Esempio n. 1
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal)
	struct TIMER *timer;
	struct TASK *task = task_now();
	int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1;
	char s[30], cmdline[30];
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;

	fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo);
			if (i <= 1) { 
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); 
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); 
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
			if (i == 2) {	
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			if (i == 3) {	
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
				cursor_c = -1;
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { 
				if (i == 8 + 256) {
					if (cursor_x > 16) {
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
						cursor_x -= 8;
				} else if (i == 10 + 256) {
					/* Enter */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
					cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0;
					cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					if (cmdline[0] == 'm' && cmdline[1] == 'e' && cmdline[2] == 'm' && cmdline[3] == 0) {
						sprintf(s, "total   %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024));
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024);
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (cmdline[0] != 0) {
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);
					cursor_x = 16;
				} else {
					if (cursor_x < 240) {
						s[0] = i - 256;
						s[1] = 0;
						cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
			if (cursor_c >= 0) {
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
			sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16);
Esempio n. 2
void HariMain(void)
    struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
    char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
    int mx, my, i;
    unsigned int memtotal, count = 0;
    struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
    struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
    struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
    struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
    fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
    fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
    io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9);
    io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);
    memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
    memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
    memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

    shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
    buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);
    init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
    make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
    sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
    mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
    my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
    sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
    sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
    sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
    sheet_updown(sht_win,  1);
    sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
    sprintf(s, "memory %dMB  free : %dKB", 
	    memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
    sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);
    for (;;) {
		sprintf(s, "%010d", count);
		boxfill8(buf_win, 160, COL8_C6C6C6, 40, 28, 119, 43);
		putfonts8_asc(buf_win, 160, 40, 28, COL8_000000, s);
		sheet_refresh(sht_win, 40, 28, 120, 44);
	if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
	} else {
	    if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
		i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
	        sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
	        boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 16, 15, 31);
	        putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
            sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 16, 16, 32);
	    } else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
		i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
		if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
		   sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
			s[1] = 'L';
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
			s[3] = 'R';
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
			s[2] = 'C';
		   boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
		   putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
           sheet_refresh(sht_back, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32);
		   mx += mdec.x;
		   my += mdec.y;
		   if (mx < 0) {
			mx = 0;
		   if (my < 0) {
			my = 0;
		   if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
			mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
		   if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
			my = binfo->scrny - 1;
		   sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
		   boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15);
		   putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
           sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, 80, 16);
		   sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);

Esempio n. 3
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal)
	struct TIMER *timer;
	struct TASK *task = task_now();
	int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1;
	char s[30], cmdline[30];
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	int x, y;

	fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	/* プロンプト表示 */
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo);
			if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
			if (i == 2) {	/* カーソルON */
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			if (i == 3) {	/* カーソルOFF */
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
				cursor_c = -1;
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */
				if (i == 8 + 256) {
					/* バックスペース */
					if (cursor_x > 16) {
						/* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
						cursor_x -= 8;
				} else if (i == 10 + 256) {
					/* Enter */
					/* カーソルをスペースで消してから改行する */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
					cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0;
					cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					/* コマンド実行 */
					if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) {
						/* memコマンド */
						sprintf(s, "total   %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024));
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024);
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) {
						/* clsコマンド */
						for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) {
							for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) {
								sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000;
						sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128);
						cursor_y = 28;
					} else if (cmdline[0] != 0) {
						/* コマンドではなく、さらに空行でもない */
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					/* プロンプト表示 */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);
					cursor_x = 16;
				} else {
					/* 一般文字 */
					if (cursor_x < 240) {
						/* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */
						s[0] = i - 256;
						s[1] = 0;
						cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
			/* カーソル再表示 */
			if (cursor_c >= 0) {
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
			sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16);
Esempio n. 4
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
	struct FIFO8 timerfifo, timerfifo2, timerfifo3;
	char timerbuf[8], timerbuf2[8], timerbuf3[8];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;

	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	io_sti();													/* IDT/PIC的初始化结束,开启CPU中断 */

	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);									/* 许可PIC1和键盘(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);									/* 许可鼠标(11101111) */

	fifo8_init(&timerfifo, 8, timerbuf);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &timerfifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	fifo8_init(&timerfifo2, 8, timerbuf2);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &timerfifo2, 1);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	fifo8_init(&timerfifo3, 8, timerbuf3);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);					// 使用的内存空间,包含了0x00400000前已用的内存
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);				/* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 没有透明色 */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);				// 透明色号99
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);				/* 没有透明色 */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

	for (;;) {
		sprintf(s, "%010d", timerctl.count);					/* 一共输出10位,没有数的地方用0代替。 */
		boxfill8(buf_win, 160, COL8_C6C6C6, 40, 28, 119, 43);
		putfonts8_asc(buf_win, 160, 40, 28, COL8_000000, s);
		sheet_refresh(sht_win, 40, 28, 120, 44);

		if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) + fifo8_status(&timerfifo)
			+ fifo8_status(&timerfifo2) + fifo8_status(&timerfifo3) == 0) {
			/* J
			char ss[10];
			sprintf(ss, "%c", "J");
			putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 100, 100, COL8_FFFFFF, ss);
		} else if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
			i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
			sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
			boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484,  0, 16, 15, 31);
			putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 16, 16, 32);
		} else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
			i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
			if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
				/* 鼠标的3个字节都齐了,显示出来 */
				sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
				if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
					s[1] = 'L';
				if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
					s[3] = 'R';
				if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
					s[2] = 'C';
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
				putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32);
				/* 移动鼠标 */
				mx += mdec.x;
				my += mdec.y;
				if (mx < 0) {
					mx = 0;
				if (my < 0) {
					my = 0;
				if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
					mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
				if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
					my = binfo->scrny - 1;
				sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15);					/* 隐藏坐标 */
				putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);					/* 显示坐标 */
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, 80, 16);
				sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
		} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo) != 0) {
			i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo);							/* 首先读入(为了设定起始点) */
			putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, "10[sec]");
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 64, 56, 80);
		} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo2) != 0) {
			i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo2);							/* 首先读入(为了设定起始点) */
			putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, "3[sec]");
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 80, 48, 96);
		} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo3) != 0) {			/* 模拟光标 */
			i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo3);
			if (i != 0) {
				timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 0);				/* 然后设置0 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
			} else {
				timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 1);				/* 然后设置1 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
			timer_settime(timer3, 50);
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
Esempio n. 5
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal)
	struct TIMER *timer;
	struct TASK *task = task_now();
	int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1;
	char s[30], cmdline[30], *p;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	int x, y;
	struct FILEINFO *finfo = (struct FILEINFO *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x002600);
	int *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880);

	fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);
	file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200));

	/* プロンプト表示 */
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo);
			if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
			if (i == 2) {	/* カーソルON */
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			if (i == 3) {	/* カーソルOFF */
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
				cursor_c = -1;
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */
				if (i == 8 + 256) {
					/* バックスペース */
					if (cursor_x > 16) {
						/* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
						cursor_x -= 8;
				} else if (i == 10 + 256) {
					/* Enter */
					/* カーソルをスペースで消してから改行する */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
					cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0;
					cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					/* コマンド実行 */
					if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) {
						/* memコマンド */
						sprintf(s, "total   %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024));
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024);
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) {
						/* clsコマンド */
						for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) {
							for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) {
								sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000;
						sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128);
						cursor_y = 28;
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "dir") == 0) {
						/* dirコマンド */
						for (x = 0; x < 224; x++) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] != 0xe5) {
								if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
									sprintf(s, "filename.ext   %7d", finfo[x].size);
									for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
										s[y] = finfo[x].name[y];
									s[ 9] = finfo[x].ext[0];
									s[10] = finfo[x].ext[1];
									s[11] = finfo[x].ext[2];
									putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
									cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strncmp(cmdline, "type ", 5) == 0) {
						/* typeコマンド */
						/* ファイル名を準備する */
						for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
							s[y] = ' ';
						y = 0;
						for (x = 5; y < 11 && cmdline[x] != 0; x++) {
							if (cmdline[x] == '.' && y <= 8) {
								y = 8;
							} else {
								s[y] = cmdline[x];
								if ('a' <= s[y] && s[y] <= 'z') {
									/* 小文字は大文字に直す */
									s[y] -= 0x20;
						/* ファイルを探す */
						for (x = 0; x < 224; ) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
								for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
									if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) {
										goto type_next_file;
								break; /* ファイルが見つかった */
						if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) {
							/* ファイルが見つかった場合 */
							p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size);
							file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00));
							cursor_x = 8;
							for (y = 0; y < finfo[x].size; y++) {
								/* 1文字ずつ出力 */
								s[0] = p[y];
								s[1] = 0;
								if (s[0] == 0x09) {	/* タブ */
									for (;;) {
										putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
										cursor_x += 8;
										if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) {
											cursor_x = 8;
											cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
										if (((cursor_x - 8) & 0x1f) == 0) {
											break;	/* 4で割り切れたらbreak */
								} else if (s[0] == 0x0a) {	/* 改行 */
									cursor_x = 8;
									cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
								} else if (s[0] == 0x0d) {	/* 復帰 */
									/* とりあえずなにもしない */
								} else {	/* 普通の文字 */
									putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
									cursor_x += 8;
									if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) {
										cursor_x = 8;
										cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
							memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size);
						} else {
							/* ファイルが見つからなかった場合 */
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15);
							cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "hlt") == 0) {
						/* hlt.hrbアプリケーションを起動 */
						for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
							s[y] = ' ';
						s[0] = 'H';
						s[1] = 'L';
						s[2] = 'T';
						s[8] = 'H';
						s[9] = 'R';
						s[10] = 'B';
						for (x = 0; x < 224; ) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
								for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
									if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) {
										goto hlt_next_file;
								break; /* ファイルが見つかった */
						if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) {
							/* ファイルが見つかった場合 */
							p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size);
							file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00));
							set_segmdesc(gdt + 1003, finfo[x].size - 1, (int) p, AR_CODE32_ER);
							farjmp(0, 1003 * 8);
							memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size);
						} else {
							/* ファイルが見つからなかった場合 */
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15);
							cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (cmdline[0] != 0) {
						/* コマンドではなく、さらに空行でもない */
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					/* プロンプト表示 */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);
					cursor_x = 16;
				} else {
					/* 一般文字 */
					if (cursor_x < 240) {
						/* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */
						s[0] = i - 256;
						s[1] = 0;
						cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
			/* カーソル再表示 */
			if (cursor_c >= 0) {
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
			sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16);
Esempio n. 6
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */

