i][2];
	Assert(pos * sizeof(GLfloat) == m_stride * vertexCount);


	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_size[EVertexID], vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	if (GLEW_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory) {
		glGetBufferParameterui64vNV(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_GPU_ADDRESS_NV, &m_addr[EVertexID]);
		glMakeBufferResidentNV(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_READ_ONLY);

	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_size[EIndexID], indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	if (GLEW_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory) {
		glGetBufferParameterui64vNV(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_GPU_ADDRESS_NV, &m_addr[EIndexID]);

	delete[] vertices;
	if (sourceTangents)
		delete[] sourceTangents;
Esempio n. 6
memChunk *memStringReserve(char *string, long nbytes) {
	static memChunk *buffer;
	buffer=memReserve (nbytes);
	memCopy (buffer, memString (string));
	return buffer;