Esempio n. 1
void getSamp ()
	if ( set.basic_mode )

	uint32_t	samp_dll = getSampAddress();

	if ( samp_dll != NULL )
		g_dwSAMP_Addr = ( uint32_t ) samp_dll;

		if ( g_dwSAMP_Addr != NULL )
			if ( memcmp_safe((uint8_t *)g_dwSAMP_Addr + 0xBABE, hex_to_bin(SAMP_CMP_03DR1), 10) )
				strcpy(g_szSAMPVer, "SA:MP 0.3d");
				Log( "%s was detected. g_dwSAMP_Addr: 0x%p", g_szSAMPVer, g_dwSAMP_Addr );
				iIsSAMPSupported = 1;
			else if ( memcmp_safe((uint8_t *)g_dwSAMP_Addr + 0xBABE, hex_to_bin(SAMP_CMP_03DR2), 10) )
				strcpy(g_szSAMPVer, "SA:MP 0.3d-R2");
				Log( "%s was detected. g_dwSAMP_Addr: 0x%p", g_szSAMPVer, g_dwSAMP_Addr );

				// (0.3d-R2 temp) disable AC
				if(memcmp_safe((uint32_t *)(g_dwSAMP_Addr + 0x8F210), "\xE9\x34\x91\x24\x00", 5))
					memset_safe((uint32_t *)(g_dwSAMP_Addr + 0x8F210), 0xC3, 1);

				iIsSAMPSupported = 0;
				set.basic_mode = true;
				g_dwSAMP_Addr = NULL;
				Log( "Unknown SA:MP version. Running in basic mode." );
				iIsSAMPSupported = 0;
				set.basic_mode = true;

				g_dwSAMP_Addr = NULL;
		iIsSAMPSupported = 0;
		set.basic_mode = true;
		Log( "samp.dll not found. Running in basic mode." );

Esempio n. 2
int patcher_install ( struct patch_set *patch )

        int i;

        /* previous initialization failed; always return error. */
        if ( !patch->initialized && patch->failed )
                return 0;

        if ( !patch->initialized )
                patch->failed = 1;

                for ( i = 0; i < PATCHER_CHUNKS_MAX; i++ )
                        if ( patch->chunk[i].ptr == NULL )

                        if ( patch->chunk[i].data_cmp != NULL
                         &&      !memcmp_safe((uint8_t *)patch->chunk[i].ptr, patch->chunk[i].data_cmp, patch->chunk[i].len) )
                                void    *mem = malloc( patch->chunk[i].len );

                                if ( mem != NULL )
                                        if ( memcpy_safe(mem, patch->chunk[i].ptr, patch->chunk[i].len) )
										{ }
                                        free( mem );

                                return 0;

                        if ( patch->chunk[i].data_orig == NULL )
                                patch->chunk[i].data_orig = (uint8_t *)malloc( patch->chunk[i].len );
                        if ( patch->chunk[i].data_orig == NULL )

                        if ( !memcpy_safe(patch->chunk[i].data_orig, patch->chunk[i].ptr, patch->chunk[i].len) )
                                //Log( "Failed to copy original data for patch '%s' chunk %d @ 0x%p", patch->name, i, patch->chunk[i].ptr );

                patch->initialized = 1;
                patch->failed = 0;

                //Log("Initialized patch '%s'.", patch->name);

        if ( !patch->installed || patch->has_volatile )
                for ( i = 0; i < PATCHER_CHUNKS_MAX; i++ )
                        if ( patch->chunk[i].ptr == NULL )

                        if ( patch->installed && !patch->chunk[i].is_volatile )

                        if ( patch->chunk[i].data_rep == NULL )
                                if ( !memset_safe((uint8_t *)patch->chunk[i].ptr, 0x90, patch->chunk[i].len) )
								{} //Log( "Failed to install patch '%s' chunk %d", patch->name, i );
                                if ( !memcpy_safe((uint8_t *)patch->chunk[i].ptr, patch->chunk[i].data_rep, patch->chunk[i].len) )
								{} //Log( "Failed to install patch '%s' chunk %d", patch->name, i );

                if ( !patch->installed )
                        patch->installed = 1;

                        //Log("Installed patch '%s'.", patch->name);

        return 1;