	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window");
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i == 0x1e + 256) {
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, 40, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, "A", 1);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
			} else if (i == 10) { /* 10秒タイマ */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
			} else if (i == 3) { /* 3秒タイマ */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
			} else if (i == 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
			} else if (i == 0) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
Esempio n. 7
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons;
	struct TASK *task_a, *task_cons;
	struct TIMER *timer;
	int key_to = 0;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	task_a = task_init(memman);
	fifo.task = task_a;
	task_run(task_a, 1, 2);

	/* sht_back */
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

	/* sht_cons */
	sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	make_window8(buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0);
	make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000);
	task_cons = task_alloc();
	task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	task_cons->tss.eip = (int) &console_task;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	*((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons;
	task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level=2, priority=2 */

	/* sht_win */
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1);
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	/* sht_mouse */
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	sheet_slide(sht_back,  0,  0);
	sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32,  4);
	sheet_slide(sht_win,  64, 56);
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_cons,  1);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   2);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x54 + 256) {
					if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 128) { /* 通常文字 */
						/* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */
						s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
						s[1] = 0;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { /* バックスペース */
					/* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
					cursor_x -= 8;
				if (i == 256 + 0x0f) { /* Tab */
					if (key_to == 0) {
						key_to = 1;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  0);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1);
					} else {
						key_to = 0;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  1);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0);
					sheet_refresh(sht_win,  0, 0, sht_win->bxsize,  21);
					sheet_refresh(sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21);
				/* カーソルの再表示 */
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						/* 左ボタンを押していたら、sht_winを動かす */
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
					cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
					cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 8
void _start(void)
    struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
    char s[40], mcursor[256], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
    int mx, my, i;
    unsigned int memtotal;
    struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
    struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;

    io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
    fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
    fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
    io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); /* PIC1とキーボードを許可(11111001) */
    io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */

    memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
    memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
    memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

    init_screen8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
    my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
    init_mouse_cursor8(mcursor, COL8_008484);
    putblock8_8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16);
    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
    putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

    sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
            memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
    putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

    for (;;) {
        if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
        } else {
            if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
                i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
                sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
                boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484,  0, 16, 15, 31);
                putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
            } else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
                i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
                if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
                    /* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
                    sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
                        s[1] = 'L';
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
                        s[3] = 'R';
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
                        s[2] = 'C';
                    boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
                    putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
                    /* マウスカーソルの移動 */
                    boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, mx, my, mx + 15, my + 15); /* マウス消す */
                    mx += mdec.x;
                    my += mdec.y;
                    if (mx < 0) {
                        mx = 0;
                    if (my < 0) {
                        my = 0;
                    if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 16) {
                        mx = binfo->scrnx - 16;
                    if (my > binfo->scrny - 16) {
                        my = binfo->scrny - 16;
                    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
                    boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15); /* 座標消す */
                    putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s); /* 座標書く */
                    putblock8_8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16); /* マウス描く */
Esempio n. 9
// the main function 
void HariMain(void)
	char *vram;
	int xsize;
	int ysize;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR ;
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win,*sht_cons;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256],*buf_win;
	int i;
	int fifobuf[128];
	char s[40];
	struct FIFO fifo;
	static char keytable0[0x80] = {
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0
	static char keytable1[0x80] = {
		0,   0,   '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0,   0,   '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   '_', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '|', 0,   0
	init_pit(); // timer
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PIC1 (11111000) irq0 */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); //11101111 , allow irq12 
	struct TIMER *timer;
	timer = timer_alloc();
	// memory test
	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); // available maxmium  address
	binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)  0x0ff0;
	xsize = binfo->scrnx;
	ysize = binfo->scrny;
	vram  = binfo->vram;
	// sheet setting
	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman,160 * 52); // window sheet buffer
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); // col_inv 99
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win,144,52,-1);

	/* initlize OS background */
	int mx,my; // mouse position
	// mouse cursor
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	// window a setting
	make_window8(buf_win,144,52,"task a",1);
	int cursor_x,cursor_c;  // cursor color
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8,28,128,16,COL8_FFFFFF); // heigth is 16
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	// task block
	struct TASK *curr,*console;
	curr = task_init(memman);
	fifo.task = curr;
	taskrun(curr,1,0); // set to level 1

	// sheet console
	unsigned char *buf_cons;	
	sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256*165);
	//make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8,28,240,128,COL8_000084);
	console = task_alloc();
	console->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman,64*1024) + 64 * 1024 -8;
	console->tss.eip = (int) &task_console;
	console-> = 1*8;
	console->tss.cs = 2*8;
	console-> = 1*8;
	console->tss.ds = 1*8;
	console->tss.fs = 1*8;
	console-> = 1*8;
	*((int *) (console->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons; // memory share
	taskrun(console,2,2); // level2,different priorities 

	sheet_move(sht_back,0,0);// move background sheet 

	sheet_updown(sht_back,0); // height 0, at the bottom
	sprintf(s,"%3d %3d",mx,my);
	putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB free %dkb", memtotal/(1024*1024), memman_total(memman)/1024);
	putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

	// tab key
	int key_to=0;
	int key_shift = 0;
	int key_leds = ((binfo->leds) >> 4) & 7; // caps,numlock,scrolllock

	io_cli(); // forbid all interrupts
	if(fifo_status(&fifo) == 0) 
	else {
		io_sti(); // open interrupts
		if(255 < i && i < 512)
		{sprintf(s, "%02X", i-256);
		boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008400, 0, 16, 15, 31);
		putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
		if(i<256 +0x80)
			if(key_shift == 0)
				s[0]= keytable0[i-256];
				s[0]= keytable1[i-256];
			s[0] =0;
		if(s[0] >= 'A' && s[0]<= 'Z')
			if(((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || 
			   ((key_leds & 4) == 1 && key_shift != 0))

		if (s[0] != 0) { // common character
				if (key_to == 0) {	/* ƒ^ƒXƒNA‚Ö */
					if (cursor_x < 128) {
							s[1] = 0;
							bps(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
							cursor_x += 8;
				else// send to console
					fifo_put(&console->fifo, s[0] + 256);
		if(i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8)  // backspace key
				if(key_to == 0)				
					bps(sht_win,cursor_x,28,COL8_FFFFFF,COL8_000000," ",1);
					cursor_x -=8;

		if(i == 256 + 0x0f)  // Tab key
				if(key_to == 0)
					key_to =1;
					make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize,"task a",0);
					shell_title(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize,"console",1);				
					key_to =0;
					make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize,"task a",1);
					shell_title(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize,"console",0);
		if (i == 256 + 0x2a)
			key_shift |= 1;
		if (i == 256 + 0x36)
			key_shift |= 2;
		if (i == 256 + 0xaa)
			key_shift &= ~1;
		if (i == 256 + 0xb6) 
			key_shift &= ~2;
		if (i == 256 + 0x3a) // CapsLock
			key_leds ^= 4;		
		if (i == 256 + 0x45) // NumLock 
			key_leds ^= 2;		
		if (i == 256 + 0x46) // ScrollLock 
			key_leds ^= 1;
		boxfill8(sht_win ->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c,cursor_x,28,cursor_x+7,43);


		else if(511 < i && i < 768)
		if(mouse_decode(&mdec,i-512) != 0) 
		  {	sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x,mdec.y);
			if((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) s[1]='L';
		        if((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) s[3]='R';
		        if((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) s[2]='C';	
			boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32+15*8-1, 31); // after filling,show ok
			putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
			// the move of mouse 
			mx +=mdec.x;
			my +=mdec.y;
			if(mx <0) mx = 0;
			if(my <0) my = 0;
			if(mx > binfo->scrnx -1 )  mx =  binfo->scrnx -1;
			if(my > binfo->scrny -1 )  my =  binfo->scrny -1;  // control the mouse move area
		 	sprintf(s, "(%3d,%3d)", mx,my);
			boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0,79, 15);
			putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
			// move the window, vram -> sht -> move
		 	if((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0)

		else if(i == 1)
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf,sht_win->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, 28,cursor_x+7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win,cursor_x,28,cursor_x + 8, 44);
		else if(i==0)
				timer_set(timer,50,&fifo,1); // keep the data
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf,sht_win->bxsize, COL8_FFFFFF,cursor_x, 28,cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win,cursor_x,28,cursor_x + 8, 44);

Esempio n. 10
void HariMain(void)

	struct BOOTINFO *stBootInfo= (struct BOOTINFO *) 0x0ff0;//获取启动时候保存的信息
	char s[100];//输出缓冲区
	char szTemp[40]; //KeyBuf[32], MouseBuf[128];
	int SysBuf[256];
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	/* 	定义一个MEMMAN结构指针(内存管理), 指向MEMMAN_ADDR也就是0x3c0000*/
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;	
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;		/* 图层管理结构指针 */
	struct SHEET *Sht_Back, *Sht_Mouse, *Sht_Win,*Sht_TaskWin[2];	/* 背景以及鼠标的图层指针 */
	unsigned char *Buf_Back, Buf_Mouse[256],*Buf_Win,*Buf_TaskWin[2];
	struct TIMER *timer;

	struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3];
	//struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *gdt = (struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *) ADR_GDT;	/* 申请一个段描述符 */
	int mmx=-1,mmy=-1;
	struct SHEET *sht=0;
	/* 没有按shift */
	static char keytable0[0x80] = 
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0
	/* 按下shift后 */
	static char keytable1[0x80] = 
		0,   0,   '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0,   0,   '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   '_', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '|', 0,   0
	int key_shift = 0;
	int key_leds = (stBootInfo->leds >> 4) & 7;
	int key_wait = -1;
	unsigned char *vram=stBootInfo->vram;
	int nXSize=stBootInfo->scrnx;
	int nYSize=stBootInfo->scrny;
	init_palette();		/* 初始化调色板 */
	init_gdtidt();		//初始化GDT, IDT 表
	Init_PIC();			/* 初始化PIC */
	io_sti();			/* 打开所有可屏蔽中断 */
	init_pit();			/*初始化 时钟中断*/
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PIC0(11111000) (打开IRQ0时钟中断、IRQ1键盘中断和连接从PIC的IRQ2)*/
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* PIC1(11101111) (打开PS2鼠标中断 即IRQ12)*/
	//	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); /* 这个bug调我N久,注视下留个纪念。。*/

