Esempio n. 1
BoundaryRestrictable::hasBoundaryMaterialPropertyHelper(const std::string & prop_name) const
  // Reference to MaterialWarehouse for testing and retrieving boundary ids
  const MaterialWarehouse & warehouse = _bnd_feproblem->getMaterialWarehouse();

  // Complete set of BoundaryIDs that this object is defined
  const std::set<BoundaryID> & ids = hasBoundary(Moose::ANY_BOUNDARY_ID) ? meshBoundaryIDs() : boundaryIDs();

  // Loop over each BoundaryID for this object
  for (const auto & id : ids)
    // Storage of material properties that have been DECLARED on this BoundaryID
    std::set<std::string> declared_props;

    // If boundary materials exist, populated the set of properties that were declared
    if (warehouse.hasActiveBoundaryObjects(id))
      const std::vector<MooseSharedPointer<Material> > & mats = warehouse.getActiveBoundaryObjects(id);
      for (const auto & mat : mats)
        const std::set<std::string> & mat_props = mat->getSuppliedItems();
        declared_props.insert(mat_props.begin(), mat_props.end());

    // If the supplied property is not in the list of properties on the current id, return false
    if (declared_props.find(prop_name) == declared_props.end())
      return false;

  // If you get here the supplied property is defined on all boundaries
  return true;
Esempio n. 2
BoundaryRestrictable::hasBoundaryMaterialPropertyHelper(const std::string & prop_name) const
  // Reference to MaterialWarehouse for testing and retrieving boundary ids
  MaterialWarehouse & material_warehouse = _bnd_feproblem->getMaterialWarehouse(_bnd_tid);

  // Complete set of BoundaryIDs that this object is defined
  const std::set<BoundaryID> & ids = hasBoundary(Moose::ANY_BOUNDARY_ID) ? meshBoundaryIDs() : boundaryIDs();

  // Loop over each BoundaryID for this object
  for (std::set<BoundaryID>::const_iterator id_it = ids.begin(); id_it != ids.end(); ++id_it)
    // Storage of material properties that have been DECLARED on this BoundaryID
    std::set<std::string> declared_props;

    // If boundary materials exist, populated the set of properties that were declared
    if (material_warehouse.hasBoundaryMaterials(*id_it))
      std::vector<Material *> mats = material_warehouse.getBoundaryMaterials(*id_it);
      for (std::vector<Material *>::iterator mat_it = mats.begin(); mat_it != mats.end(); ++mat_it)
        const std::set<std::string> & mat_props = (*mat_it)->getSuppliedItems();
        declared_props.insert(mat_props.begin(), mat_props.end());

    // If the supplied property is not in the list of properties on the current id, return false
    if (declared_props.find(prop_name) == declared_props.end())
      return false;

  // If you get here the supplied property is defined on all boundaries
  return true;