void pawsNpcDialogWindow::AdjustForPromptWindow()
    csString str;

    for (size_t i=0; i<responseList->GetRowCount(); i++)
        str = responseList->GetTextCellValue(i,0);
        size_t where = str.Find("?=");
        if (where != SIZET_NOT_FOUND) // we have a prompt choice
            pawsTextBox *hidden = (pawsTextBox *)responseList->GetRow(i)->GetColumn(1);
            if (where != SIZET_NOT_FOUND)
                str.DeleteAt(where,1); // take out the ?
                // Save the question prompt, starting with the =, in the hidden column
                hidden->SetText(str.GetData() + where);
                str.DeleteAt(where,1); // take out the =

                // now change the visible menu choice to something better
                pawsTextBox *prompt = (pawsTextBox *)responseList->GetRow(i)->GetColumn(0);

                csString menuPrompt(str);
                menuPrompt.Insert(where,"<Answer ");
void pawsNpcDialogWindow::AdjustForPromptWindow()
    csString str;

    // This part is used only for menu npc dialogue
    for(size_t i=0; i<responseList->GetRowCount(); i++)
        str = responseList->GetTextCellValue(i,0);
        size_t where = str.Find("?=");
        if(where != SIZET_NOT_FOUND)  // we have a prompt choice
            pawsTextBox* hidden = (pawsTextBox*)responseList->GetRow(i)->GetColumn(1);
                csString id = "=";

                // compatibility with old servers.
                if(csString(hidden->GetText()).Find("{") != SIZET_NOT_FOUND)
                    id += hidden->GetText();

                str.DeleteAt(where,2); // take out the ?=
                id += str.GetData();
                // Save the question prompt, starting with the =, in the hidden column

                // now change the visible menu choice to something better
                pawsTextBox* prompt = (pawsTextBox*)responseList->GetRow(i)->GetColumn(0);

                csString menuPrompt(str);
                menuPrompt.Insert(where,"<Answer ");

    // this part is used only with bubbles npc dialogue
    for(size_t i = 0 ; i < questInfo.GetSize(); i++)
        QuestInfo &qi = questInfo[i];
        str = qi.text;
        size_t where = str.Find("?=");
        if(where != SIZET_NOT_FOUND)
            csString id = "=";
            // compatibility with old servers.
            if(qi.trig.Find("{") != SIZET_NOT_FOUND)
                id += qi.trig;

            str.DeleteAt(where,2); // take out the ?=
            id += str;
            // Save the question prompt, starting with the =, in the hidden column
            qi.trig = id;
            str.Insert(where,"I know the answer to : ");
            qi.text = str;