	//io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* PIC1(11101111) (打开PS2鼠标中断 即IRQ12)*/	
	Enable_Mouse(&mdec);		/* 激活鼠标 */

	/* 检测4M~3G-1的内存,4M之前被占用,不能检测 */
	unsigned int nMemMaxSize=memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);	
	memman_init(memman);	/* 初始化内存管理结构 */
	/* 这段内存是4K~636K-1,这段内存是4K~636K-1,映像刚开始载入内存的内容,包括引导程序那部分*/
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); 	/* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, nMemMaxSize - 0x00400000);	/* 4M~内存实际大小,4M之前用于保存相关数据,预留了很多空间备用 */

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman,vram,nXSize,nYSize);	/* 初始化图层管理结构 */
	Sht_Back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建背景图层 */
	Sht_Mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建鼠标图层 */
	Sht_Win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建窗口图层 */
	Sht_TaskWin[0]	= sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建任务1图层 */
	Sht_TaskWin[1]	= sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建任务2图层 */
	Buf_Back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, nXSize * nYSize);	/* 分配内存空间 用于绘制背景*/
	Buf_Win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 450 * 300);	/* 分配内存空间 用于绘制"窗口 */
	Buf_TaskWin[0] = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 170 * 75);
	Buf_TaskWin[1] = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 170 * 75);
	sheet_setbuf(Sht_Back, Buf_Back, nXSize,nYSize, -1); 			/* 设置背景图层信息 */
	sheet_setbuf(Sht_Mouse, Buf_Mouse, 16, 16, COL_BACK_BLUE);		/* 设置鼠标图层信息 */
	sheet_setbuf(Sht_Win, Buf_Win, 450, 300, -1);					/* 设置窗口图层信息 */
	sheet_setbuf(Sht_TaskWin[0], Buf_TaskWin[0], 170, 75, -1);
	sheet_setbuf(Sht_TaskWin[1], Buf_TaskWin[1], 170, 75, -1);
	Init_MouseCur(Buf_Mouse, COL_BACK_BLUE);		/* 初始化鼠标图形 */
	DrawBack(Buf_Back, nXSize, nYSize);	/* 绘制背景 */
	make_window8(Buf_Win, 450, 300, "NoteWindow");	/* 绘制窗口图形 */
	make_window_edit(Buf_Win, 450, 300);	/* 绘制窗口图形 */
	make_window8(Buf_TaskWin[0], 170, 75, "Task1");	/* 绘制窗口图形 */
	make_window8(Buf_TaskWin[1], 170, 75, "Task2");	/* 绘制窗口图形 */
	sheet_slide(Sht_Back, 0, 0);	/* 设置背景图层的位置 */
	sheet_slide(Sht_Win,  85, 160);				/* 设置窗口图层的位置 */
	sheet_slide(Sht_TaskWin[0], nYSize - 20, 60);				/* 设置窗口图层的位置 */
	sheet_slide(Sht_TaskWin[1], nYSize - 20, 140);				/* 设置窗口图层的位置 */
	int mx = (nXSize- 16) / 2; /* 计算鼠标图形在屏幕上的位置 它在整个桌面的中心位置 */
	int my = (nYSize - 28 - 16) / 2;	
	sheet_slide(Sht_Mouse, mx, my);	/* 设置鼠标图层的位置 */
	sheet_updown(Sht_Back,  0);		/* 调整背景图层和鼠标图层的高度 */
	sheet_updown(Sht_TaskWin[0],   1);	
	sheet_updown(Sht_TaskWin[1],   2);	
	sheet_updown(Sht_Win,   -1);		/* 调整默认窗口 */
	sheet_updown(Sht_Mouse, 4);		/* 并且会显示背景与鼠标图层 */
	int i;
	/* 任务切换初始化(*/
	task_a = task_init(memman);//task_a 是内核任务
	fifo32_init(&SysFifo, 256, SysBuf,task_a);

	task_run(task_a, -1, 2);		/* 设置任务a的level和优先级 */
		task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;	/* 创建任务B的堆栈,64K */;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
	task_b[0]->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main;		/* 设置任务B的寄存器 */
	task_b[1]->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main1;		/* 设置任务B的寄存器 */
	task_b[2]->tss.eip = (int) &task_win_main;		/* 设置任务Window的寄存器 */

	/* 先将task_b_esp + 4转换成int类型的指针  即(int *) (task_b_esp + 4) */
	/* 再将(int) sht_back赋值到该地址处*((int *) (task_b_esp + 4)) */
	*((int *) (task_b[0]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) Sht_TaskWin[0];
	*((int *) (task_b[1]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) Sht_TaskWin[1];
	*((int *) (task_b[2]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) Sht_Win;
	//task_run(task_a, 10);//分配给内核最高优先级
	//task_run(task_b[0], 1);			
	//task_run(task_b[1], 2);	
	//task_run(task_b[2], 2);
	//sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	sprintf(szTemp, " Screen:(%d, %d)", nXSize, nYSize);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 0, 0,COL_RED,COL_WHITE, szTemp, 20);//在图层上显示文字
	sprintf(szTemp, "MemMaxSize:%d MB", nMemMaxSize/(1024*1024));	 
	putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 0, 57,COL_BLACK,COL_GREEN, szTemp, 17);//在图层上显示文字
	sprintf(szTemp, "MemFree:%d KB", memman_total(memman) /1024);	
	putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 0, 76,COL_BLACK,COL_GREEN, szTemp, 17);//在图层上显示文字

	timer = timer_alloc();					/* 创建定时器 */
	timer_init(timer, &SysFifo, 100);		/* 定时器初始化 */
	timer_settime(timer, 100);				/* 定时器设置 */	
	unsigned char cTemp=0x25;//颜色测试语句
	for (;;) 
		io_cli();		/* 关闭所有可屏蔽中断 */
		/* 系统缓冲区没有数据 */
		if(fifo32_status(&SysFifo)== 0) 
			//io_stihlt();	/* 开中断并待机 直到下一次中断来临 */
			i = fifo32_get(&SysFifo);
			if(nKeyData0<=i && i<=nKeyData0+0xFF)/*键盘缓冲区有数据 */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i);	
				putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 0, 20,COL_BLACK,COL_GREEN, s, 2);//在图层上显示文字
				if (i < 0x80) 
					if (key_shift == 0)/* 如果shift没有被按下 */ 
						s[0] = keytable0[i];		/* 将键值转换成字符的ASCII码 */
					else/* 如果shift被按下了 */ 
						s[0] = keytable1[i];		/* 将键值转换成字符的ASCII码 */
					s[0] = 0;
				if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z')/* 如果输入的是英文字母 */ 
					/* CapsLock为OFF并且Shift为OFF 或者 CapsLock为ON并且Shift为ON */
					if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) ||((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) 
						s[0] += 0x20;	/* 将大写字母转换成小写字母 */
										/* 同一个字母的大小写ASCII码相差0x20 */
				if (i == 0x0e)/* 退格键 */ 
						fifo32_put(task_b[2]->fifo, 8 + 256);
				else if (i == 0x1c)/* 换行键 */ 
						fifo32_put(task_b[2]->fifo, 7 + 256);
				else if (s[0] != 0)  /* 一般字符 */
						fifo32_put(task_b[2]->fifo, s[0] + 256);
				/* key_shift变量的bit0和bit1分别标识了左shift和右shift的开启与关闭状态 */
				if (i == 0x2a)/* 左shift ON */ 
					key_shift |= 1;
				if (i == 0x36)/* 右shift ON */
					key_shift |= 2;
				if (i == 0xaa)/* 左shift OFF */ 
					key_shift &= ~1;
				if (i == 0xb6)/* 右shift OFF */ 
					key_shift &= ~2;
				// 0xfa是ACK信息
				if (i == 0xfa) // 键盘成功接收到数据 
					key_wait = -1;	//等于-1表示可以发送指令 
					putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 20, 18,COL_BLACK,COL_RED, s, 2);//在图层上显示文字
				if (i == 0xfe)// 键盘没有成功接收到数据 
					io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, key_wait);	// 重新发送上次的指令 
					putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 20, 16,COL_BLACK,COL_YELLOW, s, 2);//在图层上显示文字
			else if (nMouseData0<=i && i<=nMouseData0+0xFF) /* 鼠标缓冲区有数据 */				

				if (Mouse_Decode(&mdec, i) != 0) 
				{	/* 接收鼠标发送的数据 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);	
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) /* 如果左键被按下 */
						s[1] = 'L';
						int j,x,y;
							for (j = shtctl->top - 1; j > 0; j--) 
								sht = shtctl->p_sheets[j];
								//vx0, vy0图层左上角的坐标
								x = mx - sht->vx0;//鼠标与窗口左上角长度距离
								y = my - sht->vy0;//鼠标与窗口左上角高度距离
								if (0 <= x && x < sht->bxsize && 0 <= y && y < sht->bysize) 
									//按中 关闭按钮,隐藏窗体
									if(x > sht->bxsize-25 && x < sht->bxsize-5 && y > 4 && y < 17)
										sheet_updown(sht, -1);
									if (sht->buf[y * sht->bxsize + x] != sht->col_inv)
										sheet_updown(sht, shtctl->top - 1);
							sheet_slide(sht, sht->vx0+x, sht->vy0+y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) /* 如果右键被按下 */
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) /* 如果滚轮被按下 */
						s[2] = 'C';

					putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 32, 20,COL_BLACK,COL_GREEN, s, 16);//在图层上显示文字
					mx += mdec.x;					/* 更新新的鼠标位置 */
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) /* 鼠标的位置不能小于0,即不能超出屏幕位置 */
						mx = 0;		
					if (my < 0) 
						my = 0;
					if (mx > nXSize - 1) /* 范围控制 ,防止超出屏幕*/
						mx = nXSize - 1;
					if (my > nYSize-1 ) 
						my = nYSize-1;
					sheet_slide(Sht_Mouse, mx, my);	/* 更新鼠标图层的位置并显示新的鼠标图层 */
					sprintf(s, "MousePos:(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, 0, 39,COL_BLACK,COL_GREEN, s, 20);//在图层上显示文字
			else if (i == 100) /* 定时器数据 ,100是设置的写入data*/
			{	//-----------任务栏秒数显示----------------------------------
				sprintf(s, "%03d Sec", timerctl.count/100);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(Sht_Back, nXSize-60, nYSize-23,COL_WHITE,COL_BLACK, s, 9);//在图层上显示文字
					#if TEST_ING
						sheet_updown(Sht_Win,shtctl->top-1);	//弹出笔记本窗口 
						task_run(task_b[0], 2,1);			
						task_run(task_b[1], 2,2);
				else if(timerctl.count/100==7)//7秒时候停止
					#if TEST_ING
				else if(timerctl.count/100==8)
					#if TEST_ING
						sheet_updown(Sht_Win,shtctl->top-1);		//弹出笔记本窗口  
				sprintf(s, "%X", cTemp);
				PutFont_Asc(vram, nXSize, 100, 250, COL_WHITE, s);
				timer_settime(timer, 100);				/* 定时器设置 */	

Esempio n. 11
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i, count = 0;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;

	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	io_sti();													/* IDT/PIC的初始化结束,开启CPU中断 */

	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);									/* 许可PIC1和键盘(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);									/* 许可鼠标(11101111) */

	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);					// 使用的内存空间,包含了0x00400000前已用的内存
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);				/* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 没有透明色 */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);				// 透明色号99
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);				/* 没有透明色 */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	for (;;) {

		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
			/* J
			char ss[10];
			sprintf(ss, "%c", "J");
			putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 100, 100, COL8_FFFFFF, ss);
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {							/* 键盘数据 */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {					/* 鼠标数据 */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* 鼠标的3个字节都齐了,显示出来 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* 移动鼠标 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
			} else if (i == 10) {								/* 10秒定时器 */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
				sprintf(s, "%010d", count);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, 40, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 10);
			} else if (i == 3) {								/* 3秒定时器 */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
				count = 0;										/* 测试开始 */
			} else if (i == 1) {								/* 光标用定时器 */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);					/* 然后设置0 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
			} else if (i == 0) {								/* 光标用定时器 */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);					/* 然后设置1 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
Esempio n. 12
void HariMain(void)
  int i;
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx;
  int ysize = (*binfo).scrny;
  char *vram = (*binfo).vram;
  char msg[40], mcursor[256];
  int mx = xsize/2;
  int my = ysize/2;
  char keybuf[32], mousebuf[32];
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  unsigned char s[32];
  unsigned int memtotal;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;

  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256];
  init_gdtidt ();
  init_pic ();
  io_sti ();

  fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
  fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 32, mousebuf);
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); /* PIC1とキーボードを許可(11111001) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */
  init_keyboad ();
  enable_mouse (&mdec);
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_init (memman);
  memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000);   /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
  memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize);
  init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99);

  sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", 
           memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

  sheet_slide (shtctl, sht_back, 0, 0);
  sheet_slide (shtctl, sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_updown (shtctl, sht_back, 0);
  sheet_updown (shtctl, sht_mouse, 1);

  sheet_refresh (shtctl, sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);
  for (;;) {
	if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
	} else {
	  if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
		i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
		sprintf (s, "%x", i);
		boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 48, 15, 48+31);
		putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 48, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
        sheet_refresh (shtctl, sht_back, 0, 16, 16, 32);
	  } else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
		i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
        if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
          sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; }
          boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 16 -1, 31);
          putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
          sheet_refresh (shtctl, sht_back, 32, 16, 32+15 * 8, 32);
          mx += mdec.x;
          my += mdec.y;
          if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 16) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 16; }
          if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 16) { my = binfo->scrny - 16; }

          sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
          boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15);
          putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
          sheet_refresh (shtctl, sht_back, 0, 0, 80, 16);

          sheet_slide (shtctl, sht_mouse, mx, my);
Esempio n. 13
void HariMain(void)
	/* set interruption flag to one so that it's able to accespt interruptsion, it was cleared during set_pallete() */
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	init_screen8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);	

	int mx, my, i;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 20 - 16) / 2;
	/* mouse is generating way more interruption than key, therefore we bump up the buffer to 128 */
	char mouse[256], buffer[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
	sprintf(buffer, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, buffer);
	init_mouse_cursor8(mouse, COL8_008484);
	putblock8_8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mouse, 16);

	/* accept interruption from mouse and keyboard */
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9);
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);

	/* initialize unbounded buffer */
	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
	/* initilize keyboard and mouse*/
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;

	/* initialize memory management */
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); /* byte */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);
	sprintf(buffer, "memory %dMB    free : %dKB", memtotal/(1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman)/1024);
	putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, buffer);

		this loop will keep looking at keybuf, if an interruption happens and keybuf is set then it prints the data
	for(;;) {
		/* use unbounded buffer */
		/* check size first */
		if(fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			if(fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
				/* i can't be -1 as we already checked size */
				i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
				sprintf(buffer, "%02X", i);
				boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 16, 15, 31);
				putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, buffer);
			/* we handle keyboard int in higher priority */
			else if(fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
				/* once we have gathered all three signals, print it on screen */
				if(mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
					sprintf(buffer, "[lcr %04d %04d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					/* note: unless we realase a button, the mdec.btn mask will always be set and letter will alawys be captial */
					if((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						buffer[1] = 'L';
					if((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						buffer[3] = 'R';
					if((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						buffer[2] = 'C';
					boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
					putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, buffer);

					/* move mouse */
					/* first clear mouse */
					boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, mx, my, mx + 15, my + 15);

					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;

					if(mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;

					if(my < 0) {
						my = 0;

					if(mx > binfo->scrnx - 16) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 16;

					if(my > binfo->scrny - 16) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 16;
					sprintf(buffer, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15);
					putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, buffer);
					putblock8_8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mouse, 16);
Esempio n. 14
void HariMain(void)
  int i;
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx;
  int ysize = (*binfo).scrny;
  char *vram = (*binfo).vram;
  char msg[40], mcursor[256];
  int mx = xsize/2;
  int my = ysize/2;
  int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32];
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  unsigned char s[32];
  unsigned int memtotal;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;
  int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons;
  struct TIMER *timer;
  struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd;

  struct TASK *task_a, *task_cons;
  static char keytable0[0x80] = {
      0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,  0,
      'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0x0a, 0, 'A', 'S',
      'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
      'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
      '2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0
  static char keytable1[0x80] = {
      0,   0,   '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0x08, 0,
      'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0x0a, 0, 'A', 'S',
      'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0,   0,   '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
      'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
      '2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
      0,   0,   0,   '_', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '|', 0,   0

  init_gdtidt ();
  init_pic ();
  io_sti ();

  fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf, 0);
  fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0);
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */
  init_keyboard (&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settime(timer, 50);
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_init (memman);
  memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000);   /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
  memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win  = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_back,  buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_win,   buf_win,   160, 52, -1);
  init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize);
  init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "task_a", 1);
  sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", 
           memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

  make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
  cursor_x = 8;
  cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  // Task Settings
  task_a = task_init(memman);
  fifo.task = task_a;
  task_run (task_a, 1, 0);
  /* console sheet */
  sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_cons = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1);
  make_window8 (buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0);
  make_textbox8 (sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000);
  task_cons = task_alloc ();
  task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k (memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
  task_cons->tss.eip = (int)&console_task;
  task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
  task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
  task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
  task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
  task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
  task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
  *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons;
  task_run (task_cons, 1, 0);   /* level = 2, priority = 2 */

  // Sheet Setting
  sheet_slide (sht_back,  0,   0);
  sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide (sht_cons,  32,  4);
  sheet_slide (sht_win,   64, 56);
  sheet_updown (sht_back,  0);
  sheet_updown (sht_cons,  1);
  sheet_updown (sht_win,   2);
  sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 3);

  sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

  fifo32_put (&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
  fifo32_put (&keycmd, key_leds);
  for (;;) {
	if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) {
	  keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd);
	  wait_KBC_sendready ();
	  io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
	if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
	} else {
      i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
      if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {  // Keyboard Data
		sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256);
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
		if (i < 0x80 + 256) {
		  if (key_shift == 0) {
			s[0] = keytable0[i - 256];
		  } else {
			s[0] = keytable1[i - 256];
		} else {
		  s[0] = 0;
		if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') {
		  if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) ||
			  ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) {
			s[0] += 0x20;
		if (s[0] != 0) {
		  if (key_to == 0) {
			if (cursor_x < 128) {
			  s[1] = 0;
			  putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
			  cursor_x += 8;
		  } else {   // To Console
			fifo32_put (&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256);
        if (i == 256 + 0x0e) {  // Backspace
		  if (key_to == 0) { // To Task-A
			if (cursor_x > 8) {
			  putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
			  cursor_x -= 8;
		  } else {
		  	fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256);
		if (i == 256 + 0x0f) { // Tab
		  if (key_to == 0) {
			key_to = 1;
			make_wtitle8 (buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  0);
			make_wtitle8 (buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1);
		  } else {
			key_to = 0;
			make_wtitle8 (buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  1);
			make_wtitle8 (buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0);
		  sheet_refresh (sht_win,  0, 0, sht_win->bxsize,  21);
		  sheet_refresh (sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21);
		if (i == 256 + 0x2a) {  // Left Shift ON
		  key_shift |= 1;
		if (i == 256 + 0x36) {  // Right Shift ON
		  key_shift |= 2;
		if (i == 256 + 0xaa) {  // Left Shift OFF
		  key_shift &= ~1;
		if (i == 256 + 0xb6) {  // Right Shift ON
		  key_shift &= ~2;
		if (i == 256 + 0x3a) {  // CapsLock
		  key_leds ^= 4;
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
		if (i == 256 + 0x45) {  // NumLock
		  key_leds ^= 2;
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
		if (i == 256 + 0x45) {  // ScrollLock
		  key_leds ^= 1;
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
		  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
		if (i == 256 + 0xfa) {  // KeyBoard receive Data
		  keycmd_wait = -1;
		if (i == 256 + 0xfe) {  // KeyBoard failed to receive Data
		  wait_KBC_sendready ();
		  io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
	  } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {  // Mouse Data
        if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) {
          sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; }
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
          mx += mdec.x;
          my += mdec.y;
          if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; }
          if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; }

          sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

          sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
            sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
      } else if (i <= 1) {
        if (i != 0) {
          timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0);
          cursor_c = COL8_000000;
        } else {
          timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
          cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
        timer_settime(timer, 50);
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 15
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	struct TASK *task_b;

	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); 
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); 

	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); 
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); 
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); 
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window");
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; 
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	task_b = task_alloc();
	task_b->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	task_b->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
	task_b-> = 1 * 8;
	task_b->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	task_b-> = 1 * 8;
	task_b->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	task_b->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	task_b-> = 1 * 8;
	*((int *) (task_b->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { 
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x54 + 256) {
					if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 144) {
						s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
						s[1] = 0;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { 
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
					cursor_x -= 8;
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { 
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i == 10) { 
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
			} else if (i == 3) { 
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
			} else if (i <= 1) { 
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); 
					cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
					cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 16
void _start(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
    struct PIXEL24 mcursor[256];
	int mx, my, i;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
    struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) &g_memman;

	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9);
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);


	init_screen(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	init_mouse_cursor(mcursor, COL24_008484);
	draw_block(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16);

	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	draw_string(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL24_FFFFFF, s);

    unsigned int memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
    memman_init(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	draw_string(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL24_FFFFFF, s);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
				draw_rect(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL24_008484,  0, 16, 15, 31);
				draw_string(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL24_FFFFFF, s);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					draw_rect(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL24_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
					draw_string(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL24_FFFFFF, s);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					draw_rect(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL24_008484, mx, my, mx + 15, my + 15); /* マウス消す */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 16) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 16;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 16) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 16;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					draw_rect(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL24_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15); /* 座標消す */
					draw_string(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL24_FFFFFF, s); /* 座標書く */
					draw_block(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16); /* マウス描く */
Esempio n. 17
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	char s[40];
	struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd;
	int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32];
	int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons;
	struct TASK *task_a, *task_cons;
	struct TIMER *timer;
	static char keytable0[0x80] = {
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0x5c, 0,  0
	static char keytable1[0x80] = {
		0,   0,   '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0,   0,   '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   '_', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '|', 0,   0
	int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */
	fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	task_a = task_init(memman);
	fifo.task = task_a;
	task_run(task_a, 1, 2);

	/* sht_back */
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

	/* sht_cons */
	sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	make_window8(buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0);
	make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000);
	task_cons = task_alloc();
	task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	task_cons->tss.eip = (int) &console_task;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	*((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons;
	task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level=2, priority=2 */

	/* sht_win */
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1);
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	/* sht_mouse */
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	sheet_slide(sht_back,  0,  0);
	sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32,  4);
	sheet_slide(sht_win,  64, 56);
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_cons,  1);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   2);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	/* 最初にキーボード状態との食い違いがないように、設定しておくことにする */
	fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
	fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) {
			/* キーボードコントローラに送るデータがあれば、送る */
			keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd);
			io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x80 + 256) { /* キーコードを文字コードに変換 */
					if (key_shift == 0) {
						s[0] = keytable0[i - 256];
					} else {
						s[0] = keytable1[i - 256];
				} else {
					s[0] = 0;
				if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') {	/* 入力文字がアルファベット */
					if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) ||
							((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) {
						s[0] += 0x20;	/* 大文字を小文字に変換 */
				if (s[0] != 0) { /* 通常文字 */
					if (key_to == 0) {	/* タスクAへ */
						if (cursor_x < 128) {
							/* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */
							s[1] = 0;
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
							cursor_x += 8;
					} else {	/* コンソールへ */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256);
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e) {	/* バックスペース */
					if (key_to == 0) {	/* タスクAへ */
						if (cursor_x > 8) {
							/* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
							cursor_x -= 8;
					} else {	/* コンソールへ */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256);
				if (i == 256 + 0x1c) {	/* Enter */
					if (key_to != 0) {	/* コンソールへ */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 10 + 256);
				if (i == 256 + 0x0f) {	/* Tab */
					if (key_to == 0) {
						key_to = 1;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  0);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1);
						cursor_c = -1; /* カーソルを消す */
						boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, COL8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 2); /* コンソールのカーソルON */
					} else {
						key_to = 0;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  1);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0);
						cursor_c = COL8_000000; /* カーソルを出す */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 3); /* コンソールのカーソルOFF */
					sheet_refresh(sht_win,  0, 0, sht_win->bxsize,  21);
					sheet_refresh(sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21);
				if (i == 256 + 0x2a) {	/* 左シフト ON */
					key_shift |= 1;
				if (i == 256 + 0x36) {	/* 右シフト ON */
					key_shift |= 2;
				if (i == 256 + 0xaa) {	/* 左シフト OFF */
					key_shift &= ~1;
				if (i == 256 + 0xb6) {	/* 右シフト OFF */
					key_shift &= ~2;
				if (i == 256 + 0x3a) {	/* CapsLock */
					key_leds ^= 4;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0x45) {	/* NumLock */
					key_leds ^= 2;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0x46) {	/* ScrollLock */
					key_leds ^= 1;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0xfa) {	/* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取った */
					keycmd_wait = -1;
				if (i == 256 + 0xfe) {	/* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取れなかった */
					io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
				/* カーソルの再表示 */
				if (cursor_c >= 0) {
					boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						/* 左ボタンを押していたら、sht_winを動かす */
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
				if (cursor_c >= 0) {
					boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
					sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 18
void HariMain(void)
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
  g_binfo = binfo;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
  char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128]; 
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
  int mx, my, i;
	int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  unsigned int memtotal;
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b;
	int task_b_esp;
  io_sti(); /* GDT,IDT,PIC*/
  fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	// timer
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);	
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); // 11111001,PIC1和IRQ1,
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); // 11101111, IRQ12
  init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);

  sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); /*没有透明色*/
  init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

  init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
  mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
  my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
  sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
  sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
  sheet_updown(sht_win, 1);
  sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);

  sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf(s, "memory 0x%xMB, free : 0x%xKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	tss_b.ldtr = 0;
	tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);
	load_tr(3 * 8);
	task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	*((int *) (task_b_esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;
	tss_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main - ADR_BOTPAK;
	tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1*/
	tss_b.eax = 0;
	tss_b.ecx = 0;
	tss_b.edx = 0;
	tss_b.ebx = 0;
	tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
	tss_b.ebp = 0;
	tss_b.esi = 0;
	tss_b.edi = 0; = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.cs = 2 * 8; = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.fs = 1 * 8; = 1 * 8;


  for(;;) {
     if(0 == fifo32_status(&fifo)) {
		i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
	 	if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {
     		sprintf(s, "0x%x", i - 256);
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 8);
			if (i < 256 + 0x54) {
				if (0 != keytable[i - 256] && cursor_x < 144) {
					s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
					s[1] = 0;	
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 1);
					cursor_x += 8;
			if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { // Backspace
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
				cursor_x -= 8;	
			boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
			sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
       	} // if key status 
		else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {
	 		if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512)) {
	   			sprintf(s, "[lcr 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x]", mdec.buf[0], mdec.buf[1], mdec.buf[2]);
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x01)) {
	     			s[1] = 'L';
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x02)) {
	     			s[3] = 'R';
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x04)) {
	     			s[2] = 'C';
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 64, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 24);
	   			mx += mdec.x;
	   			my += mdec.y;
	   			if (mx < 0) {
	     			mx = 0;
	   			if (my < 0) {
	     			my = 0;
	   			if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
	     			mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
	   			if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
	     			my = binfo->scrny - 1;
	   			sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 16);
       	   		sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); /* 显示鼠标 */
				if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
					sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);	
	 		} // if mouse decode
	  	} // if 512 767 
		else if (10 == i) {
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
		} else if (3 == i) {
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
		} else if (i <= 1) {
			if (0 != i) {
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); // set to 0
				cursor_c = COL8_000000;
			} else {
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
			timer_settime(timer3, 50);
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
	} // else 0 == getstatus fifo 
  } // for

Esempio n. 19
void HariMain(void)
  int i;
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx;
  int ysize = (*binfo).scrny;
  char *vram = (*binfo).vram;
  char msg[40], mcursor[256];
  int mx = xsize/2;
  int my = ysize/2;
  int fifobuf[128];
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  unsigned char s[32];
  unsigned int memtotal, count = 0;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;
  int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_win_b[3];
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_win_b;
  struct TIMER *timer;
  struct FIFO32 fifo;

  struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3];
  static char keytable[0x54] = {
    0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
    'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
    'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
    'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
    '2', '3', '0', '.'

  init_gdtidt ();
  init_pic ();
  io_sti ();

  fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf, 0);

  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */
  init_keyboard (&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settime(timer, 50);
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_init (memman);
  memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000);   /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
  memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win  = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_back,  buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_win,   buf_win,   160, 52, -1);
  init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize);
  init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "task_a", 1);
  sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", 
           memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

  make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
  cursor_x = 8;
  cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  // Task Settings
  task_a = task_init(memman);
  fifo.task = task_a;
  task_run (task_a, 1, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	sht_win_b[i] = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_win_b = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 144 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win_b[i], buf_win_b, 144, 52, -1);
	sprintf(s, "task_b%d", i);
	make_window8(buf_win_b, 144, 52, s, 0);
	task_b[i] = task_alloc();
	task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int)&task_b_main;
	task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
	task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
	task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
	*((int *)(task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int)sht_win_b[i];
	// task_run (task_b[i], 2, i+1);

  // Sheet Setting
  sheet_slide (sht_back,  0, 0);
  sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide (sht_win_b[0], 168,  56);
  sheet_slide (sht_win_b[1],   8, 116);
  sheet_slide (sht_win_b[2], 168, 116);
  sheet_slide (sht_win,        8,  56);
  sheet_updown (sht_back,     0);
  sheet_updown (sht_win_b[0], 1);
  sheet_updown (sht_win_b[1], 2);
  sheet_updown (sht_win_b[2], 3);
  sheet_updown (sht_win,   	  4);
  sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 	  5);

  sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

  for (;;) {
	count ++;
	if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
	} else {
      i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
      if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {  // Keyboard Data
		sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256);
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
        if (i < 256 + 0x54) {
          if (keytable[i - 256] != 0) {
            s[0] = keytable[i-256];
            s[1] = 0;
            putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
            cursor_x += 8;
        if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) {  // Backspace
          putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
          cursor_x -= 8;
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
	  } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {  // Mouse Data
        if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) {
          sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; }
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
          mx += mdec.x;
          my += mdec.y;
          if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; }
          if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; }

          sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

          sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
            sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
      } else if (i == 10) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
      } else if (i == 3) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
        count = 0;
      } else if (i <= 1) {
        if (i != 0) {
          timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0);
          cursor_c = COL8_000000;
        } else {
          timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
          cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
        timer_settime(timer, 50);
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 20
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;			/* 定义一个公共的队列缓冲区管理结构 */
	char s[40];					/* 输出缓冲区 */
	int fifobuf[128];			/* 队列缓冲区 */
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i, count = 0;
	unsigned int memtotal;		/* memtotal存放内存大小 */
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;	/* 	定义一个MEMMAN结构指针, 
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;		/* 图层管理结构指针 */
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;	/* 背景、鼠标以及窗口的图层指针 */
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	init_gdtidt();		/* 初始化GDT, IDT */
	init_pic();			/* 初始化PIC */
	io_sti();			/* 打开所有可屏蔽中断 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);	/* 初始化键盘缓冲区结构体 */
	init_pit();							/* 初始化PIT */
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);			/* 初始化键盘控制电路 */
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);	/* 激活鼠标 */
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PIC0(11111000) (打开IRQ0时钟中断、IRQ1键盘中断和连接从PIC的IRQ2)*/
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* PIC1(11101111) (打开PS2鼠标中断 即IRQ12)*/

	timer = timer_alloc();			
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);	/* 检测4M~3G-1的内存  memtotal是内存实际大小 */
	memman_init(memman);	/* 初始化内存管理结构 */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); 	/* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
													/* 这段内存是4K~636K-1, 这段内存是"安全"的
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);	/* 4M~内存实际大小 */

	init_palette();		/* 初始化调色板 */
	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);	/* 初始化图层管理结构 */
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建"桌面"图层 */
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建鼠标图层 */
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		/* 创建窗口图层 */
	/* 分配内存空间 用于绘制"桌面" */
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);	/* 分配内存空间 用于绘制"窗口 */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); 	/* 设置"桌面"图层信息 */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);						/* 设置鼠标图层信息 */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);						/* 设置窗口图层信息 */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);	/* 绘制"桌面" 注意:这里的第一个参数是buf_back而不是原来的binfo->vram */
														/* 上面让buf_back指向一块新分配的内存,也就是说原本要画在图形缓冲区的"桌面"
														   画在了新分配的那块内存,那块内存存放的就是"桌面"图层需要显示的图形 同时
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);			/* 绘制鼠标图形 */
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");	/* 绘制窗口图形 */
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);				/* 设置"桌面"图层的位置 */
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 计算鼠标图形在屏幕上的位置 它在整个桌面的中心位置 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);				/* 设置鼠标图层的位置 */
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);				/* 设置窗口图层的位置 */
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);		/* 调整"桌面"图层、鼠标图层和窗口图层的高度 */
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);		/* 并且会显示"桌面"、鼠标和窗口图形 */
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);	
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);		/* 在屏幕上输出s的内容 */
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);	/* 在屏幕上输出s的内容 */

	for (;;) {

		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {	/* 缓冲区中没有数据 */
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);			/* 取得缓冲区中的数据 */
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 属于键盘的数据 */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);	/* 直接输出 */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* 属于鼠标数据 */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {	/* 接收鼠标发送的数据 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {	/* 如果左键被按下 */
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {	/* 如果右键被按下 */
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {	/* 如果滚轮被按下 */
						s[2] = 'C';
					/* 输出s的内容 */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* 更新新的鼠标位置 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {		/* 鼠标的位置不能小于0 */
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {	/* 同样是范围控制 */
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					/* 输出s的内容 */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					/* 更新鼠标图层的位置并显示新的鼠标图层 */
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
			} else if (i == 10) { /* 10定时器*/
				/* 在屏幕上显示"10[sec]"并输出count的值 */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
				sprintf(s, "%010d", count);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, 40, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 10);
			} else if (i == 3) { /* 3定时器 */
				/* 在屏幕上显示"10[sec]"并将count清零 */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
				count = 0;		/* 开始测试 */
			} else if (i == 1) { /* 光标用定时器 */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); /* 下面是设定0 */
				/* 描绘一个小矩形 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				/* 设置半秒 */
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				/* 在屏幕上显示那个小矩形 */
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
			} else if (i == 0) { /* 光标用定时器 */
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); /* 下面是设定1 */
				/* 描绘一个小矩形 */
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				/* 设置半秒 */
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				/* 在屏幕上显示那个小矩形 */
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
Esempio n. 21
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal)
	struct TIMER *timer;
	struct TASK *task = task_now();
	int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1;
	char s[30], cmdline[30], *p;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	int x, y;
	struct FILEINFO *finfo = (struct FILEINFO *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x002600);
	int *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880);

	fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);
	file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200));

	putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo);
			if (i <= 1) { 
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); 
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); 
					if (cursor_c >= 0) {
						cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
			if (i == 2) {	
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			if (i == 3) {	
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
				cursor_c = -1;
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { 
				if (i == 8 + 256) {
					if (cursor_x > 16) {
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
						cursor_x -= 8;
				} else if (i == 10 + 256) {
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
					cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0;
					cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) {
						sprintf(s, "total   %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024));
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024);
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) {
						for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) {
							for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) {
								sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000;
						sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128);
						cursor_y = 28;
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "dir") == 0) {
						for (x = 0; x < 224; x++) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] != 0xe5) {
								if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
									sprintf(s, "filename.ext   %7d", finfo[x].size);
									for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
										s[y] = finfo[x].name[y];
									s[ 9] = finfo[x].ext[0];
									s[10] = finfo[x].ext[1];
									s[11] = finfo[x].ext[2];
									putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30);
									cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strncmp(cmdline, "type ", 5) == 0) {
						for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
							s[y] = ' ';
						y = 0;
						for (x = 5; y < 11 && cmdline[x] != 0; x++) {
							if (cmdline[x] == '.' && y <= 8) {
								y = 8;
							} else {
								s[y] = cmdline[x];
								if ('a' <= s[y] && s[y] <= 'z') {
									s[y] -= 0x20;
						for (x = 0; x < 224; ) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
								for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
									if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) {
										goto type_next_file;
						if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) {
							p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size);
							file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00));
							cursor_x = 8;
							for (y = 0; y < finfo[x].size; y++) {
								s[0] = p[y];
								s[1] = 0;
								if (s[0] == 0x09) {	
									for (;;) {
										putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1);
										cursor_x += 8;
										if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) {
											cursor_x = 8;
											cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
										if (((cursor_x - 8) & 0x1f) == 0) {
								} else if (s[0] == 0x0a) {	
									cursor_x = 8;
									cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
								} else if (s[0] == 0x0d) {	
								} else {	
									putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
									cursor_x += 8;
									if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) {
										cursor_x = 8;
										cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
							memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size);
						} else {
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15);
							cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (strcmp(cmdline, "hlt") == 0) {
						for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
							s[y] = ' ';
						s[0] = 'H';
						s[1] = 'L';
						s[2] = 'T';
						s[8] = 'H';
						s[9] = 'R';
						s[10] = 'B';
						for (x = 0; x < 224; ) {
							if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) {
							if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) {
								for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
									if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) {
										goto hlt_next_file;
						if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) {
							p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size);
							file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00));
							set_segmdesc(gdt + 1003, finfo[x].size - 1, (int) p, AR_CODE32_ER);
							farjmp(0, 1003 * 8);
							memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size);
						} else {
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15);
							cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					} else if (cmdline[0] != 0) {
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
						cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1);
					cursor_x = 16;
				} else {
					if (cursor_x < 240) {
						s[0] = i - 256;
						s[1] = 0;
						cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
			if (cursor_c >= 0) {
				boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15);
			sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16);
Esempio n. 22
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3, *timer_ts;
	int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c, task_b_esp;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */

	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);
	timer_ts = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer_ts, &fifo, 2);
	timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window");
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	tss_b.ldtr = 0;
	tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);
	load_tr(3 * 8);
	task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	tss_b.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
	tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1; */
	tss_b.eax = 0;
	tss_b.ecx = 0;
	tss_b.edx = 0;
	tss_b.ebx = 0;
	tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
	tss_b.ebp = 0;
	tss_b.esi = 0;
	tss_b.edi = 0; = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.cs = 2 * 8; = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.fs = 1 * 8; = 1 * 8;

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (i == 2) {
				farjmp(0, 4 * 8);
				timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);
			} else if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x54 + 256) {
					if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 144) { /* 通常文字 */
						/* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */
						s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
						s[1] = 0;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { /* バックスペース */
					/* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
					cursor_x -= 8;
				/* カーソルの再表示 */
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						/* 左ボタンを押していたら、sht_winを動かす */
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i == 10) { /* 10秒タイマ */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
			} else if (i == 3) { /* 3秒タイマ */
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
			} else if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */
					cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */
					cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 23
void HariMain(void)
	struct FIFO32       fifo, keycmd;
	int                 fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32];
	struct MOUSE_DEC    mdec;
	unsigned int        memtotal;
	struct SHTCTL       *shtctl;
	struct MEMMAN       *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct BOOTINFO     *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct TASK         *task_a, *task_cons;
	struct SHEET        *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons;
	unsigned char       *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons;
	int                 cursor_x, cursor_c, mx, my, i;          // cursor_x: 记录光标显示位置
	struct TIMER        *timer;
	char                s[40];
	static char         keytable0[0x80] = {
	                          0,   0, '1',  '2', '3', '4', '5', '6',  '7', '8', '9',  '0', '-',  '=',   0,   0,
	                        'Q', 'W', 'E',  'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I',  'O', 'P', '[',  ']',   0,    0, 'A', 'S',
	                        'D', 'F', 'G',  'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'', '`',   0, '\\', 'Z',  'X', 'C', 'V',
	                        'B', 'N', 'M',  ',', '.', '/',   0, '*',    0, ' ',   0,    0,   0,    0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,   0, '7',  '8', '9', '-',  '4', '5',  '6', '+', '1',
	                        '2', '3', '0',  '.',   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,    0,   0,    0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,    0,   0,    0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0, 0x5c,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,    0,   0, 0x5c,   0,   0
	static char         keytable1[0x80] = {
	                          0,   0, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+',   0,   0,
	                        'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '{', '}',   0,   0, 'A', 'S',
	                        'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', '"', '~',   0, '|', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
	                        'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?',   0, '*',   0, ' ',   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, '7',  '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
	                        '2', '3', '0', '.',   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
	                          0,   0,   0, '_',   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, '|',   0,   0
	int                 key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1; // key_to为1时,console窗口有效

	io_sti();                                                   /* IDT/PIC的初始化结束,开启CPU中断 */

	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);                                    /* 许可PIC1和键盘(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);                                    /* 许可鼠标(11101111) */
	fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);                 // 使用的内存空间,包含了0x00400000前已用的内存
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);                /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	task_a = task_init(memman);                                 // 为什么没给tss.eip、tss.esp赋值?task_a什么都不干。
	fifo.task = task_a;
	task_run(task_a, 1, 2);

	/* sht_back */
	sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 没有透明色 */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

	/* sht_cons */
	sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1);             /* 无透明色 */
	make_window8(buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0);             // act为1时,颜色不变;act为0时,标题栏变灰色。
	make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000);
	task_cons = task_alloc();
	task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	task_cons->tss.eip = (int) &console_task;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8;                                  // 与bootpack.c相同的地址段,asmkfunc.nas中bootpack启动部分
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	task_cons-> = 1 * 8;
	*((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons;       // 传参
	task_run(task_cons, 2, 2);                                  /* level=2, priority=2 */

	/* sht_win */
	sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1);                /* 没有透明色 */
	make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1);                // act为1时,颜色不变;act为0时,标题栏变灰色。
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	/* sht_mouse */
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);             // 透明色号99
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	sheet_slide(sht_back ,  0,  0);
	sheet_slide(sht_cons , 32,  4);
	sheet_slide(sht_win  , 64, 56);
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
	sheet_updown(sht_cons, 1);
	sheet_updown(sht_win , 2);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	/* 为了避免和键盘当前状态冲突,在一开始先进行设置 */
	fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
	fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);

	for (;;) {
	    if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) {
			/* 如果存在想键盘控制器发送的数据,则发送 */
			keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd);
			io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
			/* J
			char ss[10];
			sprintf(ss, "%c", "J");
			putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 100, 100, COL8_FFFFFF, ss);
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {							/* 键盘数据 */
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x80 + 256) {                           /* 将按键编码转换为字符编码 */
					if (key_shift == 0) {
						s[0] = keytable0[i - 256];
					} else {
						s[0] = keytable1[i - 256];
				} else {
					s[0] = 0;
	            if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') {               /* 当输入字符为应为字符时 */
	                if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) {
	                    s[0] += 0x20;                           /* 将大写字母转换为小写字母 */
				if (s[0] != 0) {                                /* 通常文字 */
					if (key_to == 0) {                          /* 发送给任务A */
						if (cursor_x < 128) {
							/* 显示1个字符就前移1次光标 */
							s[1] = 0;
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
							cursor_x += 8;
					} else {                                    /* 发送给命令行窗口 */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256);
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e) {                          /* 退格键 */
					if (key_to == 0) {                          /* 发送给任务A */
						if (cursor_x > 8) {
							/* 用空格键把光标消去后,后移1次光标 */
							putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
							cursor_x -= 8;
					} else {                                    /* 发送给命令行窗口 */
						fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256);
				if (i == 256 + 0x0f) {                          /* Tab */
					if (key_to == 0) {
						key_to = 1;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  0);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1);
					} else {
						key_to = 0;
						make_wtitle8(buf_win,  sht_win->bxsize,  "task_a",  1);
						make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0);
					sheet_refresh(sht_win,  0, 0, sht_win->bxsize,  21);
					sheet_refresh(sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21);
				if (i == 256 + 0x2a) {                          /* 左Shift ON */
					key_shift |= 1;                             // 直接赋值呢?
				if (i == 256 + 0x36) {                          /* 右Shift ON */
					key_shift |= 2;
				if (i == 256 + 0xaa) {                          /* 左Shift OFF */
					key_shift &= ~1;
				if (i == 256 + 0xb6) {                          /* 右Shift OFF */
					key_shift &= ~2;
				if (i == 256 + 0x3a) {                          /* CapsLock */
					key_leds ^= 4;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0x45) {                          /* NumLock */
					key_leds ^= 2;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0x46) {                          /* ScrollLock */
					key_leds ^= 1;
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
					fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
				if (i == 256 + 0xfa) {                          /* 键盘成功接收到数据 */
					keycmd_wait = -1;
				if (i == 256 + 0xfe) {                          /* 键盘没有成功接收到数据 */
					io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
				/* カーソルの再表示 */
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* 鼠标的3个字节都齐了,显示出来 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* 移动鼠标 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						/* 按下左键、移动sht_win */
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i <= 1) {								/* 光标用定时器 */
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0);				/* 下面设定0 */
					cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);				/* 下面设定1 */
					cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 24
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128];
	int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_win_b;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_win_b[3];
	struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3];
	struct TIMER *timer;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PIC的初始化已经完成,于是开放CPU的中断 */
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0);
	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* 设定PIT和PIC1以及键盘为许可(11111000) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* 开放鼠标中断(11101111) */

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	task_a = task_init(memman);
	fifo.task = task_a;
	task_run(task_a, 1, 0);

	/* sht_back */
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 无透明色 */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

	/* sht_win_b */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		sht_win_b[i] = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
		buf_win_b = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 144 * 52);
		sheet_setbuf(sht_win_b[i], buf_win_b, 144, 52, -1); /* 无透明色 */
		sprintf(s, "task_b%d", i);
		make_window8(buf_win_b, 144, 52, s, 0);
		task_b[i] = task_alloc();
		task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
		task_b[i]-> = 1 * 8;
		*((int *) (task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_win_b[i];
		task_run(task_b[i], 2, i + 1);

	/* sht_win */
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 无透明色 */
	make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1);
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	/* sht_mouse */
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 计算坐标使其位于画面中央 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	sheet_slide(sht_win_b[0], 168,  56);
	sheet_slide(sht_win_b[1],   8, 116);
	sheet_slide(sht_win_b[2], 168, 116);
	sheet_slide(sht_win,        8,  56);
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,     0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win_b[0], 1);
	sheet_updown(sht_win_b[1], 2);
	sheet_updown(sht_win_b[2], 3);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,      4);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse,    5);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 键盘数据*/
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
				if (i < 0x54 + 256) {
					if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 128) {
						s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
						s[1] = 0;
						putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;
				if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { /* 退格键 */
					/* 用空格键把光标消去后,后移1次光标 */
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
					cursor_x -= 8;
				/* 光标再显示 */
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			} else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* 鼠标数据*/
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
					/* 已经收集了3字节的数据,所以显示出来 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					/* 移动光标 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);/* 包含sheet_refresh含sheet_refresh */
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 按下左键、移动sht_win */
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
			} else if (i <= 1) { /* 光标用定时器*/
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 下面设定0 */
					cursor_c = COL8_000000;
				} else {
					timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 下面设定1 */
					cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_settime(timer, 50);
				boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
				sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 25
void HariMain(void)
  int i;
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx;
  int ysize = (*binfo).scrny;
  char *vram = (*binfo).vram;
  char msg[40], mcursor[256];
  int mx = xsize/2;
  int my = ysize/2;
  int fifobuf[128];
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  unsigned char s[32];
  unsigned int memtotal, count = 0;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;
  int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
  struct TIMER *timer1, *timer2, *timer3, *timer_ts;
  struct FIFO32 fifo;

  static char keytable[0x54] = {
    0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
    'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
    'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
    'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
    '2', '3', '0', '.'

  init_gdtidt ();
  init_pic ();
  io_sti ();

  fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf);

  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */
  init_keyboard (&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  timer1 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer1, &fifo, 10);
  timer_settime(timer1, 1000);

  timer2 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
  timer_settime(timer2, 300);

  timer3 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settime(timer3, 50);
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_init (memman);
  memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000);   /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
  memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win  = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_back,  buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_win,   buf_win,   160, 52, -1);
  init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize);
  init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
  sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", 
           memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

  make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
  cursor_x = 8;
  cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  sheet_slide (sht_back,  0, 0);
  sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide (sht_win,   80, 72);
  sheet_updown (sht_back,  0);
  sheet_updown (sht_win,   1);
  sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 2);

  sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

  // Task Settings
  struct TSS32 tas_a, tas_b;

  tas_a.ldtr = 0;
  tas_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
  tas_b.ldtr = 0;
  tas_b.iomap = 0x40000000;

  set_segmdesc (gdt + 3, 103, (int)&tas_a, AR_TSS32);
  set_segmdesc (gdt + 4, 103, (int)&tas_b, AR_TSS32);

  load_tr(3 * 8);
  int tas_b_esp;
  tas_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k (memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
  *((int *) (tas_b_esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;
  tas_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main;
  tas_b.eflags = 0x00000202;
  tas_b.eax = 0;
  tas_b.ecx = 0;
  tas_b.edx = 0;
  tas_b.ebx = 0;
  tas_b.esp = tas_b_esp;
  tas_b.ebp = 0;
  tas_b.esi = 0;
  tas_b.edi = 0; = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.cs = 2 * 8; = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.ds = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.fs = 1 * 8; = 1 * 8;

  // Task Switch for 0.02s
  timer_ts = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer_ts, &fifo, 2);
  timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);
  for (;;) {
	count ++;
	if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
	} else {
      i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
      if (i == 2) {
        farjmp(0, 4 * 8);
        timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);
      } else if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {  // Keyboard Data
		sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256);
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
        if (i < 256 + 0x54) {
          if (keytable[i - 256] != 0) {
            s[0] = keytable[i-256];
            s[1] = 0;
            putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
            cursor_x += 8;
        if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) {  // Backspace
          putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
          cursor_x -= 8;
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
	  } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {  // Mouse Data
        if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) {
          sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; }
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
          mx += mdec.x;
          my += mdec.y;
          if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; }
          if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; }

          sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

          sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
            sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
      } else if (i == 10) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
      } else if (i == 3) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
        count = 0;
      } else if (i <= 1) {
        if (i != 0) {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);
          cursor_c = COL8_000000;
        } else {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
          cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
        timer_settime(timer3, 50);
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Esempio n. 26
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
	int mx, my, i;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */
	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); /* PIC1とキーボードを許可(11111001) */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 68);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 68, -1); /* 透明色なし */
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 68, "window");
	putfonts8_asc(buf_win, 160, 24, 28, COL8_000000, "Welcome to");
	putfonts8_asc(buf_win, 160, 24, 44, COL8_000000, "  Haribote-OS!");
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 1);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

	for (;;) {
		if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484,  0, 16, 15, 31);
				putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 16, 16, 32);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
					/* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
					putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
					sheet_refresh(sht_back, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32);
					/* マウスカーソルの移動 */
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15); /* 座標消す */
					putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s); /* 座標書く */
					sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, 80, 16);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
Esempio n. 27
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	struct FIFO8 timerfifo, timerfifo2, timerfifo3;
	char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128], timerbuf[8], timerbuf2[8], timerbuf3[8];
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
	int mx, my, i;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); 
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); 

	fifo8_init(&timerfifo, 8, timerbuf);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &timerfifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	fifo8_init(&timerfifo2, 8, timerbuf2);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &timerfifo2, 1);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	fifo8_init(&timerfifo3, 8, timerbuf3);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); 
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
	buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
	buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); 
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); 
	init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; 
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
	sheet_updown(sht_back,  0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win,   1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

	for (;;) {
		sprintf(s, "%010d", timerctl.count);
		putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, 40, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 10);

		if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) + fifo8_status(&timerfifo)
				+ fifo8_status(&timerfifo2) + fifo8_status(&timerfifo3) == 0) {
		} else {
			if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
						s[1] = 'L';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
						s[3] = 'R';
					if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
						s[2] = 'C';
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if (mx < 0) {
						mx = 0;
					if (my < 0) {
						my = 0;
					if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
						mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
						my = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo); 
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo2) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo2); 
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&timerfifo3) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&timerfifo3);
				if (i != 0) {
					timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 0); 
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				} else {
					timer_init(timer3, &timerfifo3, 1); 
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
Esempio n. 28
void HariMain(void)
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo=(struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
	char s[40],mcursor[256],keybuf[32],mousebuf[128];
	int mx,my,i;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	unsigned int memtotal;
	struct MEMMAN *memman=(struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;

	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; 
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
	sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
	putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	sprintf(s, "memory %dMB   free : %dKB",
			memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
	putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

	io_cli(); /* 屏蔽中断 */
				boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 16, 15, 31);
				putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
			}else if(fifo8_status(&mousefifo)!=0){
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
					sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x,mdec.y);
					boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32+15*8-1, 31);
					putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
Esempio n. 29
void HariMain(void)
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
  char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];
  int mx, my, i;
  unsigned int memtotal;
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256];

  io_sti(); /* GDT,IDT,PIC*/
  fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
  fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); // 11111001,PIC1和IRQ1,
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); // 11101111, IRQ12

  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);

  sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
  sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
  mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
  my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
  sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
  sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 1);

  sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf(s, "memory 0x%xMB, free : 0x%xKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

  for(;;) {
     if(0 == fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo)) {
     } else {
       if(0 != fifo8_status(&keyfifo)) {
	 i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
	 sprintf(s, "0x%x", i);
	 boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 16, 8 * 8 - 1, 31);
	 putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	 sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 16, 8 * 8, 32);
       } else if (0 != fifo8_status(&mousefifo)) {
	 i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
	 if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, i)) {
	   sprintf(s, "[lcr 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x]", mdec.buf[0], mdec.buf[1], mdec.buf[2]);
	   if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x01)) {
	     s[1] = 'L';
	   if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x02)) {
	     s[3] = 'R';
	   if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x04)) {
	     s[2] = 'C';
	   boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 64, 16, 64 + 24 * 8 - 1, 31);
	   putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 64, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
	   sheet_refresh(sht_back, 64, 16, 64 + 24 * 8, 32);
	   mx += mdec.x;
	   my += mdec.y;
	   if (mx < 0) {
	     mx = 0;
	   if (my < 0) {
	     my = 0;
	   if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
	     mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
	   if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
	     my = binfo->scrny - 1;
	   sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
	   boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 8 * 16 - 1, 15); /* 隐藏坐标*/
	   putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s); /* 显示坐标*/
	   sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, 8 * 16, 16);
	   sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); /* 显示鼠标 */

Esempio n. 30
void HariMain(void)
    BOOTINFO_t *binfo;
    int mx, my, i;
    unsigned int memsize, count = 0;
    char s[40], keybuf[32], mousebuf[128];

    MOUSE_DEC_t mdec;
    MEMMAN_t * memman = (MEMMAN_t*) MEMMAN_ADDR;    // os is nubility...

    SHTCTL_t *shtctl;
    SHEET_t *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
    unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;

	fifo8_init(&keyfifo, 32, keybuf);
	fifo8_init(&mousefifo, 128, mousebuf);
    // init programmable interrupt controller
    io_sti();   // 开启中断
    // init fifo buffer
    // ......
    io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf9); /* PIC1‚ƃL[ƒ{[ƒh‚ð‹–‰Â(11111001) 设置PIC0 中断mask */
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* ƒ}ƒEƒX‚ð‹–‰Â(11101111) 设置PIC1 中断mask */
    init_keyboard(); // 初始化键盘控制芯片中的鼠标控制器
    enable_mouse(&mdec); // 通知开启鼠标中断信息产生

    // init memory manager
    memsize = memtest(0x00000000, 0xc0000000);
    //memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); // 0x00000ff0 - 0x00000ffb 是 BOOTINFO_ENTRY
    memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009f000); // 书上是用的 0x00001000-0x0009efff, 但是 0x00100000(1MB) 之前就没有被使用的区域了
    memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memsize - 0x00400000);

    // init sheet controller
    shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
    buf_win = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); // -1 no invisable color
    sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); // 99 is the invisable color
    sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);

    init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    mx = my = 100;
    init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);

    make_window8(buf_win, 160, 68, "counter");

    sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
    sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
    mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
    my = (binfo->scrny - 16) / 2;
    sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
    sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
    sheet_updown(sht_win, 1);
    sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);

    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

    //putblock8_8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16);

    // static char font_A[16] = {
		// 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24,
		// 0x24, 0x7e, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00
	// };
    // putfont8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 8, 8, COL8_0000FF, hankaku+'A'*16);
    // putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 8, COL8_0000FF, "BC 123");
    // putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 31, 31, COL8_000000, "EasyOS.");
    // putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 30, 30, COL8_FFFFFF, "EasyOS.");
    //memsize = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff) / (1024*1024);

    sprintf(s, "memory %uMB free %uKB %dx%d", memsize/(1024*1024), memman_total(memman)/1024, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
    sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);
    for (;;) {
        sprintf(s, "%010d", count);
        boxfill8(buf_win, 160, COL8_C6C6C6, 40, 28, 119, 43);
        putfonts8_asc(buf_win, 160, 40, 28, COL8_000000, s);

        sheet_refresh(sht_win, 40, 28, 120, 44);

		if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) + fifo8_status(&mousefifo) == 0) {
		} else {
			if (fifo8_status(&keyfifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&keyfifo);
				sprintf(s, "%02X", i);
				boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484,  0, 16, 15, 31);
				putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
                sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 16, 16, 32);
			} else if (fifo8_status(&mousefifo) != 0) {
				i = fifo8_get(&mousefifo);
                if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i) != 0) {
                    sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
                        s[1] = 'L';
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
                        s[3] = 'R';
                    if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
                        s[2] = 'C';
                    boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8 - 1, 31);
                    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
                    sheet_refresh(sht_back, 32, 16, 32 + 15 * 8, 32);

                    //boxfill8(buf_mouse, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, mx, my, mx + 15, my + 15); // hide mouse
                    mx += mdec.x;
                    my += mdec.y;
                    if (mx < 0) {
                        mx = 0;
                    if (my < 0) {
                        my = 0;
                    if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
                        mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
                    if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
                        my = binfo->scrny - 1;
                    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
                    boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 0, 0, 79, 15);
                    putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
                    sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, 80, 16);
                    //putblock8_8(buf_mouse, binfo->scrnx, 16, 16, mx, my, mcursor, 16); // show new position of mouse
                    sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);

    goto fin;    